US Army Too Weak To Win War In The Middle East, Warns Tucker Carlson

US Army Too Weak To Win War In The Middle East, Warns Tucker Carlson

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Former Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson warned during his program published on the social media network X (formerly Twitter) that the US would lose a war in the Middle East if Russia, China, and other states were involved since the US Army is weaker than at any time in the last 50 years.

“The stakes are much higher than many Americans think. It’s easy to imagine that some other countries will be drawn into the conflict between Israel and Hamas. These countries include Russia, Iran, Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf countries and possibly many others,” Carlson said.

Carlson also highlighted that it is “going to be a problem” that most countries would join forces opposed to Washington, even if some could support Washington and Israel, since the “US military is weaker than it has been in the past 50 years.” He attributed the weakening of the US military to the two senseless conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the “Pentagon’s political buffoonery.”

“This is no time for world war. We are going to lose it. But our commander in chief doesn’t realise that,” the journalist stated.

Carlson also slammed the claim by US President Joe Biden that the US is “the most powerful country in the history of the world” when discussing support for Ukraine and Israel. “Pride precedes destruction. That has always been true and always will be,” he concluded.

However, an Israel-Gaza War will not only draw in regional countries, Russia, and China, as mentioned by Carlson, but also non-state actors, such as Iraqi Hezbollah, who declared on October 10 that it will fire on American bases if the US intervenes, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, who has been skirmishing with Israeli forces for days and threatens to attack if an invasion of Gaza is ordered.

In fact, even the Taliban reportedly asked Iran, Iraq, and Jordan to grant them passage to Israel so that they could “conquer Jerusalem.” Belarusian news agency NEXTA tweeted:

“Russia’s allies, the Taliban terrorist organization supported Hamas: ‘If the Muslim countries neighboring Israel grant us the right of passage, we will conquer Jerusalem.’”

With a whole array of state and non-state actors potentially becoming active in the Middle East, it would leave US forces vulnerable and exposed, especially since, as Carlson highlighted, the US Army is currently weaker than ever in the last 50 years. Nonetheless, of all the mentioned players, in this current conjecture, Hezbollah in Lebanon will likely be the first to become embroiled in the Israel-Gaza War.

For this reason, the White House has been discussing the possibility of using military force if Hezbollah attacks Israel with rockets, reported Axios, citing three US officials and one Israeli official with knowledge of the situation. Washington has been extremely active in trying to deter Hezbollah and even sent two aircraft carriers and other warships to the Eastern Mediterranean. This response was made even though Iran and Hezbollah said they did not want an escalation – but would consider intervening if Israel’s military operation in Gaza continued.

Biden’s trip to Israel this week was not only to confirm the US’ strong support for the country but also part of the effort to deter Hezbollah and Iran from opening a second war front. Lebanon-based Hezbollah joining the war would dramatically escalate the Middle East’s worst conflict in decades — raising the likelihood of mass civilian casualties in Israel and Lebanon and possibly drawing in the US, Axios added.

As Hezbollah joining the war “would dramatically escalate” the situation, it could unravel Carlson’s warning of a host of regional countries, Russia and China, being drawn into the conflict and thus expose the US to serious danger.

In the same light as Carlson, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that the danger of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict turning into a region-wide confrontation is quite high.

“As far as Gaza is concerned, the risk of this crisis escalating into a regional conflict is serious enough,” Lavrov told reporters on October 19, adding that Russia was interested in stopping the war from spreading and will seek “exactly this in our contacts with the Palestinians, with other Arab colleagues and with the Israelis.”

Ultimately, it remains to be seen whether the US aircraft carriers and warships will be enough to deter Hezbollah from attacking Israel. If it is not, though, the whole region threatens to unravel into widespread conflict as other actors join the fighting. For this reason, Carlson is warning about the weakness of the US military and the repercussions of American involvement, and why Lavrov is seeking peace.


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spoilers: nor in ukrohoholand. the article 5 of nato has already been executed, imo. they are “helping” as much as they can already. the execution of the article 5 section does not require military boots on the ground, everything is at the discretion of each country in nato. each country in nato gave everything they could already too.

