The ISIS Hunters of the Syrian Arab Army’s 5h Assault Corps
Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra and other groups of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) claimed capturing the Zuluf reserve from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies in the northern Suweida countryside for the second time in the recent weeks.
Earlier today, US-backed “moderate opposition” groups once again attacked government forces in the area and engaged Syrian troops in a series of firefights. However, so far, there has been no evidence of any gainst of the US-backed forces in the area.
Some experts believe that the US might push the FSA to intensify operations in the Damascus desert in order to heat up the situation and to push the SAA and its allies back from the Syrian-Iraqi border.
This week, the SAA and its allies, with the support of the Russian Air Force, captured the Talila reserve west of T3 station, Bir Badia’, the T3 station, the Arak gas field and the Arak town.
Thus, SAA took control of the most important ISIS defense lines in the Homs desert, extending from Arak gas field to T3 station, Talila reserve and Bir Badia’, which are considered the first line of defense for the town of Sukhna. The SAA and its allies are only 30 km away from this strategic town.
The ISIS Hunters of the 5th Assault Corps released a video showing ISIS losses at T3 station.
Footage: #ISIS defeated at recently liberated strategic area of #Arak & T3 east of #Palmyra #Syria #سوريا #تدمر pic.twitter.com/g8Tgn4NIoH
— ISIS Hunters (@ISIS_Hunters) 14 June 2017
ISIS Hunters also published an official video showing what appears to be a message to the US-led coalition, where a fighter from ISIS Hunters accused US forces of preventing them from advancing against ISIS.
We are ready to kick out #America and #ISIS terrorists from #Raqqa and #DeirEzzor #Syria #سوريا #تدمر VIDEO:https://t.co/SSVmT0aIHB pic.twitter.com/x0TCyTKfvl
— ISIS Hunters (@ISIS_Hunters) 14 June 2017
He also promised the US-led coalition forces to teach them a lesson in case of attacking them again “as in previous times.” He finished the message saying “very soon, God willing, we will be in Raqqa”.
It is not known if this message represents the SAA and its allies or the ISIS Hunters only. Although the SAA is on the road to Raqqa city, it will likely limit its operations with the southern Raqqah countryside.
The fools never learn: the strategic retreat draws them in, followed by encirclement and annihilation. Works every time.
wuf wuf wuf.. They want to enter Raqqa. I knew it. Deir Ezzor and Raqqa means the world to them and the same can be said about the other camp. Whom I believe will come up with a plan one or the other way
always the same provocation, manytimes dozens in 1 line. totally destroyes the conversation.
wait and see, negative scumbag. Youvbe been proven wrong many times dummy
The SAA should be hurry to clean south Syria, where is low resistance. Otherways americans overrun them.
How are US forces going to play a greater role against ISIS in southern Syria? They are boxed in, they can play in the sand and make sand castles.
Where is ISIS between Sweida and Al Tanf?
you know that they’ve deployed HIMARS to Al Tanf right?
Where is ISIS around Al Tanf? US is getting fixated on a fixed location in a desert, which is a fallacy. In a missile contest the Russian Iskander missiles smokes the HIMARS.
Well, they are in Iraq attacking the Iraqian connections to Tanf right now 8 hours after at Al Rutba.
Thats the point, blocking ISIS from there, not some here and there SAA´s flaxing around in an empty desert like sitting ducks for target practice havnt not even been there for years.
US blocks for ISIS and has kept it more difficult for ISIS to get supply for palmyra. Thank You USA – side effect.
FSA is not much in that, but are moving SAA troops as a small dog move sheep.
PMU is cleaning ISIS from the Iraqi desert, Russia and SAA is wasting ISIS in the Syrian desert, I do not see US doing any of that.
How is US fighting ISIS in south Syria? Or shall we say, US is trying to fight SAA to give ISIS a living chance?
It has become less important when SAA has taken more land from ISIS.
But TANF is blocking free and fast transportation by asphalt, so they has to move around it in a very big half circle. Many trucks dont drive well in the desert.
You might not have noticed, but ISIS has a lack of hard weapons from small RPG`s and up. It could be one of several good reasons having delayed or not contact to Jordan, Iraq and the Saudis.
The clandestine supply line for ISIS in south Syria has been cut off when SAA and PMU Met at the border.
wow they have one himars LOL.
yup, they are boxed in.
did you hear about paratroopers?
also can go to daraa city, daraa country, participate on offensives of FSA.
ISIS is everywhere, where uncle sam points ;)
US airborne forces are similar to special forces without much heavy equipment, in a heavy battle involving armor, artilery and missiles they will not be much help.
