On August 27, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) claimed that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched a new attack in the center of Raqqa city. According to SOHR, the aim of the SDF operation is to capture the remaining ISIS positions in the Old Raqqa area.
The SDF captured the southern part of al-Murur – also known as al-Haramiah – district in the center of Raqqa city. Furthermore, SDF fighters captured during their advance a VBIED and explosives workshop of ISIS.
The ISIS-linked news agency, Amaq claimed on August 26 that 5 SDF fighters were killed in clashes with ISIS fighters in al-Murur district. Amaq also claimed that ISIS snipers killed 6 other SDF fighters near the al-Saa’a roundabout and the al-Salam hospital.
Meanwhile, local sources claimed that the US-led collation carried out another air-drop operation near al-Tibni village in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside. The source added that the goal of the operation was to evacuate foreign ISIS fighters.
This is considered the third air-drop operation of the US-led coalition this month as other two air-drops were reported on August 22 and 24.
It was just a matter of time until the USA and its proxies would resume their operation to grab as much land in Eastern Syria as possible- before the SAA can cross the Euphrates and seal these territories. Let´s just hope they will not advance too fast.
If the Russian Tupolevs don’t smash the whole moves there, it will happen.
It looks like a “Gentlemen’s agreement” between PUTIN and BIbiland ( including the CIA).
… Over the head of ASSAD, of course.
Could be. There actually were rumors a few weeks ago that the Kurds and Assad agreed on some sort of power-sharing deal with specific regards to the areas in Eastern Syria that are still under IS control. But it seems to be a race now. The quicker the SAA is able to cross the Euphrates river and cut off the SDF and Americans, the better. The SAA must quickly launch a similar preventive action like they did in Eastern Aleppo when the Turks tried to seize Al Tanf. That´s the only hope I see. Sooner or later, the USA and its allies will try to grab more land (and vital oil ressources located just east of Deir Ezzor). If the SAA is able to retake these areas which are now under IS control, they would be in a favourable strategic spot (the Hasakah and Quamishli enclaves would no longer be that “isolated” and contrary to the US-imperialist plan, the Syrian government would still remain an important political and military force to be reckoned with in Eastern Syria.
They are pulling out their operatives and are in desperation mode since the SAA are expected to cross the Euphrates before the US can muster the forces to advance southwards.
Usa is giving heli rides to isis foreign fighters??
Don’t wonder if you’re right on that.
ISIS is their “baby” (Mossad + CIA)
One has to wonder, where to?
Quickly getting out the deep state agents working for ISIS before taking the rest of the city. Russia had the same done to NATO agents in Aleppo but just with buses instead at the end of the liberation campaign.
Russia got them by the balls, there :-)
..But PUTIN is very BRITISH: has no friends, no enemies… just INTERESTS..
For a good price ( no sanctions, Crimea recognised as Russian, no NATo-troops in the Baltics, “normalisation on all fronts” aka return of Russia TO THE RAPTORS’ TABLE G8 as full & equal CARNIVOR-participant and not as fried pYg with an apple in the muzzle ON THE TABLE..), maybe PUTIN even sells (partially) ASSAD for that.. N-E syria looks like a start in that “direction”, a “taste” for next “trades”.
By that clever snake, you’ll never know what’s next. THIS WAS HIS MAIN-JOB as KGB-spy: to manipulate Western people ;-) That’s the “field of activities” he made “his Master” in the ’80s-’90s …
Sorry, but since that STOPS & GOES by ALEPPO, Putin frightened me with his PRAGMATISM…
LOL, what choice does he have, all countries and i mean ALL, are working in their own interests, if tomorrow Russia would become an economic super country, all of those east european prostitutes like Latvia, Poland, etc would become pro Russian and call US an invader and what not … i mean there are several times in History when Russia has saved countries, like geogia,romania, bulgaria from turks , and years later they have joined hitler and now nato, where is the gratitude , hmmmm , since they all care about their own arses anyway, Putin does the right thing .
all of those east european prostitutes like Latvia, Poland, etc would become pro Russian
you are wrong. we never forget russian boot.
Oh, but you forgot german boot very fast and don’t tell me that it’s different, cause i’ve been to poland many times, in fact , there have been many boots in those countries through out history, yet you remember just the russian, it’s all about economics for the majority and for your so called leaders, if Russia would have been a better economic choice they would switch sides instantly, but now because it’s not, they will keep on digging up conflicts that are hundred years old and keep the Russophobia alive, because the “guy”who” pays for your living orders so.
there is no difference. you also enslaved the central-european natiions, forbad the develope, stole what you could.
iwan damoy, daswidanya tovarishchi! we do not forget.
