US-led Coalition, Its Proxies To Launch Attack Against Syrian Army In Eastern Syria – Reports

US-led Coalition, Its Proxies To Launch Attack Against Syrian Army In Eastern Syria - Reports

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The US-led coalition and Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups operating in the al-Tanaf area, near the Syrian-Iraqi border are preparing to launch a military operation against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in eastern Syria, the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi reported on March 18.

Mohanad al-Talaa Commander of the US-backed Revolutionary Commando Army deployed in al-Tanaf confirmed to Enab Baladi that they are currently preparing for a military operation. However, al-Talaa declined to provide more information about their target.

Syrian opposition activists speculated that the US-led coalition and the FSA will try to capture the SAA-held parts of the Syrian-Iraqi border. The coalition forces maybe even try to reach the besieged Eastern Qalamun region north of the Syrian capital of Damascus.

Earlier today, the FSA in the Eastern Qalamun region launched an attack against the SAA near the al-Sin airbase and shot down a warplane of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF).

Meanwhile, Kurdish activists reported that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are massing their forces on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. The sources added that the US-led coalition and the SDF may also launch an attack on SAA positions in Deir Ezzor governorate.

The Hammurabi’s Justice News, that’s well-known for its links to the US-led coalition, claimed on March 17 that the SAA had shelled units of the US-led coalition around al-Tanaf. Observers believe that these claims might be used as a pretext to launch the supposed attack.

Several Syrian pro-government experts believe that the threat of US-led offensive against the SAA is real. On March 8, the SAA expanded its security zone around the town of al-Qaryatayn in southern Homs and the regions of East Qalamun and East Ghouta in Damascus governorate to 80km. This indicates that the Damascus government and its allies are also taking this threat seriously.

If the US-led coalition launches such a military operation, the SAA and its allies will be forced to respond immediately on all fronts.

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Already reports of ISIS attacking SAA at T2 airfield in the east.
Makes you wonder where ISIS gets it’s supplies from.


mmmm, after a millisecond of consideration , the USA ?


SHHH, This is covert op. Supplies and personnel probably find their way into the desert from Al Tanf and the large refugee camp there. :D


INDISPUTABLE FACT: Russia forces stationed in Syria won’t do anything in the event US & NATO start a massive assault against SAA, IRGC and Hezbollah positions; after more than 2 years of direct involvement, it is clear that the Russian military has never been prepared for such fight nor do they care about the fate of their Syrian partners (these good-for-nothing are stationed in that country just to represent and protect the interests of Gazprom). Southfront russophiles & Putin cheerleaders are having a difficult time swallowing such realities due to their inability to think critically – they are just a bunch of gullible mules easy to persuade.


eh you supporters terrorist cherrleader cia uhih stupid american!!


Hes a cheerleader for the Zio crazy warmongers who are hellbent on global domination


Well they can’t protect everyone around the world all at once from the USA, the best option is to protect their strategic interests first. Russia is done playing proxy wars with the US and have stated that if Syria is attacked then Russia will destroy any launchers i.e naval ships, aircraft etc.


Ignore him he is wanker good dreamer.

You can call me Al

Hey don’t generalise – there are good and bad “wanker good dreamers”…..

Jens Holm

Thats the Middle East style -HIP HIP.

Ignore all facts and go hard from there.

US hardly import oil anymore. Those socalled American oilcompanies hard are American anymore but owned by many stockholders around the world.

In Russia BP and Shell are very big.

And You ignore the most important. Most many is not made by taking up oil. Its made by use it for making products. Syrian and others in the Middle East not even can make cheep plastic buckets. Thats where the profit is – selling you from plastic buckets to computer and mobile parts.


True, it is the FIRST TIME , Russia stated they will destroy the launching source which means Russia will not take the trouble to take down the many missiles but will shoot one missile to sink the entire ship.

This itself has made and is happening now , the Americans to be muted in their tracks as they do not wish to look foolish when the back off .

If Russia had not issued THAT statement , boy it would be field day for John Wayne bravado from the likes of Nikki etc trying to save humanity by bombing the “evil” Assad using Chemical weapons on his own people while their allies using it is immune to attacks as they kill not “humanity” but “evil” soldiers.