Uncle Sam will soon point to US.
IF THERE IS ONLY ONE NAKED amerocan soldier, the saa and russians will not attack.
They do not have to, a naked American soldier would fry and have a sunstroke in the desert.
Boxed in my ass. The FSA/USA are just tolerating those fool SAA units to the east and will wipe them out if they fail to withdraw north when ordered.
You order your pathetic proxies to do your bidding, Russia SAA and allies are slaughtering those that do your bidding. Try to figure out the next move, I know it is uncharted teritory for the reckless, arrogant cowboy mind.
Russia and Syria are tolerating foreign squatters in Syria for a little longer.
Man, I just ignore the fool any more. I’ve replied to this nut before and he makes no sense, knows zero about what’s going on and basically just talks trash. Probably hasbara or some such stooge, as no one is really that stupid.
Well, I dont know the Bill Wilsons before that comment of his. It make much sense to me. They can hit Damascus from there too, but only by 4 missiles each time.
We dont see any of that. Just a lot of babling like Your 4 liners of empty air.
OH CRAP, IT’S MORE TIGER SPAM ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg
my 1st sentencw was ironical repeat of his idea :))
FSA has announce yet another victory for op Desert Volcano, and yet they are losing some ground! US moves in Himar system to Al Tanf to hold up morale.
So that FSA trash does not try to retreat back across the Jordan border. :DDD
in comparision to you i am no magic, no witch, no vleirevoayancer. i do not know, what plan america. but i am sure, they are coockig big surprize cake.
This cake is rather stale :D
solomon is a troll who doesn’t understand simple things to save his life LOL
Maybe but probably not, yeah the NeoCohens are pushing for a pretext against Iran and would do anything to stop the Shia Crescent but Mother Russia is waiting and watching, the US isnt the only bully on the block anymore and the other two are younger and fitter, the situation in the US reminds me of the conditions in Rome just before it fell, this makes it unpredicable and dangerous.
The Ottomans. Wasnt it Ottomans – or the third Gamal Abdel Nasser star in the Syrian flag, where Old Assad stopped all reforms by dictatorship or was it when Baatistis in Iraq and Syria became 2.
Very overwhelming comparing Your own relationship to Roma and USA having 57 shitty flags and warlords Yourself.
Oh im not an American, 5 Eyes yes, South Pacific division.
We still have the old girl as head of state.
Yes they can. Americans has probatly send some recruit out there for shooting practice.
Nope. The situation is rapidly shifting. The ‘FSA’ in south-east Syria are neither a strong nor coherent force, with very limited manpower, and are essentially increasingly just a cover story for the presence of US SOF inside Syrian territory.
If US SOF on the ground inside Syria directly engage the SAA and Hezbollah on the border, they are simply going to seriously complicate their SOF colleagues lives inside Iraq, where the Shia PMU have free reign. The situation is far more complex than your comment suggests.
US and the Syrian version of ARVN would not wipe out SAA.
The difference in this war vs Vietnam, …is Putin is not willing to play the game at that Tempo,…
Or …You would be body bags by the 1000s, …with aircraft and helicopters dropping from the sky in the 1000s aswell.
5000 aircrafts downed during Vietnam War.
Alcan Aluminum ,Bell and Northrop made a killing.
Henry Kissinger — ‘Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.’
It is true they could make a nuisance of themselves in the Damascus desert. But the question is for what purpose? Using paras? Not a chance, they would have to be rescues from some god-awful desert spot with Sukhois buzzing above – it simply is not going to happen. US Special Forces are in a demoralised state, and they will not participate in anything that has more than a fleeting possibility of becoming a fatality. They hate Arabs and they hate helping them so FSA is just temporarily lucky. Most likely the HIMARS is deployed for posturing and news value. After a week or two they will take everyone home after declaring a victory (for no one daring to attack them). There is no political sense or objective behind these moves, it is all nonsense!
they wanr cut 200 km eide territory in siuth, east and north syria. ths will be the second phase. battles also wit americans. and they are able to create new and new figures on chessboard during game.
Yes the HIMARS is a force multiplier, a suprise chess piece in the Syrian/Russian rear designed to slow the advance on Deir Ezzor.
At least a realic proposal. Thanks. I would add Daraa too. Many SAA troops in the sand using expensive victory in itself.
We are looking for Dusty Hofman and guard 2 km of the border to iraq.
American troops are not in a demoralized state. Thats pure propaganda. You are sheeps baaaah.
