US And British Special Services Clash Over “Ukrainian” Campaign Against Russian Oil Infrastructure

US And British Special Services Clash Over “Ukrainian” Campaign Against Russian Oil Infrastructure

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The rift between the US and the British special services is growing, over the recent series of “Ukrainian” attacks on oil infrastructure in Russia.

Over the past months, the US leadership has repeatedly sent signals to its Ukrainian “partners” that it would be unhappy to see strikes on oil refineries inside Russia. These signals were silently ignored or even publicly rejected by Kyiv.

Most recent media reports suggest that these attacks are likely to become more common in the near future. There are reports that MI6 personnel have held a series of meetings with their little brothers from the SBU and the Main Directorate of Intelligence in Kyiv. These meetings were allegedly dedicated to the development of long-standing strategy and tactical plans for a campaign of attacks on oil refineries in western and central Russia. It is expected that such attacks would include not only drone and missile strikes, but also sabotage acts involving the existing network of saboteurs inside Russia. The supposed goal is to create a local crisis in Russia shortly before the sowing season. This crisis may be furthered by a coordinated campaign of attacks on the Russian border, media disinformation, and staged protests carried out by agents loyal to Kyiv and London within the Russian “opposition”.

US And British Special Services Clash Over “Ukrainian” Campaign Against Russian Oil Infrastructure

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The British side has reportedly contributed a great deal of effort to the initiation and organization of this campaign. Thus it may rightly be considered as a British operation wrapped in the Ukrainian flag. Reports say that some high-profile representatives of the British special services are directly involved in the planning and execution of this operation in Kyiv.

The interesting fact is that this initiative reportedly found little support within US intelligence circles. The United States is not interested in a long and successful campaign of attacks on Russian oil infrastructure. Even if partially successful, these attacks could contribute to a burgeoning of oil prices that will have a strong negative impact on the growing US industrial sector. This factor was the main motivation of the earlier opposition of Washington to such action, and it remains pertinent – especially with the imminence of the US Presidential election.

Furthermore, reports indicate that both the British and Ukrainian sides have blatantly brushed aside the objections expressed by representatives of the US special services. Taking into account that previous US signals to Kyiv and London over this topic were also ignored, it appears that Washington has lost direct control of this situation. US representatives in Kyiv seem to be between a rock and a hard place. US officials in Washington have declared that support for Ukraine somehow contributes to the ‘national interests’ of the United State. Meanwhile, the actions of Kyiv and its British friends are directly aimed at damaging those very ‘national interests’.

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commonplace to see infighting amongst murican-anglo trash. good cop, bad cop bullshit and reverse.

transparent idiots and their transparent criminal terrorist ploys…

Little Bird

nato most likely controls both sides of the issue and secretly approves the refinery attacks which would raise fuel prices consequently becoming unpopular at home.


contrary to “eu sanctions on russia” the sanctions that ukraine applies on russia by erasing ru oil refineries are really effective, hitting russia where it hurts. but since both usa & russia are jew-controlled nations, of course usa not wants ukraine to really fight, let alone win the war..

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

..(as long war means large longtime profits) – therefore they forbit ukraine to continue strikes on russian oil installations, and moreover – full purposely don’t deliver sufficient amounts of weapons to ukraine. it’s realy a fake-war, run by jews on both sides, and the sad victims are young christian ukrainian & russian men an women !!!

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

many gender saxon teresa poko molo nazi a farce


no hillbilly—the actual loser is the burger kingdom


aw, ukraine gave russia a boo boo. meanwhile ukraine is gutted like a screaming pig.

