Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
Increasingly it appears that the recent US coalition missile strikes on Syria have utterly backfired: instead of weakening Syria or degrading its military capabilities, the attack may have actually served to strengthen Syria’s defenses.
Since the massive strike which involved the US, UK, and France launching over 100 cruise missiles, Russia is rumored to be moving forward on delivery of its advanced S-300 missile defense system, which would be a monumental upgrade allowing Syrian defenses to far surpass current capabilities which utilize the Soviet-made S-125 and S-200 air defense systems.
Crucially, S-300s have a range of up to 150-200 kilometers (or 120 miles), bringing Syrian deterrent reach easily to within Lebanese airspace (as Israel has routinely struck targets inside Syria while firing over “neutral” Lebanese airspace in recent years), and could even extend airspace coverage into Israel itself.
Could this be the reason for some major behind-the-scenes diplomatic scrambling?

Undated file photo of S-300 air defense missiles launched at Ashuluk shooting range in southern Russia.
On Monday VOA News chief White House correspondent Steve Herman announced that US CENTCOM commander General Joseph Votel is in the midst of “a secret and unprecedented visit to Israel.”
Knowledge of the “secret” visit was based on exclusive footage broadcast by Israel’s Kann News, which first reported, “the commander of the American Central Command arrived for the first time to Israel, and met with senior security officials, including the Chief of Staff.”
Israeli public broadcaster reports @CENTCOM commander General Votel making a secret and unprecedented visit to #Israel. https://t.co/BbhiThKMH2
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) 23 April 2018
No doubt the potential for what weapons experts have commonly described as the “exceptionally advanced” Russian-supplied S-300 in Israel’s backyard is making Tel Aviv and its allies nervous. Israel has repeatedly called delivery of the S-300s a “red line” for which it would act, however, plans for just such a scenario could be hastening.
Early Monday morning Israel’s Channel 10 senior diplomatic correspondent broke the following, subsequently confirmed in the Times of Israel and Reuters:
Russian newspaper Kommersant reports that Russia might deliver S-300 anti aircraft missiles to Syria in the very near future in order to defend Damascus & Strategic Syrian army bases from Israel & U.S. airstrikes.
Kommersant reported Russia will give the S-300 missiles to Syria for free from Russian army supplies as part of its military assistance to Syria. This way the delivery could be done very quickly.
Russian military sources said parts of the S-300 will be delivered soon to Syria via cargo planes or Russian navy ships. Until Syrian officers will be trained to operate the system it will be operated by Russian military experts in coordination with the Syrian army.
According to Kommersant Russia believes that delivering the system will stabilize the situation in Syria and deter Israel and the U.S. from continuing its airstrikes in Syria. Russian sources said that if Israel attacks the missiles the results would be catastrophic.
1 \ Russian newspaper Kommersant reports that Russia might deliver S-300 anti aircraft missiles to Syria in the very near future in order to defend Damascus & Strategic Syrian army bases from Israel & U.S. airstrikes
— Barak Ravid (@BarakRavid) 23 April 2018
Though still being hotly debated and contested among analysts, Syria’s over 30-year old current deterrent system appears to have performed well, likely stunning the West and neighboring Israel (which itself played a part in the coalition attack) as it reportedly shot down 71 of the 103 cruise missiles, according to official Russian and Syrian government sources.
As we previously described, Pentagon officials have vehemently denied that their “nice and new and smart” cruise missiles were actually shot down, and Russia now further claims to be in possession of at least two non-detonated coalition missiles. Most Western media reports continue to assert that Syrian missile defense failed to shoot down a single inbound missile. Notably, the Pentagon has been careful in all statements to say Russia’s S-300 system (currently present aboard Russian battleships in the Mediterranean) did not engage.
However, there are other possibilities that the coalition’s missiles simply failed in reaching their targets in some instances without intercept by Syrian defenses, or even that advanced Russian air defense Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) may have been in play.