The world is ruled by kids nowadays …


HaHa massive assult – US wont do jack shit other than use their proxies. Russia will certainly respond if their own personnel are in danger

You can call me Al

mmm not sure about that, but I hope you are right.


Maybe a massive propaganda assault, not a military one. Still, zero fucks given in both cases. Now you may go wank yourself to death. Oh, and maybe you should consider contributing to the BBC or CNN forums, its the kind of stable animals of your kind prefer. Leave the rational arguing to gentlemen and intelligent beings.

Jens Holm

Who else have that dirty asphalt sulphur oildrilling if not russian. Fits perfect into who they are.

As long as Syria dont change it will be the same.

The best jokes are the many dry drilling holes. Those only are dry for the ones, which are low tech. Even little Denmark can take 4-5 times more from those socalled dry holes.

Ariel Cohen

Hows that right hand wanksalot?


He’s using his Left Hand atm for the copy paste procedure….

Jens Holm

He has very much realism in his words. You probatly still think Assad is commander of the Russian army.


That’s SIR Wanksalot to you!

Ariel Cohen


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He probably does !


“Wanksalot” or Wankslot?

Ariel Cohen

Maybe Wanks2much?

You can call me Al

You bottling it Yankerlord ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

WTF a band with a lead singer whose Iranian who would have thunk it!!

Brad Isherwood

Putin/Russia have the driver seat on Syria/Levant Offshore Nat gas ,
Big future leverage on Europa.
No one’s running pipelines across war zone Syria. …Putin can keep that Nat gas Off the market/non competitor.
Erdogan the madman can’t supply Europe Nat gas on volume as he is more a terminal/trans broker…
Turkstream pipeline gives Russia leverage.
For now….it’s more about keeping competitor nat gas Off the market.
Here….Putin is winning at far less investment vs the $$Billions Empire and puppets throw in to tumble Assad – take all his @t.
Putin sent Syria a few T 90 tanks,…some retired Russian T 62m+ bmp.
Syria’s mostly getting expired shelf military equipment from Russia.
For those cheering Syria on to victory, ….it’s white knuckle roller coaster ride as
Brave Syrian military get decimated vs the never ending merc/weapons game if Empire.
Iraq has disbanded some % of Shia PMU militias.
IRGC operations tempo in Syria at present is marked reduced.
So…just as Syria is turning the corner in the war,
US/SDF take East Euphrates, …
Iran disappears out the side door.


All figments of your imaginations LMAO….

On the contrary … Assad is well on they way to finish off the American’s proxies and proven to be so when they are soooooo vocal about defeat of their terrorists proxies and end game for them.

How the heck you come to the silly imagination is beyond most of us except kids on the blocks playing Xbox games.

The main force is Iran … i tell you. That giant is quiet has a reason . Russia contributes greatly through the air force and not supposed to be a force to be reckoned with on the ground except as an insurance against US attacks.

The real fighting force on the ground are Hez, Iranians, and SAA …. and they are winning .

As long as Russia stays the course of their contribution and Iran is there…. take it from me, Assad will never fall I had said in the beginning many years ago.
It is just a matter of time but tough times …

Brad Isherwood

OK. …you must also be another one of Whitenoise Webking graduates .

I stated that Putin is Winning**
You crap on me and cast implied wording with …Assad will never Fall*,..suggesting to the reader I’m implying that kind of defeat or outcome.

The jab about silly imagination and XBox game world is proof you think your superior and so …why not insult… to close the conversation.
The article suggests Iran has achieved it’s primary goals in the Syrian conflict

Syrian-government sources reported that the brigade deployed alongside Lebanese and Iraqi Hezbollah during fighting against Jabhat al-Nusra in Al-Eis. Iranian classifications put the size of brigades at about 6,000 to 7,000 troops. Thus, it is probable that about 100 to 200 Brigade 65 commandos have been deployed to Syria. During the fighting in south Aleppo the brigade lost number of its soldiers.

Hezbollah has reduced it’s force operations numeric in Syria.
Mostly after Western Qalamoun sector was reduced in Rat activity,….with Aleppo recovered and the Deconfliction Agreements implemented.

