US-led Coalition Sends More Supplies To Its Proxies In Northeastern Syria

US-led Coalition Sends More Supplies To Its Proxies In Northeastern Syria

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On August 18, The US-led coalition sent at least 70 trucks loaded with supplies to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)-held areas in northeastern Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The pro-opposition monitoring group said that the trucks entered Syria from Iraq.

Kurdish activists revealed that some of the trucks were loaded with construction materials, while others were carrying engineering vehicles. After entering Syria, the trucks headed towards the town of Tel Tamer in the western al-Hasakah countryside.

Earlier this week, The US-led coalition sent 250 trucks to its bases on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. However, these trucks were loaded with weapons and ammunition.

The US-led coalition is currently working to expand its key military bases in Tel Tamer and the city of Kobani in the northeastern Aleppo countryside, according to a previous report of the SOHR.

Last March, U.S. President Donald Trump claimed that the U.S. will withdraw its troops from Syria “very soon” and let “other people” handle the situation in the war-torn country. However, the expansion of these bases shows otherwise.

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Send also the Green Berets, the Spetsnaz have to eat something at breakast,


The US heavy buildup is continue in Syria which is an open attack on Syrian Sovereignty. US main purpose is to make Syria its own permanent military base for
attacking Syrian neighbour countries.


Rob, they are going first to die and then pull out.


i dont think turkey can win this…if indeed usa is preparing kurds to hit turkey…then i already feel sorry for turkey…you cant mess with the devils usa-israel and survive…get ready to see the syria story repeated…unless russia really helps turkey


8 countries (Turkey, Iran, Syria, Qatar, Russia, China, Iraq, Pakistan) are united one block emerging force of the region. If these 8 countries block present in this world then nobody should worry that Trump and Israel will survive for longer on their lands.


I have seen US failure in Afghanistan. Every week pro Trump forces butchering Afghani children in barrel bombs. There Trump forces losing 5 soldiers every day.


Isn’t a failure because what they want to create is the chaos (next to other borders).


This is 100% failure because US troops were there to conquer Afghanistan with in few months but they couldn’t. After 30 years still 90% Afghani land is in control of Afghani oppositions.


Well, we aren’t going to discuss details, lets say that they can’t have nothing but Vietnams, and a little of music for the boys,

neil barron

Full of lies such as your stupid statement (barrel bombs) nobody uses barrel bombs there as effective as a water ballon head yours. No butchering of children you got that mixed up with the Taliban latest bombings. Losing 5 soldiers a day is the Afghan government soldiers number fool. Like making up things to reinforce your hubris.


That’s the reason US is targeting Iran because Iran is THE KEY to US attempt to steal the country. Kurds are just pawns.

Well it is forgone conclusion it would never work


The yankees can’t steal nothing more, today is much much worst than in the vietnamese times.


Americans are trying to create a protectorate in north east Syria and it looks like it is agreed with Russians. I hope I am wrong.

Gregory Casey

I sincerely hope you are wrong.

Promitheas Apollonious

he is not wrong as it is obvious what the americans and allies are trying to establish in ME. But trying and succeeding, I think are two different issues and realities.


And with the russian agree is fairy tale.

Promitheas Apollonious

that part yes, but then he is a hasbara, what exactly you expect?


Promitheas, the explanation to the meaning of hasbara, in this article, is more or less correct?

Promitheas Apollonious

sorry could not bring myself to read the article. But if you visualize a programed Gollum (lord of the rings), with a keyboard, then you are very close to what a hasbara, stand for.


Okay, understood.


The Russians probably have promised not to bomb them or something. But they would never agree to permanent US bases in Syria and without US bases the SDF will soon fracture anyway. It’s just a matter of time for the SDF to have a massive internal fight from which it won’t survive. Assad and Iran/Iraq will put their weight behind the Arab SDF faction which will rejoin Syria and that will be the end of that little US adventure.


I think they are already starting a fracture process, because of some opposite statements.


seawolf is communist twat, a Stalin lover.
So Russia is guilty for not being USSR any longer.
Whatever they do, they will be guilty always in his eyes

John Mason

It does appear that way and I also hope you are wrong. There are 2 basic requirements for politicians, they need to be able to act and most important to lie and believe that lie. Can’t trust any of them.

Boris Kazlov

Of course they are trying, do you really think the deep state takes queues from Trump about leaving Syria, when the defeat of proxy armies is complete, SAA will have to face them.

