The White House considers a possibility of dispatching of 1,000 US reserve troops to Kuwait in order to fight against the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria and Iraq.

Photo: Flickr / Expert Infantry
US President Donald Trump’s administration considers a possibility of dispatching of 1,000 US servicemen to Kuwait as a reserve to fight against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group in Syria and Iraq, the Reuters news agency reported on Wednesday, citing several US officials.
Supporters of this decision, about a possibility of adoption of which it is reported for the first time, said that it will allow US commanders to react more quickly in unexpected circumstances on the battlefield. “This is about providing options,” the news agency quoted the words of one of the US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity. According to the official, the deployment will differ from the US forces, which are lready stationed in Kuwait.
It is also expected that the decision on usage of these troops directly in Syria or Iraq will be taken by the commanders in the field, the news agency noted.
It was also reported that the possible deployment of the reserve will be derogation from a standard practice, used by the Barack Obama’s administration. Previously, the Command in the field could not make final decisions on dispatching of contingent, based in Kuwait, to the territories of Syria and Iraq.
Critics often accused the Obama’s administration of excessive control over even minor tactical details of the fight against the IS. In addition, as the news agency noted, the strategy of the previous US administration was to gradually increase the US military contingent in order to avoid delaying of the operation and to prevent steps that could be successful militarily, but, at the same time, could potentially lead to negative diplomatic and political consequences.
According to the news agency, the position of the US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis regarding this issue is unclear. The Pentagon declined to comment on the report on the possible deployment of the reserve in Kuwait.
Earlier, it was reported that the US has dispatched additional units of marines from an amphibious task force to Syria to participate in the liberation of the city of Raqqa. Previously, the US only used small units of the Special Forces for ground operations and assistance to the local forces in the fight against the IS. Since 2014, the US and its allies have been carrying out airstrikes on IS positions in Syria and Iraq.
Yeah, right. They really need more Pindostani troops in the mid-east. The indispensable ones… No victory is complete until Pindo Man comes and steals the laurels
The USSA-Empire and the UK-Empire needs to leave the region forever starting today!
Just get away, the people themselves would have already defeated ISIS had the CIA not supported them with such extravagant money and weapons. CIA-Are-The-Terrorist!
This is about taking Deir-ez-Zor – where the oil is and, together with Raqqa, forming an American bargaining chip to Balkanize Syria.