Other Shia Militias in Syria …which are like the PMU of Iraq,…are lower numeric now that Iraqi PMU militia activity has been reduced by Bugdud

So….IRGC,Hezbollah and whatever other Shia Militias exist in Syria are today 2018 less**
Forces in the field


Fact remains Assad is winning.

Allies’ forces reducing does not mean the power base is not there

Brad Isherwood

Putin better get it in gear or he will only have a patio deck overlooking the Mediterranean
This new Base in East Euphrates or US continue steal Omar Oil fields is unacceptable.
No more mumbo jumbo Syria Sovereignty from Lavrov.

Jens Holm

Well, I see Syria divided in 3, where You have zones for internal fightings.

I agree in, thats its too much mentioned that US and Kurds steel oil.

1) Assads hardly gave oil to anybody else then themselves.
2) And If US and Kurds(SDF) dont get the oil, someone else does. Here – as I recall it – 25% of the income will be for gazprom for many years. Its even a bad business, because they are very primitive in drilling.

northerntruthseeker .

I smell hasbara/jidf here.. Only those idiots would make such a statement


They already did 5 years ago. A translation from an Al-Manar article:


If the US supported terrorist attempt to cross the Euphrates, Russia should do as the US claims and light them up

Jens Holm

If those attacks are true, those soldiers has not crossed Eufrat. You can visit Bagdad from T2 without being seen.

Velva Goins

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Sorry,I did not realise that the ISIS supply route from Al Tanf was so hush hush. I hope no one else has read this. I always thought that the USA only exported ‘American Democratic Values ‘.


you idiot, betweemn isis and yanks are your ruskies and saa. look at map before you write here something.

Jens Holm

Yes, more like blocking against ISIS as done for years.

You can call me Al

It’s alright Florien, if the opposition is composed of “velociraptor” & “Wanklord”, to be honest I may shout it off the top of an office block – because if that is the best they have ….the only way I will be taken down is by laughing my arse off.


Borisraptor is their mentor I understand :)

Jens Holm

You might wish Yourself a pillow to Your next birthdayparty :)

Jens Holm

At least some see Tanf is blocked because its a supply route.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s the Hello Kitty version made by Colt (formerly Diemaco) they never really got rid of the Barbie designs from when it was Matel Inc was stamped on them.

The Canadian Army hated that name in the 80’s and referred to it as the gun that Barbie built and then changed to Diemaco , then after the take over of the US colt company, it’s just Colt today.



Jens Holm

Yes and FSA`a are friends to ISIS share Virginia cigarets and Bourbon.

They dig all those tunnels, because Allah might not see them.

Tudor Miron

From the same place as they always did and yes. you nailed it – USA.


From the US, through Israel, into Jordan and then Al Tanf. . .

Then there are the Israeli weapons that the Syrian army keep on capturing. . .

Jens Holm

Thats how it is in Your world. The first letter in Your alfabeth seemes like hiiden by Gamma.

Eskandar Black

ISIS cant attack anybody, But somebody is attacking pretending to be ISIS


Could be, ISIS was thought to have only 200 left in the desert pocket.
Very easy for FSA to change uniforms, and give the US coalition an “excuse” to be at Al Tanf.

Jens Holm

None know those numbers and if any are comming in from other areas.

hard to see FSA should change uniforms for that. More like we have less information then needed.

I would not estimate any numbers.


sure and the saa let them walk to isis pocket via their territory. you are soooo stupid in military questions.


This is open desert area.
So kiss my ass Solomon K. :)


how many times willl you put here this bullshit?


Depends which are you referring too.
The desert is open area or Solomon K can kiss my ass. :)


I read that Israel has 300 soldiers in Iraq in US uniforms. . .

How many in Syria?

Jens Holm

Hard to believe apart from they might be asked for as traineers. Many has. The Iraqian re-army started from kind of Ground Zero and parts now seemes ok.


i read, the earth is flat


Can you read this –

The same reported in about 5 – 6 other media sources.

Now. About Your Flat Earth.

PS. Note the site reporting it – Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan

Headquartered in Brussels, the capital of Europe, the Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan is an initiative of Jewish human rights activists

So. This is being reported by a Jewish group. . .


