The US is considering to abandon the al-Tanaf base near the Syrian-Iraqi border under a deal with Russia, that will also force Iranian-backed forces and the Lebanese movement Hezbollah to withdraw away from the border with Jordan and from the contact line with Israel, the Newsweek magazine reported on May 30.
Earlier this week, the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat released a similar report, in which it claimed that Russia, the US and Jordan are negotiating a deal that will enable the SAA to capture the opposition-held areas in the governorates of Daraa and al-Quneitra in exchange for pushing Iranian and Iran-backed forces more than 25km away from the border with Jordan. According to Asharq Al-Awsat, the militants who will reject this deal will be evacuated to the northern governorate of Idlib.
Several Israeli news outlets, including Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post, also reported that Israel and Russia are currently finalizing a deal that will force Iranian forces and Hezbollah to withdraw more than 60km away from the contact line between Syria and Israel.
While these reports remain unconfirmed by any official source, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier that all non-Syrian forces must withdraw from the de-escalation zone in southern Syria. This could be a proof that Russia, Jordan, Israel and the US are indeed preparing an agreement.
According to observers, the upcoming days will be decisive for the future of southern Syria, as Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman will travel to Moscow to meet with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on May 31, while Jordan, Russia and the US might hold a meeting in Amman soon.
If it is true, great news! More land regained without a payment with blood.
Yes and without giving the US/Israel/NATO an excuse to annex that part of Syria.
”Until I see it, I will not believe it” said some day, an old and distrustful wise man.
For 7 years the Al-Tanf highway was open for ISIS but when Syrian army reached to liberate Al-Tanf so then America together with ISIS have closed that for Syrian nation transport between Syria and Iraq. That is why I say American regime is wicked.
The American-led intervention in Syria for sending arms to the Syrian terrorists to fuel Syrian war is a heinous crime committed by US, UK, France and SA.
Putin is now selling Hezbollah and Iran as well of Syria sovereignty !!!
Now, nor Hezbollah nor Iran can help Syria recover Golan Height.
Putin is a joke and a traitor.
sacred trool!! it,s diplomatic raison recouvred el tanf withing 3 world war! cretin!!
Still scared of WW3. XD. Don’t worry WW3 is coming for Russia now or later. Only a question of time.
You may be surprised what the future holds. Too many old people for big wars. Need young expanding populations to get them going
It will come the time when Golan Heights will be Free again. Now we need to get Syria stable and modernize the Army. Or do you believe that SAA can defeat Israel, Us, Jordan , KSA in a Golan fight with few old planes, a S200
Second… Let the Iran build few hunderts Tanks and you are in 1 hour there this 60km away from Border
You are dreaming. Everything you said could have been done decades ago.
Decades ago the world politics was different. There was just one superpower America but now America, UK, France and Israel are on losing side. America is not superpower anymore. America has gone down. Israel was stronger on America but now America is becoming weaker and weaker day by day. So Israel cannot survive anymore and will be soon dismantled.
US has one power on its side. They will destroy the complete world economic and if need they will Nuke all together with Israel . No other country is ready to destroy our planet for interest of few ppl.
NO decades ago the Syrian army was a rabble, today they are a battle hardened army.
The IDF is now mostly middle class American Jews out to play Rambo and kill some Arabs, for the bragging rights at Temple. The original hard Jews that survived WWII are all gone.
Even back then the west keep intervened whenever the tide turned against them. The worst under LBJ where they ready up to use nuclear to stop egyptian counterattack.
LBJ is the guy who bankrupted America.
He spent so much money bombing Vietnam that he had to sell Americas gold reserves to prop up the US dollar.
By the time Nixon got in, the gold was gone, forcing him to abandon the gold standard. The price of gold just kept climbing, until the US introduced paper gold trades, which allows them to effectively control the price of gold.
If you extrapolate the number of US dollars in circulation to gold then and now, gold should be worth 35 grand an ounce. The US just keeps printing dollars, and because everybody wants a good exchange rate, they also print.
The US dollar is the mother of all bubbles, when it blows all the other currency bubbles burst.
Why do you think Russia China, and quite a few other countries are buying gold?
It’s the biggest short ever.
Good post. Everyone should be accumulating as much gold and silver as they can afford to hedge against the impending global financial implosion. Hard assets are also good. All fiat is dept. All fiat is a dead man walking.
Why do you think Russia China, and quite a few other countries are buying gold?
Gold is also very important component of advanced weapons. Each plane contains at least 10 kg of gold. Today electronics is everywhere in the army. Gold is also necessary raw material for these equipments.
What battled hardened army? You mean the small Tiger Forces , Hezbollah and Iranian militias? They’ve been the ones doing most of the fighting.
True, to get Golan back you need to have 5 Tiger group ready, and not only man power, Tanks, plane, drone…
Hezbolah and Irgc are not Syria army and it would mean a lot conflict where Syria would only lose. This. Must be done alone
golan heights back to satanic jews???? LOL wake up bro……not in a 1000 years….thats an impossibility for several reasons…..I´ll let water and oil and gas out of the equation for now.Ever been in that area? its very simple to explain….strategy…..if syria or hezbollah controls the golan HEIGHTS, they can shoot with artillery at the entire northern israel….will never happen…unless the jewish satanic illegal entity is totally destroyed.period.
You need to read what other write before commenting. Where did I say give Golan to Israel?
I guess that’s why his name is potcracker ?
Putin doesnt own it to sell it. All parties are agreeing to it seems like
Actually he’d be a traitor if he put Syrian interests ahead of Russian ones.
Fact is Israel will continue to bomb Iranian forces in Syria without a deal. By getting a deal like this, it permits Iranian forces to remain in Syria without getting bombed and each time risking WW III.
