Source: defensenews.com
US and Israeli officers broke ground in Israel on September 13 for a permanent US Army base that will house dozens of US soldiers, Defense News reported.
According to Israeli officials, the US base will be an independent facility co-located at the Israeli Defense Forces Air Defense School in southern Israel, near Beersheba. Once completed, the base will house US operational systems to identify and intercept a spectrum of aerial threats, along with barracks, recreational and other facilities.
“A few dozens of soldiers of our American allies will be stationed here permanently. They are part of an American task force that will be stationed here,” said Israeli Air Force Brigadier General Zvika Haimovich, the IDF‘s air defense commander.
According to Haimovich, the co-located, permanent US presence is there to enhance Israel’s ability to detect and defend against the rocket and missile threats. “The purpose of their presence is not for training or for exercises, but rather as part of a joint Israeli and American effort to sustain and enhance our defensive capabilities.”
“This life support area represents the first ever stationing of a U.S. Army unit on Israeli soil,” said Major General John Gronski, deputy commanding general of the Army National Guard in US Army Europe. “The U.S. and Israel have long planned together, exercised together, trained together. And now, with the opening of this site, these crucial interactions will occur every day. We’ll have Israeli airmen, US soldiers living and working side by side.”
As the situation in the region escalates, the base is expected to help Israel defend against the rocket and missile threats from Hezbollah. The move also shows a US commitement to support Israel in case of a new conflict in the region.
War mongering Arseholes
I just hope that Iran has some card in it’s sleeve with which it will send those bastard colonialists far away from where they have come.
Behind every act of terror is simple reason, all of terrorists ask for one thing, for USA to move out of their homeland.
It is reasonable demand.
The Shias from allover the world want too become a mercenary force like the sunni Isil, mercenary force,and boot the lot of the coonts of the planet along with Israel
Listen to what Khamenei says. Then come back :)
…ALL terrorist ?? Tell us how that fits when a Sunni blows up a Shiite Mosque
Do not call terrorists Sunni or Shiite. They are terrorists.
I have seen the power of Israel and of their master America. America along with NATO for more than 30 years fighting in Afghanistan and spent trillions of dollars but still cannot win from Afghani Taliban.
But perhaps the troop build up there is because its on Irans border,but i know one thing the Shia fighters out there are more dedicated and die hards as defending there country’s Unlike the soldiers away from home with no drive too win battles
The “war” in Afghanistan is it meant to be won but to be sustained for as long as possible.
Armageddon is near…
Yaaaa ? How near ?
Jesus said…” I will come soon”…What is the meaning of SOON ?
Does USA have not enough bases in the world? Do they need other more? Iran can’t build an air base in Siria but USA and the criminal Sionist can do it. I do not have words.
Not enough :D
Most recent, Peru base and 20.000 troops stationed on Haiti. Peru to be able to fight Venezuela.
I am an American Veteran tax paying voter, and I agree with you Angelo Cinarelli
They have built this base to help “with missile defense”.That means they’re expecting fireworks in Israhell. They’re actually committed to a plan of action and are anticipating large scale return fire. They don’t care what their losses are. For what ever reason, the spector of Hezbollah retaliation isn’t enough to stop their plans.
USA-Israel is the empire of the World, that is the answer. They do whatever they please to whomever they want.
They are there expressly to be blown to smithereens in a false-flag pretext. Guaranteed to draw US into any conflict with Hezbollah.
This is clearly understood by US Brass and politicos.
Where it’s positioned i couldn’t dismiss the idea of portal for a satellite terrorists moving across ME to Africa then back and forth just like Iraq, Turkey, and Syria borders.
They’ll also have an airstrip there for the landing of mr Epstein’s “Lolita Express” flights after which everyone can proceed to the recreational facilities!
I don’t care, as long as the US soldiers serving there renounce their US citizenship, wear IDF uniforms and are banned permanently from ever returning to US soil. They are NOT protecting the US Constitution, they are NOT heroes and they are NOT sacrificing a God damn thing for my freedom. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/68d9eb7e5911bcfb816a5dd7b09b02ec8e5a844df903db4831f8007afa92c257.png
Well said.
I would only argue that your freedom was never in jeopardy. The canal running the US, coincidentally the same running IsraHell, keep everyone in fear to justify their “foreign policy”.
My freedom is in jeopardy every day the traitors and agents of foreign governments running CENTCOM show up for work.
This only happens on posters and in Hollywood. In real life Americans love to fight and die for Israel and Saudi.
