© AP Photo/ French Army
On Tuesday, the US-led coalition once again bombed Syrian government forces in the area of al-Tanf in southern Syria near the border with Iraq.
According to the US-led coalition statement, warplanes targeted a group of over 60 soldiers with battle tanks, technical vehicles and artillery pieces “posing a threat to Coalition and partner forces based at the At Tanf Garrison”.
The coalition airstrikes reportedly destroyed two artillery pieces, an anti-aircraft weapon and damaged a battle tank.
Map of military situation in southern Syria:
Why don’t they retaliate with AA missiles supplied by Russia.
They have them in strategic areas like large cities and some military installations, they’re not going to risk advanced Russian weapons on a desert front line.
Not for now at least.
Definitely I would NOT WANT YOU as GENERAL. This is the worst thinking you can provided as a chief and army leader. This is cheap shut – ” I would not risk advanced Russian weapons on a desert front line”. First, you you don’t want use advanced weapons, then why even bother to buy it. Second, does not matter is if is city or desert, you protecting your country and soldiers and the cost should not matter. For you most likely $ sign is more important than country and soldiers
Why Pro-Assad forces are willing to die for a so-called: “tyrannic dictator” who cares more about the overall military strategy to win the war against well-supported invaders and terrorist by using carefully their few and limited resources, even when this means war casualties. Assad could, instead, waste all the means the state could not afford, so the government will be defeated in the long run. I bet this exactly what his supporters expect from him.
do you have a brain joe.
action -> reaction
it’s a bait,
as in, hit us once, and we will hit you back with everything we got.
there is only 1 option left for the US to secure Syria for themselfs and that would be a full scale invasion like in iraq, but first they would need a descent justification to have the public on their side so what do they do?? spread fear and terror among their own people. commit false flags, provoke other countries like the military build up on the eastern border of europe. war on terror was a fucking joke, more like we bring you terror. they really did a good job in libya did they, everything went according plans,
destroy the libyan army, provide US proxies with shit loads of weapons, take over the country, kick out italian oil company’s out of the country and raise the american flag instead. they made,libya a HUB for smugglers to transfer refugees to south europe.
one day you will see the light…
Because then they will be slapped into oblivion.
doubt that
The US have launched cruise missiles and bombed SAA and allies a few times already. Don’t test them too much if you want to see Syria mostly under SAA control some day.
Big war is coming anyway, so it’s better sooner while i’m still young :)
Nah us wont dare, putin just needs to call their bluff once and make a ‘hey chill the fuck out ‘ gesture to them
Syria can not confront the United States. Just as it can not confront Israel.
You have to choose your battles. And in this battle Syria has no chance of winning.
Correct, no change when you have protector who is afraid to act. One good action by Russian Air Defence System will end this harassments, but does not looks like Russia is up to the job
That’s why Montenegro, went with NATO, even the Montenegrin culture is very close with Russia.
This is not accurate. Russia also has to choose its battles.
Interception of one American aircraft could motivate the United States to bomb the SAA all over Syria. Risk not worth taking.
I will not agree on that. Just example, look N.K, americans backing off. Do you think if Russia will not react and please americans, they will stop? Definitely NOT. Lessen should be learn and taken from history.
I can tell you right now, if Russia for once took decisive action and use the Air Defence System against americans or provide the system to Syria and train Syrians how to use it. This will stop and legally there will not be any reason for americans to strike Syria or Russia
They are cowards period.. Assad, Iran, Russia and Hezbullah are good for nothing nor do they get respect from the Americans or even considered in that matter and you may ask why because they will lay down and take it rather then making their voices heard. Just like at Nusra and FSA they have fully the US respect.. Respect is not taken for granted but deserved…
Thats the bottom line truth….. especially when you don’t have a spine or something to stand for but marely just a puppet then your bound to be overlooked and ignored
U$ and its proxy terrorists will fail. Other scenarios will play out.
Yes Syria could confront Israhell and it would win but right now they are already in a crisis.
You are not going to war with wishful Thinking.
So why are they moving towards Jordan?
I think it’s an Iranian move to test the determination of the Americans.
That’s why there are Shiite militants in these convoies.
The US always claims to be fighting ISIS, and then fights the SAA. Disgusting to see. This comes at a time when ISIS is gaining in Dier-ez-Zor, and a fight is brewing in Qatar. All this happening closely with many attacks in Europe.
This world will never know the word peace again.