I’ve not heard Iran saying they oppose the deal.
He is a traitor for Syria. So, like he is a traitor for Syria, don’t wait too long for Syrians to expell Putin and Russia. USA will help. Hezbollah and Iran will stop fighting with Russia.
Next war in Syria, I suggest Putin to puit russian soldiers on the ground to face USA because Hezbollah, Iran and Syrians soldiers will stay at home.
You sound like Hillary Clinton
Rather like Bibi Netanyahu ;)..
Well Hillary and Bibi hatched from the same egg.
together with a rattlesnake.
Clinton said that USA have created Al Qaeda. I say the same. So, I’m Clinton. XD.
“USA will help” :)))))
Suuure, Itzig. Like they helped Afghanistan, Irak, Libya, all South-America..
Just STFU, we all know what WESLEY CLARK, the ex-Us-commander of the NATO in Europe said:
Yes. Funny part is that they even say it. Only Assad and Russia didn’t see it. XD.
Very wishful thinking as far as the Syrians are concerned USA has no place so is the case with Iran and Hezbollah. The pic for now is clear its Israel and USA verses the rest of the jokers.
Serious is Hasbara, all his posts denigrate Russia Iran and Hezbollah.
There is no logic in his posts just obvious propaganda.
But recognize that PUTIN plays a ZIG-ZAG in TWILIGHT-ZONE… a habit from the time as he was a small KGB-spy in DRESDEN-Germany and bought and sold small Greman pYgs. Now he si big-number in Kremlin and buys and sells whole countries ;)..
Tell you something: PUTIN IS PERFECT FOR RUSSIA, nothing to quarrel about this.
The USA would be happy to have a PUTIN NOW, instead of that ib€cyle egomaniac ballooned second-class turkey in their White-House.
But , as Putin was in DRESDEN and Yeltsin asked him to came to St.Petersburg, he LEFT his agents 9 to fall 8into the hands of the GERMAN CIA ( the BND). . He simply left them behind and they were caught.
That is PUTIN. in the Foreign Politics, like in DRESDEN..
A Dudley Do-right type would not stand a chance against the evil forces of the USA and Israel, you need a Riddick type to kill these monsters.
anyone’s better than Killary.
“as Putin was in DRESDEN and Yeltsin asked him to came to St.Petersburg, he LEFT his agents 9 to fall 8into the hands of the GERMAN CIA ( the BND).”(c)
Siegfried, your blatant lies show how little you know and how pathetic your propaganda is :) Yeltsin asked him to come to St.Petersburg from Germany where Putin left his agents? Lol :)
“Actually he’d be a traitor if he put Syrian interests ahead of Russian ones.”
And which were the RUSSIAN (INTERESTS as he went there into Syria?
And how that the Russian Interests are NOW different than that ones, as he ordered his troops to intervene on side of ASSAD?.
C’mon , this Putin -don’t forget!- is a KGB-snake :))
AND VERY BRITISH: ” no friends, no enemies, just interests”.
True, although Russian interests include preserving their good reputation as an honest and dependable ally – of course the partitioning of Syria question will put this to the test big time I think. The question of partitioning Syria is where Putin may be most tempted to betray Syria and it is noteworthy that there are significant risks no matter which road Putin’s takes but soon, it will become clearer where Putin finally landed on the partitioning question.
Note that the buffer zones regarding Hezbollah and Iranian forces is a no brainer given what is gained. However, I suspect there is more to this deal given my belief that Israel is very concerned by the threat of Hezbollah and Iran on their borders. I do not see a relatively small buffer zone as enough to quell Israeli fears. I would not be surprized if observance of the buffer zone was guaranteed by Russia as a credible deterrent to Hezbollah and Iran.
Dependable ally, compared to what, the US?
Alliances only last as long as it benefits one or both of the countries involved.
Britain for example was willing to sacrifice Australia to Japan, to save India, because India was more profitable.
In Syria, the Russian objective is to prevent the American gas pipeline, and weaken the USA. Iran on the other hand aids Syria, because it wants its pipeline to proceed.
Wars are about money, only fools think in terms of honour and morals.
I have found a strong consensus of opinion expressed in articles that speak on Russian support of Syria as a long standing ally. The consensus is that there are two primary reasons Russia supports Syria (1) Syria’s strategic position in the Middle East and that the naval base is truly warm water and (2) Russia takes the long view in regard to alliances seeing it as a repetitive game in Game Theory parlance. That is, if you screw your allies, it will bite you in the ass in future. If alliances are no longer beneficial to one party or the other, or both, then the alliance is ended, rather then pretending the alliance is on and and backstabbing, which the US is certainly building expertise in.
The US acts by its own rules because she thinks she can get away with it. This has worked to a degree in the past but the cracks are starting to show.
I am a supporter of Russia’s right to resist American domination, but look at Russia’s actions.
First killing the terrorists in Syria, is a better option than waiting for them to reach Russia.
Second, you are right about a port in the Med, but it’s not that big a deal.
The main issue for Russia, is the ability to sell its oil and gas, and the US has been trying to shut Russia out of the market.
The US planned to build a gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe via Iraq and Syria. They already control Iraq, so if they gain control of Syria, they have their pipeline.
Russia has secured the west of Syria, because it blocks the American pipeline.
The US has grabbed east Syria, so it can stop the proposed Iranian pipeline to Europe.
So the damsel these 2 countries are fighting over is Europe.
Russia has made it clear to Europe, that if you submit to American pressure, you will pay a high price for energy, because the Qatar pipeline just ain’t gonna happen.
The idea that young Russia should defend Syria, because they are mates, just doesn’t cut it when you are sending Russian troops into harms way.
