US Congress To Support Three Seas Initiative Against “Russian Energy Coercion” In Europe

US Congress To Support Three Seas Initiative Against "Russian Energy Coercion" In Europe

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On October 31st, US congressmen introduced a bipartisan resolution in support of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), to counter reliance on Russian energy in Europe. [pdf]

The bipartisan bill was introduced by Democrat Marcy Kaptur and Republican Adam Kinzinger.

3SI is “a strategic partnership of twelve Central and Eastern European nations with the shared goal to foster energy autonomy and resilience through collective financing of new infrastructure projects, increasing connectivity between the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black Seas, and reducing their reliance on Russia for their energy needs.”

The members of the potential initiative include Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

“For years, Russia has undermined security in Europe by coercing European nations into reliance on Russia for their energy needs, including through the Nord Stream II and Turk Stream pipelines,” said Kaptur. “Thankfully, twelve of our close allies in Central and Eastern Europe have banded together to increase their energy autonomy through collective financing of energy infrastructure projects: The Three Sea’s Initiative. This resolution makes clear America’s strong support for the Initiative and it encourages the member nations to consider financing of clean energy projects as the world addresses dire climate change crises. Now that Danish authorities have approved the Nord Stream II pipeline, we must now act swiftly to boost the energy security of our European allies by passing this critical legislation as well as sanctioning the pipeline. I wish to thank my colleague, Representative Adam Kinzinger for his critical leadership, and efforts to strengthen the transatlantic relationship through this bill.”

“Russia has long used energy as a weapon to coerce and manipulate our European allies,” said Kinzinger. “As American energy production continues to rise, we have an opportunity to support our allies in Central and Eastern Europe with an alternative. The Three Seas Initiative will bolster energy independence and infrastructure security in the region, and further show U.S. support in the face of increased Russian and Chinese influence over these countries. I’m proud to introduce this resolution with my colleague, Representative Marcy Kaptur, and applaud her commitment to helping our allies with clean energy projects as we push back on the power grabs by Putin.”

The document states that support for the Three Seas Initiative should be provided in the energy sector. In particular, “to expand energy independence and infrastructural interconnectedness that contributes to strengthening the national security of the United States and Europe.”

In the text of the resolution, Kaptur notes that, due to the lack of infrastructure, the countries of the association are “too dependent” on Russian energy resources, while Russia is allegedly trying to undermine freedom and democracy in Europe, including using “hybrid methods, including the use of energy as a means of coercion.”

As an example of such coercion the draft resolution cites the Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream projects, which are “political” and are aimed at “undermining Europe’s energy security.”

It is worth noting that Russia has repeatedly denied the use of energy as a political tool, and also emphasized that gas pipelines are exclusively commercial projects.

“I emphasize again: these projects are implemented jointly with European companies and are exclusively commercial in nature. There is no political background,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin in early October.

In turn, the Russian Foreign Ministry called on the United States to stop politicizing Nord Stream 2. The ministry emphasized that the launch of the gas pipeline will contribute to strengthening the energy security of Europe.

“Stop trying to politicize a purely commercial project. We remind you that the main objective of the joint Nord Stream 2 partnership with European partners is to diversify gas supply routes, eliminate transit risks and thereby strengthen Europe’s energy security,” the Russian Foreign Ministry replied to the US State Department’s Twitter message stating that the goal “Nord Stream 2” – “drive a stake in the heart of Europe’s security and stability.”

The 3SI began back in 2016 and has since had four annual summits, with the first being in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Polish President Andrzej Duda called the initiative “a new concept to promote Europe’s unity and cohesion, it is an idea of cooperation among 12 countries located between the Adriatic, Baltic and Black Seas, the three seas of Central Europe.”

Guest speakers included Chinese Ministerial Assistant for Foreign Affairs Liu Haixing, who talked about the interconnectedness with the Chinese government’s Belt and Road Initiative, and former US National Security Advisor, General James L. Jones, who stressed the initiative’s role in European development and security.

Which shows how the US is willing to even “allow” these countries to cooperate with China’s Belt and Road, only with the aim of “spiting” Russia. Or rather, the issue with dealing with the Belt and Road would come after Russia has been dealt with.

In early October 2019, Duda expressed his hope that “the US will join our great project.”

“I hope that the US will join our great Three Seas project,” he said and stated that this was the initiative of cooperation with the countries, which – being left behind the Iron Curtain – for decades shared Poland’s fate, were not totally free, and which could not develop after the World War Two like the other western countries could.

“We have been making up for all these things. We want to cooperate with each other in the best possible way,” he said, noting the importance of infrastructure projects for economic development. “If we get such roads as the Via Carpathia, Via Baltica, Rail Baltica and the others which are being planned, Poland will be able to develop even more dynamically,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kaptur also calls on the countries of the Three Seas Initiative to “expand the concept of strengthening regional infrastructural compatibility” to include non-EU states in the region. In particular, the resolution names Ukraine, Moldova, and also the countries of the Western Balkans.

Essentially, with Poland calling for the US to be part of the project, Washington’s premier proxy state in Europe is attempting to consolidate a sort of US-grip on the European liquefied natural gas market.

It is worth noting that earlier the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Jacek Chaputovych, noted that now it is impossible to accept Ukraine into the 3SI.

“I discussed the idea of cooperation with Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelensky asked if it was possible for Ukraine to join the Three Seas Initiative. This is not possible at this stage, because membership is limited to EU countries,” Jacek said, noting that the situation with the Western Balkans is similar.

Of course, that is only a matter of time for this, too, to be warped into an anti-Russian hysteria project, primarily dictated by Washington’s policy.


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flailing all over the place those more than dumb americans – laughable when you consider the stupidity of their attempts to get to russia when no one in europe, except dumber than dumb poles, is out to get russia


That is a fancy name for creating of barrier made of puppet states – to cut out USA “partners” (France and most of all Germany) from Russian resource’s supply!!


Why don’t the puppet states want to be puppets of Russia instead?


Because they’ve lived under Russian/ Soviet style totalitarian regimes before and they don’t wanna do it again!


Better be a puppet of the USA, for sure.


Well it worked for Germany didn’t it!


Well Germany rather have cheap Russian natural gas, rather then your fraked subsidized and overpriced liquefied crap from you Yankee shithole your from.


Mike Europe has bought Soviet/Russian gas and oil for decades

Reagan tried to throw a spanner in the works back in the eighties to end this

Frankly Germany is no friend of Russia, they’d encourage a full blown colour revolution against Putin tomorrow if they thought they could get their hands on the gas

Having said that the worlds energy system is at the beginning of a transition away from the types of energy resources Russia depends on for a substantial amount of its national income

To much is said about gas pipe lines and energy infrastructure through the belt and road scheme, people should look at the British imperial system of coal stations which it needed around the globe so the Royal Navy could impose its rule, however the rapid rise of oil as a fuel for warships rendered all of this coal infrastructure redundant and it took very little time in historical terms for this to happen

We’re now in an unprecedented transitional period of technology change, energy will be another area for technological disruption

I’d predict within fifty years Russian energy geopolitics based upon their gas resources will be irrelevant, as will be the fate of Russia unless it gets a grip of itself as technology will simply render this kind of geopolitics a thing of the past


Oh yeah your long winded argument is full of BS, nobody is moving to that banker scam know as green energy, if Germany wants to power its economy it needs Russian gas plain and simple. Since the Germans are shooting themselves in the foot with their nuclear power plant face out in the 2020’s. The proof is in the pudding with Nordstream 2 and the southern pipelines, Russia has beat you pathetic pitch for expensive liquified gas.

