![US-backed SDF Attempting To Cut Off Syrian Army From Raqqa Province US-backed SDF Attempting To Cut Off Syrian Army From Raqqa Province](https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/1-183-1024x683.jpg)
Following a success of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces against ISIS in eastern Aleppo, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have increased their activity on the southern bank of Euphrates.
The SDF, backed up by the US-led coalition’s airpower and military advisers, relaunched operations against ISIS in the area at the same time when the SAA reached the ISIS-held town of Maskanah, the last terrorist group’s stronghold in the province of Aleppo.
The SDF has captured the villages Bir Akhu Hadlah, Bir al-David and Bir Hajj al-Mufazi advancing towards the Resafa Crossroads at the Salamiyah-Raqqah highway. Thus, the SDF is aiming to take control of the highway that links up the SAA-held city of Salamiyah with Raqqah.
The SDF has also advanced west of Tabqah, capturing the village of al-Mushayrifah. According to some pro-government sources, the SDF may attempt to block the Tiger Forces moving along the N4 highway from reaching the province of Raqqah.
Meanwhile, the SDF has advanced on the Baath Dam and even captured it according to unconfirmed reports from pro-Kurdish sources. Pro-SDF media activists have also argued that the SDF has seized the villages of Hawra, al-Barouda and al-Matiyura south of the Baath Dam. However, these advances still have to be confirmed with videos or photos.
Pro-government sources have also speculated that ISIS terrorists maintain much bigger resistance to the SAA advancing in Aleppo province than to the SDF advancing near the so-called ISIS capital of Raqqah. While this looks as a kind of embellishment, the reailty on the ground creates at least some preconditions for such conclusions.
Summing up the recent dvelopments in the provinces of Raqqah and Aleppo, it becomes clear that the US-led coalition and its “local allies” have shifted their focus of efforts against the Syrian military following a failure at the Syrian-Iraqi border where government forces successfully prevented the expansion of US-led forces.
If this is confirmed, US-led forces will attempt to complicate the government operation against ISIS and may even advance in the direction of Deir Ezzor, aiming to seize the nearby oil and gas fields.
Than strike a deal with the turks in order to attack Manbij to disperse SDF forces for the mean time.
You are quite right. SAA and their allies are protecting them from Turkey in Northern Syria. SAA should have to give a chance to Turkey.
The turks will try to befriend the PYD if you force there hand they can always do that.
I’m starting to wish Turkey invades SDF-held northern Syria. SDF must be stopped.
I think Syria should have to help Turkey against US and Israel backed proxies SDF, YPG etc.
SDF are offically the enemies of the Syrian state now!
if you say so
Almasdar posted this while SF left that out
However, there is also a tactical reason for such a maneuver
With SAA’s elite Tiger Forces division methodically driving IS out of Maskanah Plains, hundreds of jihadists are more and more likely to retreat from their sole remaining Aleppo stronghold. It is logical that IS leadership will likely try to reinforce Raqqa defenses with the fighters withdrawing from Maskanah.
Tactically, SDF has been so far doing everything to prevent this, as several hundred additional militants in Raqqa are going to be a major complication for the upcoming assault on the city.
What Syrian state?
Troll idiot… terror supporter
This is the Syrian state that refused to be destroyed by the Wahabist head-chopping lovers of the US/EU/NATO/GCC gang. How does it feel to support the very jihadist ilk that murdered 3000 on 9/11 just to get rid of Assad?
How does it feel to dance on the graves of 3000 people murdered on 9/11, Billy boy? I am sure there is a special place for your shameless ilk.
Chop! Chop!! Chop!!!
911 was the fruits reaped for promoting the unfettered recruitment of jihadist in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The same unfettered recruiting of jihadists in Syria will prove just as tragic.
The CIA never learns from their mistakes. They do not even acknowledge responsibility for being the prime mover that lead to 911.
Of course they wouldn’t admit they conducted 911. Plus they messed up the munitions on building 7 so it was obvious the buildings were wired to go before Sept. 11, 2001.
9/11 done by Usa gov, cia, mossad
Wrong. This is the fake Syria artificially created by the French and British imperialists Sykes and Picot to split up and divide the Arabs. This artificially manifactured fifedom wrongly called Syria is completely wiithout any legitimity.
It is true that the borders were drawn by imperial Europe 100 years ago. However, Iraq, Iran, Syria, as in Persia, Sumeria and Assyria were ancient civilisations thousands of years ago while Europe was grunting in the Stone Age.
Let the locals sort out their borders. How many body bags do you want just to display western power to the “primitive natives”, dear?
