On May 15th, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro took part in a “March of Loyalty” with the Venezuelan Armed Forces in an apparent response to US-Proclaimed Interim President Juan Guaido’s request for military intervention by the US.
Imponente Marcha Militar de la Lealtad con los hombres y mujeres de nuestra gloriosa #FANB. Una muestra de la máxima cohesión, unión, disciplina y obediencia del Poder Militar a la Patria y a su Comandante en Jefe. ¡Nuestra Victoria Siempre Será la Paz! pic.twitter.com/LWdYT1hZi8
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) May 15, 2019
“Taking part in a military march of loyalty with the men and women of our glorious Armed Forces. A sample of the maximum cohesion, union, discipline and obedience of military power to the Fatherland and its commander in chief. Our victory will always be peace!”
He further claimed that the Venezuelan people are in a permanent state of battle for their “right to live free and in peace.”
Estamos en batalla permanente por nuestro derecho a ser libres y a vivir en Paz, para ello contamos con una #FANB cada vez más cohesionada, unida y obediente al pueblo y a la patria. Nada ni nadie podrá quebrantar la dignidad de los hijos y las hijas de Bolívar. pic.twitter.com/byvMsmw2iD
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) May 15, 2019
On May 11th, Juan Guaido was giving his speech, after which the letter requesting assistance from US Southern Command commander Adm. Craig S. Faller was delivered by the Venezuelan Opposition’s ambassador to the US Carlos Vecchio.
#11May #YoSalgoXVenezuela https://t.co/k65yUY7Z8m
— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) May 11, 2019
Meanwhile, Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez claimed that a US Coast Guard cutter invaded Venezuelan territorial waters.
Ministro @vladimirpadrino confirmó el ingreso del Buque GC James de #EEUU en aguas jurisdiccionales #venezolanas violando el derecho internacional marítimo, la @ArmadaFANB les ordenó retirarse del espacio de la República Bolivariana de #Venezuela, aquí parte de la conversación pic.twitter.com/SPCKoxNTNO
— Madelein Garcia (@madeleintlSUR) May 11, 2019
“Minister Vladimir Padrino confirmed the entry of the VESSEL GC James of the US in jurisdictional waters of Venezuela violating international maritime law, the Venezuelan Armed Forces ordered them to withdraw from the space of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, here part of the conversation.”
On top of asking for US military intervention, US-Proclaimed Interim President Juan Guaido asked the EU to impose new sanctions against Venezuela.
Es momento de que todos los que queremos una solución a la crisis que vive Venezuela unamos nuestros esfuerzos en uno. Llamamos a la Unión Europea a sumarse a la hoja de ruta del #GrupoDeLima y la @AsambleaVE, con el cese de la usurpación como vía para lograr elecciones libres.
— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) May 12, 2019
“It is time for all of us who want a solution to the crisis that Venezuela lives to unite our efforts in one. We call on the European Union to join the Lima Group in the road map of the Venezuelan National Assembly, with the cessation of usurpation as a way to achieve free elections.”
Pedimos a nuestros aliados en Europa que legitimen al máximo a nuestros representantes en pro de la consolidación de nuestro gobierno. Ademas, instamos a la Unión Europea a ampliar las sanciones hacia el régimen como medida de presión para lograr una solución a la crisis.
— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) May 12, 2019
“We ask our allies in Europe to legitimize our representatives to the maximum for the consolidation of our government. In addition, we urge the European Union to extend sanctions against the regime as a measure to pressure to achieve a solution to the crisis.”
Finally, he further called the EU to support and promote the opposition’s efforts to charge the Venezuelan government with crimes against humanity.
Por último, hacemos un llamado a la Unión Europea a que respalde e impulse los esfuerzos que hemos emprendido ante instancias nacionales y universales para juzgar los crímenes de lesa humanidad en Venezuela.
— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) May 12, 2019
On May 13th, in another breach of international law the Washington D.C. metropolitan police arrived at the Venezuelan embassy to break the locks and carry out the eviction of Code Pink protesters who had barricaded themselves on the premises, protesting against Guaido’s US-backed opposition.
As of May 14th, the raid to evict the protesters was still expected. Four embassy protectors remained at the embassy as of the tweet by Code Pink.