AM Hants

is that why russia has replaced germany as the fifth, highest earning nation? is that why russia has gold and currency reserves that are worth over $630 billion, compared to the us debt of $34 trillion?

jens holm

thats total lies.

russians dont debts as we we do in kapitastic world. they still are in cigarbox enonomy.

the real thing is written by imf. newest numbers are october 2023.

you get yours from a disconnected to the rest basement in kremlin


moron holm too stupid–per ima and world bank russian economy largest in europe


anybody stupid enough to do as danes are inferior colonized stupid—you submissive idiots pay 65% income tax russian 13%—we have free university free health care–you have 35% ineed mental health tx, amerikan 50%, russian 2%….you very sick inferior species behave as mental illness expected to create delusions…hilarious

AM Hants

darling, it is common knowledge? disney times not keeping you upto date? how can the us service a $34 trillion debt, when the global majority is dumping the $us?


holm retired moron nazi janitor–russia to be #4 economy in 4 years—both imf and world bank and bloomberg report russian economy growing double any eu nation and larger than all declining europe


gdp russia larger than germany— forex reserves probably now at 400 billion—gold reserves over 2 trillion$–also huge silver platinum palladium reserves

AM Hants

combined with their purchasing power parity (ppp), russia is in a good place. reminds me of 2014 and obama, when trying to manipulate the oil market, assumed that russia was reliant on energy for their gdp. he assumed it made over 50% of russian gdp, and ignored the ppp. think it only made up around 10% of russian gdp. t

AM Hants

2/2 hat was his calculations backfired and when they went after the energy, russia made up for the losses, owing to price increases. at the time russia could produce a barrel for a couple of $us. production costs were in rubles and they sold in $us. kerching, kerchang to russia.


exactly—russia internet us 8$ + cable tv—-usa 50$? per mo…cigarette pack—1.50$ russia —10$? usa etc

AM Hants

i am from the uk and when i grew up it was lovely. then the 80s movement arrived, which appeared fun, but the crowd behind it have basically poisoned everything. they have banned comedy/humour/laughter and destroyed creativity. sadly, they have a lot to answer for, owing to what they do on the world stage in our name. i am happily envious of russia and her people and wish them well and so much more.

jens holm

sure. its seemes russians are not nice to jews and are rewarded. 🪃🪃🪃


dump moron nazi holm inferior to jew–same as moron amerikan


moron homo—jews well respected fashionable in russia today

Transgender Saxon

dumb amerikunt saxon change gendres

Allahists are Nazis

you are truly worth of your nickname, the sadist butcher of calcutta, aka albanian whore


moron amerikan hillbilly–2024 russian oil export profit monster in history—russia has 243 refineries most inaccessible to amerikan drone…you amerikans very stupid

AM Hants

allegedly hato runs b ur is ma, the b i d e n energy company. they want control of the energy supplies and not forgetting i s r a e l and their ambitions to take hold of me energy supplies and control the european energy market. so why have those who created the steele dossier, both sides of the pond fighting over the resources, they desperately crave?

jens holm

has anyone painted beards on your dolls or what🐤🐤🐤

AM Hants

what, like yours? reminds me of the images of white helmets/i, secret intelligence service, back in 2016. beards, lipstick and frocks. ugliest creatures on the planet, trying to escape when russia came to town. even the white helmet film dept, could not make them look averagely normal.

jens holm

the energy business is not driven by the states but by stockholding.

its by big companies which has business all over the world.

that goes for medias as well. again and again your kind make farce comments and deny to understand vitals for our lives.

all usa dont support that bullutin. they look for profit. higher prices often make profit.


who in denmark allows idiot holm access to computer?


how does this senile moron retired pig farmer allowed access to computer? new therapy for mentally ill in dempmark?


our british nazi-dogs are going to dance to our tune or else we will drop them like we drop all our allies! we are as unreliable as bidens diapers, and we are proud about it!

on a sidenote, i think im having my first menstruation? theres blood out of my pooper, this is how this works right? soon im a girl!

yas queen!