As long as America is exiting on the map there will be no peace
ISIS gaining Deir-Ezzor is good news for Ze-Americans so that will give them the green light to take Deir-Ezzor for themselves and they want DZ… Really badly due to Oil and gas
Yep, ISIS will give the americans access to SYria Oil and Gas and americans will give ISIS free passage to Jordan and Saudi Arabia
No.. There is no working between them as you hinted but rather it’s in the interest of the US that ISIS actully gains DZ so that it will be even easier for them to come and claim these assets.
Make no mistake the US don’t respect Assad or his ragtag allies the least nor do they even consider their mare existens and they have said it time and again that they don’t recognize Assad and they damn sure know that Assad won’t be a hindrance also because his scared as hell so is his allies.
I swear if Israel decided to march towards damascus tomorrow he will let them thru to take him out that is how much of a coward Assad truly is.
Why would you expect the Americans to respect anyone who don’t respect himself
There is deeper agenda behind close doors. America going Plan B, which is divided SYria into zones and right now looks like america will have 2 zones in syria: SDF area and South, Turkey will have North and Russia will have to rest
No it’s not about dividing syria… The Americans want the resources in Raqqah and Deir Ezzor period. The answer to this question is rather simple. Resources. They want to divide due to resources but there is no other agenda to it
What resources? Syrian crude is very low grade heavy sour garbage that sold for dirt cheap since 50% of it is waste asphalt.
Sounds very reasonable.
Yes, but that also depends on what syrians people decide about their country. If they want to recover their country they will have to fight against USA-(moderade terrorists), Kurds, and Turkies, and this will be impossible without Russia-Iran_Hezbolah help. Now, Russia does not want a direct confrontation with USA-OTAN-Israel ¿ right ?. If Kurds would be more intelligents, they would joint Syria army and would accept part of Syria land (just like Texas is part of USA). That would bring back Syria a strong country and could send Turkey back home, and the moderated (terrorists) to negotiation, However, right now kurds have put the whole body in garbage (USA), and I doubt they will be able to come out of this garbage.
Right. Kurds will loose their ass because the US are within the NATO so as the Turks. One day the US will betray the Kurds. That is sure. Negotiations with moderated terrorists? A terrorist is a terrorist.
If the US wants the Al Tanf crossing, it will have to fight both Syria and Iraq over that. . .
Ridiculous, Mountains. You have no clue.
Molehill is a troll, and his job is to poison this forum. It’s a waste of time to engage him.
Russia has no credibility left anymore; otherwise USA wouldn’t dare to bomb Syrian army positions. They have tested the water multiple times and now they know they can do whatever they want in Syria and Russia will sit quite. Russia has not even realize that the area protected by americans in Southern SYria is the escape route from Dier Ezzor for ISIS to Jordan and Saudi Arabia and that why americans don’t want SAA have control
No cred? Tell that to the Syrians.
I understand your anger. But there is no chance that Russia will fight the US because of a convoy of Shiite militias that are checking how close to al-Tanf they can get.
This is not about convoy of Shiite militias. If you look history, wars are started this way. Let’s go back to WW2. ENgland and France the main power failed stand up to Hitler. What they did, was giving up to his demands and Hitler ask for more and more and WW2 started anyway. This will happen again if agressor is not stop at the gates
They tried it in the past and the result was the same. Why repeat the same mistake?
In particularly when there are no less important things to do, like the rescue of Deir-Ezzor.
Well, they did, which you are right, they should not, but they have full rights for the land. I think the main reasons, why SAA continue, because they sense that SYria will be divided into zones, which also is my prediction and this is part of RUssia fold and that’s why they trying at least have access to IRAQ
You don’t get the big picture Joe. The US wants war with Russia. Russia is trying to prevent it for the sake your ass and everyone else on this planet.
I know that americans wants a war, but they will change their minds very quickly, when they will get blue eye. This is given
Maybe, Trump should invite Putin for chocolate cake?
There is no deconflicition zone for US. This is illegal war.
Syria has alwasy had the right to attack, capture or kill every fighter illegally on Syrian territory.
The US now only has a Mercenary force of Illegal Combatants in and over Syria as they are there illegally.
What I don’t get is why the US soldiers are P1ssing all over their oath of joining the US Military by refusing to disobey the illegal orders to enter Syria illegally.
to the syrians: pls don’t start killing NATO soldiers, these jews are trying to make you do that so that the US has a pretext to bomb you.
muslim brotherhood are fighting jews, not the west
how? putting sharia governments in secular arab countries, which incidentally are those not liked by Israel?
