US Democratic Candidate Endorses Pro-war Stance

US Democratic Candidate Endorses Pro-war Stance

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

The aggressive anti-Russian stance of the US Democratic presidential candidate is becoming increasingly clear. In a recent speech, Kama Harris stated that if she wins the election, she will not try to establish any direct dialogue with Russia, admitting only the possibility of negotiations with Ukrainian participation – even being Kiev only a proxy in this conflict, fighting for American interests.

The American vice president said that she will not talk to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the war, except in the case of negotiations with Kiev’s involvement. Her words were spoken in an interview with CBS, in which she answered the journalist’s question about the possibility of a face-to-face meeting with Putin. According to Harris, this will not happen unless a UN-led meeting try to resolve the conflict where there should be official Ukrainian representatives.

“Not bilaterally without Ukraine, no. Ukraine must have a say in the future of Ukraine”, she said. At another moment of the interview, she also commented about stopping the conflict, stating that “there will be no success in ending that war without Ukraine and the UN charter participating in what that success looks like.”

However, despite ruling out the possibility of a bilateral meeting with Putin, Harris hesitated to answer whether or not she would support Ukraine’s entry into NATO. When asked about the topic, Harris just said that this is a difficult issue to be discussed cautiously and that the main US focus now is on expanding Ukraine’s military capabilities – suggesting that accepting Kiev into the alliance is not part of the plan.

Harris also unsurprisingly used the interview as an opportunity to deepen her electoral propaganda, harshly criticizing former president and current candidate Donald Trump for his pro-diplomatic stance. As well known, Trump promises to negotiate directly with the Russians to end the conflict, which Harris considers wrong and unrealistic – sounding, to her, like a kind of NATO “surrender” to Russia.

“Those are all issues that we will deal with if and when it arrives at that point. Right now, we are supporting Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked aggression. Donald Trump, if he were president, Putin would be sitting in Kiev right now. He talks about, ‘Oh, he can end it on day one.’ You know what that is? It’s about surrender,” she added.

It is important to emphasize that Harris’s statement came weeks after Russia made it clear that it would no longer negotiate any peace agreement with Ukraine. The change in Russia’s stance was a consequence of the Ukrainian decision to invade Kursk region. The Ukrainian operation is proving to be a major strategic disaster, with the invaders having failed to maintain any relevant military positions – and more than 20,000 Ukrainians having already died in the attack. However, Moscow stated that the act revealed the impossibility of trusting Kiev for any diplomatic negotiations, with the conflict expected to be resolved militarily.

Given this new reality of impossibility of dialogue between Russia and Ukraine, the only way to accelerate the end of the war would be through direct negotiations between the US and Russia, since this is clearly a proxy conflict in which Ukraine is a mere agent of American interests. If the US wanted to end the war, it would be enough for the US to reach an agreement with the Russians to halt Western military assistance. In this case Kiev would no longer have the resources to fight and would be forced by its own circumstances to accept Russian peace terms. In this sense, by refusing to negotiate directly with Moscow, Harris is simply saying that she will continue the war, since dialogue between Russia and Ukraine is no longer possible.

This stance is not surprising, considering that the Democrats are the most aggressive party in American politics, maintaining an extremely pro-war stance. Among the Republicans, it is possible to find some public figures, such as Trump himself, who advocate for dialogue, but the warmongering rhetoric is almost consensual among the Democrats. It is unlikely, however, that Trump would have the strength to end the war if elected, since the president is not capable of deciding on such matters alone. The pro-war lobby in the US is significantly stronger than the presidential administration itself, which leads us to believe that there will be little change in the international scenario, regardless of the election result.

The pro-Democratic bias of most Western media is easy to understand from these statements by Harris. She advocates a pro-war agenda, disregarding negotiations or reducing arms deliveries, and is therefore the favorite of warmongering lobbyists.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.


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as for as kamala, she is as intelligent as turtle. a bit worse then trump who is intelligent as a pigeon. sorry , i didn’t wanted to insult turtles and pigeons.

Wild Rose Ranch

a vast majority of americans (especially here in texas) don’t give a damn about the ukraine. we see clearly that the collective governments of the west were in the wrong when they violated the minsk agreements.

trump, like a majority of people here, want nothing to do with this clusterfuck. please don’t think otherwise.

Last edited 5 months ago by Wild Rose Ranch

damn, this evil witch is so bad that she makes me like the zio puppet called trump.

