U.S. And Allies Face Consequenses In Middle East


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U.S. And Allies Face Consequenses In Middle East

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U.S. And Allies Face Consequenses In Middle East
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U.S. And Allies Face Consequenses In Middle East

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The United States and its allies have begun to face the consequences of their unconditional support to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and recent provocations against the so-called Axis of Resistance, which is led by Iran.

On January 15, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched fifteen ballistic missiles at targets in Iraq and Syria, declaring it a retaliatory attack in response to the Kerman bombings and the recent assassinations of “resistance elements,” including senior Quds Force commander Razi Mousavi.

The strikes on Iraq targeted Erbil city, the capital of the northern autonomous region of Kurdistan and a key hub of U.S. influence in the Middle East. An alleged base of the Israeli intelligence and gatherings of anti-Iran “terrorist groups” was hit, according to the IRGC.

Kurdish businessman Peshraw Dizayee, who was allegedly responsible for the illicit export of Iraqi oil to Israel, was killed in the strikes along with another businessman who was identified as British-Iraqi Karam Mikhail.

Although the U.S. said that no American facilities were attacked, it admitted that three drones were shot down over Erbil International Airport which hosts U.S. troops. There were also reports of impacts in al-Harir Air Base which is located to the northeast of Erbil.

In Syria, the IRGC attacked targets of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and the Turkistan Islamic Party in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib. Several impacts were reported in the town of Talteta, a stronghold of both terrorist groups. There were also reports of casualties.

On January 16, the IRGC launched another wave of strikes, this time targeting positions of the terrorist-designated Jaish al-Adl in the southwestern Pakistani province of Balochistan. Pakistan condemned the attack calling it an “unprovoked violation of its airspace.” However, Iran said that the strikes were carried out in self-defense.

Iran’s retaliatory strikes coincided with a new wave of attacks by the Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen, another member of the Axis of Resistance.

The January 12 American-British strikes in Yemen failed to deter the group, who responded on January 15 by attacking a U.S.-owned ship, the MV Gibraltar Eagle, in the Red Sea with an anti-ship missile. Another ship, the MV Zografia, was attacked on January 16. The MV Zografia was reportedly sailing to Israel. A wave of U.S. strikes hit Yemen prior to the attack on the ship.

Also on January 16, the U.S. military reported that the Navy confiscated components of Iranian-made missiles intended for the Houthis. The missiles were found on a ship in the Arabian Sea, which was detained on January 11. During the operation, two Navy SEALs went missing. Their fate remains unknown.

Overall, it appears that Iran and its allies have made the decision to escalate their retaliatory strikes. This will mount more pressure on the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East, including Israel. If the war on Gaza drags on, an all-out war could break out in the region.

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allah is screwed


so is yahweh, god and the east indian company pretending to be a country.
communism is winning.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

oi, oi, oi, oi
cuz ur tnt…

useless whore…


your prophet muhammad raped aisha when she was 9 and married her thereafter. it exemplifies your racial character as frequently witnessed today in europe and abroad.

proof from islamic scripture: tinyurl(dot)com(slash)2p3uyc35

Edgar Zetar

you are stupid for sure, you would never understand islam, their origins and their evolution and development.


like the algerian zourhis that raped and murdered 9 year old lola daviet in france, before dissecting her body to harvest her organs for a satanic sacrificial ritual, and dumping the rest of her body parts they didn’t want into a trash bin outside her parent’s apartment building. each of her severed feet were marked with numbers in black felt; the number “0” on one foot, and “1” on the other foot.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean
Edgar Zetar

maybe they would do to you what you said about rape in order to get close to the gods.


inferior amerikan hillbilly desperate for attention


all white countries must adopt laws to enact racial segregation and prohibition of miscegenation. only musrats are allowed to visit mecca. this makes you a hypocrite. if white’s didn’t tolerate your bullshit narrative about “racism” you wouldn’t be whining about it. no shit skin should be allowed to tarnish our holy lands in the northern hemisphere.