Also who are you talk garbage about clean energy or pollution, your shithole of America continues to subsidize the money losing mega pollution generating fraking, in order to have pathetic short term bragging rights of being an energy exporter. knowing to well that those wells not only tap out quickly but leave whole lot environmental devastation behind. Yeah Europe has spoken with its money as to what’s the better deal both economically and environmentally there bub.

AM Hants

LOL. Riddle me this, but, how does the US manage to make it into space?

Russia, is a creditor nation, which can afford free healthcare for it’s people and free education, including university level for it’s people. The nation has healthy currency reserves, healthy gold reserves, minimal debt, a simple tax system of 13% flat rate tax, including for oligarchs.

The US is the world’s largest debtor nation, which cannot afford free healthcare for it’s people. Neither can it afford free university education for it’s people. Sadly, there is no money for infrastructure programmes and neither is there any money in the budget, to clean up the human faeces from the streets of San Francisco. The defence budget runs at $750 billion and is increasing, when you compare it to Russia’s defence budget, which runs at $47 billion and decreasing. The US having the world’s largest and most expensive military, but, not the most powerful. That belongs to Russia. Not forgetting with so many nations now turning their backs on the $US and printers, how are the US going to service over $22 trillion of national debt?


Russian military is a joke it was during the cold war and its even worse now

A bunch of dumb constipated half wits who don’t wanna do military service, oh and Putin’s so desperate he’s having to trawl around Africa to recruit desperate poor poeple who get paid about 380 dollars a month for the privilege!

Spare me your lecture please, Russia defence budgets are declining because they can’t afford it, all those shiny wiz bangs Putin showed the world last year don’t exist and much of what does is just old Soviet stuff upgrades, look at his big new tank thingy, what was it called, Armata?, well they wont be building more than about a hundred, same as Pantsir about 100 or slightly more to defend the biggest country in the world

Me thinks thats somehow not really enough, besides when the good old Soviet system was at its peak it didn’t stop that young German bloke flying his light aircraft and landing in slap bang in the middle of Moscow, how f#@king embarrassing!

You’ve been had my friend by to much Kremlin propaganda

AM Hants

Yep, I can see they you believe Russian military is a joke.

Remind me, how are those hypersonic missiles coming on?
Remind me, but, who spends over $750 billion on defence and increasing, but, has not made anything that works, comes in on time or on budget in the 21st century? Who spends $47 billion and decreasing, and has the worlds most powerful military?


…i don’t know,please remind how those hypersonic wiz bangs are going?

Can you tell me exactly how many are in service?

or is it like the tank example i gave, you know good for a Putin annual address to his oligarchs and other hangers on, which i incidentally watched, but in reality nothing but hype

Oh and i wonder how that atomic powered cruise missile thing is working,didn’t it blow up recently?

Yes,yes, I’m familiar with all that feel good propaganda about how the west doesn’t make anything that works, i remember it all so well back in the 70s, you know all those stories about the M1 MBT, it was all just a waste of money,blablabla

But in real ground warefare, you know the kind Russia would have to fight,like in Iraq, what happened?

Yup that’s right my friend all that stuff you claim doesn’t work chewed through that Soviet junk like a knife through soft butter

And exactly the same would happen now if the Russians are daft enough to go toe to toe with NATO in Europe

AM Hants

Let us see how the Russian hypersonics are coming along.

An old video

A Russian hypersonic missile has been successfully test-launched from a MiG-31 jet…

Russia tests an atomic missile, repeat tests, and there was a problem initially, then the exercise went according to plan. There were no frigates written off and no Russian military personnel involved in the exercise arrested, before it went ahead. Unlike their friends serving NATO, who for some reason had many arrests during their major exercise, with around 30,000 serving military members. Not forgetting the Norwegian frigate that got written off. As memories of Russia holding an exercise a few weeks previously, with over 300,000 serving military personnel involved, so comes to mind. military personnel arrested for vrious reasons, before it even kicked off, now were there?

Russia fighting in Iraq – tell me what was that war all about and didn’t Russia have the good sense to keep out of it and sort out their dodgy oligarchs at the time?

Russian Cruise Missiles Target ISIS From 900 Miles Away…

Donald Trump, hosting the President of China, entertains him with a firework display, sending 60 tomahawks to Syria. 1 got stuck in the tube, 36 went AWOL and the other 23 arrived, impotent, leaving minimal damage to the airfield, where the Syrian military jets were flying from, just a couple of hours later.

Return US, France and UK precision missile strike and what happened? 100 cruise missiles that took out a building that was up for demolition, saving the people of Syria the expense. The UK Astute Submarine, with state of the art sonar systems gets cornered by a Russian electro-diesel submarine and a frigate. Leaving the Astute unable to unleash her arsenal of missiles on the people of Syria.

People in glass houses, really should not throw stones, now should they?

By the way, with regards NATO and Russia, well I am seriously rolled on the floor laughing.

US spends $750 billion on defence and increasing, but, what actually works, that they have produced in the 21st century?

Russia spends $47 billion and decreasing on defence and has the most powerful military in the world. Not the most expensive or largest, but, the most powerful.

China, with the world’s largest army, another nuclead triad nation, like Russia and the US, has the 3rd largest military.

Followed by India, who is not a nuclear triad nation. Who are followed by France, again with a nuclear deterrent, but, not a nuclear triad nation.
Russia, China and India, all partners in BRICS and all partners in the SCO. Japan and South Korea follow France, with NATO member UK coming in around 8th; another nation with a nuclear deterrent, but, not a nuclear triad nation. So out of the 10 largest militaries in the world, only 4 are in NATO and 3 of the top 4 are SCO/BRIC nations. Guess you can always rely on the military of NATO member Luxembourg to come to the rescue, when Russia decides to take on NATO, now can’t you?


…or how about the buk missile system which was hacked into by the very clever Israeli EW systems and shot down that old heap of crap the Russians were flying around in,clever,very clever

AM Hants

Well that puts a new spin on the MH17 and the story of the BUK. Israel can hack into the system?


Of course they can

Why would you doubt it ?

Oh and the take down of that Russian plane hasn’t got anything to do with MH 17 so why bring that up?

Finally you must be aware of the stories of how Iran hacked into sophisticated American drones and landed them in Iran, so go and figure!

AM Hants

Darling, it was you that mentioned the BUK and didn’t the old media disinformation agents, spin the BUK system, when the MH17 came down? Now if Israel can hack into the BUK system, as you state, then surely that puts another spin to the MH17 story, does it not?

Your words darling.