All wars are about money, all the other BS is about convincing young men to die for bankers.
Yes you are right Russia has self interest driving her actions in Syria but Russia requires Syria’s permission to have military bases and assets in Syria in order to kill the terrorists before they end up in Russia to cause problems. That means Syria’s interests need to be considered as well. Fortunately, in this case their interests are closely aligned when it comes to eradicating terrorists. This includes re-establishing Syrian control over jihadist controlled territory to deny them base of operations.
Interestingly, I have been evaluating possible Putin accomadations that may serve Russia’s interests while not in Syria’s interests. So I intuitively think closely along the lines of what you say that alliances are pragmatic arrangements although I do not think US approach to alliance partners is smart as the US will become friendless and will stay that way.
Henry Kissinger once said that “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests”
That’s why the US often double crosses its friends, it’s not personal, just business.
Actually it was Churchill but that is not important. The saying is what is important and it regulates all geopolitics.
America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.
Henry Kissinger: The White House Years, quoted from Dinesh D’Souza: What’s so great about America. This echoes Lord Palmerston’s words: “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual”.
Palmerston, not Churchill.
Thank you Sinbad. I read it was Churchill but obviously he only copied Palmerston!
That pipeline was announced by Qatar before they got an opinion about it from the Saudis. Their proposed route was to run overland thru Saudi Arabia, Iraq then thru Syria. The Saudi’s told them to run it under the gulf instead to Iraq. Qatar was too cheap to do that so cancelled the project without conducting engineering studies to see how much that would cost.
Well that;s the way the proposed Iran pipeline is going.
You really think the Saudis would tell Qatar to build a pipeline through Shia Iraq, and have Shia’s earn transit fees?
And the Saudis don’t have an opinion when their master the USA speaks.
Well… it makes me feel the same. The first doubts I had were in January 2016 with that “STOPS & GOES” by ALEPPO. (“Like OK boys, time-out! Let#s TRADE..”
After Bibi’s visit in Moscow, it really STINKS.I even start to worry that PUTIN went there only to have something to trade in return of Russia’s “comeback” to the G8-RAPTORS-table, to DAVOS, no sanctions, Crimea recognized, Ukraine fifty-fifty, etc..
Maybe Putin wont sell ALL Syria, but perhaps will ask ASSAD to resign and syria will be DE FACTO cut in two.
Asking myself alr4eady how much will be asked for IRAN.. That must be a lot more worth ;)..
As I can see, the Russian Air-Force became “quiet”, just on SOIL the poor Russian soldiers fight like wild for their Syrian comrades, but “UP-THERE”, high at the BOSSES-LEVEL, stinky DEALS are getting a draft..
See? China was at the beginning WITH RUSSIA in East-Mediterranean Sea with war-ships. Now CHINA gave up, Pek8ing doesn’t like this chameleon-play, I guess.
I REALLY hope that I’m wrong..
I also hoped that I was wrong but facts and reality pushed me to think that I wasn’t.
See next news. Normally, it will be fit into the theory and explains why that happened.
You are just talking about Golan Heights and the countries there are planning to liberate whole Palestine from migrants and conspirators.
Europeans have tried to occupy Palestine for a long time, they always fail.
Israel is just another Kingdom of Jerusalem, and they use the same barbaric tactics.
Eventually the Jews will run back to Europe with their tail between their legs.
Even some Jews can see the end is near, moving money out of Israel, and buying land in Argentina etc.
What you said is correct.
Iran could not save Syria from the NATO/Gulf onslaught by 2015 – it was the Iranian’s that flew to Moscow and stated this to Russia. The Russian’s need only answer to themselves.
Syria could just have to start a military operation to recover this area without any agreement whatsoever.
Again, Putin shows that he is a zionist.
bla bla pre junior!!
Blah blah blah Putin.
israel “Putin, I want a buffer zone of 60 km”.
Putin : “OK, my dear jewish master. I will do that for you.” XD.
Putin has lost all credits. Crisis show you who people really are.
Cmon now its a peaceful diplomatic solution. Syria can put whoever it wants into their uniforms anyways.
And if syria wanted to it could go it alone but it cant or calculates the cost is a poor use of resources. Is assad a zionist too?
Pootin cannot be trusted!!! Why should Syria have to negotiate to move troops and their allies on their own lands??? What the hell is the zio terrorist US doing in Syrian territory??? Pootin is just setting up Syria for the jhouish parasites to attack them when they attack the isis ….isrealhell secret intelligence service!
Exactly !!!
it,s thrue excellente news!! the pocket djihadist el tanf will be dead!
Also includes Trump’s pushing Netanyahu into a fight with Syria to be played out as a fair fight so Trump can look good when the vile little jews get their arse kicked, and Trump gets a double digit Nobel Peace prize one for being a genius and the other for holding on to his job.
Enjoy the fucking win.
You can’t have S-300, can’t have S-400, can’t have brand new aircrafts, can’t recover Golan Height, have lost your chemical weapons, have lost 1/3 of your territory, 1 million dead …… And now, you can’t fight with your closest allies to your borders !!!!
I laught. What fucking next ??? XD.
Enjoy the “win”. XD.
“MAY withdeaw”
This looks more like “Trump meets KIM”.. from Monday till Tuesday, after that two day is “Trump cancelled the meeting” and from Friday till Saturday again “Trump meets Kim”
Sunday is free, everybody goes to church :))))))
This is what Putin meant, they’ll withdraw their forces if everyone else does. The real question is what Mosvow is offering in return.
The only question is what your USraeli b@stards have lost there, in a souvereign State Syria.
because without YOUR Israeli & CIA scvmbags recruited, armed and sent there, no Iranians and no Hezbollah would be in Syria.