You must give up this racist and imperialist mindset.
Why cause all they are doing is fighting Isis like they have been just cause a source from the government of course,says maybe is the key word trying to stop SAA come on all there doing is fighting Isis !!
Hmmm interesting thought. It would weaken the SDF considerably. Maybe not attack, just need to move à brigade or two close to manbij would bé enough to scare the SDF off.
hahaha, the grinogs made fascinating rochade. they invited the saa and russians between turks and kurds. and the stupidos arabos and medvedos went singing… – we have 1 465,83 m2 more, and 142,4 km longer frontline, we can not move, and the kurds can go to raqaa, but we aaaaare haaapyyyyy!
already in that time i wrote several times, lot of units will be nailed to al bab. now the shia wise people and their bear boss can celebrate. :P
btw., who invited americans in common war against ISIS? ha?!
You are somewhat correct, but the SAA can just pack Up and leave that Sector if it wishes.
At the time it was still à great move, acheiving à couple important things.
1. Stopped the turks/FSA from spreading south.
2. Allowed SDF to put more pressure on Raqqah, weakening IS in the South.
3. Around the same time There were troubles in Hama, so this allowed SAA to deploy top notch troops There.
It aint the Tiger forces sitting outside manbij, just some chechen police and some ndf most likely.
Also thé Americans invited themselves. They aint trying very hard to defeat Isis, and why would they, Isis benefits them the most.
Stopped from defeating ISUS in Raqqah ?
PMU isn’t going to stop SDF from doing that, but SDF is pretending otherwise.
Kurds will get their autonomy within Syria, They are syrians too after all and are not planning to break up the country.
They are not indigenous to Syria and have no right to any autonomy within Syria. Their “autonomy” will last as long as their selling out to the US does.
I guess we’ll just have to see.
Arabs are not indigenous to Syria either, that land should be given to Assyrians then. Actually kurds are more indigenous than Arabs in that region of Northern Syria.
Syria isn’t “Arab”, just because they speak Arabic doesn’t mean they are Arabs. I’m sure there are some actual ethnic Arabs mixed in with the population but that doesn’t mean all Arabic speaking Syrians are Arabs.
Remember Assyria has had many incarnations. Arabic is the primary language because Arabs conquered the Persian, Hebrew and Aramaic speaking residents of Assyria by violent force.
But only conquest by Israelis is a bad thing.
The definition of an arab is that he has arabic as mothertongue. It has nothing to do with nationality as there is no arab state as such.
Within Syria Kurds are Syrians but not arabs. Arabs can be having any nationality, even dutch.
The definition of Arab CAN be based on language OR based on race/ethnicity. They’re not necessarily the same.
Sorry, gave the same comment as you and then finding yours.
No worries ?
They were given Syrian citizenship by Assad . They are Syrian , and its just the US trying to stir it up .
Wrong. It was daddy Assad taking away the Syrian nationality of 120.000 syrian kurds and sonny Assad promising to give it back in 2011, but never really acting on this.
I have read different information , that in fact , not only did the native Kurdish have their Syrian status back , but also a large group that fled from Turkish persecution and fled south into Syria .
Regarding Arabs ; they are (1) “a member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian Peninsula” . (2) ” a member of any Arabic speaking people”.
Both are dictionary , although the racial standing is generally dominant .
eg. The Christians in Syria are generally Caucasian , although they may only speak Arabic due to conquest many years ago .
there is no fled my friend borders made by officesers and they cut Kurdistan in pieces,even here was Kurdistan before Saladin Ayyubi,sometime assyrian syriac sometime Kurds later arabs came even palestinian came from Anatolia pass to south.Language doesnt makes you ethnicyly.i am writting in english but im Kurdish.and in Kurdistan State will be all nation paople free cose we know what does it means trying to make you not exist like turkeyrepublic,baath regime ..did…and yes right arabs come from saudi peninsula,mad even Amazighs(french call them Berberi)arabizied.strange hee blonde circasian and some blonde,dark or lighter type Arian Kurds are arabs?
Arabs are not indigenous to Syria either. I guess they will have to go back to the KSA then.
Same old lie.
Kurds are proxies of USA and Israel. What Turkey says is right.
Some are, some are not. They are not unified collective.
how much paying erdokian to you to talk like this?
If I am telling wrong then tell me, why Kurds are not proxies and spies of USA and Israel?
so far they killed lots of FSA and ISIS, so either those are not US proxies, or you are wrong.
we’ll see.
I say that Kurds will fight against ISIS but not let themselves being manipulated into becoming a puppet of the US.