Err, seriously no. The CIA identified the Muslim Brotherhood as key ally against secular national Arab states beginning way back in 1950’s Egypt. Starting, when secular and Soviet leaning, Egyptian leader and pan Arabist Nasser decided to nationalize the control of the Suez Canal against the US-UK axis. In the subsequent fallout from the whole Suez ‘international crisis’ the CIA essentially saved the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leadership from Nasser’s wrath in Egypt.
Skipping ahead many decades – throughout the 2000’s Syria had a serious cyclical agricultural drought. The CIA wrote a report circa 2009, about how the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood could benefit from these drought conditions, to form coalitions with disgruntled rural conservative Sunni’s, who were struggling in small farm agriculture, and were coming off small farming due to drought failure.
The CIA specifically identified the potential for an alliance of disgruntled rural conservative Sunni’s and the anti-secular Muslim Brotherhood as an anti Baathist Islamist movement.
In short – the Muslim Brotherhood have always been about fighting secular nation state based Arab republics.
Please remove your head from your rectal cavity John. Jews doing all the bad in the World? A sophomoric statement from a simpleton!
If the Jews are so influential that they can get NATO and especially the US to do their bidding, why have NATO countries constantly voted for sanctions and restrictions against Israel in the UN and their home governments?
Barack Obama spent $150 Million in US Taxpayers money to steal the last Israeli election (a felony by US law), and the Leftists are all crying about Russian influence in the last election. Hahaha!
Put down the crack pipe dude!
Kieth your too stupid for an actual remark.
I said the jews who commented here, you fucking idiot.
About those sanctions: Just how much “aid” has the US and it’s allies given Israel?
Follow the money: Who controls the money supply of the US? Who does the government have to go to in order to get funding for the wars? Do those people have anything that would cause them to favor wars that benefit Israel?
How many national elected officials of the US have dual nationality? How many of those have Israeli as their other nationality?
Who runs the media in the US?
Who has benefitted the most from US invasions, both overt and covert, that have destabilised the entire region except for Israel?
Who got the $150M? Was it Russians? Germans? No, it was Israelis. Did it work? No. Does that seem like a money laundering operation?
Please, start killing NATO soldiers on Syrian territory. Otherwise they will keep on drawing “de-confliction zones” across your territory and bomb you afterwards.
Escalation is the only way by which the US, Israel and ragheads can hope to meet their objective to remove Assad.
The problem with that is that it will lead straight to nuclear war, and be assured, neither Israel, Ukraine, Saudia, Poland or the rest of the kleptocratic league will survive it.
Is this strike on the same Shiite militia again ?
Are they a loose cannon ? Nobody needs this mess.
“loose cannon”? I see their brothers sweeping south through the Iraq side of the Syria / Iraq border. If they have Russian advisers I can see a cauldron (caldron) ie large metal pot (kettle) for cooking and/or boiling from Al-Bukamal /Al-Qaim past Al-Tanf to the Jordanian border after Deir Ezzor or maybe before. Of course pushing ISIS west across the 2 US training area for Daesh would describe Sun Tu’s attacking where your enemy is not……
PMU may be strong in numbers but not in combat power.
Still waiting for Iraqi 7th armored div to make a move on Al Qaim from Haditha dam to secure west Anbar province.
It’s the same batch of nitwits who figured it was safer to threaten the US/NFSA opposed to taking on ISIS south of Palmyra.
American are not even invaded by legitimate SYrian government to Syria. This clearly attacking country without declaring war. This is the same what the Japanese did in WW2 in Pearl Harbor
Not sure why we have “de-confliction” zones.
The only legitimate force in ALL of Syria is the SAA/Syrian government.
All other forces not invited by the syrian government are there illegally….
Besides that, YOUR BROS in quatar just got fucked, and its all over…
Actually americans refused to participate with the “de-confliction” zones or even sign
the americans declared their own “deconfliction” zone, against all international laws and without any trace of UN mandate.
Al masnar news told that SAA are attacking US backed forces in south Siria.