Iran and sophisticated US drones – guess you have no idea that Magrav technology was devised by an Iranian? Russia was impressed with Magrav technology and this is going back to 2014, when Russia used it with good effect. As the sailors on the USS Donald Cook can vouch. Poor loves, were left traumatised by a Russian whicker basket, full of Magrav technology, which originally came from Iran. So goodness knows what else Iran have in their tool box.


Iran have nothing but desperation, and a long road to ruin under international sanctions no future and possible revolution just like Syria, although i suppose Russia can bail them out,blimey i hope Russia has plenty of money to keep this festering toilet functioning, otherwise they’ll all collectively flush themselves away

Israel and Buks are only used to shoot down useless post Soviet junk, although i know you’d like to twist it, but then you’re a conspiracy obsessive so it’s exactly what I’d expect

AM Hants

Remind me, but, how old is the state of Iran, whatever name she has been called and how old is the US, or even Israel, come to that?

Bruno Giordano

Hants brings up MH17 whenever there is an opportunity. Just mentioning “BUK” was the trigger.


Sure, in a few years Germany will be majority non-German.


Still a far more successful economy than Russia!


Not after it’s majority African and Muslim…


Why is it better to be puppet of Russian than USA’s?


So you admit you are puppet state, so who fuck are you to say that other states are puppets. Oh and how is Ukraine’s economy and corrupt politics doing under the tutelage of the U.S. oh and how is the cost of living in your overpriced dull shit hole known as Canada, Americas where-house.

Concrete Mike

Bacon is from canada, ahhhnow im even more ashamed to be canadian, at least i can go kick his ass hahaha


Russia hasn’t had puppets for over 100 years. USSR was NOT Russia, not run by Russians, not built by Russians.


As opposed to being bunch of EU debt slave enforced by Yankee NATO bases. Also a country that jails more people then rest of the world combined, and supports tin pot royal dictators in Saudi Arabia and other quisling Arab countries, shouldn’t talk about totalitarianism or freedom. Deluded Yank.


As far as the EU elites are concerned, and those in Saudi I’d suggest they know how to make sure they’re on the right side of imperialism and capitalism, or use the advantage they gain through such relationship to gain more leverage than they would as none aligned sovereign states, which is why Putin wants to shift the world onto his vision of independent sovereignty, because he knows this will strengthen his position and allow him and his regime, or what follows him, greater advantage

The problem with this is it will almost certainly lead to more authoritarian, dysfunctional,and corrupt states, especially in the failed eastern European countries of the failed Soviet bloc, obviously that s the point of this article, as it seems these countries don’t want that kind of Europe to evolve, neither does America


Cheap excuses there yankee. Your Russopobia can’t gloss the fact that you are the premier totalitarian gulag sates of America.


Be sensible Mike!


Sensible that’s rich you two bit Russophobe.


I’ve been very sensible all day my friend,as you can see I’ve never reverted to any kind of name calling or ad hominem,have i?

my big crime seems to be i don’t agree with Putin’s policies


USSR was not Russia. It was not organized by Russians nor run by them. Try again.



AM Hants

LOL. Remember the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire, back in 1917, which laid the foundations of the Soviet Union. It fell in 1991, and 15 independent nations emerged.

Now riddle me this, but, Russia went back to her Christian Orthodox roots, from the days before the overthrow of the Russian Empire. Whilst, how many of her Soviet Union relatives, ran, with their begging bowls, and ‘professional victim status’ to the Soviet EU, run on exactly the same ideology as the old Soviet Union, which they claimed to despise?

Russia and China believe in multi-polar unions, which is not what you would get from a totalitarian regime. Meanwhile, the EU, 5 Eye members, including the US prefer to go with the uni-polar, totalitarian, NWO ideology.


China believes in China,full stop!

And Russia is a desperate country run by a bunch of criminals

You’ll see my friend it’ll end badly for Russia, if you’re talking about god then he must have cursed Russia!

AM Hants

Darling, you do know that when President Putin came to power, back in 2000, one of the first things he did was throw out the corrupt oligarchs. One of them happens to be running things over in the UK, as part of Integrity Initiative, which is now running as the Open Information Partnership. Runs parallel to the National Endowment for Democracy, tax payer funded NGO and the other tax payer funded NGO, Soros Open Society Foundation, plus, many others run by the same ‘think tank/NGO’ groupies, world wide.

Russia, since 1 January 2004, after the oligarchs were kicked out, who refused to be upstanding Russian citizens and pay the basic 13% flat rate tax, gets 100 cents in the $US, rather than 20 cents back in the days of Yeltsin. The US, who were writing the laws and taxes on the back of 3rd world agreements, was taking the other 80 cents of all Russian energy profits. This led to Russia paying off the Rothschild Debt of the Soviet Union, including from the days that the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire.

Funny, but, the crowd thrown out of Russia, aren’t they now running things over in Ukraine and making a complete mess of it all? I guess that is what you get from inbreeding and NED programmes.


What a puppet state want – is rather irrelevant don’t you think? Name Puppet state – means state without its own inside and outside policy, state under control by other state or superpower and its policy’s … So ur question is.. well , it is what it is…


Hey Canada is puppet of the U.S. even with tariffs on steel or softwood lumber, your fagot Priminister Trudeau spread his ass cheeks, to a new NAFTA deal that only benifits your Yankee master. You pathetic canucks are the definition of a puppet state, first under Britain and now under the U.S. now take it in the ass canuck for old uncle Trump.

Concrete Mike

Damn right were a puppet, everytime usa farts there is an earthquake here.


Good question, since they haven’t been puppets of Russia for over 100 years. USSR was not Russia and was not run by Russians.


Except for Austria all these countries are massive net receivers of EU funds. They should think long and hard if they want to be team Europe or another US puppet (and it usually doesn’t end well for US puppets).


Wrong.. For every euro available in the funds – we (Slovakia) have to pay 75 cents to a EU! And we can use all of this money ONLY on the projects EU approves! That means for a projects not benefiting my country in the long term.. Not to mention that we have never received all the funds allocated and this situation creates and supports massive corruption scheme – some 30% of those funds a pocketed prior to a approval and another 10 – 15% on artificial raised cost for projects..
From 2022 – we will be paying some 1,1 euro for every euro available in the funds…
That is not a benefit – that is a pure lose of money, resources, possibility to develop and sovereignty..


Slovakia receives €2 billion a year more from the EU than it pays towards it. You are clearly very much mistaken. If that €2 billion gets stolen by corrupt Slovakians then that’s clearly something Slovakia should act upon.


Agreed this is the problem in these former communist states they never really throw off the corruption of the past

Its also the failure of the EU, having said that too many people seem to think Putin’s Russia and its style of governance, based upon national sovereignty will somehow offer a better alternative, which it wont as it’ll enshrine an even worse form of state corruption and oligarchy

Tommy Jensen

Right point.


You are one to talk in Corrupt States of America.


Mike,personal question were are you from?


Bubby I’m from parts unknown, you silly necon Russophobe.


Hahaha i like that!

I’ll give you an up vote thingy for originality?


I give you a down vote for racism and Russophobia bubby.