Are you retarded? Just curious. Assad butchered his own people, allowed isis to rule with impunity to advance his own interests and runs a virtual police state. Assad and the jihadists are one in the same. Different leaders and goals but rule with the same brutal force.
Let’s see how many are going to vote your comment up, Zack Sh. This is kind of the wrong place to try your Neocon propaganda. If “Assad did Nothing Wrong TM” is retarded, then what are you? Delusional? Seriously now “Allow ISIS to rule with impunity”, “Assad and the jihadists are one in the same” … yep. You are delusional.
I could care less about anyone voting up my post. And yes Assad freed thousands of jihadist because they knew they would fight Assad same enemies. For that they are one in the same. He allowed them for years to fight the fsa ect and really put no focus on fighting isis because they were fighting his other enemies. In sorry. Assad is no good isis is no good nusra ect. Really syria will be a quagmire until foreign powers but out and let syria handle syria. But assad is no hero. He is a butcher.
He is a hero, the legal, legitimate and elected president who defends his country from foreign aggression and imported jihadists paid by Saudis, armed by Turkey and supported by US. He is definitely not a butcher, you vote and support global butchers from Washington DC, because you’re a braindead retard.
Elacted in elections where all other political parties are banned. Your arguments carry no weight
Bashar inherited his power from his father, who grabbed it through a military coup back in 1969. The Assad family have turned Syria into an absolute monarchy (like Louix 14.th). Assad is even less legitimate than Hitler was.
Zack Sh, remember 3 years ago when Assad’s forces were on the advance, the FSA was on the run, the UN wanted a freeze on existing lines and Obama was the laughing stock of the World.
Then out of nowhere, with everything going his way, Assad used Sarin gas on civilians. Was he really that stupid? The West was incensed and Obama was gleeful as a kid on Christmas morning. Huge headlines about the Chemical killer Assad.
The International group of chemical weapons inspectors from Sweden, Poland, Brazil, Norway and Canada (all certainly not friends of Assad or Putin) finally presented their report to the UN in March 2016. It laid responsibility for the Chemical attack on the US supported FSA. No headlines in the West.
Do you ever ask yourself, why if Assad is such a butcher, do the Syrian people run to the SAA, Iranian and Russian controlled areas and away from the Western supported “rebels”?
Watch Syria’s disappead I think its called. Every side is terrible accept the poor sons of birches who are being killed for what. I’m speaking civilians. Watch the video I referenced and téll me my friend how great this Assad fellow is. He is no different than Bagdadi, Bin Laden, Hitler, Nusra, and the like. They rule by terror. Obama is a moron. Assad should of been taken out during the uprising while the government institutions were still in place. What you see is what you get now. Terrorists on every side. All of them. And Assad is one of them. I beg you to watch the video I referenced my friend.
Leave Syria for the Syrians or the US and its stooges will learn a terrible lesson on how much Syrians love Syria and hate invaders.
I wonder what all those jihadists head-choppers will do when they return to their countries? Frankenstein returns to a street near you!
Then there are millions of refugees created by the “Assad must go” farts like you!
Actually, most refugèes say they fled from Assad.
Really? So, how many Syrian refugees were there before the US/EU/NATO/GCC backed the head-choppers of Al-Queda and ISIS “moderate rebels” to remove Assad?
It would be fitting if these power games were to result in the very destruction of the EVIL EU.
The Brits had enough so we voted for Brexit.
Learn the lessons and stop creating the refugees in the first place or the EU will be destroyed. And then there is Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other instigators of the Syrian jihadist war. They will be next as the Frankensteins return home.
Be honest and stop turning things upside down. Assad single handed caused the so-called refugèe crisis by unleashing his orgie of murdering his own people. As soon as Assad is gone, most refugèes will return home, according to their own statements. Stop acting like a devil worshipper worshipping a monster.
Your crocodile tears of Assad “murdering his own people” is laughable. Boo-hoo-hoo. LAUGHABLE! This is the public relations face to justify the US/EU/NATO/GCC bombing Syria and the “Assad must go” fart. These corrupt “leaders” have financed, armed and used Al-Queda and ISIS head-choppers in their geopolitical games. Truly disgusting and barbaric.
With the return of Assad to all of Aleppo the refugees are returning. They should really go to the US/EU who created them in the first place, as of 30th June 17:
You are obviously lost to the dark side. Totally blinded by Your evil Emperor. So, how much is Assad paying You to spew his propaganda? Now go and fetch the slippers of Your master, like the slave-sole You are.