But one doesn’t need to take the Russian Defense Ministry’s word for it. It is entirely possible and even likely that Russian intercept claims are inflated, yet that there were a number of intercepts that night was also reported by several important outside sources, including by Syrian pro-rebel media, foremost being the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), which has for years been a chief go-to source for all mainstream reporting on Syria (though ironically when SOHR contradicts the mainstream media, such as in this case, its numbers are ignored).
The good balls over at the National Interest let this slip out on on of their latest hit pieces about the 4/13 strike:
“In the attack on Friday night, Russian air defenses were energized,” McKenzie said. “They were scanning, they had a [Beriev A-50] Mainstay air defense aircraft up. They did not choose to engage, so I can’t speculate about why they did or didn’t do that.”
So at least one AWACS plane was in the air during the attack. This brings the Syrians shooting down cruise missiles, even with older weapons, well within the realm of possibility.
Still waiting for Russian photos that Lavrov promised.
I highly doubt that the Syrians shot down 71 missiles, even with Russian radar coverage. But since only 3 targets were hit, and that one site hardly looks like it was hit by 70+ missiles I’d say most missiles were probably lost to Russian jamming.
Seemingly it was a tactical error to announce the S-300 delivery first and make the delivery second. Hopefully this is a bit of Maskirovka and Syria already has the system up and running. If so, it could explain the 71 of 103 intercept ratio!
tactical error may well be a planned strategy.leverage for something we dont know or for distracting the enemy.
Excellent point! Imagine if (((someone))) decided to strike SAA defenses “before” the S-300s were operational and (((someone))) sent a bunch of F-16s into an unexpected Hornet’s Nest!
The S300 shoots down planes, not missiles; and that’s why they’re worried.
Sending only S300s is an equivalent of running in front of a raging bul dressed in nothing more than bright red boxer shorts – with the end result being equally painful. Sending it together with some Iskanders and surface launched Kalibrs for good measure would give Syria real deterrent capability. I can’t imagine a better deterrent than blowing up a whole IAF air base next time the air pirates decide to joy ride into Syrian airspace.
They give syria defending tools but the russians in syria have the rest. If they go to WW3 then they be the ones initiating it not someone else for them out of desperation. This is a global chess game not fit for every one to play it my friend.
Dear, let’s wait and see if and when Russia delivers S-300 to Syria, then we can be excited.
I bitterly remember a 10 years delay for a similar system which was paid in advance.
Russia would never give Syria such weapons as Iskander or Kalibr, but I will be very happy if she arms Syria better to defend itself against the enemies who are armed to the teeth.
Yes, Russia’s attitude is cowardly.
Bikovi ne razlikuju boje
…što još uvijek ne znači da je trčanje ispred njih odjeven samo u crvene boxerice dobra ideja…
Nikako ne znači. Samo kažem da boja bokserica nije bitna :-)
..apsolutno. Samo naglasak nije bio na boji bokserica nego na činjenici da mahanje golim k****m ispred nabrušenih životinja nikome nije donio dobro…U kontekstu Sirije to bi značilo da osiguravanje čisto obrambenih sustava od njih čini samo još jedan atraktivan cilj za IAF, umjesto sredstva za odvraćanje. Omogućavanje opcije aktivne obrane – tj. protunapada – raketnim sustavima srednjeg i dužeg dometa (ne nužno crvene boje ;-))zajedno sa S300 je puno konkretnija kombinacija za odvraćanje Izraela…
…stick a kielbasa up your rear end and let the grownups talk – knobhead…
Apsolutno se slažem sa tom konstatacijom. Malo se šalih. mada Izraelci i za s-300 kukaju kao da je u najmanju ruku rs36(ss18).
Nego vidi i ova ćurka sa kandžama je iz ovih krajeva.
Ma nije budala je najvjerojatnije Slovak – ali ga ja zajebavam da je Poljak ;-D
OR…blowing up the WHOLE of Khazar occupied Palestine.