Now don’t play here “Oh! the good Americanoids are sooo honest and sincere”..
They get f*cked-up if they don’t go from there, that’s the only reason for your Usraeli-g@rbage to run out o0f a region.
Oh! the good Americanoids are sooo honest and sincere.
Moscow is offering the US and Israeli’s their very survival. Russia could and would totally incinerate the US and Israel if they both stumbled into WW3 due to hubris.
Russia is the responsible adult in the room with two mouthy and bullying kids.
So nuclear war is acceptable in your mind? So Russians are superior human beings? So Russians invading places is ok? Or do you think anything unacceptable to say in public is the thing you should shove down our throats on the internet? This is a serious matter, go back to trolling dating websites.
Yes, if I was a leader of Russia or China faced with serfdom or destruction by the US, I would make sure that US attack was countered in such a way that all the US was a wasteland for thousands of years.
Exactly, the Americans only respect power, you can’t bluff, you have to kill them.
The US has been invading countries directly or with proxy terrorists for many decades Smaug.
Oh, I didn’t realize you joking all along. No sane person would actually person would believe what you’re saying and no propagandist would expect anyone to believe it for a moment.
BUT, the US has actually documented a strategy of destroying Russia with nuclear weapons soon after 1945 and at intervals since then when ‘1st Strike’ strategies were discussed. Surrounding Russia and China with missiles is all part of that strategy that has now been made obsolete by the new Russian and Chinese ‘Glider Missiles’.
Was that ‘sane’ ?
Well there was the other possibility that I left out earlier, that you’re affiliated with some sort of terror organization.
Such as as who Smaug ?
Mossad, the US Military ?
Or your fishing club?
A good deal, take it. 25kms from the border is not far. USA would be acknowledging that no Iranian forces are threatening Israels borders which would make IDF attacks less justifiable.
Iranian forces will easily be able to return to the territory if needed, they can wait for the next inevitable, unprovoked IDF missile strike as an excuse. US forces however won’t be able to reenter Al-Tanf without a direct conflict with SAA forces.
Israhell wants to gain from this agreement, while Syria must ask for permission to defeat terrorism and reclaim it’s sovereignty .It’s time to face off israhell now ,once and for all,any agreement with zionism,means no agreement,full stop.
its a fake news, Al Tanf is american land, poor deceived shiite bastards are battling for criminnal Assad and extremist iranian mullahs, SAA and IRGC, death are waiting for you in Daraa, Free Syrian army, Israel Defense Forces and USA special units will defend at all costs Darra, Quinetra and Golan , nobody can against USA and Israel power, Assad, get the fcuk from Daraa
wow…another moral degenerate
jewish satanic walking talking writing PRICK……why dont u rape your own mom….and cut your own head off .
To gauge how effective Southfront has become at disseminating the news, just look at the huge number of Hasbara Israel has assigned to Southfront.
When you have this many Zionists attacking you, you know you must be doing something right.
Indeed we must be. Learning and disseminating true facts are not liked by the Hasbara :)
I don’t think he is a “moral degenerate”. More like he is just a troll and a sock puppet. Probably some kid who doesnt believe half the shit he says, but enjoys provoking people like you. Don’t take the bait.
The U.S. has reportedly considered abandoning one of its most significant military installations in Syria as it prepared to enter into talks with Russia and Jordan over a deteriorating security situation in the war-torn country’s restive south.
The report, which first surfaced Sunday in Saudi Arabian newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat:
[US Wants to Keep Iran out of Southern Syrian
Sunday, 27 May, 2018
The United states is trying to push Russia to comply with the “de-escalation” agreement in southern Syria and prevent regime forces and Iran-backed organizations from advancing to it, as well as to implement the terms of the agreement, which state that Hezbollah and other Tehran-affiliated Syrian and foreign groups must be about 25 kilometers from the Jordanian border.
Sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that over the past week, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Satterfield was working on formulating a proposal which included the withdrawal of all Syrian and non-Syrian militias to 20-25 kilometers from the Jordanian border, the transfer of opposition fighters and their families to Idlib in northern Syria, the reopening of the crossing point between Syria and Jordan, in addition to the formation of a US-Russian mechanism to control the implementation of the agreement.
Satterfield also wants to discuss the possibility of dismantling US Tanf camp at the Syrian-Jordanian-Iraqi border, which has been publicly criticized by Moscow.
came as Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said Tuesday that Moscow “supported the idea of holding a trilateral meeting at a level convenient for our partners,” according to the state-run RIA Novosti. The U.S. and its Middle Eastern ally Jordan are opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces—backed by Russia and Iran—are planning a new offensive against rebels and jihadis across southern Syria.
Looks like the original deal expired early in 2018, because such deals are made for 6 month periods. So when we read that the US wants Russia/Syria to honor the original deal, the US means it wants a renewal, but can’t get one.
Countries all see something different in the term “foreign forces.”
NOVEMBER 13, 2017
The problem is that these assurances and the Memorandum of Principles rely on numerous conditions being fulfilled.
It requires that the cease-fire agreement continue to be renewed. [emphasis added]
More from: Sic Semper Tyrannis
excellent maps
This is a major win for Damascus and only a minor adjustment for Teheran. The Iranian affiliated militias still have plenty to do well to the west of Dara’a and the Golan. The only real losers in these deals would be the various jihadist rebels in the area. Without logistical and military support from Israel, Jordan and the rest of the US-led coalition, the rebels would have to face the best of the SAA on their own. Their choices are to seek reconciliation with Damascus, be shipped to Idlib with the rest of the jihadist leftovers or die in place at the hands of the Tiger Force and the rest of the flower of the SAA. The IS jihadists in the tri-border area will most likely die in place.