Thats not very generous i it?

after all how can it be racist to critique a foreign president

You need to be careful my friend,otherwise you’ll sound like a liberal!


Because hiding behind your straw man argument Putin doesn’t mask your Russophobic racism there pill poper.


:)) Where did you get that info?


Some EU site.

Ishyrion Av



:) sure…


u express the discontent with the EU. now observed in Italy, Austria, Visograd nations, Hungary…these constraints imposed by the EU have similarly damaged Spain, Ireland, etc…as the Univ of Michigan professor Juan Cole (CIA consultant) recently demonstrated, the USA is the most corrupt nation on earth


Actually Syria is probably well ahead, at least it was before it decided to blow itself apart

the fact is its countries like Syria and Iran who are horribly corrupt, police states and very cruel nasty dictatorships, and its this behaviour from the state which results in the revolutionary tendencies of these countries citizens to try and overthrow the regime

Trouble is everyone wants to blame it on America, the EU or green lizards


The fact is, that you have no facts.. You just pull your statements out of your arse..


Dawn the facts about the true nature of the Russian economy are easy to find, low growth, over dependency on oil taxes, on gas geo politics, poor health care, an obsession with grand/ big infrastructure white elephant projects, a greedy oligarchy desperate to get their hands on the national wealth fund, which Putin will use to keep said oligarchy happy, demographic decline, over 44% of young people who’d like to emigrate,you know i could go on but like I’ve said before it’s not what people want to hear, they’d rather believe in a ‘narrative ‘ of a powerful Russia, well narratives are for children, not grown ups!

Incidentally all this talk of the imminent collapse of western capitalism and imperialism is almost exactly the kind of things Marxists said in the 70s after the Vietnam war, the communist/socialist system was better, America was down and financially bust,etc,etc,etc

But it was the Soviet block which collapsed, especially Poland a country which was billions in debt to the west by 1980,in debt to the west! frankly the superior system!

So Poland learnt its lesson, Russia however looks like its determined to make the same mistakes, as its economy is heavily dependent upon western goods and technology, the oil and gas sector,and state sector in Russia which is huge, just as it was in Soviet times,and probably just as corrupt

most of the middle classes are employed in the state sector, although their jobs will become more onerous as the Russian state finds it increasingly difficult to fund itself in a world which is in a great transition away from fossil fuels

My recommendation to young Russians is get out whilst you can

My final point is those young Russians who have got out show absolutely no desire to go back, at least whilst a Putin style regime exists


“Incidentally all this talk of the imminent collapse of western capitalism and imperialism is almost exactly the kind of things Marxists said in the 70s after the Vietnam war,”

In the 1970’s US debt to GDP ratio never went above 40%. Today it’s at 106% and growing by a trillion dollars a year. The only time the USA debt/GDP ratio was higher was after WW2 and that time the USA used it’s place as the only industrialized country left standing to pay down the debt.

Today there is no postwar boom, no thriving middle class to pay taxes and in 1946 corporations and the rich paid income tax. Back then the US dollar was an instrument of trade instead of the instrument of punishment and control it is today.

In 1946 people all over the world wanted $USD because of the strength and stability it represented. Today more than half the world is looking for workarounds to avoid the USD and sanctions.

“My recommendation to young Russians is get out whilst you can”

During the cold war and even back in the 1990’s I would have said the same thing but today it’s the USA thats on shaky ground economically, Russia’s getting it’s house in order.

“My final point is those young Russians who have got out show absolutely no desire to go back, at least whilst a Putin style regime exists”

I hear that a lot but always from Americans, not so much from Russians. You realize that while Putin’s ‘United Russia Party’ won by 50% of the popular vote his next nearest rival were the Communists at 13%. The Liberal democratic party is somewhere off a cliff. Russians would rather go back to Communism rather than be liberal democracy which is what the USA claims to be.


Its younger Russians, nothing to do with Americans,who are quite capable of speaking for themselves,and they don’t want to go back,and the main reasons are Putin

The liberals are off the cliff because Putin’s put many in prison, ergo why would you vote for a party if you thought it could land you in prison, would you? I wouldn’t under the current circumstances, I’d be inclined to keep my mouth shut, and my head down or leave!

As for the Vietnam war and Marxists I’ll stand by what i said, frankly people like to go a bit hyperbolic about debt and such like, look at Japan, economists have talked about lost decades and such like now for ages, but Japan is still miles ahead of Russia who have admittedly got low debt, but then Russia has a very one sided economy largely, still based upon oil

The problem for Russia going forward is its major export, apart from capital flight, will become as irrelevant as coal is to trains or ships, it needs to diversify in a massive way

As for russia getting a grip of its economy, well if it was so good it’d look more like Norway, its infrastructure would be far more modern so would all its social and other services, unfortunately for Russians they’re not

Tommy Jensen

That’s why we in America need a new war in Europe so we can get back to our 1946 situation, making America rich again……………………..LOL.
Believe me, the Europeans will do it again for America………………………LOL.

Tommy Jensen

True, it better to be part of 30% unemployed youth in Spain, homeless in France, refugee in Germany, than having a job and excellent school and system welfare in Russia……………….LOL.


…you must be referring to the excellent health services?

You know like the top hospital for cancer?

Oh i forgot it’s now not the top hospital as all the top staff, surgeon s etc, walked out


Better then your shitty American health care services, you stupid buffoon.


What dying in the hospital because the staff have walked out, top hospital as well not some place in the sticks


Yeah you Yankees not only die often in you hospitals, but if you can’t pay you thrown to the curb there bubby.


I wouldn’t want to end up in one of those Soviet style psychiatric Russian hospitals

Apparently the Russians are still playing that old card, you know, he’s mentally not fit, we the state better look after him, frightening makes One Flow Over The Cuckoo’s Nest look kind of nice and cuddly!

Yup apparently that kind of thing still goes on in good old freedom and nice pleasant modern Russia


Better then being drugged out gun totting Yank, since pill pooping is all you pathetic excuse for psychiatry has to offer. Maybe if you pop enough pills you could be one of those bums taking a shit in the streets of San Francisco there bubby.


Did that hit to close to home Yankee pill poper.


Not at all


Well it certainly did since you responded there pill poper.


Did i ?

I’d actually gone out to make a cup.of tea

Did i miss something?


Yeah so that you can better swallow your pills.


Truth pills, you really should try them

They work wonders darling


Sorry I’m not Yankee, don’t do drugs like you losers.


Cancer patients in Russian hospitals would like to take their drugs!

Poor things can’t, they must also be losers


American patient get thrown out the curb from the Hospital if the can’t pay, try better oh and your Russophobia is showing.


Typing again bubby.


What you typing bubby.


Yet you can’t answer the fact that unemployment is high and that people are angry in these European countries, like the yellow vest in Paris or the Catalan movement Barcelona, yeah some quality the EU offers there Yank.


You’ve been watching to much RT International, they like spreading that kind of thing


Better then CNN bubby.