>>Russian military sources said parts of the S-300 will be delivered soon to Syria via cargo planes or Russian navy ships. Until Syrian officers will be trained to operate the system it will be operated by Russian military experts in coordination with the Syrian army<<
This is extremely interesting. As that would mean that Israel cannot attack the S-300 systems the moment they get unloaded and handed over the Syrian army, as that would kill Russian soldiers and bring Israel into conflict with Russia. And attacking the S-300 was what they were undoubtedly planning to do. Now the S-300's get delivered to Syria and integrated into the air defense network until it becomes either too late, or extremely costly to the IDF to do anything about it.
If true, nice move, Russia, nice move.
If Israel in an act of bold aggression kills Russians knowing that they are in there for defense of Syria, Russia would retaliate and destroy the airbase from where the aggression originated. The days of Israeli impunity are history.
when I see it I believe it.
We will see. On the other hand Israel is a nuclear power and so far, despite a lot of huffing and puffing nuclear powers still seem reluctant to fight each other directly. Unless they are called India or Pakistan.
Pakistani all nuclear weapons are for destruction of Israel. Pakistan work in coordination with Turkey, Russia, China, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan and Egypt. Israeli nuclear, bio-chemical attack on any Muslim country will be considered attack on Pakistan. Pakistan nuclear weapons are not dummy these are 100% genuine real nuclear weapons with yields 5kT to 250kT and Pakistani Ababeel missile carry eight nukes at a time. The world any air defence system cannot stop it.
sorry, but Israel get his nuclear weapons just from Pakistan
You are being rather economic with the truth I think Tiresia
” Israel demanded that Paris sweeten the nuclear cooperation. France agreed to provide Israel with a much larger plutonium-producing reactor at Dimona, natural uranium to fuel the reactor, and a reprocessing plant—basically everything Israel would need to use the plant to produce plutonium for a bomb except for heavy water. ”
Germany also provided them with 6 unarmed subs to hold their nukes in – https://www.thetrumpet.com/9500-israel-arming-german-supplied-subs-with-nuclear-missiles
With a bit of luck there will be hidden charges in the German subs given as blood money to Israel that can be activated to sink them all.
I think they get them from U$AIPAC, tehy are the ones who built Dimona.
During 1967 war Pakistani pilots shot down a total of ten Israeli jets without losing a pilot or aircraft.
Famous Pakistan Air Force PAF Pilots Who Shot Down Israeli Jet Fighters – Air Commodore Retired Sattar Alvi
During the 6 Day War in 1967 Pakistani pilot Saiful Azam on Jordanian front engaged four Israeli jets over Jordanian Mafraq air base. He shot down a Mystére commanded by Israeli pilot H. Boleh and damaged another that crash-landed in Israeli territory. Two days later, Jordanian airforce commander sent Pakistani pilot Saiful Azam to help Iraqi airforce. There they shot down two of the Israeli attacking planes.
During the 1973 war, on Syrian front the PAF pilot Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi was flying a Syrian aircraft and shot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat. Similarly on the Egyptian front, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif , flying an Egyptian MiG-21 shot down an Israeli F-4 phantom in an air combat. Pakistani Air Force did not lose a single pilot or aircraft in any of the wars.
There is a big difference between Pakistan and Saudis. Pakistan is a powerful nuclear state. They have deported some US deplomates from their country and on remaining there is sanction on their movement in Pakistan. These US deplomates can only move in 5km from their embassy because these Anglo Zionist bastards run their vehicles on pedestrians and don’t follow Pakistanis law.
Not much difference! Pakistani army is involved in the (Sunni Nato) war crimes against the Yemenis and Saudi head-choppers brag about how they can instantly borrow Pakistani nukes and their operators in case they need to nuke Iran! Read more of this below:
This is obvious from your moronic statements that you are not a Christian but Zionist Israeli terrorist sympathizer atheist. I myself a Christian that is why I have found you fake Christian.