That Israel would give up their jihadist allies in exchange for a dozen or so miles of separation from Iranian backed militias and the IRGC indicates to me that they have no stomach for active conflict on the Golan front. Perhaps the last dust up in which the SAA fired back gave the IDF reason to rethink their long term strategy.
This is great news, I wonder if Starbucks McDonalds and the movie theater will stay?
It could make a great R&R centre for Syrian troops.
Also, how do you explain the ISIS presence in Egypt ?
Now, you can exoplain it by the fact that ISIS is there to give the egyptian dictator and traitor Al Sissi more credits. In fact, Al Sissi has no legitimacy and sold out two egytian islands to SA.
I always wondered what was the role of ISIS in Egypt.
In the same way, in Phillipines, ISIS gives more credits to the US puppets Duterte. After having lost Vietnam, USA is now searching for a US puppet south of China. That is Phillipines.
The US has been flying ISIS to all the places the US wants to destabilize.
It’s the American way.
The Philippines has been a US colony since the Spanish American war. Back in the old days when the Filipinos tried to get freedom from America, the US butchered 1 million of them.
These days they try to keep their slaves under control using more discrete methods.
You can’t get rid of Al Sissi with ISIS. So, it’s not an answer.
So, in Egypt, Phillipines, … you explain the ISIS presence as a tool to maintain the puppets in power.
In France, Germany, Belgium, USA, … it’s the same unless you add the fact that ISIS presence in Europe in a way to justify invasion and occupation of Syria.
A pretty fair summation.
Didn’t SAA just bus ISIS are around Syria? LOL
Oh wow, that is so funny :(
First time I went to Subic Bay, the locals cut up a US marine, and put him in numerous rubbish bins. Twice in my time in Asia my life was threatened because they thought I was American.
The idea that people like their colonial masters is unique to the population of the colonizing nation.
Sources of your fake story?
My girlfriend is from Subic Bay, FYI, 99% of Filipinos love Americans!
Dude… cmon…
A million people? Where did you get that number. My girlfriend is actually from the Filipines, and I know a bit about that country and its history.
Where do you actually read this garbage? Or are you just randomly brainstorming inflated numbers?
1 million people did not get butchered by Americans in the Philippines.
Yes well the US claims it only killed about 200,000, but others claim the figures are much higher, and we all know how the US lies about these things, and pretends to be civilized.
Try this
So you just automatically believe the number from the highest estimates, inflated 5 fold, gotcha. We all know vested interests have a motivation to inflate numbers (similar to how Lancet inflated numbers based on dubious methodology when it came to Iraq).
Also, much of those 200,000 or so were indirect casualties as a result of famine. Not quite “slaughter”. It also definitely strikes me as a bit absurd to suggest that filipino casualties reached 50% of the level of Japanese casualties in WW2.
Yes famine, even back then the US used to starve the opponent, just like the US did in Iraq and now Yemen.
Face it, the USA is a barbaric enemy, nukes germ warfare killing children, no act is too low for the USA.
What about you?
These numbers refer to the initial stages of US rule in the Philippines which was shameful. The insurgency had already brought the Spanish colonialist masters to there knees when the US intervened as ‘liberators’ or so thought the insurgents. The insurgents and the US completed the job of expelling the Spanish in 1898 but the US then declared themselves the new masters under the quaint title ‘Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation’. The Philippine population were savages that needed to be assimilated into civilized ways, which was the common justification for colonization since the actual purpose of to pillage and plunder was, well, rather uncivilized to say.
Well the US paid a price for this, but so did the Philippine population. The US though did change policies that started the road to independence. Importantly the US kept its word in granting increasing autonomy until independence. When McArthur kept his word and returned to liberate the Philipines from brutal Japanese occupation, followed closely by granting full independence, the Philipines became a close ally of the US so there is truth that the US is admired.
As for ISIS, I believe the insurgency is essentially natives swearing to ISIS but also the US has flown in ‘advisors’ including ISIS members from Syria. However, the numbers are small.
There is no role for ISIS in Egypt. Not a planned one. It’s Egypt’s misfortune that by the peace treaty with Israel it cannot fully deploy its army in the Sinai. That and the lawlessness created from the smuggling operations to the Gaza Strip make the area perfect for insurgents to base themselves. And since ISIS knows a good hiding place when it sees one and is very good at subverting local insurgents to join its side, presto! There’s your ISIS presence in Egypt.
Problem is that ISIS is directed by CIA. So, it doesn’t add up.
The goal is to make the dictator and traitor Al Sissi looks good and a Egypt protector even if he sold out two egyptian islands.
No actually thats not what the problem is. Barba Papa is completely correct.
The problem is that braindead morons like yourself think that ISIS is “directed” by the CIA, rather than a form of blowback and unforeseen consequences of disastrous foreign policy adventures. There’s no bearded jihadists waving a black flag while taking orders from some guy at Langley. That part is just something you concocted in that empty little head of yours.
It’s no different than your retarded tirades and gross generalizations for “Sunnis”, many of whom are actually very intelligent people who are the forefront of fighting against jihadist barbarism.
The US has been flying key ISIS people out of Syria.
How do you think ISIS fighters got from Syria to the Philippines?
It couldn’t possibly have been on a flight from Incirlik to Clarke air base, could it?
Let me ask you something. Do you know anything about the Philippines? It’s demographics, its history? The southern Philippines has had a simmering separatist Islamist insurgency for much of the past century. It is not that different from Salafist headchoppers who are dispersed within the insurgency in Dagestan/Chechnya in Russia, or separatists in Xinjiang province in China, or Boko Haram in northern Nigeria. Of course there are some key differences between all these groups. But the point is, some of the most disenchanted and radical groups among these insurgencies saw the rise of ISIS and decided to pledge allegiance to it.