You just don’t get it, do you dear? I will not support the head-chopping Al-Queda/ISIS jihadists the “superior and civilised” west supports and arms in Syria just to remove Assad. This same ilk murdered 3000 people on 9/11. Truly disgusting and barbaric. It is the “superior and civilised” west that has sold its principles and soul to conduct geopolitical power games. Truly disgusting and barbaric!!
No normal person can support the west’s power games in Syria, while they shed crocodile tears. Truly disgusting and barbaric!!!
Calling Syria a Shia country reveals a huge amount of ignorance. At least 80 % percent of Syrians are Sunni. There is a lot of christians too. Oh and there is one corrupt Alawite family, named Assad, who greedily have grabbed all power in the country for themselves.
You have been watching way too much CNN , you best go back to it , no one here has the stomach for propaganda .
The Butcher is Obama with his drone program. But brown lives don’t matter to RACISTS like you, do they?
Do you remember the “Assad must go” fart by the US/EU/NATO leaders? These same leaders supplied the arms for the Jihadist head-choppers to kill Syrians who stood in the way of the US/EU/NATO regime change plans.
Do you really expect millions of brown people like me to believe that the RACISTS like you and the US/EU/NATO elite care about brown lives?
Just take a look at how Yemen is being destroyed without a squeak from the “superior and civilised” west. Truly disgusting and barbaric.
No lives matter to the globalists
Difference is Assad butchered his own people. Something Obama never did. Only mistake the chicken Obama made was that he was too pussy to bomb the Palace of Assad. The Syrian people can tank Obama for saving Assad, the butcher that murdered his own people.
“Difference is Assad butchered his own people. Something Obama never did.” So, it is ok to butcher other people? Can you see where you have locked yourself, in a disgusting and dark place? Get out of there before you are also destroyed. Murder is murder.
And does your ilk really think that you can get away with claiming to care about brown lives in Syria, and then arm the Saudis to destroy Yemen, the poorest Arab nation.
The violent RACISM of the US/EU/NATO leaders is plain for all to see.
Get off the moral high horse and admit that all this killing is in the service of western domination, aka “international world order”.
Actually you are retarded Zack Shit: a typical braindead zombie who repeats moronic MSM mantras and support your mass murdering, tyrannical government and Washington DC criminals to destroy just another country.
That is always an option if the Kurds get to ambitious. I am willing to reserve judgement until they actively oppose the SAA with arms. Only a fool fights in a burning house. They would be a naive to put their trust in the Americans and Israelis, but apparently they do not learn from history. The US is not going to risk losing Turkey as a NATO member and forfeit the NATO bases for the sake of the Kurds. They are an ally of convenience only. I hope the Kurds understand this.
well analysed, best the kurds could aim for is semi autonamous status within a syrian
federation structure oh and screw erdogan
assad turned syria to hell.
With great help from the Great Satan: USA.
i think not US.. All started with 2 spies of france from tunisia,and british as well,secret satans.
Oh, u can be sure that ur wish is already set up.
Watch what happens when Kurds and SAA is mainly left on battle field. Be sure turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria (including Hezbollah from Lebanon) all completely swarm upon the SDF.
Because the Kurds are supported for just one reason, to balkanise the country for these damn Qatari gas pipes proposed for euroenergy market (which is why Ukraine had a coup because they transit Russian gas)
Turkeywill help russiaand Syria because
1. They hate Kurds
2. They prefer the proposed turkstream pipeline from Russia
3. Because they believe the USA were apart of the coup attempt on Erdogan
This may all happen just when al-tanf is being taken by the SAA and perhaps bombed by the USA. tye Turks will be let loose and manbij will be taken. This will force the Kurds to move their forces to the manbij front and weaken their attack upon raqqa or dear ezzor.
USA kind of know this might happen which is why they gave the Kurds heaven machinery and ATM’s when Isis don’t really have any tanks inside raqqa hahaha.
So Turks will need to weigh it up.
They hate the EU for not allowing them membership. That’s why Germans are banned from incirlik airbase. Why USA had to fly nuke warheads out. Turks are gonna hit hard the Kurds in Syria and perhaps in Iraq. Russia will aid SAA. IRAQI and Iranians will aid SAA and perhaps fight Kurds also.
There is no way turkeywill accept Kurdish region and turkey is the most important NATO nation. Perhaps the most powerful in Europe too.
Seems like it’s time for You to take strong medicine.
What the fuck are u doing looking at posts that are 2 months old?
U need to move on with ur life!
It will happen any time now.
If Turkey does invade northern Syria goodbye Syria. Turkey will then make this area part of Turkey. Good plan!
