At least three people were killed and two others wounded in the latest mistaken airstrike of the US-led coalition in Mosul.

Photo: Stringer / Getty Images
The air power of the US-led coalition has once again carried out a mistaken airstrike on one of the western districts of Mosul, killing three people and wounding two others, the Anadolu news agency reported, citing lieutenant of the Iraqi Army, Yahya Hamid.
According to Hamid, the coalition’s air force struck al-Sekek neighborhood, located in the western part of Mosul. The coalition has not yet commented on what happened.
At the same time, one of the commanders of the military operations in Nineveh, Colonel Ahmed al-Jubouri, said that two civilians were killed and nine others were wounded in shelling in Ar-Risala neighborhood in the west of Mosul.
Since March 17 to 23, over 200 civilians have been killed in mistaken airstrikes, carried out by the international coalition’s air power on settlements, located in the area of Jadid in Mosul.
On the night of October 17, 2016, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the beginning of an operation to liberate Mosul from the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. The city has been under control of militants of the group since June 2014. The Iraqi Army established control over the eastern districts of Mosul at the end of January 2017. On February 19, an operation to liberate the western districts of the city was started.
An old saying in WWII was
When the Germans shoot, the British duck, when the British shoot, the Germans duck, when the US shoots, everyone ducks.
Or you go to a Turkey shoot, utter the famous words ‘gobble, gobble, gobble’ and when they stick their head up, you shoot them. Be plenty of US heads shot.
A turkey shoot is a target shooting contest with a turkey being the top prize. In WW2 an US Carrier Group fought off swarms of Japanese planes near the Mariannas Islands and the air battle was named The Mariannas Turkey Shoot because the US pilots said it was like target practice and many were trying to become an ace during one engagement.
Thanks Bill, didn’t know that.
That ain’t accurate, nobody’s afraid of that shitty country anymore.
That was due to the US troops being armed with semi-automatic rifles (M1 Garands) while everyone else still used bolt-action rifles. The conventional wisdom was that bolt-actions forced the operator to take better aim plus helped to conserve ammunition. The US felt that working the bolt gave the enemy time to shoot back and rapid fire kept the enemy’s head down so others could sneak up on them and blow them away.
An endless array of ‘mistakes’, Iraqi troops must have got too close to one of the US covert spies that are assisting the terrorists.
What Iraqi troops? This typical half-ass article only mentions civilians.
US also bombed Iraqi troops.
And how many muslims killed muslims in the same period? 300.000? By genocide, ethnic cleansing, souicide bombings, killed in prisons, killed for smoking, killed by carbombs, killed because they had no beard, killed by hanging without trial, killed by chemical gasses. The problems in the region are caused by the people in the region and their local racism, no one else causes the problems in the Middle East…..that’s the sad reality.
They’ve always been at each others throats over the centuries. If they weren’t fighting over religion then it was over water, grazing grounds, better farmland or just to steal from neighboring regions that managed to become wealthier due to various reasons. Their raids were family affairs where the adult men went in first to kill the males with their wives and kids following to carry off as much as they could hold. Sometimes all this violence became widespread so the Ottoman Sultan would send down an army to restore order and lop off the heads of district governors who did nothing to stop it.