Impeach Biden

besides that, russia has re nukes than the usa has. and those russian nukes are better than american ones, by far


you’re getting a little ahead of yourself here. let’s build some hangars first so that a single atacms doesn’t take out an entire airfield full of choppers before we start talking about nukes.

or maybe let’s see some of those russian cluster shells in action like they promised. or maybe let’s see some kind of response to nato’s use of depleted uranium.

or maybe let’s see russia hit a decision making center for a change.


5 out of 7 worthless “amazing” atacms were taken down. 2 attacked the airfield and destroyed 2 helicopters. the rest of the 7 other helicopters are being fixed and returned to working condition.
pathetic and useless ukraine at it again. this was supposed to be your game changer weapon. what happened?


thank you

jens holm

it seemes one already has hit you.

Jean Paul France

you live in disney world or drink too much cheap wine: unfortunately after the disappearance of the soviet union, nato accumulates greater nuclear power than russia. only in strategic submarines do the united states + the united kingdom comfortably surpass russia.

so maybe mutual assured destruction, but never the easy victory you say after getting drunk.


u sound like western media that is always lying brainwashed it’s citizens not some of us


good ol’ tucker, the cia’s best. mouthpiece. more money for the mic, and quickly!


of true, the taliban are another case of where the us supposedly brilliantly played muslims against muslims (iran), forgetting that they will unite in a common cause such as palestine.

Christians worship Zionism

a quagmire for the western zionist countries they can spend the next 20 years in a downward spiral. with china and russia and a host of others yet to fight with no other fools to fight for them except americans.

Florian Geyer

every empire, big and small, have failed because of greed, stupidity and criminality.the jooess is a good example.

Psionists slaves of America

one of the few journalists with integrity who’s not owned by aipac and zionist-supremacists. tucker carlson for president.


now that’s delusion at a whole other level


the power into middle east will reset only if one merican carrer will be drowned by a rocket drom gaza or lebanon or by a naval drone like ukraine used into black sea.

James Hodgkiss

i like tucker, but he is no military genius. firstly, he calls a coin flip, thats easy, win/lose, he calls loose. secondly, there will be no ‘winner’. it will be attrition and meat grinding until some sort of de-escalation develops. thirdly, most powers want war, its profitable and consolidates power bases.

Last edited 11 months ago by James Hodgkiss

no need for a military genius to see that the lgbtq+ army got their butts handed to them every single time for the last 70 years.

jens holm

it depends in who we are.


yes, i would very much like to wake up the people everywhere to realize their true enemy. but most do not realize they are slaves of the jews. and it needs to be said, that also russia has the very same problem. people there too not realize this sad truth that they too are nothing but slaves of the jews. see for example this photo of solovjov – the jewish kabbalist (see: ) and supreme ru state tv war-pushing moderator & hate incitor – who beats the drums of war 24/7.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

he is one of those example jews, one of the typical fake-pro russia elements, who nonstop demands christian russians to go to war against their christian brothers in ukraine and poland. he is screaming for more bloodshed, and tries to incite anger & hate in russians to make the christian ru-men become animals of war. of course his (solovjov’s)own son is spared from ru military service. solovjov is today’s ilja ehrenburg – a political commissar of the jewish anti-ru federation

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

btw you have to ask yourself: why are jews so keen on trying to be at the front of antizionist activity and desperately trying to disassociate judaism from zionism?

methinks it’s just another way for them to control the opposition

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

duo dont that all. we are alled to have own oppinions here.

it seemes our pigs are more clever thern you. most likely you are raised in a much lower level them andf you learned from pravda eating new from them.

mighty orc

senile pig more intelligent than retired toilet scrubber jen homo

jens holm

the nazis in ukrane are reform. hard time for hitler they e lected a jes as their leaders.

do you live in bipolar szizzfrenia ?

jens holm

if are slaves of the jews i happy about it. thank you very much all jews in the wild world.

maybee we treat and them well and by that we are rewarded.

today my country has more then 3 times gdp then russia.

but you are wrong. educated people get more influence and are better paid. that has nothing to with jews.

as long your dont edecuate your children well and reward them, you remain as dumbums. they are the your biggest excuse for doing.

Jean Paul France

take note gentlemen, jens is jewish.

a typical behavior of the cunning and deceitful jews:

praise jews in the third person, hiding the fact that he himself is also jewish.