Aside of your cheap personal attacks the facts are, in the wake of future war between Saudis and Iran, Pakistan is ready to borrow her nukes to her Saudi Sunni masters (mind you, Saudis are not are not really that different from ISIS/Al-Qaeda) and that Pakistan, along with the U$ and other the (Sunni Nato) states led by Saudi Arabia is currently involved in the genocidal war against the Yemeni Shiites in Yemen. More of this below:
Don’t trust MSM.
I never trust MSM!
aha! and who put MSM article here above?!?!?!
MSM is mostly lies and propaganda but sometimes like the article I shared above there are some nuggets of truth. It is true that the pakis are ready to borrow their nukes to the Saudis as the article says.
There will be NO future war between Saudi and Iran – thats a no-contest. Saudi will be crushed in 15 minutes. Pakis did NOT send regular troops to Yemen, the Paki population will revolt and they have a sizeable Shia population and former presidents were Shia. The Iranians know that only ONE antagonist in the region must be eliminated – Israel – for peace. When Israel is gone, saudis will shut -up.
Pakistan Army Chief Bajwa visit to Iran met Rouhani, Gen Baqeri, Zarif
There they have signed defence and other agreements. Pakistan and Iran both are brother Muslim countries. Their army is united.
COAS Qamar Javed Bajwa meet with Iran Foreign Minister
you western agent! dont put here lies of MSM!!!
None sense!
They need to eject this scum and Blackwater mercs running amok causing intercommunal violence.
NOT true – pakis have their own interests at heart. They smile at Saudis for $$$, but they will not sell out their own national interests , only play the game. Paki Nuke program was paid for by saudis. Saudis have in their posession many nukes made by Pakis. Pakis and Iran are making overtures towards each other for mutual military co-operation especially along common border. Pakistan will never risk a war against Iran.
You made good points, I wish you are right!
It would not surprise me, if partial or even full delivery has already happened.
We also have to understand that the S-300 is not invulnerable to a large direct attack, any air defence system can be overrun, but it will sure boast confidence, especially if, as you state “operated by Russian military experts in coordination with the Syrian army”.
It would be the height of sheepishness from Russia NOT to arm Syria with defensive weapons.Their docile attitude is disgusting for me, most of all in face of the threat from Israel, these liars confuse defensive weapons with aggression while they are the aggressors and want a free hand to do as they please, may God’s curse hit them.
If they get delivered to Syria ( and that is a big “if”), the Syrian air defense forces will have to reposition the units every few hours on an unpredictable pattern of locations. My guess is that
Israel will send commandos to neutralize the S 300 units. This is something that is certainly within they military capability. Syria will have to defend them, and do so very well on radius of 3-4 km around any side that host the missles even temporally.It won’t be easy at all for SAA to protect them from the Israeli commandos send to distroy them. With all the devastation in Syria and lack of proper border control, infiltrating commandos would be rather easy.
That is a possibility. Of course, when you fire a standoff missile and it gets intercepted, all you lose is some hardware that you were going to expend anyway. If you use people on the ground there’s always the chance they get killed, or worse, get caught. And paraded on TV. Think Bravo Two Zero. Or even worse, what if Hezbollah commandos capture them? Methinks the Israelis are too casualty averse to risk that. Far more likely and far less risky to do what they did in the past, outsource to local Jihadis to take them out. That’s how Syria’s air defense network got knocked out the first time.
Israel to Russia : We have a red line. You can not give a ”defensive weapon” to Syria which will enable Syria to ”defend” itself better because -although they don’t attack us- we want to be at liberty to attack them whenever we want. We can not just sit here and watch ISIS and likes to be exterminated by them. We can not stand enemies around us that can defend themselves. We like defenseless people, preferably civilian and young.
This is a matter of concerns for the ME region that US/UK/France already dirty from head to toes to desmintal Palestine, Yemen,Turkey, Syria, Iraq etc. Is Turkey, Syria and Iraq have any countermeasures for the dirty conspiracy of US/UK/France because they want catastrophe in the ME region before the end of Treaty of Lausanne which will end on 24 July 2023. This Lausanne Treaty signed between Turkey and Anglo Zionist due to which there were many sanctions on Turkey. If Turkey unite with Pakistan, Russia, China, North Korea and all ME countries Syria, Iraq, Iran etc and kick out all Anglo Zionist enemies from their land and prepare themselves in emergency for the comming catastrophe then they can stand otherwise its too difficult for them to survive.