Wtf where are the s300 , dvinas, pantsirs?? Call their bluff just once and use them, see how they will then stop doing this shit!!! Guaranteed! Ooooor … you know, SAA russia and iran can keep being pussies and getting rammed by US jets and forget about tanf, abu kamal, and the entire iraqi side of the border. ITS YOUR FUKKIN LAND and you cant tread on it?!!? WTF
One good action by Russian Air Defence System and this will stop. This is the same when you have macho guy and give him blue eye once and he will stop bullying you
Assad need to get High Tech Air Defence System and be independent from Russia, as we can see over and over Russia is not dependable and afraid of america
True!!! Bravo
Dont even need SAMs just a couple of the latest strela/ igla/verba manpads. Literally a couple supplied by russia in the hands of trained specialists can harass and even down a US jet/heli or 2 ….
But the question is: Has Assad requested and Russia provided?
I dont know but i dont think so but just a cpl of verbas would scare them to death!!
Question is: Did the SAA Shiite militia try to provoke this action or not.
Where exactly did the strike take place ?
I’d like to know like you. Give it a day and then check twitter, there will be people with more details and even possibly geolocated.
I think it’s an Iranian move. The Iranians are testing the American’s limits .
Nah. It’s just dumb Shi’ite militias that can’t follow orders from Damascus.
Watch your mouth you imbecile. You dare to defend the Americans here?
SAA has the right to attack to their enemies (mercenaries) anywhere and whenerver it wants. Syria is its country !
Who cares where it is in Syria. The SAA has the right to travel to every inch of Syria.
The US is there illegally and it’s troops are now no more that Illegal Paid Merenaries.
One can only hope that Syrian sovereignty is preserved. . . Otherwise the rule of law internationally has gone and the world will need to fight and vanquish the US to bring it back into being.
Lets face it, the US coalition are running out of options. Soon their southern desert strong holds will be surrounded, and pressure will mount for them to withdraw. Russia are playing the long game.
Russia playing game, that will not be able reversed and this is 3 different zones in Syria
Indeed! U$ and its terrorist allies will fail in Syria as they failed in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq.
ISIS handlers are now clearly drawing their red line. They might not get Syria as a whole, but will take the parts that serves their interests. Gas transit routes, oil etc. Interesting to see Qatar being thrown under the bus after Trump’s visit with the ISIS kings in Arabia. Something nasty brewing there.
I just don’t understand why some retarded people keep repeating this narrative while it’s far from the truth. The American foreign policy is clear for everybody to see. They want ISIS completely deleted. They are Allies with Saudi arabia and other secular arab states plus SDF and FSA
Slow down on the compliments. Your opinion is just that, your opinion. ISIS is a US tool and like all US allies completely dispensable. They will dissappear when US interests have been met… more like western banker’s interests.
Well-said! U$ is a ISIS tool!
Maybe you are ignoring completely CIA-Pentagon-McChain-Israel declarations since more than 3 years ago about how they have been helping to for ISIS and other terrorists groups. I means, The facts about USA-NATO-Israel creation of ISIS and axesas come from themselves.
The Saudis and Qatar haven’t liked each other for decades. It’s common knowledge that the Saudis won’t allow any pipelines out of Qatar to cross their territory.
The Question the Assad supporters should ask themselves is what have you been fighting for and what cause? Because he will lose the true prize to the Americans anyways and his not willing to fight them for it.. Syria divided while the Americans will be sucking the oil pipes in the near future? So the big questions is for Assad supporters what have you been fighting for and the same question goes out to his supporters and allies for what have you been wasting your manpower and economy on a losing battle from the get go..
Talk about wasting time, manpower and massive economy for no damn reason and trying to safe a coward is not willing to defend his people nor the countries assets and wealth.
Assad has to go down as one of the worst leader figures in history
Actually, Assad is one of the better leaders, maybe not the perfect and the main reasons and question: How many leaders in the world will stay in the country with his people and fight. I can tell you right now, many leares will left their own country and run away the first day and many assets they could carry. Many of such leaders we already know.
Assad is the definition of a coward. Look Israel have been bombing freely just to draw aggressions from him in order to fight him.. they striked to force provocations and he even surprised them in his cowardice ways nothing came from the man.
The Americans basically run the country and people should ask them from now on regarding the situations in that land. They don’t even have many forces there and they damn sure know that Assad is coward so they strike as they please and take as they please…
No leader is that worse period.
Well, what I see is Assad neglect his military. The SAA military hardware is very old and inventory was very poor trained and that’s why Syria was over run so easy and the whole country is destroyed.