BREAKING: illegal raid of Venezuelan embassy expected soon. US authorities in blatant violation of international law. #HandsOffVenezuela https://t.co/oVlbtwgQ87
— CODEPINK (@codepink) May 14, 2019
UPDATE: Situation at Venezuelan embassy currently stable, but a raid remains possible tonight.
Four embassy protectors remain inside.
Vigil from 6 PM to 8 PM for those who want to join on the outside. https://t.co/D2dI4Xpssc
— CODEPINK (@codepink) May 14, 2019
Any raid on the embassy is completely in breach of international law. According to Art. 22 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, “the premises of the mission shall be inviolable.” The article continues by assuring that the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission and is under a special duty to protect the diplomatic mission against any intrusion or damage.
The Hill published an opinion piece by Rep. Scott R. Tipton, according to whom the Code Pink protesters were “hypocrites.”
Code Pink scrutinized the article on their Twitter, here are some of the highlights:
(2/X) We’re legal tenants of the building with permission from the democratically-elected, UN-recognized Venezuelan government. No matter how many times pro-coup politicians claim we are 'squatting,' we were given the keys by the representatives of the legitimate government. pic.twitter.com/H9Jxqvwfod
— CODEPINK (@codepink) May 14, 2019
(4/X) @RepTipton applauds human rights violations (violence, lack of food/water) as activists 'getting a taste' of living in socialist Venezuela. Yet millions of Americans under capitalism have no access to food & water, but it seems he only *pretends* to care about poor folks. pic.twitter.com/PP6OHqIUBL
— CODEPINK (@codepink) May 14, 2019
Notably, Tripton claimed the Maduro government invited Hamas members to establish cells in the country.
(10/X) ‘Pro-Maduro’ is reductive and misleading. Maduro was elected democratically by the Venezuelan people and is the president of Venezuela. We are opposed to US-backed coups that topple foreign governments and destabilize entire regions. Full stop.
Also, Hamas!? WTF!? ? pic.twitter.com/K4uKXb2CZq
— CODEPINK (@codepink) May 14, 2019
(11/X) Supporting Guaidó is…most definitely not supporting democracy. Guaidó did not run in the last presidential election. Zero Venezuelans cast a vote for him. Yet the US insists on him being the leader? That’s…not so democratic. pic.twitter.com/oJcFJokbxI
— CODEPINK (@codepink) May 14, 2019
The only way the world can stop the US victimizing countries is to change the way financial transactions are conducted. The US is damaging the global economy by using the dollar as a weapon.
There has to be a better way.
Amnesty International im it´s last report about Venezuela, of the 14th May, says that only between the 21st and 25th of January, in a period where there were a lot of protests against Maduro, 47 people were killed during the protests , (from which 33 by the security forces) and 11 were extra judicial executions. So, only the ones that are always anti-US no matter the issue can continue to say that Venezuela is a democracy. Im my country there is a saying that goes more or less like this” More blind is the one that doesn´t want to see”
I, Have a saying too, shut up war cheerleader.
i remember the fake bs reports amnesty faked in syria and Libya, why would amnesty suddenly clean up their act?
No way amnesty like many other NGO’s isnt comprimised by the zios. Even the OPCW is comprimised now, what was cited above is a pure lie to start a war.
Isn’t it a So ros funded NGO?
okay, so Gauidó is completely at wits end.
Stop using US dollar, avoid any type of US products whether that is agricultural or weapons and don’t go America for visit because with this visit in fact you are buying US dollars which support the US collapsed economy.
You all world communities should remain united like one nation because America want to disintegrate you for own interests.
In this way then you can stop America from invading you and making you victims.
The Guido’s and CIA asses still itching but of no avail.
The Venezuelan “opposition” main constituency is the racist Venezuelan oligarchy and the racist Trump regime. The “opposition” surrender of Venezuela’s sovereignty and its enormous oil and gold reserve is unacceptable to the 3,000,000 strong militias and colectivos, Bolivarian Army, the Afro and Indigenous and mixed heritage Venezuelans which is 90% of the population. They know that their misery is because of the US economic siege, intended to starve Venezuelans into submission.