Agree. however Turkey is infiltrated by NATO (its deep state) since 1948. A miracle is needed there; even traitors sometimes change sides when they see the real threat which is not Socialism or Ataturk’s ideas (e.g. strict secularism) but Western (Anglo-zionist) imperialism/globalism.
Erdogan has came out from US/NATO block because they have lost war in Syria, Afghanistan and are not useful to Turkey. They have exposed in Palestine. Russia will build three nuclear power plants with a total capacity of 14,400 Mega Watts in Turkey. In the Akkuyu plant from the first unit production will start in 2023 and the final unit in 2025 with total capacity of 4,800 Mega Watts. In 2019 Turkey will receive S400 air defence system from Russia to deal with Anglo Zionist threats. Nuclear and industrial zones in Turkey are also underdeveloped by Russia and China. Due to extreme threats from Anglo Zionists Turkey cannot keep US and NATO forces and their spies on their own land. The future belong to Asia not to US and Europe.
Turkey was taken over by Jewish Zionists after the first world war, probably one of the few “good” revolutions they ever pulled off.
turkey is infiltrated with secret crypto Jews (Donmeh) since the young turk revolution of crypto Jew Kamal Attaturk. Erdogan can do the region a favour and purge what remains of these traitors in his country.
Sory but Ataturk was not crypto-anything. What he did was an anti-imperialist civil revolution accomodating socialist principles. He promoted scientific education and eliminated religious education at schools. he created a nation from scratch. Check illiterate percentage between 1923 and 1950 and you will see. No jew would do these. Erdogan on the other hand is just the opposite of Ataturk (and of what you think of him) I am afraid. I read your other comments which I mostly agree but it is apparent that you need to do more research on Turkey / Ataturk and Erdogan.
Without much emphasis on Erdogan or Ataturk, you can have a better opinion how US messed up with Turkey after Ataturk’s death :
putin is smart….he´s trying to get the zionists to help him to get the us out of east syria….help me get the us out and I wont give SAA S-300..(which ofcourse would be devastating for the only advantage israel has over its neighbors..the airforce!!).please dont forget….if such a system is positioned in the west of syria it will even cover parts of israel itself….thats definetly a big gigantic NO GO for the zionists.so this might well lead to a happy ending for the syrians after all.
then again…as pointed out in numerous occasions by dozens of folks, we all simply do not know how crazy fucked up these(zionists/deep state/macron/uk bitch) truly are.
klove and light. Very good job.
putiun is idiot. and only rodents like you :)
Putin is light years ahead of any U$AIPAC tool like you.
sure. in 1987 i saw big applause for gorbachev.
until putin uses western technique, his daughter lives in western country, his money is in western banks, for me is traitor.
velocraptor you are the only idiot here, and even “rodents” are more intelligent than you…. stop spamming garbage and learn to use edit.
putin is idiot. and only rodents like you :))
It is also worth considering the implications of recent reports indicating Western bloc nations are seeking to bypass the veto powers of the Russian Federation to facilitate further direct military strikes against Syrian military targets (and likely Iranian and Hezbollah targets). With the failure of proxy warfare operations (involving the support of terrorist affiliated/command linked militant groups [violating international law), Western bloc nations are seeking to engineer another trigger for a direct war against Syria:
– “The Russian veto need not be the end of efforts for collective action by the UN. The responsibility of asserting accountability for the use of chemical weapons, and for bringing an end to the horrors of the Syrian conflict, rests with the world community as a whole.” [Ian Martin, a former UN official] (Syria: western nations may seek to bypass Russian veto at UN, Patrick Wintour, Guardian, 24 Apr 2018)
So far, the Russian Federation has frustrated Western bloc proxy warfare operations and efforts to attribute blame for ‘chemical weapons use’ to the Syrian government (despite its banning of such weapon use and Russian intelligence warnings of Western backed militants planning false flag operations to engineer Western military strikes).