I didn’t say Turkey invading would be good, but SDF tricksters are really testing my patience. However, Turkey is likely to attack SDF soon, for better or worse.
your patience i nothing compare a Kurdsih patience donkey of assad.you would want to see my patience.turkey is zionist puppet of israel so asad as well but now russia here this is why assad still alive.al nusra came,al kaida came isis came to do all bad things to Kurds where were you assad licker?now what happend that Kurds started to take their rights with their blood even while protect you and your asad and your turkey from destroy of century ISIS?i think u and Stephen is same person.
SAA and Russia support the Kurds in Afrin and Manbij (they do work together), though the idea of Rojava is not going to happen any time soon. An anti SDF/US article shows up and now you see all of this BS. I hope you have a thick skin.
They should all concentrate on taking out ISIS (SDF takes Raqqa, SAA relieves Deir Ezzor, FSA takes T2). Every thing else is nonsense.
Turkey should attack the SDF and the YPG Terrorist Forces!
Turkey is chicken shit just like most of the SAA. The SDF has the balls to go after ISIS while the more numerous and better equipped SAA units cower behind their dirt mounds, too afraid to take losses nor lose equipment since most of their soldiers aren’t worth a flip.
You are full of it, as you are with donkeys, they will give you a kick you will remember for a long time. As far as your fake news observation, ISIS has been loosing significantly in E Aleppo province, it is surprising these ISIS units have not crossed the Eufrates to reinforce the Raqqa garrison or interdict SDF advance towards Rama. SDF has been fighting a relatively easy war, and they are a pawn along with ISIS and FSA for the US aside in a chess match unfolding in ME.
mind your words you sold idiot,Ypg Sdf Heroes are freedom fighter for humanity for their own home and even at the and for you,or did you really wanted to be bitch of Isis?turkey can not attack,Ypg not alone.who ever tries they will pay much more than they dream.
Turkey should clean up its own mess in Anatolia.
Look what the US now all of a sudden can do. Before the involvement of Russia ISIS only got stronger but now that there is competition the US can do “wonders” .
The U.S. did nothing bacause Obama is a pacifist. Trump is a absolute idiot but not a push over. To think that Russia can do something militarily that the United States cant is utter nonsense. Our military budget is 10 times that of Russia. They still deploy cold war soviet area weapons as front line pieces. Their manufacturing ability is a fraction of Germany’s let alone the united states. Yes they do make some good weapons systems but lack the capital and manufacturing to deploy the amount of modern day hardware the United States does. I’m sorry but your point had far more to do with leaders than military ability. Nobody and I mean nobody has the military capabilities as the United States. We just had a weak ads leader.
Ask to Vietnam army or Vietcong….about the capabilities of USA to win that war…
The US could of annihilated Vietnam. Instead the refused to cross the line or invade the north. That is what happens when politicians run wars. Although. A tactical victory was completely realistic in vietnam. Instead they chose not to fearing the reaction of other nuclear powers ie ussr.
That is not a valid point. If we talk about annihilating Russia could also annihilate the US and viceversa. Annihilating Vietnam was not a viable alternative given the context becuase it would have entailed a world war.
You don’t need to go so far. Just ask the Afghans.
Obama was no pacifist , he gave 800 million to the Muslim Brotherhood , and had John Brennan a converted Wahhabi Sunni , as Director of the CIA . Obama pumped millions into his “moderate rebels” Al Qaeda , etc., he made a mess of Syria , not Assad .
Before this, Assad decided to send his tanks to kill peaceful civilians demonstrating back in 2011. This is how the whole mess started.
If you take the time to really learn what happened in 2011 , you will find out that Al Nusra ( Syrian Al Qaeda ) , had snipers take out the demonstrators , in order to create an “Arab Spring” in Syria . The US has been working to fracture Syria since 2006 , read J. Assange’s book , “WikiLeaks Files” (2015), with Freedom of Information documents and hacked State Dept documents he reveals how this war really started .
You have been watching too much CNN , as Trump says – fake news .
You missed my sarcastic attempt to point out that the US was pretending to fight ISIS until the Russians came and then they had to do something to still conquer Syrian land. I agree with you regarding the US military. The US even build up the whole Russian military capabilities after the Bolshevik revolution (even during the cold war).
Lol what a pile of horse manure directly from your mouth. They can destroy you utterly in under 2 hours. Facts. Your military hardware, including your nuclear missiles, are also mostly from the Cold war period. Your ridiculously inflated budget is used to pay criminals from military industry complex to produce broken crap, and to support 1000 bases and occupation forces worldwide, while your transgender army is a laughing stock of the world. So yes you are a delusional, braindead retard.