Actually when this war started the police did not carry guns and the armed forces were not allowed to carry weapons off there bases. That is why the country got over run so easily.
Yes, I know that. The police got orders not to provoke, but when ISIS and FSA came into syria. Syria was over run within days with ISIS who has only pickup trucks and good weapons
Perhaps, you should take a look at work of American journalist Seymour Hersh. Who documented the CIA’s mass transit of weapons supplies, purchased by Qatar, initially into Libya in 2011. These weapons were supplied to Islamist militants fighting the Gaddaffi state forces, and subsequently much of that weaponry, and large quantities of stocks looted from Libyan military arsenals, were rerouted by CIA into Syria via Turkey in 2012.
But those weapons didn’t just arrive in Turkish ports alone – Libyan, Moroccan and Tunisian Islamist militants arrived with them. These militants were financed and pay-rolled by Saudi’s, who also financed the establishment of militant training camps in southern Turkey.
Saudi intermediaries set about further purchases of ever more weapons from
Croatia throughout 2012. Flown into Turkey and flooded into Syria for the militants – all done with raft of Turkish state agency’s assistance. This has all been documented by Hersh, and the issue of Croatian hardware supplies has even been referred to in Croatian parliament – and it is why have repeatedly seen uniquely ex-Yugoslav weapons like M79-OSA rocket launcher in militants hands in Syria.
The CIA and Saudi’s then settled on long term military hardware contracts from
Bulgaria that continue right now – it takes vast amounts of munitions to fight a state government army for seven years on multiple fronts. Those purchases have made armaments the most profitable business in Bulgaria in last years – state arsenals profits are up 400%, as they have stated themselves.
If you think some militants just arrived and overran Syria in days, then you have no idea of the sheer scale, planning, cooperation and multi-state agencies from NATO and GCC that were lined up to launch the militant based proxy war on Syria.
He should just show some spine. Even tho he had Hezbullah and Iran support he actully lost war back in 2015 then Russia came to his rescue but militarily he lost to the Rebels if you remove Russia and if they didn’t came.
We are witnessing a great deal of incompetence in this war. A leader, large armies and allies unwilling to take back their resources and assets.
BIG time incompetence…
But the biggest of them all has to be that the Americans are all of sudden the commmand in cheif of Syria and has already secured Raqqah and it’s resources while Deir-ezzor just looks like a formality within months away from them
Yes, the army was not prepare nor have idea what to do, except retreat.
This happen when you try save a buck today, but will cost you a lot more later
What rubbish. Israel has a specific target in Syria – IAF strike the Hezbollah storage depots around Damascus airport. These are generally targeted with stand off air to ground missiles fired from well within Lebanese airspace. Syria actually quite recently responded to IAF presence over Syria proper with SAM’s and Israel was forced to use an anti missile battery to down one – the intercepted carcass landed in Jordan and was well publicized.
The Syrian leadership is hardly foolish enough to fall for the Pentagon’s use of USAF to bait for a response – as pretext to then launch punitive strikes against SAA or to further ramp up their Special Forces presence on Syrian territory.
on the other side, the oeple are bigger cowards. they do not want fight for country,. for such people i wold not give any rights. no ote, not be elected, no manager, leader position. and have no right to ask anything!!!!
unfortunately, he is totally incompetent leader :(
and also hotler did not left germany. so, this 1 thing will not give him glory.
I am just glad that “Mountains” is not leading Syria … the war would be long lost!
A Random preporatory note to readers.
As most of you know by now, there has been numerous occassions where coalition forces have conducted strikes upon syrian forces. Without going into too much detail I will just note a few things to remember.
These strikes are pre-emptive and calculated. Just like in chess, once a move is created, a reaction is about to take place. Whether the reaction is absoption or active defense depends entirely on the minds and ability of the military apparatus and the Objective(s) focused on at the time. In modern warfare, these things can change via countless variables.
Active defense, equates to more aggressive, defensive moves in order to circumvent further attacks from completing their certain objective (Coalition Aerial Attks). Absorbtion, you absorb the attack you have taken and a find internal balance using the data acquired and battlefield knowledge in order to build and refine a defensive counter and evasion strategy. With this taken into consideration, if the capacity is there to strike after absorbtion that can be done.
So you can all see each strike that SAA have taken in regards to aerial attacks from Coalition forces have been calculated in HQ, to cabins, to tents and even underground then onto the pilots.
