US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics – Russian MoD

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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On July 18, the Russian Ministry of Defence revealed new details of the ongoing investigation of the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine and other states. Russia accused the United States of creating “artificial courts of natural focal infections” using transmission vectors that spread infections uncontrollably. The Russian Defense Ministry also named those who tried to hide information about the operations with pathogens of dangerous infections and testing drugs on the population of Ukraine within the framework of US biological programs. LINK

First, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Troops of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence of the Russian Armed Forces, explained roots of US interest in spread of dangerous diseases using transmission vectors. He quoted US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who harshly criticised the military-biological activities of the US government:

According to his statement, former US President Nixon announced the termination of the biological weapons program in 1969, but the existing inventions were not destroyed. In order to save the reputation of the US military department, all available information and materials were transferred to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Kennedy emphasized the role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in operations related to biological weapons, the first of which was Operation Paperclip. Then, specialists from Japan and Nazi Germany were brought to the United States after World War II to “share their experience” in military biological research. The goal of the project was “… the development of an experimental weapons program and the involvement of Japanese scientists, who are the only ones who have ever used biological weapons …”.

The Russian Lieutenant General noted that Japanese developers paid special attention to the use of special biological formulations, as well as the mechanisms of transmission and spread of diseases using special vectors. In this regard, it is no coincidence that the US Department of Defense is interested in studying the main types of mosquitoes and ticks that carry epidemiologically dangerous infections, including Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever, Dengue fever.

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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The Russian military has previously revealed that such studies are carried out in specialized biological laboratories both in the United States and abroad. Dual-use production facilities, in particular, of the biotech company “Oxytech”, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, can be used for mass production of dangerous vectors. The US military specials obtain mosquitoes and ticks infected with arboviruses in such laboratoriues.

These researches result in deterioration of the epidemic situation in various regions and the expansion of the areas of spreading of contaminated carriers. Artificial courts of natural focal infections are created. Given the uncontrolled nature of the spread of such vectors, the epidemic process may threaten entire countries and large regions. Thus, the work of American military biologists is aimed at the creation of “artificially controlled epidemics” and is not controlled within the framework of the Biological Weapons Convention and the UN mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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The Russian Defence Ministry provided the following examples:

  • An increase in the number of non-endemic Asian tiger mosquitoes has already been recorded in southern and central Europe. In Germany, populations of this species have formed in five federal districts.
  • Another type of mosquito, Culex modestus, which is a carrier of West Nile fever, has been increased its population in Sweden and Finland.
  • An increase in the incidence of uncharacteristic vector-borne infections has been noted in the EU. According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, more people infected with dengue fever were registered in Europe in 2022 than in the previous decade.
  • There was also a peak in the incidence of West Nile fever — more than a thousand cases, 92 of them fatal.
  • The facts of infection with Zika fever associated with mosquito bites were first recorded in France.

During the special military operation, a number of documents were found confirming the activities of special research organizations of the US Department of Defense in Ukraine. The Russian military earlier revealed the activities of the Walter Reed Research Institute of the US Army there. The Institute is a supplier of epidemiologically significant pathogens and its participation in the collection of biomaterials of the population of Ukraine, including in the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces during the hostilities in the Donbass in the period from 2014 to 2020, was confirmed by the discovered documents.

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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Today, the special attention of the Russian militar was paid to the laboratories of the US Navy (NAMRU). Of the Navy’s seven military biological laboratories, three are located outside the United States: in Italy, Cambodia and Peru. The work of NAMRU’s foreign branches fully corresponds to the national interests of the United States and strategic planning documents in the field of biosafety and is “aimed at controlling the biological situation in the areas of deployment of NATO military contingents”. LINK

The Asian branch of NAMRU-2 in Phnom Penh alone annually analyzes more than 5 thousand samples of pathogens.

A similar amount of biomaterials is selected in South America, where the NAMRU-6 have been working under the cover of a civilian structure, the Latin American branch of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, since April 2023. The activities of NAMRU-6 are expected to be expanded to the territory of Argentina, where it is planned to modernize one of the laboratories to the maximum level of biological isolation BSL-4. The US non-profit organization “Health Security Partners” is engaged in training personnel for activities at this new facility.