Last edited 1 year ago by Shaman

inferior sean hillbilly getting more desperate–impersonating russian shaman


there is no such thing as allah, it took “the father” 6 or 7 days to create the universe, that’s weak, considering and taking into account that he is stated to be “omnipotent.”


baby boy scout is back with his very silly hat


you low-iq camel fuckers are the plague of modern times.


impersonator trolls are targeting me because i am a homosexual. ignore the spam and do not follow any of the links posted under this name.

“karate buryat”


all amerikan homosexual?


i am so desperate to discredit seax due to my inferiority complex. so i work to discredit him because i am a desperate incel that can’t get laid.

pappa gone

why you need to affirm to be omosex? to make a comment?


we are going to see system change in the west, this demonic system must end. now they are held from their forelocks making dumb decisions.


you cannot compare satan’s generosity, boldness, hospitality and benevolence to the wicked we we know as western leaders.



“this is the “intelligence” on the other side. poor israel is just being used by eebbiiiil america. there are no neocons, no media control, no aipac, no conference of presidents of major american jewish organizations, no adl or a million other jewish lobby, interest and pressure groups in america pushing the country in this direction. the other side just thinks this is america’s fault.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Shaman

the us and the uk literally destroyed the living sh!t out of the middle east, there is nothing left to destroy. from syria all the way to yemen, everything is in ruins, because of 2 shitty cock-sucking shameless nations, us and uk. they started by creation of israel, funded and armed them. later they started with the demolition of iraq, syria, palestine, libya and yemen, even africa isn’t safe from the brutality, and heinous acts of those clowns.


russia and china are apart of the same system. the “west” is nothing more than a euphemism for white people. you blame all white people and castigate them for crimes they did not commit – namely jewish crimes. meanwhile you absolving jews of all blame and pretend the white race is original sin and the ultimate origin of all evils in past and present. you seem to retarded to understand this.


first of all, you clown don’t seem to understand or even get my premise. the state of israel does not represent every living jew, only zionists, which are funded by western “hidden” elites, and not everything western is necessarily a “euphemism” for white people. that is clearly not what i’m saying, everything i said went over your head. the us and uk always had interests in dominating and policing the world.


poko molo amerikan nazi impersonates me—expected from inferior hillbilly

jens holm

poko molo amerikan hillbilly impersonate russian shaman—

Edgar Zetar

nope, you are wrong, they put israel them deliberately, and then usa uk gave them all the support needed, so israel intelligence services could influence and infiltrate neighbors like syria, lebanon, iraq, egytp and then destroy them from the inside. usa and uk had their primary objective, since xviii century they were working to get the resources of middle east.


funny thing is, the us cannot clash with strong and mighty enemies like russia, china and north korea. they don’t have the balls to. that is why they target weak, innocent, poor and malnourished countries that were previously annihilated by us-backed terr0orists, the likes of isis. uncle putin already gave them a humiliating strike to the neck in ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Hunter

it’s looking more likely that the rotten chosenite albatro$$ around the no longer great golem’s scrawny neck will take the anglozionazi empire of s#it down the tube where it all belongs. karma is just wonderful.

Edgar Zetar

finally iran is waking up. you don’t mess with the persians, even the usa empire knows this… i would rather believe and try to understand to marduk or zoroaster and mitra instead of following a jew god named yahweh. ps: i would not believe anything that comes from the nose tribe, even the christ had a big nose, and i’m not insane to believe on them or their big nose disciples. western world was based on christianity and f. nietzsche explained what it means to be a christian. big nose = big lie

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
U.K. Vomitoria

the houthies should find bidens boss and kill he,she,them or it.


poko molo sean hillbilly now impersonates me—banal inferior amerikan farcical


the retired senile nazi “sean” alias poko molo returns to south front—irrelevant hillbilly in omaha trailer park

hillybilly shuclkestein sean

my corn cob pipe made in arkansas