Current efforts to circumvent the veto powers of the Russian Federation are aimed at ensuring the next false flag ‘chemical weapon use’ operation will be used to enable planned military aggression against Syria (again based on pre-determined attribution of blame to the Syrian government (note: recent missile strikes were deliberately conducted before any conclusive investigation findings). Policies of escalation by the Western bloc will ensure a more profound level of conflict will in time occur despite the de-escalation efforts (restraint) of the Russian Federation.
As the U.S.-allied coalition continues proxy warfare and partition operations (in coordination with falsifications through an aligned/compliant media) with Syria stating it will liberate all of its territory from Western supported terrorist affiliated/command linked militant groups, various Russian military analysts have concluded that the limits of Russian political and military restraint will in time be exceeded. The path of U.S.-allied escalation will almost certainly result in direct kinetic conflict at some point. Brinkmanship has limits while there are certain hostile actions that necessitate appropriate responses. With recognition of U.S.-Israeli preparations for war against Hezbollah and Iran, a broader kinetic conflict is likely not a matter of if but when.
The introduction of S-300 systems is likely necessary not only as a form of deterrence but recognising U.S.-allied preparations (being part of established policies and actions of escalation), are likely in time to see operational use.
1. “The Syrian Arab Republic stresses once again that it does not possess any chemical weapons of any type, including chlorine, and we condemn once again the use of chemical weapons at any time anywhere and under any circumstance,” [Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Ja’afari] said.” (US warned over ‘grave repercussions’ of attacking Syria: Russia, Apr 10, 2018)
2. “Russia’s Defense Ministry says “US instructors” are training militants to stage false flag chemical attacks….. The incidents are said to be a pretext for airstrikes on Syrian government troops and infrastructure……… “They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces. The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.”…. The planned provocations will be widely covered in the Western media and will ultimately be used as a pretext by the US-led coalition to launch strikes on Syria, Rudskoy warned…… “We’re registering the signs of the preparations for the possible strikes. Strike groups of the cruise missile carriers have been formed in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea.”…… The militants have already received 20 containers of chlorine to stage the incident, he said. (US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for airstrikes – Russian MoD, 17 Mar, 2018)
3. “Moscow has “irrefutable” data that the incident in Douma, Syria was staged by the intelligence services of a foreign state pushing a “Russophobic campaign,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated. “We have irrefutable evidence that it was another staging, and the special services of a state which is in the forefront of the Russophobic campaign had a hand in the staging,” Lavrov said at a news conference with his Dutch counterpart Stef Blok on Friday.” (Lavrov: Intel services of ‘a state’ that promotes Russophobia behind ‘staged’ Douma chemical attack, RT, 13 Apr, 2018)
4. “The timing of the American-British-French attack is noteworthy. It came just hours before the UN’s Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) experts were set to visit the Damascus suburb of Douma on Saturday to establish whether chemical weapons had been used there last week….. Earlier, the US State Department claimed to have proof that the Syrian government was behind the alleged chemical attack in Douma. However, it refused to make the intelligence public, as “a lot of this stuff is classified at this point.”……. The Russian military previously warned of a “provocation” involving chemical weapons being planned by militants…. “I would clarify here that the history of these three states [U.S., U.K., France] is built on using lies and fabricated stories to wage wars in order to occupy states, seize their resources, and change governments in them by force,” [Syria’s UN envoy, Bashar Jaafari] (5 things you should know about US-led ‘one-time’ strikes on Syria, RT, 14 Apr, 2018)
S 300 will negate completely Israhelli AF capacity to do what they have been doing. This brings me back to the downing of the IAFs F-16 by SyAD units who also launched 8 S-200 missiles at the Brit Tornados on the 14th. There were rumours at the time of the F-16 downing that the S-200s had a serious upgrade, if so, it had zero impact against the Brits. A More likely scenario is that Russia have S-300s deployed into the SyADFs who are undergoing training and are under direct command of the Russian Military. Which if the case, means Russia is on the cusp of handing over command to SyADF. Hope this flight of fancy is closer to the bulls eye than Yanki and Israhelli war criminals would like.
the brits were much further away than the israeli planes
This is a matter of concerns for the ME region that US/UK/France already dirty from head to toes to desmintal Palestine, Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Is Turkey, Syria and Iraq have any counter measures for the dirty conspiracy of US/UK/France because they want catastrophe in the ME region before the end of Treaty of Lausanne which will end on 24 July 1923.