Could be. I only have a sample of one to go on: me. I have never met any soldier, sailor, marine or vet in my entire life that would fight or die for either one. Most despise both and are pretty damn vocal about it.
Disclaimer: I have not spoken with all 25 million current/former US military.
Perhaps US Jewish soldiers should man the US Military base in Israel. Oh forgot, the US military is for poor American youth who are mostly not Jewish.
Let me guess, the rube Americans, will pay Israel to create the base, and then pay annually to lease from them? Oh, and the United States will also provide all manpower and weaponry, correct? If any doubting American citizens need more proof that Zionism rules the U. S., and that the American Congress & the Trumpet are not controlled by AIPAC, then please phone me, ASAP. I also have a tremendous deal going on right now where I’ll sell you prime swamp land, that’s sure to appreciate–soon–in New Jersey………..
This is it, it’s official. I had hoped that the Saud’s were just running their mouths to bump up the price of gas, but US troops on Israeli soil mean an attack (or any successful defense) on Israel will be portrayed as an attack on the US.
Russia should have dropped the bomb, even if it inflicted no casualties. If the citizens of neocon states aren’t made to understand that their lives are in real danger, then we will continue down this road of insane land grabbing. Syria should have broken the teeth of the Wolfewitz clan. It has not. They are still delusional, still craving for a greater Israel.
Before the relief of Der Ezzor, Israeli defense officials publicly announced that civilians in Lebanon would be purposely targeted this time around, that a wave of fleeing civilians would be used to neutralize Hezbollah.
I understand that the Russian desire for diplomacy is meant to affect a path towards de-escalation, but now it is actually stoking tensions. Maybe the Russians are convinced that Bibi getting indited and thrown from power will reverse the current trend, but that’s one hell of a dice roll. Trump’s election did nothing to clear out the Wolfewitz swamp, neither will the loss of Bibi.
This does not benefit Americans, this hurts Americans!
This only benefits Jews. Just like when we fought to win the second world war they started, Jews won the second world war after declaring war against the indigenous tribal population in 1933. It was in all the papers. https://radioislam.org/historia/dailyex.jpg
Take a look over headlines with ‘6 million’.
You will be surprised. Even after number of victims was changed in table at concentration camps, even after Red Cross documents, total number was never revised and people like Larry King for example go so far to say that it was 9 million now.
Zionists at the time said ” anti-Semites will be our friends and anti-Semitic countries our closest allies ”.
Jewish people were forbidden to leave Europe, western world knew exactly what will happen. I recommend you ” Holocaust Industry ” by Norman Finkelstein.
It is not about negating Holocaust, it happened and many Jewish people suffered and died that must never be forgotten but manipulation must be stopped.
Oh, here is the link :
Manipulation will last as long as they can control the communication media, it does not matter how many books can be written against the Holocaust manipulation. If you could communicate Norman Finkelstein information to must of northamerican people, it would be a great advance, but …how to communicate this to 350 millions people without any communication control ? not way, just a few intellectuals people (universities, educated people).
That is what we need to figure out.
Mass flyering on light polls and small drones that drop leaflets over concerts and other venues is easy and cheap all of the time.
Can’t wait for Hezbollah to barrage them with thousands of missiles.
It would be good for Israel if US Marines and UK airforces could give their lives in taking over the Sinai Island which has always belonged historically to Israel.
After that Israel would change Sinai from a desert to a green paradise and get a Nobel freedom prize for that.
“9-11/Israel did it”
Spoken like a thief and murderer. Good luck trying another theft. Soon, Syria will be recovering its stolen Golan Heights. Time is always on the side of truth and justice. The root of Middle East instability is Zionism.
What do you mean by “has alwasys belonged historically to Israel” ? are you talking about Tanah ? For hundreds of years none jew had been living there.
Well, at least the US can use this facility to keep an eye on the evil Jew baby rapers in case they carry out another false flag and the IDF needs to be taken down and replaced with a Palestinian military, as part of creating a Jew free planet and a better future for humanity along with it.
Their on their own!
Not any more.
Dream on.
Israel helps only its own, not USA goys.
Israel has not brought in the US military to Israel. Why? If you have any doubt that the US is fighting Israel’s wars, do you need any proof than this?
This is the deal. Israeli military is too scared to fight with Hezbollah. They roundly defeated a military aggression in 2006 where Hezbollah killed an Israeli general. For reference, you can read this Asia Times article, excellently written. After Hezbollah’s defeat of Al Qaeda/Israel in Syria, Hezbollah fighters are stronger, better organized and battle hardened with a military moral. However, the Israeli soldiers have no stomach to fight the motivated Hezbollah fighters.