The news agency TASS reports (source):
The United States has been increasing the number of its strategic non-nuclear high-precision systems in sea waters surrounding Russia, Russian Navy Commander Adm. Vladimir Korolev said in an interview to the Krasnaya Zvezda daily on Wednesday.
According to Korolev, the Russian Navy would keep its presence in international waters in 2019 against the background of “sharp increase in the intensity of operative and combat preparations by US and NATO near the borders of the Russian Federation, the deployment of sea-based missile shield elements, non-nuclear systems of high-precision weaponry and military infrastructure in sea waters adjacent to the Russian territory.”
The Russian Navy commander said the Russian military presence next year would “allow to rule out all threats from coming from seas and oceans.”
At present, “about 100 warships and other vessels of the Russian Navy” are performing their duties in seas.
According to earlier reports, the United States has designed the concept of the so-called conventional prompt global strike, which envisages a precision-guided conventional weapon airstrike at an adversary’s key military facilities, including command centers, military headquarters and, most importantly, intercontinental ballistic missile launchers. During the Prompt Global Strike (PGS), the US plans to use submarine-and ship-based cruise missiles, as well as submarine-based ballistic missiles with conventional warheads.
get rid of israel and there is no need for the moronic state to defend the illegitimate israel and that’s half of the problem solved.
better idea get rid of the muslim countries
and the jews and british elite and you´re spot on
you blame the symptom, for the disease. The Cancer is inequality.
The Symptoms are invasion, racism, fascism, mass murder, and exploitation. US and Israel are just tumors…Nasty, invasive, life taking tumors.
“””During the Prompt Global Strike (PGS), the US plans to use submarine-and ship-based cruise missiles, as well as submarine-based ballistic missiles with conventional warheads.”””
US does not have a credible prompt global strike capability, ship and sub based cruise missiles force is made up of the Tomahawks is very unreliable, and SLBMs with conventional warheads would require the dismantling of existing Trident nuclear warheads to replace them with conventional ones., since they do not have any hypersonic weapons.
yeah, the article seems a bit alarmist to say the least.
Would the US be alarmed if the Russia-China-Iran-Venezuela allies decided to unveil their own prompt global strike capabilities with submarines, warships, and bombers in the Pacific, Atlantic and the Caribbean?
Gee, those beautiful White Swans caused quite a stir, didn’t they? I hear Cuba is a nice place for White Swans to take a winter’s holiday!