US-backed Kurdish-Led Forces Expel ISIS From More VIllages East Of Raqqah

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), mainly consisting of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), have captured the village of  Kas ‘Ajee, Khabas Hibal and Khasss Dakur southeast of Raqqah. SDF units also reached the al-Ray channel.

Meanwhile, ISIS terrorists have counter-attacked the SDF at Judayat Khabour, Hamad Assaf and Al Kulayb, seizing these villages.

US-backed Kurdish-Led Forces Expel ISIS From More VIllages East Of Raqqah

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Cool but can’t let Isis take those villages dafuq yo!!


SF mod note SE corner of map is inaccurate : 1. There is no miltary base at location shown as Al-KIBAR, just derelict building bombed by Israelis in 2007 (see Wiki entry : Operation Orchard, now mysteriously re-written !) and 2. The main N4 highway Raqqa-Deir ez-Zour does not run alongside the Euphrates riverbank here but runs in a direct line from Ma’din al Jadid to Al Tibni,( 25 air km) thus bypassing the basalt high ground and narrow channel. There is an imperative bridge crossing (just 180 m wide) north of the historic Roman fortress excavations. Hope this helps, SDF have NOT taken a “large military base “, contrary to earlier reports, to my knowledge.