There was no flying of “key ISIS people” out of Syria into the Philippines.
How can you even ask something as stupid “how do you think ISIS fighters from Syria to Philippines”?
The majority of ISIS fighters who are affiliated with and pledged allegiance to ISIS in the Philippines have never even been in Iraq or Syria.
And out of the ones that did… gee I don’t know… in a world of porous borders, and very weak national security apparatus, as well as anonymity (It’s not as if the Filipino government has some comprehensive checklist of every verifiable jihadist who went abroad to fight for the “caliphate”)… it is really isn’t that difficult to smuggle yourself back and forth between 3rd world shitholes on the one hand and warzones on the brink of anarchy on the other hand.
ISIS cant’ take over Egypt but can take over Iraq, then Syria and resist an international coalition !!! XD.
Iraq was barely recovering from over a decade of war, and had a large/disenchanted Sunni population and sectarian tensions under al-Maliki, so many in the military abandoned their weapons and positions.
Secondly, it doesn’t look like they’ve been particularly effective at “resisting” the international coalition.
Come the fuck on. I am absolutely certain you are smarter than this. I almost 90% certain that you are actually trolling and provoking people… You’re like a trickster figure and a provocateur in the Southfront community and I bet you’re secretly laughing when someone rages at you.
I know that feeling too :)
I wonder who invaded Iraq to create sectarian tensions and benefit from that. XD.
Fucking clueless idealistic retards who have no clue what the fuck they’re doing, thats who.
Not omnipotent Jewish NWO overlords supposedly hiding in the shadows and running the entire world.
and FUCK OFF with your “XD” bullshit. If I was your dentist, I’d pull every one of your fucking teeth out.
netanyahu said that without Saddam, the middle east will be more peaceful or a stupid shit like this. XD.
DOn’t you understand that you can kill yourslef because you have 0% chance to make change what I think especially with such retarded arguments. XD.
And NEtanyahu is a piece of shit and 100% wrong. That doesn’t mean Abu Bakr is a Mossad agent or some shit like that.
Of course it means that. USA invaded Iraq and then create a sectarian conflict to create ISIS to invade and occupy Syria.
No, it is not QED. Something doesn’t automatically become true or demonstrable simply because you think it fits some simplistic narrative.
I prove. That’s why you are low level and can’t argue.
They are not idealistic, they are people with an uncontrollable lust for wealth and power.
wrong. broad generlization not particularly based in reality. To some degree this is true, but it isn’t the whole story. Naive idealism is definitely a part of it.
Correct. Initial formation of ISIS was with US (CIA) support, that is wealth and power in the region. But as ISIS grew, ideology increasingly was used in recruitment as it was ‘cheap’, but in the long run would prove very costly. The increasing proportion of ideological driven jihadists within ISIS created a problem for the US masters – ISIS would have become harder to control for the US as a consequence of its growth in numbers and geographic reach regardless, but jihadists’ ideology made it much worse as ideology was not compatible with US control (putting it mildly). This would certainly explain the rise of the Kurds as they proved to be effective in dealing with ISIS disobedience.
You are both correct now kiss and make up.
ISIS clearly had US support in funding, weapons and training, this is well documented. However, for the US, ISIS has proved more unruly then their prior Frankenstein creation, Al Qaeda – and we know how well that worked out. I doubt the ISIS cells operating in Sinai are following US (or anyone) orders. In Syria, ISIS is a dubious ally to the US and this assessment is consistent with the fact that real fights between ISIS and US backed forces occur far to often to be outlier groups.
Lastly, ISIS was a formidible fighting force, at least in the beginning. It took considerable effort in time and resources, including direct Russian intervention, to degrade ISIS to the point of near destruction. It was no cakewalk.
Well ISIS started in Iraq, under the command of General Petraeus, and were successful for a while. It might work, but would depend on US/Israel support.
People keep saying that, so far I’ve seen zero evidence for that. Just conspiracy group think. As if everything in this world can only happen by nefarious actions of some shady government cabal. In the past God was responsible for everything. Earthquake? God did it. Famine? God did it. Drought? God did it. War? God did it. And now its the evil Jews and/or the US Deep State. As if groups like Al Qaida and ISIS can’t form on their own. Because in real life people never get together to do things.
The fact that Jewish media are reporting that this is in the works is very promising that it will happen. There is no doubt whatsoever that this represents a major retreat by the ‘Let’s get rid of Assad’ gang and is de facto an admission of defeat. The concessions on Syria’s side are trivial by comparison but significant to Israel for her security and I suspect serves as an overall face saving gesture.
I look forward to reading PCR’s and Saker’s next instalment of opinion, although the mental acrobatics required to make these developments fit with the pre-determined narrative may be cause for delay.
‘Let’s get rid of Assad’ is secondary as Assad now is diminushed.
Why Russia has lost is the fact that Syrians will loose faith in Assad. Then, Iran and Hezbollah will stop supporting Russia in Syria.
Everyone seems to take this deal as the end. Just like USA will go home. israel will stop bomb Syria and give back Golan Height. XD.
It’s not finished. He tooks two wars for USA to occupy Germany.
I stated it is not finished since partition of Syria remains a serious issue for the Syrian regime.
I am glad you replied because it jogged my thinking and I realize that there is a plausible scenario In which the points you raise would ring true. Are you thinking what I am thinking? Like to hear your thoughts on what the scenario would be and see how close your thinking is to mine. Note this is to me a possible scenario among several, but certainly plausible.
Everything is probabilistic ans statistical. What are the probability that Assad will recover SDF lands ?? What is the probability that Assad will recover Golan height ???