Hmm, enslaved? We also have built most of their infrastructure, it’s also so funny how you call yourselves central european and referring to Russians as Eastern europeans, that eastern european shaming by the west has really done the number on you, now you want to be completely “different” from us, lol, well guess what, i don’t consider Russia being part of some shitty european bs, Russia is Russia, a standalone society. And you keep on on complaining that we have been ruling you for decades but you also forget how that happened, you forget that contless times you have joined forces with some nation/union and attacked us, pretty much what is happening now, Nato build up on our borders, i’m just curious, aren’t you tired of being cannon fodder for western imperialism, they will dump you over and over again when it’s most convenient for them, is it really worth to get mess up your country for a couple of “silvers”.
You say that you do not forget but it seems that you do, you keep on forgetting how you always end up in that situation.
whos, you idiot?! also now are dozens of articles in different countries about your renovation of subway cars. your ow. not functianal and budapest asked beck the money. you were never able to build up anything! we built for you also your barracks. and when left, you brought toilettes, baths, washbasins, watre cocks. because in russia was not enough to buy for all people. you stole from us!
in my country developed the electron ray manufacturing of microchips in sixties. you, russians forbad to use, because you wanted only electron tubes. we were forced to sell for japanese and they became with our technology the best in the world. brezhnev forbad to develope electronics, computers, and russsians slowed down our car and other light industry, before ww2 wer were in world elite, and because of you we lost everything. go to the hell, you were as wrong animals as german nazi hordes.
until today you have nothing! you are not able to produce normal car, computer, phone, etc. only in last years are you able to produce enough wheat and corn. but not enough vegetables. what knows peasant, the russians are not able. what you make, is low-level shit. russians never were able to produce precise things.
how many original medicamens had you?! no one! only copies. so, the whole chemical and pharmaceutical industry is shit on shit in russia. that is the truth, boy.
also for power plant in crimea you needed steal the machine from siemens, otherwise you were not able to complete. and such semi-midleage russia blocked our development for decades! if you were pay us thousand years reparation, would not be enough!
stay at home with your neofascists propaganda.
They didn’t steal the machine from Siemens – they bought it.
was forbidden, they did not buy from siemens directly. thyis is form of stealing. btw., the game with words will not eliminate what i told: without western technology russia is not able to build power plant. how pathetic!
i have no pronlem with this. no country can produce everything. especially not in high quality. i have problems with comments, which tell, russia is the best. because is far not so. which russian trademark are very important in the world? sweden has saab, volvo, italian have lamborgyhini, several fashion marks, fodd marks, medicine. most of countries on similar GDP as russia are much mor developed and give more for the world. which russian product is so importanat,m that if fall out, many people had feeling, we lost something unique? the only sucj russian trademerk is only. but this shit out fishes. parmesan is made by people.
you should think a lot of about yourself and your fantasies. and accept the truth. china is far before russia. china has own chips and its megacomputers, which are the fastest in the world are runnung on them. where is russia? you dont see, but is see, that the distance between russia and the most developed countries is rising. america has 1 silicon valley. south korean have 2, japan 3. china already 2 and plans 13!!! the future belongs to these countries and not russia.
until putin and all other russian presidents will support oligarch instead of R&D, russia has no future. until will remain the huge corruption, russia has no future. until russian rich guys send their children to west, russia has no future. until russian rich people change rubel into dollar/€ and put in western banks, russia has no future.
i tell you the truth: the biggest enemy of russians is the russian. that is your problem.
I buy something from you – it’s MINE.
You don’t get to tell me AFTERWARDS what I musn’t do with it.
Never mind Solomon – now they gonna build their own turbines.
Yes, yes , we russians are bad at everything, look at your rant hahaha. Argh i need to wipe off my screen, this hatred, what am i going to do lol. Yes after the revolution, civil war and WW2 we had to rebuild fast and in great quantities, cause a lot of it was destroyed by germans and your countries took part in it. It’s funny how you always attack us first and then sit and whine after we come and do the same to you, lol. If you don’t like us so much then stay away our country imho. You see, this superiority feeling of yours, that’s a blatant western propaganda that has infested inside you, it makes you believe that you’re superior and come to other countries and as you like.