Call the US budget what you want. One of our marine carriers could do away with the Russian carrier. They would have 0 and I mean 0 chance in a conventional war vs the USA. Can you imagine what would happen if russia were to launch missiles at a base where US forces were based? They wouldn’t. We called them f u we are doing it u might want to move your people. That is about how the conversation went. They have good tech but no money to build the advanced weapons in the numbers we do and would and do not stand a chance. You see America supplying weapons directly to forces in the open fighting Assad and Russia. They would never do the same to us.
He’ll Turkey shot down one of their prehistoric planes and russia did nothing. You guys are best suited killing innocent people on passenger planes in the Ukraine.
The sunnis proxies have failed in breaking the shiite axis. The Kurds are the new puppets on the block.
What Shi’ite Axis?
Iran, Irak, Syria, Lebanon. From Iran straight to the Mediterranean Sea.
you wrong,Kurds are protectinfg their homeland Rojava Kurdistan ,they are noones puppet,like assad puppet of russia and iran maybe more.this is not only arab or sunni shiite.there are more than you can imagine.Kurda are Majority in middle east(looklike some arabized or turkeyized)when the Kurdish state is ready than you will remember my words ;)
But I will soon forget your words.
“Kurda are Majority in middle east”
No wait, what did you say ?
Dude US is just using u, once u have fulfilled ur purpose to them, they will throw u to the wind
like they used asad saddam king salman erdogan and europe?no problem little bit change this time is better hmm?
shit axis?
It appears very likely that SDF will end up being anti SAA instead of anti ISIS, the arms shipment the Kurds got from the US will most like be used against SAA.
we’ll see.
Well this is not something new? The SDF has had a goal to isolate Raqqa and that requires to liberate the highway however, they will probably let SAA pass. These two wont risk any conflict.
look – obviously there are things that we don’t know, and that will not make it neither to the msm or sf or elsewhere.
Making assumptions is pretty much a non-sense at this point.
no, because you are blind
coming from you it’s a compliment, thanks.
In the case of the SAA attacking the SDF, you are likely to be right.Otherwise not as the SDF sees the SAA as a legitimate arm of the Syrian state and people
The SAA won’t attack the SDF. Assad will always try the diplomatic route first. There might quite likely be some false flags planted by Turkey and / or US in order to get SAA and SDF clash against each other, but even so this might not materialise as they wish.
That’s what Turkey and the US might like to happen. I doubt the SDF will turn against the SAA / Syrian government.
Most likely, the SAA and SDF will make a peace deal (which is a pitty). Sadly, both SDF and even more so, the SAA will realistically benefit the most from a Peace deal.
again, most of the article is assumed.
This article is nothing but the usual bullshit cranked out by SF.
uh …. you too ought go read cnn news then , obviously that’s where you belong
I think not, the sabotage of the campaign against the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers by the US and its European lickspittles is blatant now.
I never said that SF cranks out bullshit, normally the articles are very good quality. There could be a slip here and there but I think it’s rather normal.
Besides, from what I gather, they publish things found on different sources, I think it’s pretty routine not agreeing with some writers opinions.
SDF is terrorist like Daesh, Nusra & co.
this is ghood. applause for careful SAA, for slow advance to Maskanah. The brutal, ufair Kurds, without arcraft, heavy weapons swiftly takes larger territory in 1 day than the SAA in 1 month. all gods of univers only prove the patience of SAA and therefor 1 SAA bullet does less damage then 1 YPG bullet. BUT!, within 28 years the victory will belong to SAA!
This article cracks me up! The SDF is advancing in those directions to block road access to the remaining ISIS units pulling out from the north and west. The SAA units in the region were supposed to do the same thing earlier yet chased out a few tiny moderate militias from a couple villages instead. Hell, ISIS took most of Syria without any opposition and now has been withdrawing without any interference by the SAA. The Tiger Forces haven’t been facing much opposition at all retaking the countryside other than the typical rearguard actions to slow advances.
The motto of SAA and russians: manana!
in arabic rather.
i lived under russian rule. this was 1 reason, why lost the cold war
When the SDF hasn’t captured the roads leaving Raqqa, you say they want to allow ISIS to leave without a fight. When they conquer these roads, it is to block the Syrian army. So to you they’re wrong no matter what they do (-;
It is the timing that is essential. Also this is all US doing, here SDF acts only as mercenaries in the hand of US.
As someone els pointed out we can just wait and see …
Until now SDF cooperated with the Syrian army. Why not give them the benefit of the doubt.
