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South Korean and US forces proceed with reconnaissance operations in the light of North Korea preparing a test-launch of a ballistic missile rumored to be capable of reaching the US West Coast.
A military official in Seoul said that although there is no sign of any impending “provocation” by Pyongyang, South Korea had detected “some movement from the North’s missile facilities and bases” and maintained ”the heightened reconnaissance and preparedness posture.”
The US has reportedly increased its U-2S ultra-high altitude reconnaissance aircraft flights near the territory, while South Korea has bolstered the number of its own reconnaissance aircraft along the border with its northern neighbor.
The move comes after Anton Morozov, a senior Russian lawmaker, who visited Pyongyang from October 2-6, said the North is preparing for new tests of a long-range missile.
“They even gave us the mathematical calculations that they believe prove that their missile can hit the west coast of the United States,” Morozov told RIA.
Tensions between Washington and Pyongyang have grown as North Korea tested missiles and a nuclear device, part of its aim to develop a nuclear weapon that could reach the US mainland. Several missiles fired have flown over Japan and Pyongyang threatened to test a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific ocean.
“US And South Korea To Bolster Defenses Due To North Korean Claims To Test Fire Missile Capable Of Reaching US West Coast”
“Zion (including SouthFront) is publishing 24/7 fake news stories about a non-existent North Korean threat in order to force South Korea to accept tighter Zion occupation.”