US Keeps Whining About Sino-Russian Ties While Antagonizing Both Simultaneously

US Keeps Whining About Sino-Russian Ties While Antagonizing Both Simultaneously

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

We all know that realpolitik (or just common sense) is most certainly not a feature of the American foreign policy framework. However, it never fails to leave the world dumbfounded as to just how delusional and out of touch are the warmongers, war criminals and plutocrats in Washington DC. Namely, the United States keeps accusing Russia and China of close ties while continuously and repeatedly attacking both superpowers. NATO aggression in Europe effectively pushed the “old continent” to the edge of thermonuclear war (one that would almost instantly also turn into a global confrontation). Russia’s warnings kept falling on deaf ears until President Vladimir Putin was forced to essentially codify them into Moscow’s nuclear doctrine.

Concurrently, the US military is installing previously banned medium and intermediate-range missiles in both Europe and Asia-Pacific, pointing them precisely at Russia and China. The latter’s repeated attempts to defuse tensions are regularly met with outright hostility in Washington DC, which even sent its top-ranking officials to Beijing to threaten the Asian giant. Such insolence and complete lack of even basic diplomatic etiquette shows that there can be no negotiations or agreements with entities such as the US. And yet, China keeps trying, because it doesn’t want war. As by far the largest production economy in human history, the Middle Kingdom is interested solely in keeping maritime trade routes safe and open for its shipping.

And yet, the US and its vassals and satellite states in the area keep pressuring Beijing by jeopardizing these sea lanes which are the lifeline of China’s heavily export-oriented economy. They’re critical not just for the Asian giant (most commodities necessary for the functioning of the country go precisely through these sea routes), but also for the world, as Beijing is the top trading partner for at least 120 countries, with a trade surplus of nearly one trillion dollars. Washington DC is extremely frustrated by this, so it does everything in its power to damage China’s economic dominance. As America and the European Union are slowly cutting themselves off from the Asian giant’s market, China is doing what any remotely sane country would do – seek other partners.

The most obvious choice is Russia, Beijing’s gigantic northern neighbor with virtually endless resources, a very powerful and extremely robust economy that keeps growing and producing very real commodities that China needs, and willing to work together with Beijing in any field. Their trade exchange now stands at a staggering quarter of a trillion and keeps growing. Moscow is also a critical security partner that provides an indispensable balance of global military power, including in the Asia-Pacific, where Russian submarines (particularly the nuclear-powered ones) act as a strategic deterrent that also keeps the US and its vassals and satellite states in check. So, instead of trying its best to separate them, America is doing the complete opposite.

However, to make matters even more ludicrous, Washington DC constantly keeps whining that Russia and China are “too close” for its liking. In addition, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell says that “China is a threat more severe than the Cold War”. It was labeled as “the most consequential challenge to the US” and that “the US seeks competition with Beijing, but does not seek a conflict or a new Cold War”. In other words, “we want war, but not really” or perhaps it’s “we want war, but only for China to suffer its consequences, while we take everything with impunity”. Once again, we see geopolitical schizophrenia at work in Washington DC. Anyone forced to deal with such lunatics should be commended for preserving global peace (and their own sanity).

Campbell insists that “the US had been slow to recognize the absolute intensity of engagement between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin” and that he’s “worried about China’s support for Russia’s defense industry”, a decision that allegedly “comes from the very top”, according to his claims. Campbell lamented about drones and unmanned technologies in general, saying that “we see the role of UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] and other capacities that are penetrating the Ukrainian airspace”, insisting that “much of that has been supported surreptitiously by China” and that this “raises serious concerns”. Obviously, the US and NATO nearly causing thermonuclear war is “far less concerning” than Beijing selling FPV drones.

Campbell also claims that “chips, some design features and some capacities associated with the making of explosives have substantially aided Russian capabilities on the battlefield”, while in exchange for China’s alleged help, Russia is supposedly “providing advanced missile and submarine technologies”. Michael McCaul, the chairman of the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee, infamous for calling on Americans to go to war against China for the sake of semiconductors, says that Moscow is supposedly “aiding Beijing with submarine operations, activities of aeronautical design, including stealth; that also involves capacities on missile capabilities”. No proof was ever provided for this, but the US still imposed sanctions on China.

According to various sources and reports, the troubled Biden administration has imposed more than 300 sanctions and export controls on Chinese entities (including private and state companies) for their alleged “support of Russia” in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. Campbell himself said that “[the US] has taken a lot of sanctions against Chinese firms”, but lamented that “the challenge is to get more support from Europe on this”. In other words, the already ravaged EU that has “decoupled” from Russia (at great expense in terms of its own economic viability) should now do the same with regard to China and effectively bury whatever’s left of its pitiful economy. Who on Earth needs enemies when they have a “friend” like the US?


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western intelligentsia is not very intelligent. they have accelerated de-dollarization, and ipso-facto strengthened brics with their gun boat diplomacy.


one thing i respect obama for was his reluctance to sanction china and russia. sometimes it is better to do nothing at all. such measures have proven unwise and counterproductive.

Last edited 18 days ago by RL_Fedorov

that’s not true he dudnt want to be seen causing waves but the msm caught him saying about xi as he was leaving the state dinner that if, xi didn’t do as oboma wanted then they would crush him like a bug. and that went world wide so methinks xi might have just gotten the message.


he is the one responsible for waking the russian bear up from his slumber by saying they are just a regional power and have no say in international thinks. that was the moment putin descided to “show em what a bear is made off. and he continued the process of waking up the dragon by saying something about pivot to asia to contain china.