I Like Ike

netanyahoo will force trump to make nuland the next ms. america.


yes and no americas major industry actually is its military. because “america is our barracks” sir winston


merica got rich dealing opium to china long befor it started peddling arms with its arms dealing lobby called “nato”.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

that was the british empire.

I Like Ike

followed by the british funeral pyre.

it was a swell ride while it lasted but the finale’s a killer.

I Like Ike

they broke international law on day 2 after maidan, when pigshanks started shelling donbass civilians to terrorize them into abandoning their homeland and they’ve been doing it ever since.

ukraine unfortunately is a pugnacious pig nation construct.

Last edited 5 months ago by I Like Ike
the niña turtle

i are a adult turtel and feel insulted.


think of how the bag of hammers is feeling right now…like the sharpest tool in the shed sitting beside kamala…

The Objective

may the ukraine war continue until russia is weakened considerably. hopefully, the russians fight nato soon. you bastards must pay for every drop of syrian blood you spilled. hezbollah and israel will also pay for the blood of sunnis they spilled in syria and gaza. anti-sunni forces are increasingly fighting one another and that’s a very good thing for the world. fight and kill one another. we don’t want your bombs and missiles being used on sunnis is syria, iraq, lebanon, etc.


the american presidency is as symbolic as the english monarchy. i mean, didn’t you guys get the cia memo via the alex jones newsletter:
we dont have a representative republic. unless of course you’re talking about corporate representation. the whole west is under a neo-feudal corporatocracy with the big investment banks at the very top of the power structure.


correct except you’ve not realised the closely guarded secret about banking is that its the knights templar who created it and still run it really, ie the vaticans catholic knights. and it’s all the whole whole, run from that temple being known as the inns of the city of london. that’s the secret centre.


figured out the riddle of friday the 13th have you? plus 1 for you…winner winner chicken dinner.

I Like Ike

i thought it was the teutonic knights after they swore allegiance to the english crown.


russian monkey

I Like Ike

people with silly names and silly minds shouldn’t be surprised if they’re ridiculed. it’s probably lexus at it again.

Last edited 5 months ago by I Like Ike

she’s doing is acting as a puppet on a string at the carousel, just like ruby’s nightclub was called, reinforcing the wefs programmed global takeover. first thing they do is use human nature, being envy greed especially according to islam which says strsughtvl out the nature of females is envy, so they make a great vanguard ( like pelosi) , that means a movement an advance movement often of females, like amazonians, who pave the way.


so they divided the world into haves
and have nots knowing the nots will gleefully tear down the haves ruthlessly like blood thirsty is going to look like a picnic in the park by comparison.


that’s what they done that’s their plan. it’s going to be a blood bath for the wealthy landowners zthe big farmers the landlord class, the celebrities the well heeled. all those who aren’t included in their protected species of having a palace and security. all the rest will own nothing. etcetera


that’s what they done that’s their plan. it’s going to be a blood bath for the wealthy landowners the big farmers the landlord class, the celebrities the well heeled. all those who aren’t included in their protected species of having a palace and security. all the rest will own nothing. etcetera
like they did in france russia and china. like they robbed the natives in africa australia america


and it won’t be everyone in a palace with security it will only be the ones they allow to survive they won’t even protect their own families if they’re deemed undeserving. “they’re not like us, they’re not normal like us” dianna.


the templars being those pursuing the temple of solomon. and i’d assume pretty predictably that within it there would be an altar. which is where supernatural powers are practiced on altars. why some celabrated theologians assert the catholic church is the only true church.


eg felix yussupov was spared, the richest man on earth most likely becayse he murdered rasputin, his wife princess irene was spared becayse she too was a traitor as alexndra acknowledged from captivity that it was she who must have betrayed their escape plans to the authorities. etcetera never trust anyone.


and if you examine your “community services” and its networked interactions you will realise that they have turned every community into an inescapable cell in anticipation of the new world orders final solution, the final land grab and megalomaniacal countdown to totalitarianism.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

well, we can start burning down their control grid aparatik any time now… limited only by gas prices and opportunity.

The Zoo in the EU

your persistent attempts to inundate the forum with unrelated gibberish in a desperate attempt to unify your flights of non sequitur fantasies with current events into a grand unifying theory of totalitarianism is growing tiresome.


i’m still pissed at them low life bolsheviks murdering ma cousins, the czar’s wife and their children. gutless bastard jew masons…

I Like Ike

i sympathize but unfortunately, the last czar had a lot of clueless biden in him.