NAMRU-3 has been based at Sigonella Air Base in Italy since 2019. Its staff, including entomologists, microbiologists and infectious diseases doctors, conduct research in natural centers of particularly dangerous infections (Ebola, Dengue fever, malaria) in Egypt, Ghana and Djibouti. The Navy’s military biological unit in Italy is supported by three US strategic commands – Central, European and African, and its main task is “… the study, monitoring and detection of diseases of military importance …”.

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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The tasks of NAMRU’s foreign branches are not limited to the collection and export of pathogens.The Pentagon is also trying to promote the interests of large American pharmaceutical manufacturers, which are the main sponsors of the election campaign of representatives of the Democratic Party.

Pay attention to the document of the US Department of Defense marked “for official use” (image above), discovered during the military operations in the liberated Ukrainian territories. It is dated 2015 and concerns the system of clinical trials of medical means to counteract viral fevers. The authors of the document, including employees of the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army, planned to create a mobile rapid response unit designed to test new drugs in locations of the US armed forces around the world. The project provided for the creation of a mobile research infrastructure and the training of medical staff. Standardized protocols of human clinical trials and applications for registration of medicines have been developed.

The algorithms of actions were supposed to be worked out in the area of responsibility of the US African Command, and then spread to all foreign branches of NAMRU.

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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Thus, the Pentagon planned to use the armed forces of the United States to test unregistered medicines on the local population with their subsequent approval by supervisory authorities in the interests of the so-called “Big Pharma”. To achieve these goals, it was proposed to use a network of subordinate biological laboratories and intermediary organizations, such as Metabiota, connected with the son of the US President, Hunter Biden, and government agencies.

Pay attention to the commercial offer (image above) of the Metabiota company marked “confidential”, which was found among the documents in one of the Ukrainian biolabs. The proposal is addressed to the Research Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army and concerns the training of specialists in infectious diseases in Kenya and Uganda. The document reveals that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as well as the US Agency for International Development and a number of EU structures are involved in the study of pathogens in the countries of the African continent.

The involvement of Metabiota in the study of the H7N9 avian influenza virus was confirmed earlier, as well as its leading role in the implementation of the Predicate project, in which new types of coronaviruses were studied, bats that are their carriers in the natural environment were captured.

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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The Russian military added that the the US State Department launched an information and propaganda campaign to confront Russia’s accusations of violations by American military biologists of the provisions of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons. An important role in this work is assigned to the International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC), which is under American control.

This organization finances Internet activities to combat information about US biological laboratories in Ukraine and to form a positive perception of Washington’s projects in the post-Soviet space. The corresponding contract was signed by ISTC with the American consulting firm Wooden Horse Strategies. In accordance with the documents, they were obliged to publish relevant materials at least eight times a month, as well as to monitor “pro-Russian” publications on this topic on the network and promptly response to them, including blocking access to the articles.

The Russian Ministry of Defense named those who tried to hide information about the inhumane researches with pathogens of dangerous infections and drug trials on the population of Ukraine within the framework of US biological programs. They included the CEO of Wooden Horse Strategies, Director of the Ukraine 3000 Foundation Marina Antonova.

“She participated in the implementation of the US military biological program on the territory of Ukraine. Within the framework of the contract with the UNTC (Ukrainian International Scientific and Technical Center), she directs the development of an information strategy aimed at concealing information about the financing of biological research of dangerous pathogens by the UNTC, including with enhanced functions, drug testing on the population of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Kirillov said at a briefing.

Brian Mefford, the founder and executive director of Wooden Horse Strategies, a senior employee of the Eurasian Center of the NGO Atlantic Council, and Taras Bull, Director of Public Relations at Wooden Horse Strategies, who lives in Kiev, are also involved in PR campaigns. Senior Deputy Executive Director Nikolay Lyubiv is responsible for information support to the UNTC. Allegedly, among his tasks is the censorship of materials about the dangerous bio-research.

“He oversaw the concealment of information about the leading role of American researchers in the activities of biological laboratories in Ukraine, as well as about their testing of medicines on the Ukrainian population and the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces,” the Russian military added.