AM Hants

remember, the us is still paying taxes to the uk royal family and city of london? three corporations used to rule the world. squatters in independent nations, with their own rules, taxes and laws, faithful to the old roman empire. finance controlled by city of london, military controlled by washington dc and spirituality controlled by the vatican.


i still don’t get why russia didn’t have one of their submarines accidently cut britain’s underwater gas pipelines.

the british deserve some justice in a bad way.


brit brats deserve a severe spanking.


russians will not reduce themselves to amerikan immorality—“amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen”. hunter thompson


“russians rarely cheat each other: russians do not need written contracts and agreements”. alexander herzen


the jew alexander herzen. maybe you forgot to mention this little important point in your whole announcement ? citing ugly jews who claim to be “russia”

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

my goodness, are you one of those few remaining nazi-saluting banderites that haven’t thrown their fate to capricious western jewish winds?


obviously jews to superior to saxon hillbilly amerikan teresa


obviously saxon teresa amerika hillbilly inferior to jews


“hatred is envy”. machiavelli—obviously inferior saxon teresa envy jews


neither herzen’s father or mother were jewish—when you were janitor 41 years did mr shekelstein make you clean toilet and drink urine?


“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen…saxon nazi poko molo desperate pathetic

AM Hants

remember when clinton said, ‘when president putin gives you his word, you know he will deliver, unlike most statesmen and politicians.’

AM Hants

russia works in accordance with international law. i wonder what false flag the city of london, washington dc and vatican are planning, with russia taking the blame? will it be similar to 9/11 as they are prepping the masses with regards jamming airlines and there is a lot of activity around khaliningrad?

jens holm

kursk might be an option. they are singing there.


and arm houthis with better missiles.

hyper weapons

mi5 are a bunch of idiots, i have a friend who worked tehre, he said they barely can use a modern smartphone

AM Hants

for a spy, why would they need a smart phone? looking at the rabble that comes out of mi5 these days, would have assumed they had mastered smart phones, that are so easy to tune into.


if britain has no us backing obliterate their operatives whereever they have no legal right to be.

Dick Von D'Astard

how long the uk establishment (that mi6 has a sole dedication too) can get away without having a punishment beating is open to conjecture?

Dick Von D'Astard

difficult to understand how russia allows the bbc and other british media to operate in russia when the british establishment has banned russian media from uk?


it’s because the russians get a kick out of listening to the brits babble nonsense. it’s welcomed comedic relief in times of war. i know i appreciate it, especially when jug ears tries to address the british molasses.

AM Hants

keep your enemies close, so comes to mind. just imagine all the intelligence they pick up from the imbeciles working for the bbc.


the lie that uk dares to do other than what unc sam wants started months ago on fake alt-outlets like the ‘dim and dimmer’ duran. ‘expert historians’, yanks, began twisting history/events to portray murika as a reluctant junior partner.

nonsense! murika is just building off ramps and setting up fall guys. it will drop z asap to re-connect with moscow; while retaining all land/resources it owns in ukrn.

rus will be eu member by 2030, the bloody ukr theatre long forgotten.

Dennis wibble

yes. i think you could be right there.
its pretty unbelievable that britain would do something like this without washington telling them to.
britain is incapable of independent action. when washington drops its pants britain bends over.


the pathetic uk puppet govt has neither the bread, the balls nor the brains to do anything not pre-ordered by potus, mic, cia, megacorps, big pharma etc.

last week ex-pres obama openly arrived at no10 to give instructions – a few days later the crocus city hall massacre (another plank of the us exit-strategy to be soon presented as a joint us-rus condemnation of terrorism etc). sick.


the pathetic uk puppet govt is – same as pathetic usa; germany or russia jewish puppet government, doing what their jewish world order (jwo) bosses are telling them to do. and as long as the people of the world – russians, …

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

..same as, ukrainians, amerikkans, germans and british men & women do not realize this situation, and start killing their usupator & imposter governments and all the hooked-nosed scum connected to it – the world will drift more and more into world war 3, chabad lubavitch & klaus schwab’s resp. nwo-jwo’s favour.

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

the inferior moron nazi saxon change genders…lol


“”just as amerikan society differs so does thew amerikan national character differ profoundly from those in europe, asia…” geoffrey gorer

AM Hants

why would russia want to join the declining economies of the eu?


(1) rus gets guaranteed energy market (inc nuclear) on its doorstep; alongside eu demand for other goods/minerals/services.

(2) eu again needs cheap rus energy (etc) to stop the very collapse that eu sanctions precipitated in feb 2022.