Stupid, stupid Nils. Always telling lies. No, that’s not what happened. A Jewish website is reporting that some Iraqi website made ridiculous claims and you desperately try to twist that around. What a moron.


Poor old eric the stalker. . . ;-)

Too thick to actually look into who the Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan is – Headquartered in Brussels, the capital of Europe, the Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan is an initiative of Jewish human rights activists

He keeps on backing zionists abuse of Palestinians, zionisms rejection of the 4th Geneva Convention and zionisms Apartheid in Palestine.


Moron. I saw where it was and who it is. They said that some Iraqi news site made the claim based on nonsense from an anonymous source. As for so called Palestine, how can there be apartheid in a fictional place? It is as real as the planet Vulcan.


you dont know? you are sooooo stupid. i help you. they digged in the are in desert, which you chaacterized as unimportant area :P


I stated truth that Syria did not have adequate force at the time, and you only talk about what you wish could be done.
BTW Will Putin win in landslide victory? :)


bullshit! after taking deir ez zor there were tens of thousand saa soldiers! but the sitty ruskie and saa high command is megalusers drunkens meeting.

Jens Holm

Thats the facts. Hard to find more ineffective warfare.

At least they dont write and are proud of having ground control anymore. After ISIS and others 12345 times has showed them, that underrground control is more important.

Jens Holm

Thats ignored. Slow learners are like that.



Jens Holm

What a joke. Jesus had 3 legs.

Jens Holm

You still have no idea about how big those areas are.

You can hide armies with depots there, if Ypu have them.

Furthermore those ISIS attacks – if true at all – are small. We see no big groups of them.A guess from me would be they attack weak points to get supply.

The refugee camp close to Al Tanf is same thing. SAA too the neutrat zone part with very limited troops. Therefore same very limited semi-FSA`s also can take it back.

Those FSA`s are not many and not in any importance, then descriebed in the article.

The standard advice for defeating ISIS or others in terrain like this are good and very mobile units patrolling again and again and find them being clever or lucky . and dont go into traps.

The other one is using good radars and drone and have airfields close to the ariers reacting fast by helicopters or airplanes.

The article to me is abóut no final victory between DEZ and Abu Kemal as well as Afrin and more to now are parts of Turkey as a kind of dirty Sevres 3(Hatay as nr 2)

jason sixx

Yupp especially since sf reported only 200-300 poorly equipped isis fighters left in that desert pocket. Then again, why wouldnt saa quickly get rid of such a small weakened force? Hard to believe anything these days. But that pocket has always been a danger, me and others have been worried about it for a long time. So typical saa


Russia should let loose some kalibr missiles ASAP


i see, you have tremor.

AresXtremE Nemesis

Damn USA terrorist and their terrorist friends

Alejandro Bonifacio

many axes! the gringos really want a war against the big Syria ally: Russia


and putin is only one, but big OX, that he did not find out this years ago.

Jens Holm

I dont see that.

Even You should name Assads as winners only ruinturisme can grow fast giving some income.

Promitheas Apollonious

well………….. let the games begin. It is getting rather tiring the way it goes, so lets get it over with.


Let the games yourself dude!
Why all of a sudden everybody talks about “Begin”?
Slowly but surely I’m becoming obsessed. Dammit! ;)


bloody gardist, you arrested within 4 days second ex vicepresibdent! bloody country!


Vladimir Putin decisively re-elected as Russian president – preliminary results
Congratulation to Vladimir Putin and to all Russian brothers. This is really a fantastic news.
I love the strategies of Vladimir Putin. He is a true genius president in the whole world. He is like a Massiah for the victims of US and Israel. The Russia all enemies will be so sad today.

Jens Holm

Thats no election.


He’s just trying to start an argument, he doesn’t actually believe that.


I hope that Putin will make good on his promise, with the terror raising it’s head and all …


Sick fucking US assholes, so Trump if war occurs on World Level will be your fault you piece of shit american cattle. I am so disgusted from them, they just can’t see a progress they just want to see the world in darkness and in burns…

Jens Holm

Very hard to see that “just”.