Hide Behind

You are not wrong, but it is not just, it is USA not Americans, there are three continents in America’s and several, all but three, nations on those continents owned by US, all profiting by USA wars, many have military on the ground in Central Asia , Africa and Middle East, too put it bluntly all but 4 nations in UN are at war upon Syria.
As Putin so bluntly put it. ” I am not your friend, I am the President of Russia”.
What is in best interest of Russia is first and foremost, dividing world up with more militarily and economicly stronger Euro USA/Israel and their allied lacky nations is survival for Russia.


Russian couldn’t support north offensive but the freed up units from everywhere else would display a significant firepower to hit them along with their US handlers.
I think the scenario would be the US and Israel witnessing the SAA beefing up their capability without being able to interfere and when these come knocking north they’ll declare IS is defeated and go home.

al quaida

That may be wishful thinking. A beefed up SAA is still no match for US air power, and they have shown a willingness to use it several times before, even if it resulted in Russian casualties. With ISIS virtually defeated (apart from a very convenient pocket in the south) it makes no sense to continue to beef up the SDF this way, unless they’re planning to stick around for a while…


Or move the SDF north into Turkey.


I know it will be unpleasant for the people forced to live under the American jackboot, but occupying a nation is expensive.
US debt is rising by a trillion a year, eventually their economy will collapse, that’s when you get your payback.


They won’t use ground offensive. Raining them down with artillery rocket and ballistic missiles is enough for their display of firepower.

al quaida

Same result. US airstrikes would obliterate SAA positions.


They don’t fly airstrikes to AD protected area. Otherwise they’d just use normal bombs not cruise missile. Face it that the US air operations in Syria is extremely risky.

al quaida

You are right. If the SAA attack the SDF, the US will immediately return home. My apologies for questioning your logic.


Want to redirect the conversation again ? There would be no US planes flying into AD protected area to bomb SAA.

al quaida

Not redirecting the conversation at all, I’m totally in agreement with you. When the SAA come a knocking north the US will go home. It’s not like the US could launch missiles from SDF territory like the Israelis do above Lebanon. And it’s not like the US would use stealth bombers or anything like that. Nope, once that SAA artillery opens up on the SDF, that will be it. The US will say, that’s all folks, you’re on your own, we’re gonskies.


They can launch them sure. The question is what protection they have. Dead soldier in Syria can’t be accounted. Nobody would want the responsibility.


I wonder if the US will get sanctioned for annexing Syria, like they got sanctioned for annexing Kosovo?
Sorry just joking, I know laws only apply to others, not the USA.

Ivan Freely

A strong possibility. However, if the immediate choices were World War 3 or Syrian partition, what path would you choose? Remember the US is actively looking for an excuse, any excuse, to start a major war to hide their financial malfeasance.


I agree with you, Trump is an insignificant figure for Putin to trust him. Russia will avoid any unnecessary direct conflict with US unless Russia is directly threaten.


The modern mentality when something goes wrong is to spend money to fix the problem.
Politicians no longer promise to fix the unsafe bridge, they promise to spend X amount of money.
Most of that money will be spent on advisors, consultants etc. Eventually the bridge will fall down, because nobody is prepared to deal with the core issue, the badly built bridge.

The money solves everything is embraced by America. When the US was losing in Vietnam, they didn’t change tactics, they just kept spending more money, dropping the same bombs that didn’t work last 100 times.

So as the US is losing its war against Syria, rather than deal with the core issues of policy and tactics, they will just throw more money at the problem.


Fun fact. Vietnam campaign commander had to give their much needed munitions and supply to Israel in yomm kipur war. New batch of munitions intended for US forces in Vietnam were rerouted to Israel.

al quaida

Fun fact: The Yom Kippur War began on October 6, 1973. Six months AFTER the US withdrew from Vietnam.


They never withdrew their air campaign until a year later where it facing backlash for bombing Cambodia. Try again.

al quaida

US bombing of Cambodia ceased in August, 1973.
How about you provide some references for these claims that you’re making?


How about your own reference ? English Wikipedia ? Try again.

al quaida

The onus is not on me to prove something that is common knowledge.
If you’re privy to information that the rest of us aren’t, then feel free to provide a link to back up your claims. Otherwise it’s a conspiracy theory.


Troll and shill never interested in the issue to make a constructive discussion. You’re not interested in the issue then feel free labels them as conspiracy theory. What the architect and engineer publication of 911 event after all just conspiracy theory.

al quaida

Just as I suspected…

J Roderet

Looks like a clash between the US and Turkey could be approaching. Washington is heavily arming its “SDF” puppets while Turkey may be preparing for a major operation against them in northeastern Syria.

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