Only if you’re a dribbling wreck

Believe it, although i know you won’t, I’ve never watched CNN

However I’ve watched RT International for over ten years, funny thing is it never ever has anything on it about Russia,ok it’ll bore you to death with endless hours of the annual Putin phone in farago, you know when an assortment of people tell Putin how shit and marvellous Russia is all in the same sentence



Oh quit denying you are CNN junkie just like those pill you keep pooping in there bubby. Maybe you psychiatrist needs to recommend some stronger stuff since drugging yourself out is the Yankee way.


Treat all unkind thoughts with compassion and love


Funny that coming from racist troll hack and pill poper like you.




Sure coming from pill poping bigot.

Tommy Jensen

True, Russia is like North Korea. Always walking around in wellies in muddy waters outsides the cities, poor suppressed labour, KGB, obsolete architecture and military dictatorship everywhere.


Oh i see no passenger’s, probably because they can’t afford the tickets,or only party members allowed on underground in North Korea, sad place

Very nice and clean though, if you like that sort of thing!


since 23 december 1913 usa is a communist state



Well it’s done a lot better than the Soviets did


yesss, the soviets did a very bad copy


Those “facts” of urs – are they from the last century or you just scratch them out of ur arse? I bet its the latter..


SK and CZ are net contributors ano. Bratislava also has gone downhill since Euro. Slovak crown much better.

Tommy Jensen

True, US and EU are innocents and have never done anything wrong. Exactly what I have been saying.


Really how is the leech aid state called Israel doing there, that country is rife with corruption and if Bibi is forced to leave politics he himself is looking at an indictment there bub.

Or how how about a number of Latin American states you Yanks support like say Honduras, you know where there was real electoral cheating in last years election. Or that the crook president Juan Hernadez election was funded by drug cartels and his brother is facing charges of drug smuggling in New York court. Or that wannabe Venezuelan president Juan Guaido and his other lackeys have embezzling U.S. tax payer aid in order to buy drug, prostitutes, trips in America and Europe and shopping for luxury goods.

Or how about your own country that subsidizes to big to fail banks to the tune of trillions in bail out money. Even though they committed fraud when their toxic sub-prime mortgages scheme collapsed in 2008, no arrest but plenty of bail out money for your rich welfare banker queens. Then again all lobbying in Washington along with revolving door of employment between government and mega corporations and banks is the definition on legal corruption.

Nothing says corrupt like the twins of Wall Street New York and Washington D.C.


The poor Russian people are basically bailing out Gazprom, as the oligarchs who run Gazprom are stealing the profits so Putin can play at being a geopolitical silly bugger


Poor Americans you are bailing out JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, The Bank of America, Exxon Mobil and the rest of the frakers and your bankrupt farmers, or how about GM i.e. Government Motors or soon to be Boeing, or subsidized military industrial corporations like Lock Heed Martin.

Concrete Mike

And usa is not corrupt?

Timber sycamore the operstion tu supply JABHAT AL NUSRAH with weapons , thats not corrupt??

Wtf is corrupt then?

Bitch please!


USA=”most corrupt nation on earth” Prof. Juan Cole (CIA consultant)…LOL….USA= oligarchy (Gilens/Page, Jimmy Carter, etc), military dictatorship (Mills, Cole, etc), police state worse than the East German Stasi (Thomas Drake, Kirakou, etc)—your election laws only exist in dictatorships like azerbijian (Seth Ackerman)….spare your stupidity
“America requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch


What a list!

Ishyrion Av

Situation is the same in all so called “net receivers of EU funds” countries. In fact, many time, the tax a country has to pay to the EU (2% of GDP) is higher than the gross funding from EU.


…..or team fascist Putin, or his little helpers,no thanks I’ll stick with the EU devil i know instead of throwing myself overboard into the Putin fire!

Jim Bim

or you could also crawl back to your hole.


Jim its the fascist tendencies Putin encourages in Europe who should crawl back under said stone

But unfortunately to many fools get taken in by Putin’s propaganda, incidentally I’ve never met a European yet especially from Holland or the former East Germany who likes Putin or would see an improvement in their countries following the Putin doctrine

Frankly Putin has put the barriers up, turned to the East, China, and hopes things will turn out o.k., Personally i think he’s made a huge mistake as the Chinese ain’t Russias friend, they’re already ‘ invading ‘ Russia’s eastern regions with migrant workers who are bitterly hated by the local Russians for allegedly taking their agricultural jobs, apparently the Chinese bring their own workers because the local Russians don’t work hard enough or are often to drunk!

The overall outlook for Russia is slow but sure decline, useful to the Chinese for now, the Russians will basically transfer their military tech to China, but a liability in the future,

Russia should have done what Poland did and applied to join the EU, failing that EFTA , the people would have been much better off than they currently are, but then Russia isn’t about the people its about the state, always has been, and always will be

Jim Bim

Stupidity beyond repair.


Just facts Jim, facts

I know its not what you want to hear, personally i put a good deal of faith initially into Putin, but it was misplaced and things are actually going in the wrong direction

Personally i think people have become so hysterical about their own governments that they look elsewhere and see things which aren’t strictly speaking true, the grass is always greener so to speak


Make believe American delusions aren’t facts there stop watching to much CNN and taking to many pills.

Tommy Jensen

Russia spent the 1990es open their arms to West just to be looted and laughed at. Putin spent 2000-2010 trying to make friendship with US and apply for Nato, just to be met with the same despise and overlord attitude.
Today most Russians understand that Western forces only want Russians killed and their property.
USA and Europe is today in a situation where they slowly and surely will strangulate themselves by British Bankers latest stupidity, the green bonds and the clima idiocy.


um…the people of Russia rebuke you


Oh its good north stream 2 is almost complete, as it’ll hurt the Russians even more when sanctions are applied, they’ve basically wasted their money in a gas market which will pivot towards LNG as we go forward, besides which Gazprom is a basically a criminal state enterprise which serves Putin’s regime and geopolitics well without any of the profits going towards improvements to ordinary Russian citizens who are now living in a de-facto police state


poor bobby—your delusions delight me …obviously u know nothing about Russia….chu Chu malchik


See above


Above what the BS you posted.

Jim Bim

Another Russophobic moron on the loos.


Not Russophobic my friend, anti Putin, big difference

Putin’s had twenty years to turn the economy around, he could have joined the West and become a normal country, he wouldn’t be under sanctions now if he had

But no, Putin wanted to be the ‘ big i am’ man of geopolitics, making Russia ‘ great again ‘

Fact is Russia has never really been great, in size yes, but economically its back ward, most of the Soviet ‘greatness’ was a product of western technology transfers and development loans

Modern Russia is integrated into the global economy, tough if putin doesn’t like the liberal international order, because thats what we’re talking about, because without said liberal international order Russia wouldn’t have any sort of economy and Putin would be nothing more than lord of a very backwards country indeed, he needs the current order which was entirely created by the west, which we know he now hates, he hates it because he has no real power

You see Putin says liberalism is finished but he needs the liberal international order to trade, so he has this rather strange and contradictory position which frankly makes no sense, he lives in an capitalist, liberal international order, so he’ll have to play by the rules set by the most powerful capitalist, who incidentally aren’t in Russia, so he has little or no real leverage, gas nuclear weapons, that’s it, it must be so humiliating for him to know that he’s frankly irrelevant

Take the gas,oil, and nukes away from Putin and what has he got to offer?