Thing is here that you are missing the point, you keep on coming to our country and try to grab a piece of cake but loose an arm instead and then you sit and complain on how bad we are. When is it going to get clear for you that you shouldn’t do that, it has been several times by now.
Stay away, otherwise, if we have to come again, we won’t build anything this time, since you don’t like it anyway, we will just destroy you countries and put you into stone age, like US did with the middle east, it will be a natural demilitarized zone, don’t think that US is going to start a nuclear war over some beggars.
not bad in everything, but you are also no elite.
we wish correct contacts with russia/rassuians. that is for us enough. no more russian rulers in our lands.
We do not want to rule over you, we want peaceful borders and not constant barking by bent politicians puppets from your side but i guess that as long as the western countries will keep investing money in those countries they will never be positive towards us at least not the politicians, they will always something to be “mad” about.
And that’s understandable from the western perspective, cause they are protecting their invetment and hegemony, nobody wants their investment snatched.
that would be fair enoug.
i wish to russia nice future. but i see also the inner problems. and i know, until you will not solve them, you will step on the same place. and this is not due to other countries. these are your faults.
I agree that most of the bad things that happened to Russia in the past century are because of our own stupidity but i also blame certain countries for supporting certain movements inside our country, in the past and in the present.
WOW..Man check you blood pressure..With all this hate for Russia and the legitimate Syrian government why are you here forever commenting.This is an alternative site not a mainstream one(the type you would like)
The temporary cease fires during the Aleppo battle resulted in a swift victory that noone expected, because Turkey-backed mongoloids left the city to take part in the attack on Al Bab, which the SAA used to grab a lot of territory. And the kurds were prevented from connecting their territories. All this at the cost of FSA, turkish and ISIS lives, Putin is a geopolitical maestro!
He used them on their insecurities about the Kurds which happens to be very real with the PKK running the PYD in Syria. The US is secretly financing and backing the PKK so it should be no wonder there in that regard.
putin was weak agent, little officer monkey. also now is not brilliant. 3 classes under napoleon.
Somebody is butthurt and it’s not me or Putin, ahha.
your mother?
my mother isn’t posting on this forum :) guess again :)
Man you are embarrassing yourself..
no, i am only experienced.
The thing is there are no secret agreements with the US or any other parties , which many people will have to learn , the Russian Oligarchs hate the west Oligarchs what is there not to understand they all can’t get along. The biggest misconception is secret deals exist with Russia in regards to things such as the Crimea which could be won in the court system it is all empty bluster by the west. Ukraine is dying a slow painful death it should have never existed as it was in the first place. Putin offers nothing and needs nothing EU needs Russia for it’s Freedom from the US.
Just don’t assume too much since it is mostly empty talk from propagandists and salesmen in the US hoping to create a deal.
Maybe you are right, mainly with respect ot stop USA-Israel attacks to Syria army (they say they are attacking hezbolah or iranis or protectingg theis basis, whatever to be the stupid reason).
The last thing Putin needs in EUkrainia is ‘pragmatism’. That would remove his excuse for ‘having an interest’ there. What he needs is another regime change – or a real civil war.
It is ironic, Russia and Syria do heliborne deployments to surround and destroy ISIS, US does the same thing to rescue and evacuate ISIS.
What is so “ironic”? It’s well-known problem..
see you, and the nazi dr. sorge was soviet spy
Solomon, are you jew ? with all my respect.
Your memes are all so convincing
Good pictures Nick
Well, in fact, this is repeated to all northamerican people, and …..most of them accept this as the reality !! WOW how ignorants.
What do you mean?
Pakistan has been the ‘secret key’ to Afghanistan all along. Or not so secret key – if they’d just man up and kill all their AQ/Taliban/ISIS terrorists – Afghanistani chicks could all wear miniskirts again and hey, presto! Les bon temps rouleronts!
Showing Pakistan Map there is Plain Utter Rubbish. A Country Constantly Showing support to Syrian Government and Openly against foreign Intervention despite having close ties with Turkey Saudis and USA is plain Disrespect if he is a Syrian but i dont believe he is a Syrian. BTW Hafiz ul Assad and Assad Family had very Close Relations with Pakistani Leader Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Bhutto Family(Leaders of Pakistan Peoples Party) Personally. Google it if you may
Why are you showing Pakistan Flag in this picture?