Fx the Islamic world has bound itself in religious believes of the world.

Muhammed economics are reduced to non Jewish. Production making the BNP was made as steeling, killling, rapig, taking slaves and importing viwes for free and for theit beauty and not brain.

Real education like ours seemes not to be important as well. We see those attitudes here all the time. Small muslim boys are in higher level then the isolated girls. And the boys stay stupid, because the majority of teachers and the personal in the kindergardens are women.

But we also see, that those in next generations has changed a lot. That never would have happend, where they came from.

We also have translated the Choran to our local language in a modern and a traditionel version. Now as a minimum the girls and vomen at home get their rights according to Islam. How can You You be a good muslim not ven able to read about it by some analfabethic Imam which is told by another man how it is.

Jim Prendergast

This is really no great difference for Syria. The SAA, their allies and the people of Syria will win.


To quote Laurence of Arabia; “The Arabs have no concept of a nation.”

Jens Holm

I agree. They are bound on hands and feet in religion as well as culture to Emirates having more or less mild Emirs and being non devellopment zones.

But I also will add it was madness to try to make big countries for own purpose by French and britts.


You’re referring to those Bedouins that you call Arabs… Bedouins are like Kurds.. Gypsies..
SAA are real Arabs just like the Yemenis..!


The remainder of this quote said something to the effect that one might identify as an Arab, a Syrian, an Allepan or so one down to the smallest villege and clan. There was no difference, no one was loyal to anything in particular.

Also the modern Kurds aren’t nomads.


Sick f***g US assholes, so Trump if war occurs on World Level will be your fault you piece of shit american cattle. I am so disgusted from them, they just can’t see a progress they just want to see the world in darkness and in burns.


You’d denounce the US government no matter what they did.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The US and its slave states, like my own UK, are a clear and present danger to world peace and security. They are invaders to Syria and will be dealt with as such. Are you prepared to have your butt toasted with nuclear weapons?


I’ll take that as a yes.

You ready to be drafted and fight with us?

Jens Holm

Its allowed and fine to look for better solutions then this.


What battle you’ll fight ? Under what cause ?

Jens Holm

If we really was enemies of Syria, it would not be there.

Jens Holm

Yes and supporting USA with CIA by Internet, computers and GPS.

Jens Holm

Hard to see. Syria and iraq already was in dark.

Michał Hunicz

I love so much that image, perfectly shows the true nature of the US and its allies.


blabla at el badadi russian air force will be ecrased the fsa from el tanf!!


Considering where you are located, I think you will almost certainly be one of the first to be erased…………….. and none to soon shit4brains.


complex of superiority occidental uhuh


The US is bringing two carrier groups closer to Syria for an attack. . .

That may mean two carrier groups as reefs in the near future.

Jens Holm

If true carriers also have close friends close to.


And the Russian subs are Very Quiet.

Then there are the Carrier destroying Missiles both Russia and China have developed.

True. It would be an interesting match up. But what is interesting is that Russia is far more capable than the US Sycophants give them credit for.

As the opposition loses, some of the neocons will definitely push for a 2003-style invasion by tens of thousands of US and Coalition troops, in hopes of displacing Russia from the country that way. The only counter to it would be for Russia to maintain parity by moving more of its own troops into Syria and expanding its own air and naval attacks against the militants, without caring whether US troops are hit.

Jens Holm

There is a land corridor by Abu Kamal.

The land corridor is just a bonus from the US losing the stupid war it started. Iran didn’t require that and didn’t start the war. In the end, the suckers are the Americans who wanted to overthrow Assad and failed.


Yes, the civilian demonstrations have increased and the first armed night attacks against US targets have already occurred in NE and E Syria. It’s just the beginning. The US terror sponsors are up for very tough times with significant losses within a year or two if they are stupid enough to stay in illegally Syria.

Langaniso Mhlobo

I wonder wither Russia will do anything.Maybe wait until all Russian soldiers are dead in Syria.Even if USA kills Russian soldiers Russia will deny and say it was contracted soldiers.


Russia seems to be waiting for that to happen.

Bill Smith

Or Putin could of been waiting for the election to make his move.

Jens Holm

Both do that to avoid escallation between them.