Very little!

thats my position my friend, i feel sorry for the ordinary Russians who are now looking at living yet again in an authoritarian brittle joyless police state, this is Putin real legacy, so is it any wonder eastern Europeans don’t want this again

Jim Bim

Well then…..another brainwashed Putin hater on the loos.


Tell me Jim, what is it Putin is gonna do to create a more equal international order, baring in mind he has to do so within the limits of what capitalism can and will allow?

jade villaceran

after soviet colllapse, russia is on its knees kneeling to the west because of yeltsin era, right now, russia put their heads up and stand on their own after putin took over the leadership and jailed many oligarchs

your a putin hater because russia succesfully revived their country like a phoenix


I don’t hate Russia, i don’t like Putin, who frankly got rid of one bunch of oligarchs and simply replaced them with one’s he liked, they’ll plunder Russia just the same,and since there’s no political opposition to confront this Russia will again slip into authoritarianism

The fact is its the old Soviet system which totally failed to produce a genuine socialist economy which is to blame

This failure the Soviet Union resulted in state capitalism and massive amounts of waste,corruption,cronyism and an unequal impoverished economy which was to blame for what happened once the Cold War ended

The system the oligarchs inherited was a product of state capitalism and economic revisionism dating back to the 50’s, incidentally the Soviets followed this course of action because they thought it was the only way they could match the West,but its always easier to blame the plunder of post Soviet Russia on the ‘ other’ the outsider than face the fact it was the failed Soviet/Russian system which was to blame, outsiders simply took advantage of what they found, not nice for the Russians, but not the fault of the west or America


Yeah sure the West was not at fault if so they should not have butted their dam nose in Russia’s election.


Not taking the world in to debt slavery and economic disaster, like your dumbass leader in America and Europe. You Russophobic jackass.

Tommy Jensen

Together with China they are creating a caravan of physical economy which frightens Western bank capitalism build on fraud illusions.


Putin is Deripaska little puppet


Trudeau is pathetic banking and U.S. asset puppet, and when are you Ukrainian Canadians going to stop supporting the destruction of you ancestral land, you pathetic psychopath.


I guess for a necon like you, your just pissed of he spoiled your plans in Syria, you may not type the stupidity as toronto tonto or occupybacon or Jacob Wohl. Yet in then end you are the same kind of Russophobic creep like those others who post here.

Oh and it seems to be your also the kind of necon creep who cant decide if Russia is threat or a weak country, and no Russia does not need to be integrated with debt ridden West, and it has forged ahead despite the sanctions. Proof is the fact that nordstream 2 went ahead despite the European Russophobia. The sanctions have been a boon to Russian agriculture, its economy id already as large as Germany

As for depending on Western tech since the Soviet Union and being unable to develop anything. Well you Yanks needed a bunch of German scientist in order to have you space program. You also depend on Russia in order to get to the space station. Or that your Atlas rockets depend on Russian engines, yeah you Yanks keep doing stupid stunts like sending a car in to space.

Yeah plus their budgetary surplus and continued rise in living standard and higher birth rates then most European countries. Yeah I think Russia is fine rejecting your pathetic Oligarch run Western liberal order, which is based on ripping of people with usury and debts in order to support financial and rentier parasites there bub.

No you do hate the Russians just like those other two bit trolls who post here and you are just another of this lot of scumbags who fester this site. You really miss the likes of Yeltsin when Russia was at its most integrated with the West and at its worst and weakest during that decade, and you hate Putin because he reversed that. You hate the Soviet Union because there where a check on the U.S. empire, you just hate Russia because its check on your thieving death cult pretending to be country called the United States of America.

Tommy Jensen

International Usury Rules of Order. Exactly what I said.


No JP Morgan, Boeing, Exxon Mobil, BP, Bank of America, Lock head Martin, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Morgan Stanley ect. All propped up by the private and Oligarchic consortium known as the Federal Reserve, who employees revolve around working for the government as well as these corporations. That to me is a criminal run oligarchy masquerading as state, i.e. the United States of America.

Tommy Jensen

Because they don’t have gay marriages?


This is stupid beyond any further comment.

Tommy Jensen

Just Western Colony capitalism……………………LOL.


farcical—Artaud could never have imagined that the amerikans could be this stupid. the final permits have been approved by Danmark and the nordstream 2 pipeline will be completed in months–Austra, Hungary, the Visograd nations will not pay extra for US gas—only the Poles have been bribed to do so…perhaps Ukraine will if the US supplies the Hryniya to purchase their over priced gas,,,Germans r laughing at the amerikans

Tommy Jensen

Australia, Hungary and Germany, all European countries, will be forced to receive our gas at our price if they want freedom.


Well don”t tell that to Bob another freedom loving Russophobic troll here trying to promote freedom gas lol.


Thats sounds like a really smart move!…….not

In fact thats the kind of thing fun loving freedom loving Americans would see as manna from heaven

Just try pulling that kind of stunt, ie forcing you’re European partners to buy Russian gas and watch as America and Europe hits you with a sanctions hammer you’ll never recover from


The Europeans have spoken with their wallet there bub, you can keep you freedom crap gas to yourselves.

Concrete Mike

Why in the fuck would europeeans by expensive lng from america when russian gss is a third of the price!!!!

What kind of stupid business owner would go for that?

What kind of home.owner would go for that to heat your home in the winter?

Hmmm 1$ a cubic meter or 3$ a cubic meter?( arbitrary numbers to prove my point).

And to threaten sanctions , when its supposed to be an open market? Wtf happenned to globalisation??? Oh its not our companies its not approved??

Fuck you ill buy my gas where i want to.

Tommy Jensen

For freedom. They would buy it for freedom.


xxxx your freedom, greatings from austria (which is not australia)

Concrete Mike


Well played.


amerikans hate freedom–for amerikans slavery is freedom…LOL


Too funny.

A coalition of the states that Russia plans to bypass with the Turkstream and Nordstream pipelines so they don’t have to worry about having their pipelines cut like Ukraine did in 2009 or have to pay unreasonable gas transit fees like Poland is demanding.

Italy, Germany and France …. Russia’s big European gas customers ….. aren’t on the list.

As far as security of supply US LNG would have to pass through the Bosperous on the Black Sea or the Danish Straits in the Baltic …. and at twice the price of Russian gas.

Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face. The Poles especially with their booming economy will give up gas transit fees AND pay twice the price just to give Russia the finger.

It’s also funny that while the USA is wringing it’s hands about Europe’s energy independence from Russia they are pushing for negotiations that allow the Ukraine to continue as a transit country for Russian gas because transit fees are keeping the Ukrainian government operating.

So we see the US policy of turning Eastern Europe against Russia worked well on a tactical level but is failing miserably on a strategic level. The US taxpayer is going to be stuck supporting the poorest European countries with stagnating economies because of high energy costs ….. poor countries can’t afford US weapons and NATO needs the likes of Poland, Bulgaria and Romania with Turkey drifting out of NATO’s orbit so the US taxpayer will be stuck with their defence.


stupid is as stupid does.. empire of pillage is now rubbing themselves raw trying to get off. wankers..