Pakistan never
supported Syrian rebellion. Always stood by Syrian Government. Or maybe
Indian money is in Action here that is being invested in Iran. OP Is
definitely not a Syrian but Iranian who is in Love with India. Stupid
Nonsense. Pakistan is one of the worst terror struck countries in the
world with 70,000 People dead on hands of terrorists. And we have
successfully kicked these Jihadishits out of our lands successfully
during the successful operation Zarbe Azb
According to Trump that’s not enough. So , starting tu-day, Pakistan is going to do more. India too. As a good friend of America and Afghanistan, India is going to pick up the tab for reconstruction and ‘social work’ – the winning of the hearts and minders..
Where you got this picture?
your putin evacuates his sperms
thay took the spies. similarly did also specnaz and syrians.
US is evacuating its Rats…I wonder where Massad/CIA are planning to redeploy them?
“I wonder where Mossad/CIA are planning to redeploy them ? “..
Maybe in Washington -DC ? ;-)…
Soros needs them badly there..
Russia. Time to give Mr. Putin the kind of headache he has given us. Let freedumb sore!
ISIS being moved to AFRICA, while they send US troops to afghan to cover their arses
USA are moving them also to Afganistan, to prepare them to destroy Iran and Russia. Other are being sending to Yemen, Phillipins and Lybia.
Maybe Langley and Tel Aviv. They probably are CIA/Mossad.
They are redeploying them to Egypt and Libya , so Israel and the US can establish bases in the Sinai to fight their creation. Egypt was always on the agenda Sisi is just too stupid to realize this.
That makes sense. They may have under estimated El-Sisi though. Which is why Egypt is being subjected to the trouble that it is. Because El-Sisi is a nationalist who wants what’s best for the Egyptian people with a modern progressive society. The Jews are afraid of the Egyptians, and with good reason. The last thing that they want is a strong prosperous Egypt with a population that hates them.
Afghanistan North Africa and the Philippines.
Tudor Miron
Where did you say you lived ? Ah Tel Aviv, That’s where IS go for RnR, LoL:)))
They’re probably NATO/CIA/Mossad operatives and their mercenary buddies lucky enough to catch a ride so that they don’t get killed or captured when the Jew servant cannon fodder gets decimated.
What a wonderful and meaningful picture, congratulations.
The British and French flags in there too wouldn’t be amiss…..
As long as there is an American presence in Syria there will be an ISIS Israeli presence as Americans are slaves of racist supremacist Jews and racist supremacist Jews created and control ISIS and America must support ISIS as its racist supremacist Jewish masters order them to.
Ex defense minister says IS apologized to Israel for November clash.
Translation ISIS apologized for accidently attacking its master. One does not apologize for attacking an enemy. Why doesn’t the Guardian talk about this???
Moshe Ya’alon’s office refuses to elaborate after alluding to contact with terror group You won’t see this on our heavily censored Jewish owned media.This should be front page news and on every T.V.
channel. Where are the sanctions and Toma Hawk cruise missile strikes on Israel for this??
They show this in Israeli media but if any media or politician in the Israeli occupied slave empire showed it or talked about it here they would be called racist, arrested etc. for talking about and reporting on the truth. Nothing beats a confession this time from the Israeli defense minister.
Is there any doubt who the creators and masters of ISIS and Al Qaeda are???
Is the times of Israel and the Israeli minister of defense anti Jewish and
against Israel for saying this???
Just Some Photographs of Israeli Soldiers Hanging Out With Al-Qaeda in Syria
Tel Aviv Pays Al Qaeda Fighters Salaries: The Syrian War’s Worst Kept Secret That Could Become Israel’s Nightmare
Yes, Israel is supporting Syrian rebels, but this goes beyond cash and aid: Israel hopes the rebels will serve as a buffer against Hezbollah and a resurgent Assad, a strategy that could
easily backfire
John Brown
“…Americans are slaves of racist supremacist Jews…”
It is the same for Russia, Putin is a slave of the Khazars.
“Meanwhile, local sources claimed that the US-led collation carried out another air-drop operation near al-Tibni village in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside. The source added that the goal of the operation was to evacuate foreign ISIS fighters”…TRANSLATION…the goal of the operation was to evacuate CIA/MOSSAD TRAINERS/FIGHTERS. More evidence that the UNITED STATES DEEP STATE/ISRAEL, are the CREATORS AND PROTECTORS OF THE INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORIST I.S.I.S…The U.S war on terrorisms is a LIE.
Second time in short time they evacuate NATO and Israeli special ops and advisers they had embedded with ISIS…
Would be embarrassing for the US if those choppers got shot down. Do it and see what happens.