I Like Ike

you keep at it, sherlock. if they ever get their hands on the arc of the covenant, we’re all cooked good.

Last edited 5 months ago by I Like Ike

she’s the jewish saloon opium dealing heiress that fell out of an indian, then a black, coconut tree…

I Like Ike

you may be on to something there.

Conan M

if ever this was a “red line” for russia to vacate it’s seat(s) in the un/unsc… imf…. world bank… and opec. only thing that can save the world at this point is a serious insurrection inside the u.s. that will see both political parties dissolved and a civil war that will make washington an open air parking lot!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

because russia’s leader doesn’t have it in him to lead by example. for as long as he allows his country to be tied to the western banks he betrays the notion of a multi-polar world ever happening. and if “pootie-poot” can’t address a vision for the briics that is synthesized within the language of international law that applies equity to all globally the briics will never happen on his or any other russian leaders watch.

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

your fist sentence is retarded, so fucking retarded, just stfu and go back to your kindergarten threads on tiktoc.

Conan M

no worries “kielbasa” … a new home for the tribe is on it’s way shortly. and “pootie-poot” will make sure all those homeless i$raeli(s) have a new “home” once the old one can’t be lived in any longer!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
I Like Ike

he was talking about fisting? that’s no kindergarten talk.

I Like Ike

what the hell do you think the whole brics thing is about?

sheesh, talk about clueless gertrudes.


save the world from what? is that you, greta?

Conan M

“greta”?… you mean “greta van susteren” from the tribe???
naw… she’s more like this – “us opposes ceasefire in lebanon, urges israel to ‘degrade’ hezbollah”… your too funny clyde from bangalore!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

how dare you!

I Like Ike

after the palestine thing, you were dumped faster than one of kamala’s slurpies.


you’re going to be sitting in the ranks of nostradamus soon enough, civil war is coming… fema clowns already getting ass whipped by angry peeps at road blocks around ashville…

Conan M

i hope for the rest of the world you are right –
“what’s really outrageous about woodward’s new book”…
we were closer to nuclear war under biden than anyone knew… no surprises here!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
I Like Ike

anger, corruption, senility and ignorance never have been a good combo for anyone with access to a nuclear trigger.

Boris Orlov

you know the difference between kamala and an elephant? one is grey and huge, the other is a moron.


there’s a lot of crack and cicaine around under the bidens allegedly hunters a bit of a problem party pushing addict.


very clean though with big bags of pure cocaine, worth rather a lot after being cut and bagged, just magically appear without any fingerprints or dna or sign of any human involvement just appearing out of the blue and then being erased from. white house consciousness abd the cops memories almost overnight.


like the time kamala was at a diddy freakout party… oh, yeah the fbi is disappearing those taped parties as we type…


elephants are highly intelligent and sensitive. i used to work at a zoo and we had an elephant that could play the mouth organ, collect tips in a basket, take off people’s hats and kiss them, and all kind of other things. i bet kabbala couldn’t play the mouth organ. maybe another type of organ, i don’t know. i don’t think anyone would pay good money to see kabbala. most people would probably vote for an elephant rather than kabbala. or a trained monkey. or a stuffed animal.


cackle about as bright as a gull! in europe the haggard nazi floosie is telling the world that orban is contrary to the eus visions when he in fact he embraces all those visions and the floosie is happy to be corrupt and taking money from pfizer and many many others. a longdistance rifle shot through her brain pan will save europea a lot of hardship.


she’s just a actor selected she’s replaceable as a, light bulb.


ursula is a trained mi6 operative and all around jewish demon… not even her real name, typical of 5 faced five eyes jews…


she would rightly deserve the “whore of babylon” title.

I Like Ike

the one thing i like about ursula is that she takes a bit of the sting from listening to america’s politicians claim a monopoly on whoredom.


because their targets are based on religious fundamentalism. some cynics would suggest not western cynics though. they’d be
too scared or is it brainwashed?


western leadership is the worst in its history: arrogant, venal, corrupt, irredeemably ignorant, delusional and ideologically driven. a coterie of weird dodgy billionaires and close family members in an orgy of corruption and nepotism, superannuated generals, religious nutjobs, rabid warmongers, chancers, grifters, conmen, fraudsters, halfwits, dimwits, and certifiable lunatics, all of them without exception bought and paid for and blackmailed whores of the zionist lobby.