Uah, Ah,ah, in everything the Americans do they deceive and take us Europeans as idiots. They talk about clean energy and have removed themselves from the Paris Treaty. Good at stealing oil from the Syrians and selling their shale gas which pollutes 100 times more than the Russian one at a 1/3 more expensive.

St. Augustine

Imagine that. The pot is calling the kettle black yet again.


it’s a simple equation which can’t be beaten – russian gas available as gas through a pipeline from next door at more than reasonable prices compared to the lng (liquified natural gas) transported by highly specialized vessels across an ocean at prices close to double duscharged into terminals for conversion into gas and then transferred into the pipeline system. what is hard to understand. alternative 1, russian gas, is far more convenient than alternative 2, and safer and more economical and as said, from a source next door and no coercion needed from the seller, which is the case under alternative 2.

hard not to recognize the benefits under alternative 1 and hard not to see the draw backs under alternative 2.

Tommy Jensen

US is selling freedom gas, Russia is selling dictatorship gas. Difference!
Same with food, do you want GMO food or do you want natural liberal ecological food.

If you want freedom gas and natural ecological freedom food, people must pay for it……….LOL.


Good one, its that GMO that’s rotting Bob’s brain.


I’m totally organic,just like Russia!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Strange how a country that coerces others by using the global financial system, complains about others being coerced into purchasing something they need (energy) to participate in the global financial system.


The only surprise so far is that toronto tonto or molester Jacob Wohl didn’t show up. I guess bob is the troll flavor of the month.


That’s a very poor excuse for the state of the Russian economy, by claiming they haven’t recovered from the 20th century, China had far more people in poverty, far,far more peasants, and less resources, ie gas,oil,and minerals, and yet it’s miles ahead of Russia as things stand

And how did that happen?

Because they knew how to play the game better than Russia, they made sure the west transferred it’s technologies or stole IP from western corporations, but those days are now over, arguably the Chinese now need the west much less, but i suspect they’ve got a broad grin under their inscrutable face as it appears that Russia desperate for a new partnership will in turn transfer their military technologies, just as the west did with high speed trains and robotics

Be under no illusions about this China/Russia relationship i suspect they’ll quietly dump Russia once they have what they want, and the Chinese are now number two in the world as far as AI technologies are concerned so i don’t think it’ll take long before the Chinese out pace and overtake Russian military technology

As for energy i read just the other day that China want millions of cars running on hydrogen, so they don’t want to lose out to Japan or South Korea, like i said Russia and it’s energy geo politics especially gas, are strictly running into a future that won’t want its major exports

As for the state of America its just a far,far,far more successful form of imperial oligarchy than Russia

I wouldn’t surprise me if America doesn’t pull some sort of currency ninja move like they did with Saudi in the 70’s to keep them on top, possibly with the other G7 countries, who knows maybe such a scheme could include China!


Delusional rants from Russophobe, unlike you I don’t have to make up BS to know that what you say is fantasy, your country Yankestan criminal enterprise is not going to be propped up by China any longer. Also China for whatever here flaws are not going dump Russia, that is wishful thinking, you drug addled Yanks need to accept that Russia bested you in diplomacy and international standing, and nothing says that more then your pathetic soldiers running around like headless chickens in the sands of eastern Syria.

Also don’t make me laugh that China is ahead in military technology over Russia, the are still behind in jet engine tech for their fifth gen fighter jets. They need Russia’s assistance in order to get their wide body jet of the ground. Also the fact that you think Russia’s excellent educational system would mean they will fall behind China is also mark of your delusional thinking. As long as their universities continue to produce engineer and scientist at the Chinese at best will be on par.

Tommy Jensen

“Clean energy because of clima” is to keep nations down in expensive energy solutions and debt.

Obstructing in all ways other nations access to cheap energy, and force them into expensive Western oil and usury banking debt.


Yeah the Green new deal sounds to me like a Western banking scam, I guess they need new bubble since this one is going to pop soon.


so many retarded paid trolls have arrived today to defend their puppet masters.. rather unusual on this server..


Oh dear is that me?

Lets put it this way Dawn, I’m only doing what RT International suggests we should all do

” Question More”

Perhaps they’re also trolls, or subverting the global order of reality by encouraging people to adopt post modernist trendy thinking?

You know thats a bit like that Orwellian thing 2+2 =5, or is that 3,or 12,or????????


Struck nerve the bubby, go back to watching CNN while poping pills.


Whats 2+2 mike?


The psychiatric pill count of yours.


Come on mike you need to answer


Take your pills in a higher dosage.




Can’t say much bubby.


I’m getting tired my friend

normally tea drinking at this time of night wakes me up

Fortunately i have you my friend to help get me to sleep,in my nice warm lovely bed! Thanks?


Holy shit you typed something more then an emoji, you deserve a spelling award there monkey boy. Be sure to take nice dose those pill with you tea.


The American monkey types again.


??? hahaha

He thank my friend i didn’t know i had this strange little funny icon thingy!


Oh I thought you where done I guess, you can’t even keep you story straight, you need an overdose to help you there.


I honestly didnt expect any retarded paid troll to ask “Is that me ?” question… Obviously, that is not the job clever or even average person would do..


Dawn,2+2= RT International, and they, along with all their little helpers brainwash people into thinking black is white, and 2+2 is 5,or any other number, or fact, its called fake news

Wake up Dawn stop acting like a useful idiot!I

By the way if you weren’t so hysterical you’d understand that people sometimes actually have an opinion, so stop indulging in confirmation bias, and start thinking!


:))) You are obvious russofobic troll – no doubt about that.. Paid for a poisoning the well strategy on discuss forums with that gibberish of yours and for taking time from people exchanging thoughts.. You are not the first one i met :) The common traits you trolls share are visible enough.. I was surprised that South front managed so long with only 2 (if i remember correctly) or one semintelligent troll so far.. Seams it is about to change…


Dawn don’t be an idiot

you know when you’re in an echo chamber, because its full of people screaming ‘troll’

Troll! What rubbish

you just don’t like an honest debate, thats why like so many people you instantly go into your little shell, you basically retreat from reality because its easier to follow fake news, and propaganda than the truth

I can’t help it if you’ve chosen to indoctrinate yourself with a one sided theory of how the world is, that’s your problem not mine


lol :)


Grumpy, another poor excuse

Russia could export through its warm water ports in the black sea, or the Baltic, it didn’t build the requisite infrastructure to do so or develop a domestic economy with world class corporations, thats why its not an export powerhouse, unlike Germany or Japan who have a lot less in resources but still managed to do much better than Russia

Or it could have joined EFTA and used the EEA agreement to trade with the EU and integrate itself with the far more competitive and efficient western European economies

Its wasted its time instead trying to create some sort of alternative,pointless when you consider the EU,America and Japan have a head lock on the creation of global standards which Russia has to comply with otherwise it can’t export, its forced into compliance its not really sat at the top table,its shot itself in the foot by going it alone

Stop making excuses for them, they could have made alternative decisions but chose not to

Unfortunately Russia has been making the wrong decisions for the last hundred years


Poor excuse is that you spend all that time writing that fan fiction drivel of post there, next time troll better the bubby.