I don’t know if one can say SDF has been cooperating with SAA until now, but yes I think that there has not been major conflicts between them …
I think that the timing of this action dismisses almost all doubts. In a situation where the SAA for the first time can focus on central and eastern parts of Syria, the US chooses to in addition to the blockade at Tanaf border crossing to use the SDF for a north blockade as well whereby:
Forcing ISIS to defend themselves against SAA at all costs by blocking their escape from the eastern part of Aleppo, Hama and Homs (A blockade to the opposite direction, that is, a blockage of possible reinforcement for ISIS in Ragga, is totally unnecessary because there is only a bridge connection. On the other hand a blockade at the Ragga bridge would block ISIS in both directions).
At the same time, keeping the roads open to force ISIS from Ragga to Syria’s weakest point in Deir Ezzor through bombardments of the city.
Finally, at least, to slow down the progress of the SAA westward along the river by blocking all the roads closest to the comming SAA. As I see it, this is by far the most important point.
The situation indicates US’s will to actually block the SAA for at least some time both in north along the river and in south along the border. Exactly to what end (other than to extend the war at all costs), I can not say, but it’s US all over it!
As for giving the benefit of doubt to SDF, personally for me, why not …
SDF is completely right to take strategic places from IS.
If SAA complains about it, they had their chance to take the area a year ago and lost their chance through the bad tactics of not securing their flanks even though they had an abundance of heavy arms and a supporting airforce, indeed, they had two supporting airforces.
SDF is doing what they failed to do.
For months I have been advocating an SAA advance on DeZ, but the Assadophile “experts” said SAA had other, more urgent, priorities.
So be it.
SDF must secure the boundary of “their” new military airport of Taqbah and make sure the SAA will not target their back while they are fighting IS in Raqqah.
Assad can easily make sure there will be no conflicts with SDF by accepting a Northern Federal Region within Syria. SDF will help him break the siege of DeZ.
Instead, Assad is playing stupid political games while the civilians of DeZ are dying.
Assadophiles verbally attacking SDF are cowards, SDF fighters are giving their lives to take on IS, taking pressure off of SAA, liberating many from oppression and killing by IS. Assadophiles on this site only able to produce verbal abuse. As I said, cowards.
The SDF should then conquer the whole earth and thus be completely safe.
Man your Predictions and assumptions are pretty BIG for the words you speak.
Then perhaps it’s time to change your name to rojavanational! :)
“Assadophile “experts” said SAA had other, more urgent, priorities.”
And now many think Al Tanf is the priority HAHA
How long should Deir Ezzor wait !
sometimes you are so primitiv
Beautiful. And here is your iroquois dog.
BTW, do you know, that the iroquois confederation gave the US constitution?
The right to have a bad haircut ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/015056bec58db6aa937862c034a8c4b0ce0e5664ced32a40e8a48dcd0dd92db3.jpg
HA, HA, the approach to Al Tanf will part of an operation of SAA moving closer to Deir Ezzor. Deir Ezzor can be reinforced by heliborne forces as needed. ISIS could not take the city when their military situation was much stronger, do not expect them to,do it now.
Moron Syria will not let the US take its land under the guise of Kurdish autonomy. The Kurdish selling out to the terrorist Anglo-Zionist empire will be avenged as soon as the ISIS problem is dealt with. Kurdish “autonomy” will last as long as their selling out to the US does.
You seem to forget that Syria was artificially created as part of an Anglo-French imperial stitch up. Syria as a whole is one of the results of the Balafour deal.
All that will happen if the Kurds try to take the place of ISIS, is the Iranian alliance will switch its attention to the Kurds after ISIS is gone. And this time Turkey might just join in.
If I were the Kurds I would help Assad, then wind my neck in and be thankful ISIS have gone.
The Russians seems to be so cold in International response. Too much coldness means creating more problems for themselves. I never hear them give ultimatums to opposing sides or even make serious threat of consequences. US successfully do this to great degree od success including against the Russians themselves. Why not copy from them.
SAA/Russia has done almost none of the fighting against ISIS. The weakening of ISIS has been a Kurd/US endeavor. Turkey moved into Jarabula after the Kurds wiped ISIS out of Manbij Now jackel-like SAA wants in on Raqqa.After Kurds have again done the major ISIS weakening. Reminds me of Stalin declaring war on Japan and seizing Manchuria after the US had battered Japan. Not this time Putin.
SAA avoid that Kurdish neighbornhood were aniquilate by Nusra and FSA in Aleppo city!
