On May 21, the United States delivered 50 ventilators to Russia as a part of a humanitarian aid package worth to help Moscow in its fight against the coronavirus. Another batch of 150 US ventilators will head to Russia next week, according to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
The US aid came in response to a similar move by Russia. On April 1, Russia sent a coronavirus aid package with ventilators to the United States.
Russia should donate them to Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Colombia or any other US-aligned banana republic struggling with the Fort Detrick virus.
Italy no?
knowing the nefarious mindset in the white house, the russians should make certain that there are no small packages in the transport containing fresh corona viruses or some other poisonous pathogen from the fort detrick bio-lab. to be on the safe side – idiot trump should be full of glee if he can arrange for the russians to have a full break out pandemic on their hands and will most likely stop at nothing to secure something like that to make people look elsewhere than at his own atrocious handling of the covid-19 plague.
Just a pathetic PR stunt as the miserable Americunts are dying like rabid dogs. Russia should carefully examine this junk and faulty trash and then send it to the incinerator. They infected China with similar stunts.
yes they did but as per usual have no compunction and blame everyone else even when in fault. despicable murdering fools that they are.
Russia started it having no coronas and all under control.
Someone has removed the memory in Your Win95 .
Why are you slandering?
Supporters of the mullahs regime recently received an innovative operating system the win xp.
Well, I did mention no memory.
This is true.
“Beware of the diabolical freaks in Washington, DC bearing gifts.” No such thing as a free lunch if the US is behind it.
That goes for any kind of help. Mentioning USA only makes no sense. And all USA. No way too.
Thank you USA.
Russia previously sent medical equipment to the US.
Every humanitarian gesture during this period is important.
The Devil seats in Murica..
Well the opposite could be: Ha ha have fun , As long as You have it, we dont:(
USraHell goes down…including the Paedophile Royal Parasites in Small Britain….
Here in west we mainly makes haha for predictions like that.
I can only confirm that. You know and understand even less, then we do. It so funny. How small are those parasites??? 10cm? 11 com?
Haha. Smal l people eat less in Lebanon and Assads are burning fields with corn too. Haha.
You are no hunter. You never catsch even simple things.
You’re trying to turn a good thing in to a bad thing.
good for you.
Yeah the Great Demonic Deceiver Captain Murica…Genocidal Killer of Women & Children turns into Saviour of this Planet…
You are looking for a fight.
Good luck somewhere else.
I’m waiting for the Chickenshit USraeli Parasites to make their move….which they probably won’t because they are cowards…
Corona is Bullshit…
Its alway “the elite” in Your tiny little world.
You seemes to forget, that already many times has told “the elite” own everything. So the conclusion should be they take from each other and not the starving poor lazybums like You.
The 99% will soon come to destroy the Demonic Elites…their Assets will be seized & the Paedophile Elites send back to Hell where they belong…
You really dont get anything. Do You.
Destructiondont the changet. It even has to rebuild everything agin down to chairs.
You more or less describe fx Maduro Venezuala(+Chavez).
Bad ones was before them and produced less and less to the whole countrt.
But Chavez could not improve the production – and divide that bigger cake to many/all. There were no qualified people in the supporter group.
So there was not invested. Instead Venezuala sold the bealdered own oilproducing as spareparts, which gave temporary help.
Much like an old cow do produce at least some milk, and when You slaugter it, it will give first class meat – BUT after that nothing.
The strange thing for Venezuala is, there is a small but well educated power. The certainly dont want to help Maduro and it was about the same for the Feudales.
What the f*ck has Venezuela or Maduro gotta do with this shit?! You are just tryin’ to change the subject Cunt….
Youdont have that comparasive generallisation in Your thinking because You are handcuffed by raising, culture and language.
Í will try again. I makes no improvement replacing a cow giving no milk with a goat giving no milk.
Yout thinking only reach to americans should not be there. What about the rest. Chavez and Maduro are not able to produce.
Thats the same for a lot of countries. Russia included. The Russian collapse didnt solve anything.
Putting in fck, sht and cunt dont bopther me, but I dont get the purpose.
How ironic. Russia pr propaganda told they had corona control and USA represented by Trump eat moskito medicine and USA has world record in dead ones.
Belgium ranks #1 as the most incompetent nation on planet earth dealing with virus per population,
more proof fascism is an utter joke,absolute failure and a fake wealthy is healthy farce,now compare to communist nations like venezuala 10 losses,vietnam,cambodia,laos combined 0 losses,then ask just how effective are capitalist systems compared to the peoples partys? FASCIST WEST IS FAILING (PERIOD)
This is a show of humanity,but like everything from abroad,one must quarrantine and evaluate too!
Incompetent no comment.
fx https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52491210
This is an outrage. Why would Trump send badly needed equipment to Russia? Russia sent ventilators to US that catch fire. lol Russia regularly threatens the US with nuclear war. The EU, US, and UK need to start a new cold war with Russia. No contact. No commerce. Limited diplomacy. And no wars.