Would strongly suggest you read this US SOF orientated site for some hard reality:
More like SAA is boxed out 50 km
I like the ISIS Hunters, however again with the empty threats against the USSA-Empire.
He says “I promise the US-led coalition forces to teach them a lesson in case they attack us again”
They have said that before, Hezbollah is also on record as saying this before. The SAA has said this to Israel before, and Assad has said this to Israel before.
Don’t talk about it any more ever again guys, just do it!
Let your actions be your words, let your mouths fall silent, and let thy deeds be thy Oath!
No do as Russia says defeat Israeli ISIS and Al Qaeda first and then deal with the USSA. Remember most American soldiers are totally brainwashed by their racist supremacist Jewish slave masters who consider American soldiers to be stupid animal beasts to die in wars for Israel as Henry Kissenger the racist supremacist Jew said. Hopefully one day they will wake up and free themselves from their oppressors. I think it is almost half of American soldiers end up homeless in America after their discharge with many more having serious long term injuries while their Jewish slave masters cut their medical benefits.
Henry Kissinger only repeats what top Jews say the Jewish version of the pope and cardinals.
Jewish racism Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews (American soldiers etc) exist to serve Jews http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews
By Marcy OsterOctober 2010 10:40pm
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.“Goyim (US soldiers etc.) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter. Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel.
See very good s videos of how Jews treat Goyim.
For some proof
Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to
see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli
government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the
Israeli government
Jews want Africans OUT.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link
Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel
Jews selling blacks
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg
Jews and blacks in one picture. You probably wet your SS pants (-;
Kell there is racism in Israel for sure.
It is still hard to read what German Nazis like you write about those who are not “white” according to your definitions. I do not forget the tens of millions who died in mother russia, as you call her, because of people like you.
The only racial apartheid state on the planet is Israel yet jews everywhere campaign for open borders – – – accept in Israel.
Seems to me the only Nazis on the planet are AskeNAZIs in Israel.
Now off to the Middle Eastern battle fields with you.
Kell, Russia will defeat the jihadists even without your Nazi support. I still have my grandfather’s Red Army medals from World War II.
We do not need friends like you.
Lol who exactly is we?
Mate I dont care who you are or that you have your grandfathers medals you havent done shit and are infact supporting the mass murderes that slaughtered hundreds of millions of people last century, if he were around id think he would be discusted by you and smack you in the face.
It seems he smack your grandfather in the face. Remember you’ve been defeated.
Lol dont think so mate, my grandfather was in the army that defeted Rommel.
Then he went and defeted the Japaanese.
If he could see whats happened to us now I dont think he would have bothered, most vets agree now the good guys lost, get with the program or do you like the fact jews tortured to death 66 million of your own people?
If so your a traitor!
Or are you just jewish?
You splatter nonsense and think people believe you. You are a Nazi and no one likes Nazis ( except for your friends Jone broun & real Racist ).
The millions that died in the Soviet Union were killed by jews, as were the 4 million Armenians in that genocide (young Turks were jewish) open your eyes if you are a non jew they call you a Goyim ie cattle, you are not considered human and can be killed, raped tortured starved extorted etc etc etc without recourse just like they do to the Palestinian people to this day – they are the greatest agents of genocide ever to apear on this planet.
You’re obsessive.
Lol and your a JEW LOLOL
So whos your grandfather Yagoda?
Are these the medals you have now soaked in the blood of the best and brightest innocents of Russia and Eastern Europe?
Or was it Kaganovitch?
I don’t take part in your game. You define people by race / religion / color.
You and the jihadists are very similar, you are both Fascists. They hate anyone who does not worship Allah like them. And you hate anyone who does not look like you. Hatred defines both of you.
Hey your the jew here, your the only one capable or true hatred.
You are the one who calls everyone who you dont agree with a nazi lol you see jews project, they call others what they are, thats why they are constanty accuseing everyone else of hate when its them thats full of hatred – fancing having a holy book claiming you are the only humans and everyone else on the planet are animals to be murdered and exploited at will – how much hate would that have to take?
Its thanks to you parasites that the term Nazi doesnt have a negative connitation anymore, the jew media constantly called Trump a nazi and the American people voted for him in droves – if Hitler were reincarnated he would be even more popular and its all thanks to you stupid hate filled jews.
In the near future nazi will be a term of endearment and the word jew will be a thousand times worse an accusation than nazi ever was, and it will be all thanks to people like you haha.
You’re pathetic.
I’ve seen your posts in German.