I dont think that!…SAA only seek to liberate Deir Ezzor and petrol fields from palmyra to Deir Ezzor and after that to protect with Iraqi PMU the Irak/Syria border and later Syria/Jordan border!…SDF is under threaten of Turkish army in spite of US support!
you fishbrain asadist,assad did all wrong more than devil ,where was your good wishes when isis taking almost Kobani 5000 years Kurdish land occupied by the head chopper rapers?now Kurds taking back their land which written with Kurdish blood,not like fake arabish, syria iraq fake turkey made on the papers in england or france.Kurdistan is coming ,better you wish peace and freedom for them,couse any other than Kurds will make only destroy,like assad did,like erdogyan did kill babies.like vahabist saudis did ,till now i was feeling sorry for alevits but now you wish turkey invades Rojava Kurdistan (turkey which is 37 millons Kurds as majority in Anatolia makes turkey also Kurdistan).wake up arabization is over.all people will be free by the side of Kurds,Syriac,Keldanis,Circasians,Asuris,Berberis,as we are muslim but also other religion will be free too.until Kurdistan is not free noone is free in middle east.we The Kurds almost 70 millions on the Earth…
you are at the wrong forum, try CNN or NYT.
I have nothing against the plight of Kurds in theory, but they always have such bad choice of allies. As such, YPG/SDF and Peshmerga act as mere tools for the destabilisation strategies of the US and Israel. Maybe they feel they have no alternative, given they have no influence at state level. But it rules out having much sympathy for them.
Beggars cant be choosers.
Be an ally of islamo fascist turks that are bombing them?
possible friend ,also we think these things like you people but dont forget Kurds dont have a state yet so no jets,helicopter heavy guns etc..every one stealing our oil mine gas energy and than throwing as bomb to our head believe me israel and USA much better than dictator arabs and racist turks.i only can wish best and peace to the mother World.but this crazie hungry eye big countries and their puppet presidents are playing this dirty game,we are just in no anyother choice,or shall we wait until after isis others come to destroy us?you say.
Nothing against the Kurds at all. But now you are in bed with the main devil, the US of A that created ISIS in the first place. US have used Kurds many time, and always have let them down in the end. US even supplied chemical weapons to Saddam. You should choose your friends more wisely. US will be gone, but the Syrian state will remain. Make friends with them while you still can. US will try to set you against Damascus as much as they can. Just what Israel zionists want. And don’t forget that the Sykes-Picot borders were designed to divide the Kurds.
ok right but choose who you mean turks who everyday killing Kurdish babies and calling them terorist?iran is just caring who is Shia while most Kurds are Sunni,Russia who before and still trying to occupi much more area? at least american much better than them,yes i wish Nato or European union could be side of Kurds but dont forget france and england sykespicot divided Kurdistan in 4 pieces.Kurds are fighting for all human even for you.imagine what would be if isis pass the Kurds?
Good that the SDF is securing the Resafa crossroads. The SAA needs another division fighting IS which they don’t have. So far everything the SDF has done has only helped the SAA. Don’t forget many of these small villages were not happy with Damascus even before this war.
I doubt the US can talk the Kurds into advancing on Deir Ezzor , too far south of their territory . The US is just trying to stir up shit , because they were out played by the PMU’s coming in and destroying their southern border plan .
SDF can always be leveraged because they could be fed to the turks. I dont mind them lighting fires behind ISiS. SAA can overrun sdf easily, and without the SAA turkey will do it, as a favor. With powerful friends, come boundaries, which perhaps start at the east end of the Euphrates.
Now people know what is going on. This is basically war for Oil and gas resources
The Tigers will take the “SDF” as a brunch when SDF would try to stop them.
Like they did in Hassakah?
You might be right. The next few weeks will show whether you are right. As for Stven Segal, he is getting a bit heavy lately, don’t you think so too?
Like the Tigers, a bit bloated?
Yes but I think he still has some mean moves and is dangerous. Either way, I think tiger forces would make quick work of SDF
As I said, within the next two weeks we will know more.
And I lke Sagal more then the Tigers (the name reminds me of a footbaal club)
Yes for sure, but the tigers are the ones doing the fighting in Syria right now, not segal but he is still cool lol
Although I’m sure he would be a valuable addition to SAA! haha
Fuck em. “SDF” is made up of a bunch of terrorists (former “FSA”) and occupants (kurds). If Erdo wants to crack down on them, fine by me.
Nobody remembers that this whole mess started when Assads tanks opened fiering on unarmed peaceful civilians demonstrating back in 2011. An overwhelming majority of refugèes says they fled from the Baathist tyrrany of Bashar al-Assad. Since then, the Assad dynasty has made themselves deeply hated among most ordinary Syrians. Only foreign intervention managed to temporarily save Assad.