when was “western leadership” otherwise?


with full support from the trollopes here. all in it together.


harris/trump its just a different side of the same jewish sheqel. they all wear their yarmukles and bend over at the wailing wall serving their juu masters feeding israel with billions of our surplus they stole in aid. meanwhile alot of americans live in poverty. making juus rich is what matters. fighting israels wars till the last american.


its no different in ukraine and r u ssiye. both zelensky and poooetin and wear their yarmukles and bend over to their juu masters at the wailing wall. and it are the white europeans who are loosing their lives on the battlefield. all losses are goyim whites russian and ukranian not a single juuu who lost their lives fighting their self destructive conflicts. its time to wake up and see who the common denominators are.

Last edited 5 months ago by Awakend

and dont forget never forget how poooetien sold out christian armenia to the israel and juu serving aliyev he handed artsakh on a silver platter to him letting this turkoid cockroach ethnically cleanse 150000 armenians from their ancient homeland.
that is why hes a traitor and a servant to the juuus he will gladly sell out the christians in ukraine poland belarus and germany and western europe to turkoid and african migrants lukasheeenko is flooding europe with thousands of african migrants


all our governments are subverted by the juus and shabbos goy serving them and its time we all wake up stop fighting eachoter but march the armies around and remove the juice from power in our capitols and take back control over our own countries and our wealth and produce. the conflict in ukraine can end tomorrow if both armies march on their own capitol today and remove the juu serving leaders from their positions.

Last edited 5 months ago by Awakend

the east is run by chabad lubovich the west by soros rothschilds and rockefellers. they are all our enemies. they arethe enemies of mankind. they are the devil the bible spoke about. these evil demons are working to our destruction whenever its the next pandemic the nexr conflict the total economic collapse they have all these agendas stacked against us and our only chance to change this if enough people of us wake up and we reach critical mass to remove them from the power they hold over us.

Last edited 5 months ago by Awakend

gee that contradicts msm claims that he’s not a jew. claims made by israeli state media channels at that… hmm. kinda like how people derp that jesus didn’t exist, yet accept the jewish account that the jews had him murdered by the romans using hate speech laws and celebrate it…in the talmud. of cours if vlad is blood type b, this is possible, if he is blood type a or o, he’s likely not a jew, but a viking or slav baby…


it’s all a theater fellas. we are wasting out time. russians don’t care about this shit show. they are all controlled by israel


this english-zionist circus is going down in total shame. they will never admit defeat because we are dealing with the sorest losers in the world


the longer the empire of drug dealing, human trafficking and fiat counterfeiting continues, the more socially arrested the heirs of such become, that we’re dealing with tantrum prone kidults…no wonder they prefer the company of children to adults in their bedrooms…hmm hmm nasty planks.

I Like Ike

they’re all bojo bozos in one way or another.


this bed wench harris tether would be beaten to death by the white supremacists of the following organizations: ss aidar, ss kraken, wolfsangel (aka azov), waffen ss nachtigall (who are now in kursk killings civilians), leibstandarte adolf hitler, right sektor – all of them hate creole mongrels like her, and all of them are leading the ukrainian government and military. all of them funded by the us tax payers. i black myself but i dont endorse her

Joseph Day

of course she does, you cant win an election without the mic support

I Like Ike

in her case though, it was….. can’t win without the dic support.

Last edited 5 months ago by I Like Ike

anyone with a brain is right to call out this fraud that fell out of a coconut tree. first she’s indian, next she’s black, but in reality she is a descendant of the saloon jewish opium drug trafficking cartel that operated out of india during the opium wars that plagued china. like delano roosavelt, whose mom’s husband delano was a wealthy opium trafficker to chinese markets. american politicians are cut from the same cloth of drug dealing, human trafficking and jewish gangsterism.


guess you know why china is still bitter with india and the usa, and gives no fuks about chinese fentynal flowing into the us. remember, us support for china in wwii, wasn’t about supporting china, it was about ending japan, the us quickly turned around and funded the revolutionary forces to cause more damage to china…so “american”…

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

camel toe. anybody who votes for her has to be put into a mental asylum. the democratic party since the clinton’s has become an outright, obvious criminal organization and needs to be shut down as soon as possible and the leaders put on trial for crimes against humanity and traitors of the constitution.

I Like Ike

she reminds me of the time when caligula made a braying jackass a senator.


great insights! this article really helped me understand the topic.