LOLOL I wish I could speak german LOLOLOL
Oh and ….. Karmas a bitch, just sayin
If you had read my posts in the past you would have known that I am not a Jew. But you’re pathetic nonetheless.
Talking about obsession.
I admit you caught me (-;
I hope there are good psychiatrists in Germany.
Kell you are crazy with certificates.
Haha y o u r t h e J e w
You guys are so fkn predicable its amazing LOLOL
Like a Rats predictable, its going to take the cheese hahaha you people think someone a lot smarter than you is playing you perhaps?
I mean everyone thats clearly in charge of ruining the world is a jew and very obviousely a jew.
You think your being set up for a fall?
Like when the world goes tits up and your going to take the blame?
The question is whos setting you up and if your so smart how are you going to get out of it without everyone on the planet wanting to hunt you down?
Mmm interesting…
How pathetic a person can be.
Do you really think you’re smart?
A man busy collecting racist cartoons.
Did you really think you caught me?
You need urgent psychological treatment.
Your projecting again, its probably not your fault though really, mental illness is rather promenent among your (((tribe))) yes along with Tay Sachs its because of the inbreeding…. As bad as the Saudis lol
Hey I hear if you put all your jew evil into a chicken and then ritually sacrifice it by banging against a fence the voices in your head lighten up an bit, might help with a quicker response im rather enjoying this.
Or was it Kaganovitch?
LOL! Those losers hunt ISIS after they made their escape.
ISUS trash are on the run for a good reason.
SAA is taking back much territory up north, and will shorten their front lines.
LOL you are losing, zionist shill. Cry more tears.
They are Hunting ISIS and doing it quite well so far.
Who knows what the NeoCohens in Washington/Tel Aviv have planned to counter this and time will tell but if the way Russia has prosecuted this war so far is any indication they will have already factored the possibility in and allowed for a measured sane response avoiding a pretext for further involvement of the Whore of babylon.
ISIS Hunters are cool.
At the end of the day, this goes to show you can’t rely on any protectors to help you. You have to rely on yourself. Like North Korea, you have to prepare your own defense, you cannot rely on allies, especially superpower allies. Russia means well but it’s not going to go into a war with the US despite what its diplomats say every time the US bombs SAA.
You have to plan your defenses so that it can cope with the biggest superpower. At this stage, the best Assad can do is to ask Russia for the best weapons and anti-missiles Russia is prepared to give, and do the plane-shooting etc himself.
I cannot see how Assad is going to win the war, that is, take back the whole of Syria, and put it into government hands, without confronting the USA at some stage? Does anyone think he can?
It might be better to do that earlier than later. While the US is not as deeply embedded in the SDF, maybe the SAA can pound SDF hard.
Assad has to create a pretext though. Assad has been avoiding engaging in hostilities with the SDF, a huge mistake, and has even cooperated with them, according to some, although Assad does say he considers the whole lot of them “terrorists”, not making much distinction between ISIS and US-backed coalition forces.
But in practice, he has only been attacking ISIS.
This is his big mistake. And it might cost him the war. And he seems to have continued with that policy.
How is Assad going to regain the land that SDF takes with the help of US support? If Assad has been fearful of confronting the US up until now, how is he going to be any different when the ISIS have been removed, and now only SDF is controlling non-government land?
The UN isn’t going to help. The US has a history of ignoring the UN when it doesn’t like its decisions. More elections won’t either. The US has made it clear what it thinks of Assad. SDF won’t give up the land to Assad. They lost men in the fight; giving up the land would mean that their sacrifice was meaningless. And the US wouldn’t let them anyway.
The fact that the US is still in the war means they have an endgame. This is to capture all the northern part, and link this part up with Raqqa, which they have captured now. The northern part will link up with Deir El Azzor which they want to get as well. They have some of the southeastern part too.
This is a considerable area of land. And as we can see from the Golan Heights, the land the Zionist Axis captures, they don’t give up.
The danger is that after establishing a second Israel right in the heart of Syria, the Zionist Axis will do occupation creep, taking over more and more of the land as time goes on, as the Israelis have done in Palestine.
Damascus is in danger of therefore becoming a second West Bank.
Once you show that you are scared of facing up to the USA, the USA will show no mercy. They will push the edge of the envelop and make you retreat.
Assad has done exactly that. He has shown the SAA to be a toothless tiger. It can only kick out ISIS, a state-less poorly trained rebel force.
Assad has shown he doesn’t really have an endgame. In the course of six years, he hasn’t achieved much. He downgraded the army, which used to be one of the best in the ME. He didn’t have a plan or a strategy. He just reacted. A country under attack should not have a weak leader like Assad.