50% chance he will recover SDF territory. Probably close to zero for the Golan heights, as that has been occupied by Israel well before the current Syrian crisis started. The only realistic path to recovering the Golan heights would be some sort of negotiated agreement similar to how Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt.
In 1973, when Egypt attacked Israel to recover the Sinai, we learnt that israel can be defeat militarily especially with anti-aircraft missiles. israeli could not get close to the borders with their planes.
So, people who tell me that S-300 and S-400 are useless are a joke. Give good weapons to Syria and Syria can recover Golan height in weeks or days.
Extremely naive. S-300 and S-400 may be useful for curtailing aggression into Syrian territory. They would be of utterly no consequence in any serious effort to forcefully “retake” the Golan heights.
Thankfully the Syrians dont have morons like yourself advising them. I’d feel bad for the Syrians if they had decision makers like you in charge.
Who the fuck will stop syrian soldiers entering golan height without air cover ??? XD.
In an all out war, similar to 1967, where Israel is on the defensive, rather than some occupation like in Lebanon, the overwhelming majority of S-300 and S-400 systems would be destroyed in the first few weeks. The Israelis have plenty of their own guided missiles, a whole arsenal of them, that would completely cripple all Syrian military infrastructure for a week. Syria’s best chances would be to remain in its borders and mount an insurgency against occupying IDF forces similar to the way Hezbollah did in early 2000s. But as an attacking force? Absolutely no chance. All Arab countries know this perfectly well, and that’s part of the reason you’re no a military adviser to them. Another part of the reason is that you’re an autistic piece of shit who is completely useless and incompetent, but I digress.
This is close to my thinking as well as reflected in my post above. Good analysis by the way, since the combined threat of Syria, Hezbollah and Iran could push Israel to a ‘land for peace’ deal like with Egypt. Although Israel may be more reluctant to part with the resource rich Golan, but creative negotiations could see resource split in resource exploitation with Israel. All things possible if you want it enough.
Syria will get back full control of SDF territory since the Kurds rather remain Syrian citizens out of economic necessity. The Syrian government and SDF have been co-operating with each other since the fighting started. Same shit goes with the US assistance for the Kurds and the fight against ISIS. Assad denounced that to appease Iran and Hezbollah while waving in US and coalition forces to handle a task that he lacks the money, material and manpower to do himself. He may occasionally bitch about the YPG/SDF holding so much territory but that’s to appease the Iranians ans Hezbollah.
You are a smart man, you can do better than this. Statistical models most often involve multiple variables that lessen or increase likelihood.
You can answer your question about the Golan Heights pretty much definitively now. The buffer zone extends from the Golan Heights and so recognizes this as territory controlled by Israel . If Iran and Hezbollah accept the buffer as proposed, which seems they will, then they are accepting the status quo as well and so the chances of Assad regaining the Golan Heights anytime soon is almost zero.
On the other hand, the SDF occupied zone and the Turkish controlled zones are fraught with uncertainties but Putin can certainly tip the balance if he sides with partition to win favour with Turkey/US at the expense of Syria. It is possible that the concessions in South Syria were agreed to by Israel and US in return for agreement to partition Syria and Syria was in too weak a position to put up much resistance. I certainly see Russia being more assertive to the point one wonders if Syrian foreign policy is now subordinated to Russia. The next few weeks will be revealing.
Evrything is probabilitic and statistical.
Putinis making an unecessary deal with irsale because more likely he is a jewish puppet. israel can’t fight. israel knows that er so-called military superiority is false. They don’t Hezbollah and Iranians next to Golan hieght. israel doesn’t want Syria to get S-300 and S-400 that will shot down their aircrafts.
Turkey is opposed to partitioning of Syria.
Turkey opposes if she has no share of the spoils. Remember Erdogan has alluded to revived Ottoman Caliphate ambitions and this makes the Syrian territory occupied by Turkey very tempting. Erdogan has also shown a pragmatic willingness to shift policy positions – with exception of policy towards the Kurds, that is not changing.
Turkey never change his position about this. People keep repeating that Erdogan have the “ottoman caliphate ambition” without any proofs whatsoever.
Turkey with Qatar wants to get rid of Assad and get rid of kurds. That’s it. Turkey didn’t invade Syria until USA started supporting and arming kurds. So, Turkey invaded north Syria to stop the creation of Rojava.
I think you need to take a closer look at Turkey’s role in the Syrian conflict before arming the Kurds became an issue. There is plenty said on this and it shows Turkey was far from a passive player in the conflict.
Also, search on Erdogan public statements and ottoman revival and see what comes up.
Nobody said Turkey was passive. But, this “ottoman ambition” has no justification. No evidences that support this idea.
Turkish looters stripped out the entire industrial base of Aleppo. Turkey allowed the US to funnel terrorists into Syria via Incirlik air base, Turkey was the middleman in the ISIS to Israel oil theft and has a history of annexing parts of Syria.
I’m pretty sure that both Turkey and Israel planned to annexe chunks of Syria.
Don’t be panic, Iran produces their own S-300 missile systems and will be soon delivered to Syria.
Iran’s Homegrown Missile Defense System ‘Bavar-373’ Completes Initial Tests. 6 Jan 2018
I never know he what Iranians say about their military wepaons is true or propagenda.
This is true. Iran produces other short range air defence missile systems too but this one is long range ADM system and has completed their all tests successfully this year in March, 2018 and now in production. When Iran is present in this world then don’t worry.
Yes there is an interesting story about Iranian missiles.
When Russia refused to sell S300’s to Iran to placate the US(silly) China came along and sold them guidance modules. That’s why Iranian missiles went from Scud type accuracy, to pinpoint accuracy.