I’d send it to Putin, but unfortunately for Russia’s poor people he’s missed the boat, ooh by about twenty years!


To bad you Americans keep getting poorer more fleeced by the day, but hey keep watching that CNN. Oh and interesting that nearly 50 million of you Yanks are poor that third of Russia’s population in poverty, keep it up you will like Mexico on no time there bubby.


Russia as a sovereign nation has not existed since about 1917. To say that those countries behind the Iron Curtain were controlled by Russia is false. Russians neither created nor controlled the USSR. Russia is recovering slowly, but Putin has them on the right course. Those who DID control the USSR are now in the U.S., Israel, and Western Europe and to this day hate Russia because it is white, Christian, and conservative.


In the next 5 to 10 years, America will be majority minority, meaning 3rd world. Demographics is destiny. The 3rd world is 3rd because of the people in it.


U.S./NATO is the mailed fist of the Globo-Homo World Order, which is a big reason why they hate Russia and Putin. When U.S./NATO is wanking about freedom, they mean the freedom to plumb another man’s rectum and call it marriage, the freedom to give your little boys estrogen injections, and the freedom to flood your neighborhood with 3rd world hordes.


Ask the Syrians all about their objections “to expand energy independence and infrastructural interconnectedness that contributes to strengthening the national security of the United States and Europe.”
Fuck you diKapitatur and KonSwindler


Stupid people like Trump can only call the american LNG as freedom gas!!!!

AM Hants

What makes me laugh, is the fact they call it the 3 Seas Project, but, the US has never signed up or ratified the ‘Law of the Sea Convention’. Plus, how do they figure they can cut Russia out of the Black Sea, especially, when Turkey and Russia have their own Turkstream Pipeline, so Turkey would not be that happy, with regards who can and cannot control things over in the Black Sea.

Personally I would call it the US tax payer funded NED NGO project, with Soros Open Society Support, owing no doubt, to the Think Tank and NGO Groupies, with a love of Government funding, that will be on board.

Now how does the NED and Soros Open Society Foundation operate?

Here is the NED Statement for their work in Serbia.

The URL for this article is

U.S. Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections…

‘… The day before the hearings the United States Senate had voted to give this opposition one hundred million US dollars. Special Envoy Gelbard said: “In the two years leading up to the Kosovo crisis, we spent $16.5 million on programs in support of Serbian democratization.” He added that more than $20 million had been given to Milo Djukanovic who heads the government in the Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro.

This money has funded, or even created, political parties, radio stations, even trade unions. If any hostile foreign power did that in the USA their local agents would be thrown in jail…’


NED Statement for Serbia…

‘…I am pleased to appear this morning to address this important issue. I represent the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a private, nonprofit organization created in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around the world through nongovernmental efforts. With its annual congressional appropriation, NED makes hundreds of grants each year to support prodemocracy groups in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union. Many NED-funded programs have been conducted by the Endowment’s four core institutes: the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), and the American Center for International Labor Solidarity (ACILS). A substantial portion of the work has been carried out by scores of other organizations abroad (some with partners in the U.S.) working in such areas as independent media, human rights, civic education, rule of law, and conflict resolution.

NED has been assisting democracy building programs in the former Yugoslavia since 1988, and in Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo since the disintegration of the Yugoslav Federation. During the wars of Yugoslav succession and the U.N. embargo, NED was one of the few Western organizations, along with the Soros Foundation and some European foundations, to make grants in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), and to work with local NGOs and independent media throughout the country. The NED concentrates its funding in the following areas:

1) Independent media

NED programs have helped ensure the survival of a number of independent media and helped break the stranglehold of government-dominated media in Serbia by strengthening influential sources of objective information. NED assistance has enabled newspapers, radio and TV stations to purchase desperately-needed supplies and equipment, including newsprint and broadcast transmitters. Past grantees have included the newspapers Nasa Borba, Vreme, and Danas, an independent TV station in eastern Serbia, TV Negotin, the prominent news agency BETA, and the important Belgrade station, Radio B-92. In addition, the Association for Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) received Endowment funds to expand its high-quality news programming which is broadcast throughout Serbia/Montenegro through ANEM’s wide network of affiliate radio stations. NED funds have also been used to bring talented young journalists from the FRY to the United States for professional internships.

2) Non-governmental organizations

a) Human rights organizations

NED grants have been used to promote greater respect for human rights and improved inter-ethnic relations. For example, NED funding is providing assistance to the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC), the most important domestic nongovernmental source of information on human rights practices in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), to continue the operations of its branch office in Kosovo which monitors the human rights situation in the province, and investigates and documents cases of human rights abuse. b) Youth participation in politics and youth leadership

If Serbia is to develop into a truly democratic state, young people must be encouraged to participate in the political process and a new generation of leaders must be prepared to take responsibility for the country’s future. With Endowment support, the Center for Democracy Foundation, a prominent Belgrade-based nongovernmental organization led by Dragoljub Micunovic, organized a School for Democracy for secondary and university students in Serbia in Subotica in July 1997. The forum helped facilitate the exchange of ideas and promote cooperation between young activists who are committed to reforming Serbia’s moribund political and economic system.

c) Think tanks

NED has a particular interest in supporting independent think tanks and research institutes which focus on policy development and the promotion of civil society. The Belgrade Center for Human Rights (BCHR) has received NED assistance to encourage Serb academics, journalists and civic activists to participate directly in the formation of policy for the democratic political opposition in Serbia. With this support, the BCHR is establishing a Legislative and Constitutional Policy Group (LCPG) which will address fundamental issues affecting Serbia’s future and propose courses of action that will promote democracy in the country.

d) NGO development and networking

NED is committed to supporting the struggling NGO sector at the grass-roots level. The Center for Anti-War Action (CAA) has received Endowment funding to promote the development of an independent civil society in Serbia by fostering political activism in the country’s larger towns and cities and by strengthening nascent nongovernmental organizations outside of Belgrade. CAA has established regional affiliates in four key provincial cities in Serbia whose core activities are town meetings and educational seminars. Through this program, CAA is encouraging cooperation and information exchange between local NGOs and developing their organizational, networking and conflict resolution skills.

3) Trade Unions

With NED funding, the American Center for International Labor Solidarity continues to assist UGS Nezavisnost, a multi-ethnic trade union confederation which opposes the Milosevic regime. As its 300,000 members cope with unemployment, political repression and general economic decay, Nezavisnost has continued to oppose the anti-democratic policies of the government, counteract the regime’s propaganda, and challenge the hegemony of the Serbian political elite and the unions they control.

4) Promoting Economic Reform

NED assistance encourages the development of new thinking in Serbian economic reform policy. The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), in coordination with the European Movement of Serbia (EMS) and the G-17 group of independent economists, is conducting a research program to identify barriers to private sector development at the local and federal levels and to promote legislative change. ..

read more:


Idiot in the WH