He failed to recognize that SDF and similar groups that were considered moderate were his biggest enemies because they were backed by the US.
In warfare, you should concentrate your attack on the strongest forces first. This is because if you don’t, these forces will get stronger if you leave them alone and will be harder to defeat later when you have to face them.
Assad didn’t follow this rule, and as a consequence, SDF had time to build up, and are really strong now, as you’d expect for a force that’s backed by the US army.
Sure, the US could have kept arming and supporting ISIS clandestinely, but that wouldn’t have lasted long, as they would be limited in the help they could give ISIS.
The ISIS are not the real danger to Syria’s sovereignty as the SDF are.
And Russia can’t be relied on to help in this fight. So Assad has to decide on what he’s going to do. He has to start attacking SDF at some point. With the SDF gone, 90% of his job will have been done. Clearing out ISIS will be a piece of cake. He can take as much time to do that as he wants. He can do it with a minimum of risk to his troops too.
But SDF isn’t going to be as easy. But he’ll have to do something fast, or he will have to live with a Zionist occupation in his land.
Assad could use the pretext of US using banned chemical weapons, white phospherous in Raqqa to attack US forces.
This is a good point though. Lavrov should bring it up at the UN, ‘here everyone after they slagged assad off about fake khan sheykhoun attack, here is some real footage of white phosphorus in civilian areas from raqqa courtesy of uncle sam’. Will they do anything about it? Guess not.
Not wrong Mark, so far all talk and no action. Assad needs to assert his authority as President and he is responsible for Syriann citizens welfare.
clear and true words. wested long years for nohing, tremor, fear, swet and only weak reactions. Vut not only Assad is weak, the whole nation is under zero level. They do not wabt to fight. then will slowly die. This universe is brutal. Only the hardest survive.
how you gonna keep saying they dont want to fight when they are pushing ISIS back?
How you gonna slag soldiers from behind your keyboard you worm?
I wish I could meet you to spit in your face, you pro Israeli pysops troll.
Syria will survive , and prosper , because they have the heart and will to .
The Universe is kind to those who work with it , not against it .
they have no heart :( if would have, there would be half million fighting people.
Do you understand US forces are nuclear armed and you can’t just attack them if you are not an ally of the US, especially if you are Assad who the US want gone? And I’d like to see your country fight a war on a 100 fronts and leave 50 fronts of those to the enemy just so they can concentrate on a relatively not as aggressive non jihadi enemy with US support, nonetheless.
You first confirm this, then we can continue the conversation.
ISIS , was formed out of Saddam’s army , that was dismissed by G. Bush . Trained by eight years of war against Iran , and armed to the teeth with the best American weapons Saddam could afford to buy . So ISIS has been the most serious enemy of the state of Syria .
Al Qaeda , backed by McCain and his CIA cash , on an equal footing , but not as numerous.
The Syrian Kurds have
the majority of isis fighters are not old, there are kids and young ppl mostly. And a lot of the old men you see in their videos are tribal guys. The amount of ex saddam guys with isis is small
Ten years later , its no wonder , the lower levels have been replaced by thousands of Wahhabi believers of the “One Way” . However initially, it was just Saddam’s displaced Sunni army . Still just 4 – 6 months ago six or eight officers (former Saddam army) were executed by ISIS in Iraq . Likely knew too much to be just dismissed .
My response to tigbear is condensed , but he seems intent on Kurdish – Syrian conflict , where so far there is none . He may be right , they could keep this war going for another twenty years or more if they buy the “Kurdistan” dream .
The only problem is the SDF is weaker than you assume the majority would leave the Leftists to fight SAA , something many don’t know and obviously have very little understanding in how people react . The US may or may not be able to avoid the coming civil war in the US , the situation in the US is growing critical . Something little known about the Kurds and SDF training it was a joke none of them wanted to train them very well so , they get into a real fight they will suffer heavy casualties . The SAA has gained more experienced troops from rebel FSA units that fought ever since Aleppo more join them than went to Idlib , many are joining daily adding to the army . Assad has a better Army today than he had before the US proxies invaded their regular forces fight as well as the Airborne regiments do . They have kept most of the new equipment out of the fight and held in reserve against an imminent deployment by the US ,Iran and Iraq have decided on a mutual defense agreement before all this happened .
Very good news, we will finally see someone actually fighting ISIS unlike treacherous Russians, never trust the evil Russians,you will get backstabbed all the time!!!
But first they must destroy the PMU backed up by Iranian terroristic state!