These strikes have the objectives of deterrence in accounts. “The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.”
Deter the forces and re-route them. Force them to sit and make up their minds. Force them to Re-map, Re-configure. Re-think. De-moralize, Detain etc
IF the objective of these strikes was annihilation, you would not see these sporadic strikes. You would have extremely damaging reports on another level to any you have seen to date. All sides knows this. All factions knows this. We have seen the gears that they can turn up and where others fall behind, and eventually fail. We have only had a glimpse of the gears that can be used by Russia and Coalition.
But for Syria, its their land which they are being displaced from. In order for a force like SAA and pro Assad to Absorb strikes like this with specific objectives to deter and shame, and then actively keep advancing toward their main objective, is somewhat Heroic for lack of a better term. Taking into account literal military apparatus, advanced weapon formation, Air, Land and Sea + training. From what I see in the “Very modern world of things”, Syria has 0 of such.
So for SAA to plan out re adjustments in short amounts of time, all at the same time as learning. Bobbing, Weaving. I think people forget there is no nation on earth that knows how a battle will play out and one must adapt.
So the question naturally arises, why not use AA complexes where you expect these Aerial strikes to take place. Well, its not that easy, lets say if you destoyed 1 Aircraft of the Coalition. The reaction is something no one wants to face, thats the truth. Your now looking into a bottompless pit of endless possibilities. A black hole. Thats the the terrible truth of the minds behind the Coalition forces. They do have the cards that deal damage, they do not think like you or I. They have such a destructive nature that it is part of their own personified qualities. So if they did lose an Aircraft carrying out one of these strikes, there is massive potential for extreme reaction, to the extent not just hundreds die but thousands or hundreds of thousands can die, within seconds, minutes or days etc. In more simple terms, the Coalition could react as a full frontal attack and lay out all the plans annihilation in further strikes. There are so many other aspects and components to just this part of the process but much can be found here and online already.
If the SAA are able to use AA Complexes professionally enough in order to succesfully defend from these types fo strikes, because each consecutive strike is evidence that they are not responding with AA to counter this. So at the moment it seems Absorbtion is the strat employed in these situations in order to fulfill the Main! Objective, and that is take land mass back!
Advance further and further and gain momentum on land by foot! I am extremely impressed by the SAA boots on the ground and the Pilots! This needs robust mental strength and focus and above all unity. To overcome demoralization and actual terror is a feat not many city dwellers will ever feel, its something the nation and soldiers will feel after tyrannical abuse and violence in all manners and means. But yet they live on, and remain steadfast to their mission.
Again I will mention this is a random note and there are vast components and detailed info which can be found online. Jus my 2 cent :)
Thankyou kindly for reading
The question is: Where is Russia’s reply?
Russia has most likely taken the stance of Absorbtion to an extent. We have seen this when their aircraft was downed by Turkeys belligerence. Russian Absorbtion was different of course as they took it into economic and geo-political retaliation. Russian AA complexes gave rise to a russian no fly zone, though limited, it was a glimpse of the gears that can be employed.
My personal opinion is Russian Adivisors have given similar advice to their Syrian counter parts, and agreed if you havent yet been annihilated yet, then keep pushing forward, take the land back. Then when the Borders are under control>? to an extent then we can employ such complexes. But there is a huge But here, and that is its all timing, these guys on foot are pretty much running or getting lifts to the right places, if the statistics are right it actually shows they need to hurry up even more now than ever :)
Your question is the question that must be done exactly to Russia ferderetion. However, remember that Russia already declared that USA-NATO(Turkey)-Israel can do whatever they want in Syria since Russia does not want a direct confrontation with them (for different reasons).
then should not went there
Why should they not ? Syrian war is the best weapon exposhow they can get !
in gulag with all
clap clap clap, marvelous.
it’s great seeing such an alliance, between zionists, jihadists, yankees, and anticommunists who are stuck in 1948.
And the good news is that the more they talk and do things, the more evident is what is the only thing that links them – Russophobia.
But remember one thing: when zionists take over, you can’t convert to judaism, at some point the whoring has to stop.
russia is really nobody in the international politics
if russia is nobody your country is certainly even less.
but it can always compensate by being the bitch of the US, which are the bitch of Israel. Lots of patriots like you these days anyway.
my country sure. i am not idiot like you, who compares the length of his cock to others. but russia is nothing. no country listen to him.
and the amazing feat you’re pulling is that you are interested in Russia not being listened, instead of your own country being listened even less.