SAA are primitive organized, so russians has to be in the frontzone themselves to make progress. Its easier to be USA. The SDF`s -especially parts of them – are very well independent organized from the guerilla education able to act clever themselves in small groups. Here US as in Raqqa comes in only in small hard armed groups and leave, when the enemy defence is penetrated.

Hard to know what is what from Russia. It seemes to me they have both the goverment kind and volunteers. Could be most of the dead russians were private financed volunteers

You can call me Al

“Meanwhile, Kurdish activists reported that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are massing their forces on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. The sources added that the US-led coalition and the SDF may also launch an attack on SAA positions in Deir Ezzor governorate.” …….

How stupid are these Kurds, they are being used as a diversion, basically cannon fodder and they will get hammered so hard it will be unbelievable.

Forget Deir Ezzor – look elsewhere…that is where they will try and attack.

Jens Holm

Thats not kurds. How stupid are You Yourself.

So You say kurds can mingle with assads, turks, maliki and friends or an ayatollah or 2 ?

Stavros Hadjiyiannis

US-NATO may take the risk and attempt such an attack. Russia will respond immediately, since the loss of the Iraqi border will mean strategic defeat in the Middle East.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

With mercury in retrograde now, anyone who attempts to start a new front will most likely see it fall flat on its face, and yes I’m talking to you daesh and SDF :))))

Jens Holm

Thats no new fronts. More like escalating or the opposite. The DEZ thing seemes to be escalated.

ISIS is not gone at the DEZ – Abu Kamal and Tanf as well as T2(if true) are in the very low scale. My suggestion for T2 is that ISIS by surprice attack hope to get supply.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Why are u suggesting Isis what to do?


Jens Holm, you are a disgrace for Scandinavia giving terrorists advices. Are you Danish?


I wonder if US military personnel operating in the area realize that they are bait? Washington wants dead US Servicemen so it can sell another unpopular war to the American people.


US troops just follows orders otherwise the price for not following orders is death.


Surely you’re not implying that the US Armed Forces shoots deserters?

Jens Holm

Yes he does. Could be copy paste from his own, if he has one. seemes like even penguins write here.



Jens Holm

Thats not correct. The have a wide scale from almost nothing to death or jail forever.

Jens Holm

Haha. Syria is no war for US and friends. Hardly some hobby. ISIS is important.


On the one hand it would be foolish for the US or the Kurds to create a new enemy in Syrian government since at the moment the SAA is the best bet for stabilizing the western regions of Syria. On the other hand given recent events in that area it is clear that Assad doesn’t have any real control over the militias in that area. What will hopefully happen is that an internal reorganization will allow Assad to discipline his officers.

Jens Holm

Nice to read at least a few here and there are able to reflect as normal human beings. You are right. Sometimes its difficult to see if Assad is controlling anything here and there.

Bill Smith

US is about to get a bloody nose.


If terrorists makes large attacks out of US occupied areas it means they are supported by US. In such cases Russia should make it clear that they will defend themselves and Syria by eliminating the staging area, meaning the US occupied territory. Russia have all rights to do this since US is illegally in Syria, in violation of international law.
Russia should use massive cruise missile attacks which US has no means to defend against in Syria. It’s time for Russia and the civilized world to draw a line in the sand.


If terrorists indeed make large attacks out of US occupied areas it means they are supported by US. In such cases Russia should make it clear that they will defend themselves and Syria by counterattack the staging area, meaning the US occupied territory. Russia have all rights to do this since US is illegally in Syria in violation of international law.

In such a case Russia could eliminate the threat by using massive cruise missile attacks, which US have no means to defend against in Syria. It’s time for Russia and the civilized world to draw a line in the sand.

Jens Holm

Very funny.


Not at all, it’s very serious. The game have changed as from this month. Something you and other terror sponsors will learn the hard way.


I agree, this is what tactical missiles are made for.


What Kurdish activists report the SDF will attack the SAA in Deir ez-Zor? That’s absurd. Sounds like a lame excuse of the Basharists for their failure to defend their country in Afrin and denigrate Kurds. Shameful and of little intelligence.


Just another diversion for omar field.