US Army Hopes To Start Tests Of Its Advanced Laser Weapon System In 2022

US Army Hopes To Start Tests Of Its Advanced Laser Weapon System In 2022

A Mobile High-Energy Laser-equipped Stryker vehicle. IMAGE: C. Todd Lopez/Army News Service

Raytheon and a Lockheed Martin-Dynetics team are working to build a 100-kilowatt combat laser for the US Army, Defense News reported on August 7.

According to the report, the Army is going to one winner to integrate its laser system onto the Family of Medium-Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) in early 2019. The entire system is expected to be tested in 2022 at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

Defense News added that a contract to integrate the newly developed laser system to the FMTV is expected to be valued at $130 million.

In July, both Raytheon and Lockheed Martin-Dynetics announced that they had won $10 million contracts to develop a laser for the Army’s High Energy Laser Tactical Vehicle Demonstration (HEL TVD) program.

“The HEL TVD program is a science and technology demonstration program that will work toward incorporating a laser into the Army’s Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 that aims to defend against rockets, artillery and mortars as well as cruise missiles and unmanned aircraft systems.

Laser weapons for platforms like IFPC Inc. 2 are being hotly pursued because regular interceptors quickly run out and are expensive. A laser weapon will have a much larger number of shots depending on power availability and would be far less expensive to fire at a threat than a missile,” Defense News says.

It’s interesting to note that the increase in the development of US laser weapons came following an announcement by Russian President Putin that the Russian military had already obtained a laser weapon system, which is already entering service.

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Seems someone has enough directed energy to melt cars, kill people under the cover of a’forest fire.’ First seen in California. Now Greece?


Funniest thing I’ve seen in 2018 LOL! What hoot!


It is really not funny. It is deeply horrific. But if you are referring to my post then f*ck off! I do not think it funny that car are melting and aluminum melted on the road. I do not find it funny when 20 people in Greece are killed in a large hug as the flamethrower goes over. Nothing about depopulation is funny.

David Parker

Jumping to the conclusion that the aluminum was melted by some directed energy weapons is what is funny.
Maybe this was the same thing the lizard men used to take down the Twin Towers with four AA batteries.
I worked in an aluminum foundry for ten years. You should. Real world experience helps separate the fantastic from the actual.

Roffe Rövanhjälm

Tripple Towers.

WTC 7 – a steel core building – imploded after Silverstein lit a joint after lunch.

David Parker

Right and conventional thermate and explosives did the job just like always.

Roffe Rövanhjälm

There is a Russian on Youtube a long time professional within Soviet/Russian nuclear supervising forces making an argument that under each 3 towers there was a mini NUKE explosion.

NWO nuked the towers so to cause them vibrate (probably when the Scan Eagle drones hit them) and that explains how all concrete was pulverised; NY turned in to “nuclear winter”.

IIRC his name was Dimitri Rogozin.

David Parker

Except that radiation cannot be hidden. There is no transformation of matter to energy without a storm of alpha and beta particles, neutrons, gamma rays, etc.

E=MC2 and a great big radioactive mess.

Roffe Rövanhjälm

He dealt with that, of course. Worth watching!

David Parker

Nobody “dealt” with anything.

Radiation cannot be hidden and there is no “new” process that can. There were no nukes at the WTC or anywhere else for that matter.

Roffe Rövanhjälm

I think you are over qualified for his job so it follows that I will take your word over his.

Roffe Rövanhjälm

Just watch the first ten seconds regarding melt:

As for the rest of your argument, what you’re saying is that if you are not aware of something (or can grasp it through your imagination) then it does not exist. That (subjectivity) is the point of view of the ostrich before it gets its ass eaten by the coyote..

Greece is under attack.

David Parker

Pixar makes a lot of money creating graphic images.

I do not believe anything on the basis of a video streaming on the internet.
I am convinced that only fools do.


If you have other information. If you know a forest fire can melt aluminum then lets us know. I am willing to learn. Add to the discussion by adding facts. The Twin Towers were clearly effected by some powerful weapons beyond a controlled demolition but how did that get dragged in here. Share what you know rather than denigrate me. That does not add anything.

David Parker

No they weren’t. That is exactly my point. As others have pointed out, a wood fire with a good draft provides enough heat and temperature to melt aluminum. Steel melts at 3,500 or so and that is why the rest of the car didn’t melt as well.
Thermate is very powerful. The Twin Towers and Building 7 were OBVIOUSLY mined for demolition well in advance of 9/11/2001. All that remained was to trigger the detonators after the aircraft impacts had everyone looking up at all the black smoke.


No its funny that you’re f**ing nuts LOL! What are you smoking?


People like you are allowed to be ignorant and uninformed. That is your business. I do the research. Do not call the informed ‘nuts’ as you display the arrogance of ignorance. It does not wear well. Meantime f*ck off. If a troll collect your pay and f*ck off.


Lol and you keep believing “Research” and keep believing those BS YouTube videos. Lmfao! you’re a joke! Have fun being “Informed” pal.

David Parker

You very apparently do not know the meaning of research or logic. Occam’s razor says take the simplest explanation, for which conventional demolition methods are quite sufficient. Obviously your “research” has not taken you to sites such as
Why do you insist on everyone believing in exotic weapons and lasers starting fires and melting cars? Exactly where were the laser gunners sitting to start fires in Greece and California? Who was “shooting” and at what? Do you really believe the US military is just running around with experimental laser “cannon” or directed energy beams lighting up the countryside? Do you really believe weapons which by their very nature have to be line of sight and very focused to be effective somehow lit up the brush in California and Greece?
As several people have pointed out to you, trees and houses burning in the neighborhood provided sufficient heat to melt the aluminum wheels that were well within the yellow- to white-hot inferno in a very dry wind-driven California.

David Parker

Absolutely ridiculous. The burning houses provided all the heat necessary to melt these wheels.
People were melting platinum long before lasers or any other “directed energy” weapons were invented.


Can you give us the relevant melting points and temperatures to make your point.


“Aluminum melts at 1,221 degrees Fahrenheit while wildfires can burn up to to 1,500 degrees fahrenheit, more than enough to lay waste to your rims, a reasonably common wildfire casualty”
Since you can’t use Google in Canada ghartwell and this is just an article from Jalopnik.


Thanks. I do not want to have to support someone else’s argument. So thanks for fleshing it out. So forest fire can reach 1,500 F (and above). Aluminum melts are 1,221 F. So your points are well taken.


Well, you’ve seen what the Houthis will do to that with a few RPGs and a cigarette lighter