On September 21, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) advanced 2km towards the town of Hajin in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside and captured 15 positions in the vicinity of the town, according to the SDF media center.
“The liberated area was completely cleared and the trenches and tunnels, which ISIS terrorists had been holed up in, were destroyed,” the SDF media center said in its daily report.
A day earlier, the SDF imposed control of the key town of al-Baghuz al-Fawqani, 25km south of Hajin. According to the SDF media center, US-backed fighters are currently working to clear the town from the IEDs and mines, which had been planted by ISIS fighters.
15 ISIS fighters were reportedly killed during clashes with the SDF in the last 24 hours. Furthermore, US-led coalition warplanes conducted 5 airstrikes on positions and vehicles of the terrorist group.
بينما تتقدم قوات سوريا الديمقراطية على الأرض في حوض الفرات، تقوم قوات التحالف الدولي بصيد الدواعش من السماء كالأرانب ودك معاقل الإرهاب pic.twitter.com/IXW5XO1C0f
— قوات سوريا من الجبهة (@QSD_Jabha) September 21, 2018
طيران التحالف الدولي مستمر في دعم العمليات العسكرية ضد تنظيم داعش الإرهابي في حوض الفرات من خلال رصد تحركات الدواعش وتدميرهم pic.twitter.com/9o0RTb9cpx
— قوات سوريا من الجبهة (@QSD_Jabha) September 21, 2018
The upcoming hours will likely witness the beginning of the SDF attack on ISIS positions in the town of al-Susah, north of al-Baghuz al-Fawqani. ISIS fighters will attempt to stop US-backed forces in the town to prevent their remaining positions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River from collapsing.
Same story yesterday, today, and tomorrow. ISIS can’t surrender and they can’t run away. They are all already dead.
Terrorist scum. The sooner the real Syrians line all these ‘SDF’ scum up against a wall and shoot them, the better.
The real Syrians are tired of the fighting so are cheering on the SDF.
Lol, sure, real Syrians are supporting moderate Al-Qaeda. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
wtf u zionist jew sum…syrians cheering for SDF????
yeah when they r buried…stupid monkey
assad already clearly stated..” kurds are traitors and will be delt with as such” ….good man, spot on
Of course you do, you Yanker heroes…….https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/20/60/30/240_F_120603095_VoS5zpbm7cam2ZkkyCJw0F3ybr5IIzbe.jpg
How many weeks is this offensive now going? Advancing without any progress?