James Hodgkiss

the bloke tucker talks to thinks going after the top 100 hamas leaders and chopping their heads off is a good plan? idiot. first, they have to identify them and then find them. secondly, to chop their heads off is barbaric, clearly he means ‘convict’ them legally. isreal needs to ‘suck’ eggs and realise they cant do much about what happened.

jens holm

anoither far out spricting.

its not even relevant

mighty orc

holm gibbering relevant for senile nazi in sawyer trailer park


“this is no time for world war. we are going to lose it. but our commander in chief doesn’t realise that,” the journalist stated.”

you don’t have a “commander or chief” you muppethead. you have a stinky old perverted installed degenerate.

he even calls his two year old doodle “mommy”, while “liberally” soiling himself thanks to a lifetime supply of ziopends diapers for the senile and demented.

Last edited 11 months ago by Dstroj
G. Saviano

either way, no way us military will be at full strength after the us government went after their own citizenry, and continues to undermine freedom of speech, right to bear arms, the economy? what do they have left to fight for? a neocommunist marxist government that deemed the patriots domestic terrorists?

G. Saviano

if you go to breitbart or infowars, both zio nazi (jewish) controlled- opposition “alternative” outlets: the anti jew sentiment is palpable, the most competent and able military aged men see the oppressive jew machinations. it is a country in turmoil

G. Saviano

when the us government slammed the capitol hill protesters with cruel and unusual punishment they essentially killed the canary in the mine that was telling them how far to go. now the most able military aged men are 100% opposed to the corruption and undermining of the us constitution.

Mex-korean fusion tacos

this plot demonstrates bose-einstein condensation. the crossover point is roughly where the approximations used for our expansions break down.

G. Saviano

exactly as an environment affecting citizenry morale and personality traits we see certain breaking points. the cognitive, neurological, affective, behavioural and developmental features of the professional soldier affected, the recruitment numbers affected, society affected. all detrimentally


it’s not only “zio”-west it is also bolshewic communist east – both sides controlled by jews and their satanic cult of judaism. see for example ru state tv top-moderator and propagandist mr. solovjov. he is a jew, an occultist, a jewish kabbalist, an anti-russian – but people sadly not realize it. see him here in full jewish kabbalist fashion:

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

not a problem, they’ll just false flag one of their own ships and the usual crowd will go usa usa usa. the american public is completely fucking retarded so they’ll fall for it as they always do.

G. Saviano

there are breaking points. if that was the case, wouldn’t every empire in history be able to survive with a hail mary false flag. there is a point of irreversible entropy in every system including governments and their geopolitical and geostrategic positions, domestic and foreign both.


as far as the general public is concerned, everything that ‘s going on is just business as usual, except for those few things that are “biden’s fault” or “trump’s fault”. a couple thousand dead marines will get em howling for blood, and it’s not like they need a lot of motivation to demand war against russia. it’ll be just like in the movies they’ll think.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny

“either way”. :), true gs. +


missile wars not people wars anymore tucker.


make no mistake, tucker carson is pro israel, pro zionist, pro apartheid, he often show himself as someone above political jargon in us but if you are observant enough you will see he is pro system but want some reform, some haircut!

mighty orc

talibanned us military now distributed prozac to entire us public—77% military age amerikans cannot qualify due to stupidity obesity drug addiction…23% refuse to join unless they can wear dress and lipstick


i strongk–scrub 7 toilets in 1 hour in my trailer park paid in pesos

Jean Paul France

fatal asymmetry:

the west blatantly helps israel’s nuclear triad, while russia shits its pants and does not help iran’s nuclear triad.

so the anglo-zionists, despite their clear numerical inferiority, are the owners of the future of the middle east and russia is a weak and unreliable godfather for the persians and arabs.

All knowing

you say that like it’s something to be proud. 1) giving shlomo a state; and 2) giving him nukes 3) supporting the greater israel pie in the sky dream

it’s stupid and suicidal for the whole world. when theyre dont subjugating the whole world they will go after their house nigger: the american and british anglo saxon

Jean Paul France

i don’t understand what southfront gains by publishing nonsense from this man, also from scot ritter.

they are baseless and illusory arguments, the ostrich tactic and self-deception in the face of anglo-zionist power.


i don’t see two aircraft carriers… but 2 big fat sitting ducks that will be sunk by hypersonic missiles.