(3) as many ‘experts’ (inc p and academics like dimitri babich) have said, most rus citizens consider themselves cultural europeans, and prefer to look west, not east.

so. the eu needs rus as much as rus desires the eu (= match).

AM Hants

ok, you might not wish to turn away a customer. however, when the customer is a ‘shop lifter’, who brings nothing but grief. plus, when they are only a small part of the larger market, then surely you would focus on the global majority, who make up 80% of the planet. the same global majority that owns 20% world debt, and 80% of the global population. rather than the eu and the west, that owns 80% of world debt and 20% global population.


tried to reply rationally with reference to relative economic statistics but was blocked/modded by sf 4x. i gave up after the text became incomprehensible abbreviations to avoid censorship, but still failed to pass.

AM Hants

it is irritating when you get blocked, when replying rationally and with no offence to anybody. thanks for trying.


in summary without the gdp stats.

rs can’t afford to ignore the global market, but neither can it ignore easily accessible countries on its doorstep with a similar combined gdp.

trade is the best guarantee of the avoidance of conflict. this ironically was also the core premise of the post ww2 marshall plan (aka the e.r.p.).


here is confirmation (if anybody needed it) that the uk is in the driving seat in the ukro war (as in the others btw)


try applying ‘cui bono’! uk has neither the motive (beyond obeying its murikan master) nor the means nor the mastery to be in the nto ‘driving seat’. zio-murika otoh owns ukr agri land, biolabs and other resources (including z’s nzi govt), and has a v.big plan.

blighty ain’t even a jr partner in events, just an obedient but mouthy skivvy. this doesn’t exonerate uk, if anything it makes it worse.

AM Hants

are you serious? city of london has been trying to pilfer the resources of russia, since the world began. before they even settled in the temple. remember, the city of london, is completely independent of england. the city have their own laws, taxes and rules and even the king is merely subservient, when attending city of london functions. strange how the squatters rule the idiots that we elect.


the square mile remains a medieval anachronism but with greatly diminished influence on post-empire uk that kowtows to murika first of all.

its quasi independent status is strictly limited (arguably less than while no doubting its relative financial muscle/influence, in this era of g*tes, w*f, bl*ckr*ck, schw*b etc it’s a v.small player.

and even if ‘city of lndn corp’ ran uk it would inherit a ‘navy’ that can’t set sail without crashing or breaking down.

AM Hants

my take, emphasis on mine, is that both washington dc and the city are both under the control of the same puppet masters. what made me curious was the fact that the ex-labour mp malloch brown, is a privy council member and also runs the $oro$ open society foundation. then you have fiona hill, theresa may’s special adviser who ended up as part of the us un team, courtesy of the trump administration. they are all just basically one group of evil, both sides of the pond.


another obscure but v.influential group is the ‘trilateral commission’, whose 390 current and past members include lab leader k*er st*rm*r, us s.o.s. bl*nk*n, ex potus j.crt. and g.w.bsh, ex-sos h.kiss etc, etc.

founded by d.r*kkyfella in 1973 with ‘aims to foster closer ties between jpn, wstrn eurpe and nth amrca’ – its reach harmonises with current murikan strategic aims.

ps: carl b*ldt is a tc leader too.


uk cannot drive a donkey

AM Hants

city of london has been after crimea and the natural resources of russia, since before the us claimed independence. ironically using the same argument that the people of crimea used. self determination/will of the people. remember when tsar alexander sent the fleet, to anchor off the shores of the us, when lincoln needed help. britain and france were hoping to invade? the bankers never forgave russia, for that.


‘half a league, half a league, half a league onward.

all in the valley of death rode the six hundred..’

err, and that particular f*ck up kinda finished off the realistically achievable crimean aspirations of (always) perfidious albion.

AM Hants

the tennyson poem. applies also to ukraine and the meat grinder.

joe bribem

my immoral crude peasant scum famously boorish like me immoral stupified will notice a raise in gas prices and convince emperor billy gates to install trump


would it be possible to cover the refineries with steel nets for added protection?