This is what I talking about. Syria need to wait. After this long and destroyed war you need to get your economy and strength your army. You need to have Tens of S300, hunderts of Pastir, 20000 Grad rocket ready…. Tousend modern Tank
General Hussein aka Tiger will know to led when it’s time.
Syria could spend a trillion dollars on weapons, but only ICBM’s and nukes will stop the USA.
You can’t think in logical terms when you are dealing with psychopaths.
I bet you would use a chainsaw to slice a tomato.
Do you really think intercepting ballistic missiles and shooting down AWACS over Cyprus is a high priority in the Syrian environment ?
Pantsir’s are what they need, and what they have got.
Don’t know what to make of this Serious idiot.
He wants Syria and Russia to expand the conflict into Golan today!
( Instead of winning the conflict in Syria )
He’s Hasbara, and slightly more intelligent than his comrade Dirt.
Golan will probably remain in Israeli hands until the US collapses, which might be quite soon with Caligula Trump as Emperor.
But the real issue for Israel, is its unsuccessful attempt to invade and annexe parts of Syria, has created a formidable military in Syria, where their was only a bunch of amateurs before their foolish aggression.
LOL! Israel already has invaded and annexed part of Syria a long time ago when Syria actually had a formidable army.
It’s not only army. You need much more. US has the biggest and most modern army but they didn’t won anything, they can only destroy but not win.
I like to say : “Fact is that most poeple don’t believe in facts”. XD. I invented this myself just like my theory.
I promise that science works. That’s how I made my theory. Like Feynman says “If it doesn’t fit with experiences, it’s wrong”.
Some people here try to explain that pigs fly. You know, they have their axioms. You know you choose your axioms. Their is that “Putin is antizionist”. They chose this axiom to be true then, their theory start collapsing. Why ? Because, they have an another axiom “Assad is anti-zionist”. This hypothesis seems more likely to be true than the previous. So, these people have two fucking axioms that they take for true. Then, come the consequences of the axioms “Putin is antizionist. Assad is anti-zionist. So, Putin must help Assad protecting Syria.”. Then they have a big contradiction. “Why the fuck Putin didn’t give Assad S-300, S-400, … ???”, “Why the fuck Putin is collaborating with USA inside Syria ???”. Big contradictions they can’t explain. So their theory is wrong. Their theory is wrong because the axiom “Putin is antizionist” is false.
You’re definitely trolling. There is absolutely no chance you actually believe this shit.
If the troll says so. XD.
What’s XD mean, Extra Demented?
The question is..can SAA defeat terrorist in quneitra and Dara without the support of Hezbollah, IRGC and Shia Iraqi PMU?…
Sure can if Assad strikes a deal with the moderates to lend a hand since they’ve been fighting the extremists ever since those whackos showed up.
After all the assistance iran has given syria, they get unceremoniously thrown out? XD thats one hard slap in the face
What about the US, what must it be like for the Americans being told to get out by Bibi.
I recommand that Russia gives S-300, S-400, new aircrafts, .. to Assad. Then Assad recovers Golan Height. No fucking way israel can pass the frontier wity the anti-aerian system set up.
Then Assad recovering Golan Height, Syrians will start supporting Assad. Then, create some instability In SDF lands and support them militarily. Knowing that Assad have recovered golan Height will make them easily fighting for Assad rather than for the apatrid gang SDF.
That’s how to proceed now that all that shit happened. But be sure that Putin is very unlikely to do so because he is working to please israel.
Since this BS has been going on one can take another view to what is actually happening. It wouldn’t be of no surprise that the NATO, US, Israel, Russia and China have sat down amongst themselves and decided to divide up the globe into their own spheres of influence and that this BS is just for show.
There is certainly justification to believe this to be the case. It would mean though that the US has given up on a US dominated unipolar world and accepted Putin’s multi-polar world view. While the manner of its making is rather ugly, such a development is likely to lead to a more stable and relatively peaceful world.
A joke. USA doesn’t share.
USA is in Al-tanf to monitor Hezbollah and Iranian crossings.
The USA position is Al-Tanf is dead-end.
So, Putin makes this unexpected deal with USA so that Hezbollah and Iran can’t be in the border of Syria. And so, USA has what she wants. Also, if implemented, USA would ask to check and monitor the syria territory.
Note that Israel more directly benefitting, the US indirectly. I agree a guarantee of the buffer would be demanded, but it would be coming most from Israel and more likely Russia guarantees that the buffer zone is respected since Israel knows Hezbollah and Iran unlikely to cross Russia.
Nah, the game now is for the Mackinder Eurasian empire.
The British and French have been trying to make it happen for over 100 years. The Crimean war was an attempt to colonize Eurasia. The American invasion of Russia in 1918, was another attempt. The Chinese are succeeding where the colonial powers failed, because they are using cooperation instead of colonization.
It’s wrong. China never wanted to colonize Europe, Middle east, Africa, …. So, you can’t compare Europe and China. So, the problem are the Europeans. I don’t know what is their problem but they think that the Earth belongs to them or I don’t know. Moreover, they are fucking fanatical and psychotics.
You think like an oppressor, and can only accept a world where someone rules, and others serve. China is not colonizing, it’s cooperating with those who no longer want to be ruled by the master race types.
China is only making business and secure their own country. China has no pretension of telling others what to do, how to do, what to think, how to poop, …
May 31, when Iran, Syria, and Hizbollah will arrive in Quneitra.
When the deal will not suit USA plans, USA will unilateraly withdraw and start a new operation inside Syria.
People mak deals with USA. XD. How many deals USA have unilateraly destroyed ?? XD.
Fact is that people don’t believe in facts. XD.
This is good as getting back land is top priority
OMG, jest Mozna????