At that rate, you better get used to circumsized cocks.
This American bombing of SAA is utterly despicable, deplorable. The US really do have it coming to them. When they eventually weaken, like all Supers Powers thruought history have weakened, they will have a multitude of enemies at their gates. More enemies then the arrogant Roman Empire had in its dying days.
At some point you have to bomb the heck out of al Tanf. Period.
The Iraqi PMU’s , stated yesterday , that their objective was to clear ISIS (etc.) along the border up to al Waleed , the Iraqi side of al Tanf . SAA needs to take T3 and have near by air support .
Deir Ezzor is waiting .
Wait a minute, Russia already declared since the first Israel and USA bombing on Syria land that Russia will not do anything to make a direct confrontation with USA, Israel or Turkey (for different reasons). So, they can do whatever they want inside Syria without to worry about S-300 or S-400 or Kirbl missiles.
Russia went into Syria to secure it from a jihadist take over. I say job well done.
Some want to see a major escalation in the conflict over the advance on Al Tanf.
This would be very stupid. I doubt that RU/Syrian HQ agree to this advance by a Shiite ground commander to provoke a conflict with coalition forces.
This distracts from the relief of Deir Ezzoz for sure.
shut up. ameican whore!
Well said. These are the whores actully pretending to support this guy.. What a shameful group of people. Dude has technically lost the war this way and he can’t shit about because his to coward
Border crossing in general, and Tanf in particular, are strategic locations. US knows that if the Syrina and Iraqi forces meet on the border, and make a defensive union the game is over. Jordan will be cut off as a staging post and a supply base. That is why US is prepared to engage in illegal and essentially cowardly bully actions over the border crossing. But in the end they do not have a leg to stand on, this is just military posturing that is no way related to real politic on the ground. US can delay the inevitable but they cannot stop it – they are just trying to save face in the face of impending defeat. Responding to this provocation militarily would be a mistake. US is playing the law of the jungle but the only right thing is to insist your legal right to be there and ask them to leave. They will leave in due course, because they have no right to be there. None whatsoever.
LOL! I guess those idiot Shi’ite fighters hauled ass to the rear when the coalition jets showed up. Maybe the NFSA will use the fools for target practice if they return with recovery vehicles.
So u are a Sunni takfiri Wahhabi rat scum isis supporter now eh?
Macron est une putain de poupée…
According to Syrian/Russian/Iranian de-escalation zones the area al-Tanf does not come under the agreed zone and is held by ISIS. US imposed that zone without Syrian permission. Syria will take it and they will confront the gutless US coalition. The excuse used by the US can also apply to Syria and they may decide to attack US forces on Syrian border of Iraq and Jordan.
the syrian government long time underestimated the border problems. this time they have no chance to do anything with an tanf. this train went away for long, long time. the american step was predictable and the tactics used is thesame. send some american soldiers, who are expendable. if government kill only 1, then come the whole us army. and saa has no chance to make 2nd vietnam for america.
what now?
already in primary school i learned, the shortest way between 2 point is the straight line. put a line between palmyra and al bukamal. this should be the vector of rough syrian attack. 10 000 soldiers, take T3, T2 (maybe also airborn), some hilltops and take bukamal. this move cuts all american plans. from bukamal can easily attack in direction north 5-6 000 soldiers. this blitz attack can be realised within several days, becouse of little presence of enemy.
in war are 2 thing highly important
1st) predict the movement of enemy. SAA and red army officers pissed on infos, did shit to avoid the enemy activities. all time and everywhere. so, mark F, degradation, gulag for all of them.
2nd) to make unawaited actions. and this would be a big surprise. russians surprised americans, when sent 100 planes in syria. unfortunately, they were enough stupid to no use the benefits. russian must learn 1 thing. if somebeody want be a whore, can not stay virgin. clever people understood, what i want to say ;)
let´s go to al bukamal!
“if somebeody want be a whore can not stay virgin”
This is where you are mistaken.
SAA badly need air cover. Why don’t Russian planes patrol the skies of deconfliction zones? Turkish planes?
It’s official..
Listen to this.. ”WELL ethablished De-confliction zone” The Question is when did they sign any agreements?
The funnier part is that his been told clearly and loudly don’t cross the LINE
Assad will never be able to walk into Raqqah, Deir-Ezzor and that desert border and some of the eastern cities. That land has been officially taken over