Crocus MIA Police

rashams could cover them with inbred shitskin dicks that they so worship and scream alllhu akbar 😂😂😂😂🐽🐽


the neoliberal us regime fears high fuel prices before presidential elections. expensive fuel will make donald trump president.


it’s already up 20% in a few weeks in the us.


ukro attacks on russian refineries rather decrease international oil prices because russian capacities to refine crude oil are reduced. more oil available for the market, prices go down. thus there is no conflict between us and british aims here.


rus and its fellow opec members will not allow an excess of crude oil onto the open market to destabilise the agreed price range. all opec countries are past masters at turning off the taps when needed. if uk or murika think otherwise then they have a problem, just as when along with the eu they tried to ‘fix’ rus oil prices in 2022/3.

but then again macro economics was never this uk government’s strong point, along with many other things.


the old dog janet yeller has everything figured out. bojo called her the other day to talk economics
and ask her where she bought her wig.

Last edited 6 months ago by Apocalypto

…and yeller replied that she had her wig made from sweepings from the floor of b*jo’s own hairdresser that had been expressly collected for her after each of his last few visits.

like all good tories, b*jo consulted his lawyer immediately to see whether he can sue yeller (or at least get a decent percentage).

Bobby Stones

it seems the brits are taking their pet project of dismantling russia to the extreme and to the dislike of washington, who are looking at the potential economic fallout. i hope their action does not turn and bite them in their rear anytime soon.


how vulnerable are british north sea off shore rigs, i wonder.

AM Hants

1/2 interesting, christopher nigel donelly cnd and founder of statecraft/(integrity initiative) wasn’t he involved in the re-unification of germany, fall of the berlin wall and dismantling of the bolshevik soviet union, when uk, us, soviet union and russia were negotiating?. move on to the 90s, starting with iraq 1, then kosovo and move into the millenium.

AM Hants

2/2 c n d, a senior uk civil servant and timothy bell, the special adviser to thatcher and not forgetting he went on to set up bell pottinger, who were provided $500,000 to spin the i r a q w a r. bell’s brother founded c omm on purpose and also headed cambridge university media. must read ‘spy catcher’ again as there are so many dots that need connecting.

jens holm

russians always try to divide.

they after many yerars still dont understand what debating things are.

usa is worried. the oil and gas prices might go up.

their real mistake is they have a lot of waste to the sky. their focus should as fx eu. we produre mucht better and waste mujch less. that the eu plan also polluting less.

as usual russia infected lovers dont see usa as they are and the rests of the world too.


moron holm envious of superior russian—-we pity you


nato like jens holm—31 yapping chihuahua that want to be rottweiler…”the russian wolf cares not how many nato sheep there may be”. virgil

Ramses II

now more cries from those destroying ukraines supplies for household utility for two years. now when small factory explode in russostan, the unexpected karma makes vladolfs knees shake like maracas and sf boy fanclub angry and run hiding under mamas bed in protest!


talibanned amerikunt tantrum


theresa nazi saxon gender confused nazi

Ramses II

when out of arguments a socialist fascist always accuse someone else for being a nazi (whatever that is, nobody knows)


wrong moron—“there is far more freedom and justice in tsarist russia than in amerika where corporations rule and robbery and thievery is made official”. vissaron belinsky


“authority is more concentrated in amerika than most monarchies”. tocqueville


in the past 20 years only 2 nations vote to oppose condemnation of nazisim un general assembly—nazi amerika and ukraine


what happen amerikan hillbilly? no argument–try more prozac


russian revenues for oil gas now above pre-covid profit level—anglo puppet sanctions impotent–smeshnoy


the crown rules. usa is a colony. the crown kills presidents that don’t go along with orders.


last i heard it was around 5, dollars for a gallon of gasoline in the us in some places even higher! if it goes up say another one or two dollars a gallon then it will of course cause the biden administration more problems. the thing now is to concentrate on finding potential saboteurs in russia before they can do any harm

Allahists are Nazis

the dying empires are done. and as a dying horse, they are kicking around.


the insecure moron amerikan theresa–apparently no family bitter discarded

jens holm

today i went to amerikan dollar church–pray to sacred dollar bill and had ritual sodomy w 3 gay amerikan