Perhaps the US is in Israel trying to buy modern missile guidance systems?
is the US absurd version that confirm the russian report: 76 cruise missiles on one object!? And worse, no signs that was really happened
Let lebanon have/buy some S-300s too…
Boy that will really push ol benny netanyahoo over the paranoid edge.
Won’t happen, they would lose all funding the Medieval Saudis and the U.S. but if Syria gets S300’s it amounts to the same thing since Israel routinely bombs Syria from Lebanese air space they would paint Israeli air craft over Lebanon.
I have seen a video in you tube..”Ivan Sidorenko” channel where a video ” 1 hour and 9 minutes of US attack in Damascus”…we can see how only 4 cruise missile hit Barzah complex!..Min 5:23!…AAA artillery from Pantsir .can be heard before impacts!
How so? The only true videos are those form White Helmets, right?
russians ure not. do you remember the proof of played attack, where so called rebells played and were filmed? boy, that video published oalso here on SF pages was a legal syrian movie from 2015. ruskies lies. severaltimes put game videos as evidence, now they showed part of syrian movie which went in syrian TV. :DDDD
you, ruskies are genetically modified – superliars. you are not able to say the truth.
have you seen the video?…you can see US pentagon lies….
in my video i will show what i want. the satellite images exactly showed the renge of hit.
3 small buildings( 2 floors) not needed more than 4 cruise missile ( 500kg high explosive each one) to destroy it!..NOT 76 as Pentagon told!
Pentagon also lies.
This is a disaster, is is horrendous, Russia is a terrorist country https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/19/opinion/russia-sponsoring-terrorism.html
It’s okay for Israel to have an advanced air force, a missile defense system, and to use it to kill people in two different sovereign countries. It’s okay for Turkey to bomb in Syria and have S400’s to project control of Syrian air space but it is destabilizing for Syria to be able to defend itself.
I can’t stand the warmongers in my country and I don’t understand Russia’s reluctance. Is Russia still holding out hope that if they lick our boots that we will stop kicking them? I can answer that, no.
General Joseph Votel is in Israel to receive orders from his masters.
Imagine Israhelli people…They live in a land where they were brought to…surrounded by rightful haters…all israhelis therefore are soldiers, rendering compulsory military service and then recalled for a few weeks every year of their lives. Every israeli living outside Israhell is an agent for Mossad, their regional responsible agent(Katsa) can call them anytime when they need a helping hand in one of their overseas undercover ops. Neither they -as humans- deserve such a life nor their country has a right to occupy that land. But then again, this is how it worked for them; after Hitler, they got more violent.
– They killed more Palestinians than the number of jews died in the so-called holocaust.
– Their scientists killed more Japs (Hiroshima-Nagazaki) than the number of Jews died during 2nd WW.
– Their bankers in their dirty wars killed more human beings than their present population. (Vietnam, korea,Afghanistan-Yugoslavia-iraq-Libya-Syria, Algeria,Ukraine, Georgia, many countries in Africa, South and central America)
Some plan is being hatched. There are 4000 US soldiers in Jordan near the border on “exercises”. I wonder if the next missile attack will come shortly and allow Israel and the US to seize more Syrian territory as a buffer for Israel. The US believes that it has a month before the s-300’s arrive. This visit may have been to coordinate, since Russia is good at intercept on communications.
Yeah yeah yeah…..red line, red line……
There is nothing you can do Israel, face it.