In turn, the Ukrainian scientist, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Scintillation Materials of the National Academy, former member of the Governing Council of the UNTC Boris Grinev agreed on the allocation of funds for the project P-609 “Reducing the threat of African swine fever through surveillance in Ukraine” in 2014 .

In 2018, the ex-Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, former member of the governing council of the UNTC Maxim Strikha agreed the financing of another project, in which, among other things, the strengthening of the functions of tuberculosis bacteria was studied.

US Military Researches In Ukraine And Worldwide Aimed To Create Artificially Controlled Epidemics - Russian MoD

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After the start of the military operation, the Russian authorities repeatedly accused Washington of implementing dangerous military biological programs in Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense stated that the department had documents at its disposal that confirm that US military biologists were studying the risks of uncontrolled spread of the avian influenza virus throughout Europe, in particular “in the case of the use of biological weapons against some countries, in particular through wild birds.”

Components of biological weapons were being created in Ukraine in the immediate vicinity of the Russian border. In a network of dozens of laboratories, which operated under the leadership and with the financial support of the Pentagon, “military biological programs were conducted, including experiments with samples of coronavirus, anthrax, African swine fever and other deadly diseases.” This is was one of the main reasons for Russia to enter the war in Ukraine.


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breaking news. new video appeared:
jewtin explains in front of hundreds of his minions why today russia has to fight to defend jews, and defeat all those who do not submit to jewish dominance. see here:

Last edited 1 year ago by Wadim_the_great
Chris Gr

who are the so called jews according to you?


jünger von jachwe, erdacht am jordan

Buford T Justice

give it a rest , adolf. there are a lot of evil people in this world and they are not all are jews.


correct, you also have the goyim who serve the jews.


okay fine for the majority of things in the article that may be true. …

why did the russian federation then “play along” with “development” of “$putnik”?!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

they didnt play along with anyone, just a good money opportunity


the friends of russia, the chinese asserted the virus was dangerous which it is when you have 250 million people in just one city,


still no proof virus,s exist


so why is the us siding with the jewkraine instead of putin, then??

Madam Defarge

the us wants to own, suppress and destroy every sovereign country that just rolls over and lets them. russia’s not going to play that game.


us vice president harris did not misspeak when she spoke of population control which is the hidden part of the globalist’s green agenda.

Florian Geyer

if there was a disease that only affected ‘stupid people’ the us population would be 75%less, lol.

Madam Defarge

the us population is 75% less because the biden dictatorship continues to “herd” unfavorables by the millions into the us as replacements for us “patriots.” if biden is removed from office, there will be hell to pay by fuhrer biden and his gestapo.

Madam Defarge

the japanese were the only ones to use “biological weapons?” that’s crap. think about it….the us claims they don’t, yet they do. covid is a great example. the us government is not “squeaky clean” regarding this. unfortunately, the us citizens take anything the us dishes out.


convid is a us dod operation for depopulation


that and the green men , sf you are so delusional

t s

mrna ‘spike protein’ producing injections have made the need for novel viruses obsolete, but a novel virus is need to ‘take the blame’.. it now doesn’t have to be effective, like in the sars-covid virus evolution.


in england, the chemical and biological weapons have been used by the government and military deep state for many decades since after wwii, that i know of. possibly before then too.


lulworth cove, ships at sea caused sickness and a swathe of birth defects in the area, there was spraying over norfolk.


there were deliberate releases of the germs from london bridges, from aircraft and god knows what other methods have been used. a man with a smoky stinky cart came outside my home circa 1970 for no legitimate reason, other than he was told to, then he left.


will it be in ten years or less that we get another big fake epidemic with some more nasty engineered viruses being fabricated?


seers 2024
spars 2025

jhjbb kjn

us military researches in ukraine and worldwide aimed to create artificially uncontrolled epidemics , like the covid ones


ukraine make a pinnea

Buford T Justice

would not be surprised if it was the us who created the covid epidemic , an experiment . no low is too low for the evil empire , we know that . hearing the god wannabes , those rulers of the universe , klaus schwab’s pals , talking population control these days .

Last edited 1 year ago by Buford T Justice
Madam Defarge

the us labs did do this dirty deed. no doubt about it. just ask any american family whose loved one died from covid and the vaccine.