Last edited 17 days ago by kotromanic

it’s the biden administration. they’re responsible.


that’s a lot of writing to basically say that american government behaves like socially arrested narcissist psychopaths, since most of them are on least from israel, it’s no surprise they behave a lot like bibi and his rapists.


you’re fake as.


you’ve written a lot of crap to protect tbe fact that it’s the catholic biden administration who ve enabled both iran and ukraine.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i also whined yesterday after my latest ukrainian gay lover died in kursk.
at least i have ramses. if only his wiener was a little bigger..



i was whining yesterday because my sweet loveydovey honey crocus was calling my wiener small. even tiny! the audacity! its not my fault that his pooper is so loose!

Conan M

if russia really wants to be the catalyst for change to it’s own citizens and the rest of the world as a true leader… it will vacate it’s seat(s) in the lie that is the un/unsc, imf and world bank by starting a new chapter for the rest of the world announcing a new home for all 3 in moscow declaring it will be under new management with free and fair markets to urge on a new generation of investors and entrepreneurs?!!!… until that happens it will always be the west’s “bitch”!…

Last edited 18 days ago by Conan M

many countries today are embracing multi polarity. the biggest challenge facing the un is reforming the security council and the veto process. especially when facing such blatant humanitarian crises. many countries today are calling for such a reform

Conan M

which ones?… china… ? india… ? russia… ? here lies vladimir “pooitie-poot” pu-teen and his american globalist counterpart(s) that are one big “meat grinder” for the rest of us that live beneath their collective “heel”! that will always remain “nameless”…

“john kerry says the quiet part out loud: “first amendment stands as major block” to “govern”…

and oh by the way sf you know my email address and where to find me like your american counterparts!…

Last edited 18 days ago by Conan M

that’s just their latest propgandas. they come up with new sales pitches regularly


most of the global institutions are no longer relevant. take the g7 international relations body, which set the global stage for the historic invasion of globalisation under the flag of capitalism. today, many countries are not only rebuking the un as dysfunctional — but also — the g7 and globalisation as a whole. they are all relics in dire need of reform or dismantling.

Conan M

than why does russia placate the un/unsc??? with the most damning statement the russian federation could make out of the “pie hole” of sergey lavrov?…
vitaly churkin… andrei karlov… and (all the other russians that made the most noble sacrifices in the hopes of true sovereignty for their country) instead to the nwo “meat grinder” rip!…

Last edited 18 days ago by Conan M

countries aren’t sovereigns. despite the corrupted law that says corporations are “living entities”. they aren’t they’re bits of paper with words on them. they’re fiction imo.

Conan M

but the charter at the un and the provision of international law to that “house” say otherwise… and you’re right of course that they act counter to the international obligations on the books which begs the biggest question why it still exists if they all violate it?….

Last edited 17 days ago by Conan M

not at all its all been fake anericas war of independence fake americas constitution fake democracy fake the french revolution fake etcetera until you wake up to their theatre of operations, their psyops, their how to deceive the world 101 playbook you will be nothing but their patsies. its just one big royal agricultural show. the whole thing .

Last edited 18 days ago by Anonymous

dealing with amerikunt politicians is not a task for diplomats, it requires all the skill of the best psychiatrists.

Nicola Tesla

i think it is about time for a little more underwater sabotage, this time the undersea cables from the americas to rest-of-world. the rest of the world can do just fine without having to listen to the insane rants of the most intellectually-challenged nation on the planet.

Joseph Day

we could all chip in and build trumps wall all the way around the us and tell them to stay there


what you are describing is the insane psyche of the american white man. this is the same creature that stole land and killed millions of natives, referring to them as “indians”. then kidnapped millions of africans forcing them to work for free, only to later complain about their presence and then implement policies to destroy their potential – imagine destroying the potential of millions of your citizens and now complaining about chins outcompeting you.


why won’t you chinks help us destroy russia, so that we can come and destroy you next?


bricks meeting in russia next month october, even bigger event than the us election. doesn’t matter which asshole gets in the whitehouse they will still be a zionist isreali run shithole.


you’re a total fool. full stop.


russia and china need to watch their step! america’s fearsome diverse lgbt/ trannie vegan eco friendly army, is not to be trifled with! ever since it got rid of all those useless white men (apart from the trannies) it is simply invincible. and i say that without fear of contraception.


dont forget the animegirl controlled warmaschines of the japanese and koreans.
the gundams are long overdue. ;-)

The US Empire Of Misery

biden has again allocated 500+ million dollars for weapons for taiwan while us civilians who lost everything due to hurricane helen get nothing. the us democrats have no shame.


they’re catholics under biden when the war in the middle east was set up by bidenomics and ukraine was started under obomo who also declared the pope as the rule of law, and he meant globally and who arranged for the first ever in history popes adress to congress. join dots dipsticks when was the last world threat of nuclear atomic destruction? that’s right under the first ever catholic president. hello!!!

America First

russia and china must unite militarily to restore the balance of power position the soviet union once held.


the parrot has less brain than a chicken , desinformation and kremlin propaganda is the drago way
