US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support “State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors” In Libya

US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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On May 26th, the US African Command (AFRICOM) released a statement claiming that Russia deployed military fighter jets to Libya in order to assist Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s forces in the fight against the Government of National Accord (GNA) and Turkey.

These, of course, relate to the so-called “Wagner” group.

“Russia is clearly trying to tip the scales in its favor in Libya. Just like I saw them doing in Syria, they are expanding their military footprint in Africa using government-supported mercenary groups like Wagner,” said U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander, U.S. Africa Command. “For too long, Russia has denied the full extent of its involvement in the ongoing Libyan conflict. Well, there is no denying it now. We watched as Russia flew fourth generation jet fighters to Libya — every step of the way. Neither the LNA nor private military companies can arm, operate and sustain these fighters without state support — support they are getting from Russia.”

AFRICOM further says that Russia’s actions have prolonged the conflict in Libya, and that was Moscow’s initial objective, either way.

“The world heard Mr. Haftar declare he was about to unleash a new air campaign. That will be Russian mercenary pilots flying Russian-supplied aircraft to bomb Libyans,” Townsend said.

“If Russia seizes basing on Libya’s coast, the next logical step is they deploy permanent long-range anti-access area denial (A2AD) capabilities,” said U.S. Air Force Gen. Jeff Harrigian, commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa. “If that day comes, it will create very real security concerns on Europe’s southern flank.”

The US claimed that Russia’s actions in Libya will also exacerbate the regional instability that has driven the migration crisis affecting Europe.

The interesting fact is that the US miltiary insists that Russia-linked private military contractors that operate in Libya are “state-funded”. In fact, these claims are mostly untrue. The diplomatic and military posture of Moscow already demonstrated that it prefers to avoid a direct involvement in the conflict as the state. At the same time, private military contractors that support the Haftar’s forces represent interests of a part of the Russian elites.

Nonetheless, the supplies of fighter jets to Hafar forces demonstrate that the Russian influence in the region will continue to grow and further despite its focus on ‘indirect actions’.

Essentially, according to Washington, Russia is to blame for everything, the migrant crisis, the situation in Libya, but also that in Idlib, Syria. Turkey, which is currently effectively blackmailing Europe with the migrants sitting near Greece’s border appears to have avoided any blame.

The US as well as other key global and regional powers involved in the conflict in Libya is pursuing its own goals. However, once again, it somehow appeared that Washington once stands on the side of forces linked with various radical groups, including al-Qaeda.

US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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US AFRICOM: Russia Deployed Fighter Aircraft To Support "State-Sponsored Private Military Contractors" In Libya

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Traiano Welcome

It’s clear now. Russia is seeking to acquire bases in the Mediterranean as a “counter encirclement” strategy against NATO. With bases in Syria (achieved) and Libya (pending) Russia will be in a position to attack NATO countries at their most vulnerable points.

If Russia can achieve this, they’d be able to nullify the current US/NATO encirclement.

Assad must stay

Sounds good lol


well NATO has planted every kind of weapon they have near Russia’s border. they suffocated Russia with the help of ex-communist countries. they even interfered in the internal affairs of Ukraine resulting in a civilian massacre. what did they expect?


I Want to see Russian bases in Cuba and Venezuela !


No boy: Russia can nullify only with bases in cuba, nicaragua. Nothing else is helpful.


Assflogged,that’s why they decimated ye toy soldiers in overgrown corspe in vewnezuala!
You still just don’t get it do you soros/assflogged/troll! BRING ON THE CCP,OH YEAH!


About 9 years too late, and with the wrong leader in Libya as neither CIA bitch Haftar nor anyone else is Gaddafi, but as long Libya orbits out of US/Turkey Zioterrorist influence, it’s kinda good. Gaddafi’s plan for a sovereign currency for all of Africa was still far superior to any of this current shitshows.

Assad must stay

I know, russia should have never let them bomb libya back then

str0nk t0rk TSK

Russia is in a much better position to challenge the US now. Since the US influence continues to deteriorate across the world. All the US can do now is put out statements condemning Russia.

Badis Badis

especially with the coming election and the covid 19 blender . US is in no position for a large scale intervention . But they might encourage their minion Turks to do more .

Dick Von Dast'Ard

And that must be one of the main reasons the French got involved. (i.e direct threat to the CFA Franc)

Assad must stay

these fucking US air force generals talking as if they have no involvement in Libya, or anywhere else in the world, and as if russia is the big bad evil guy, but if US intervenes its always for “good”, newsflash if fucking NATO never bombed Libya and its jihadists never killed gaddafi this mess never would have happened in the first place, they also forgot how they bombed libya back in 1986, why wouldn’t they want russia to help them? fucking retards


once more Us is totally blind when it comes to its ‘ally’ Turkey and sees only Russian forces in Libya. imagine than Turkish -US diplomatic relations are at the lowest point ever ,right now. Still Russia is to blame for everything.

Rhodium 10

Like in Syria 2015…five years later Russia will star an aerial campaing( included cruise missile attacks) vs GNA to avoid an Otoman pseudocalifate in Libya which can threat Algeria and Egipt among others and can be used as a safe zone and bases for wahabi terrorist in Africa!..this time Russia will have support of many countries..included Egipt who dont want to follow the Iraqi was be neutral in Syrian war and suddenly ISIS was at the gates of Bagdad…..


I don’t think Russia is interested in getting very involved in Libya. They’ll allow some PMC’s to help the LNA, but that’s about it. Their involvement in Syria is not yet concluded and Putin would not want the expense or risk of another front simultaneously.

Rhodium 10

No risk in Libya because Egipt,Algeria (North African countries) support LNA…while in Syria countries such Turkey, Israel and Jordan all of them with border along syrian lands support FSA gangs.

Porc Halal

Ok, let’s see some action!.. after all, never it’s too late, is it? …

Porc Halal


It’s time to crush some cockroaches under the boot!…should be the begining of end of the bearded apes rule over Libya…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The hypocrisy coming from the country that launched an Nato air campaign, while leading from behind, against what was one of the most socially secure of African countries that refused to be infested with U.S./Nato backed takfiri terrorists, just takes ones breath away here.

namulit emperor

Wait, I had thought that reliable intel had suggested just a few days ago that the Wagner Group has left Libya with their tail between their legs? How is this possible?
/sarcasm end
Oh, and sure, if someone bombs the Libyans it has to be us; seems what the psycho American general seems to think. They do have most expertise with it, though…

Peter Moy

Once again incredible idiocy and condescending arrogance is emanating, this time, from some douchebag at “US AFRICOM.” He must have soiled his panties when told of these Russian aircraft. What about the more than 30 US bases already on the African continent or the more than 700 US bases on more than 100 countries all over this planet? What a bunch of crybaby schmucks! If Cameron, Sarkozy and the monkey boy Obama didn’t destroy Libya there wouldn’t be a war there or the need for Russian military support. What a bunch of stupid slack jawed, mealy mouth morons.

chris chuba

LOL you stated my thoughts perfectly.
That a US commander can condemn anyone for ‘bombing Libyans and purposely prolonging a conflict’ is so tone deaf it makes me wonder if he has been too close to a bombing range himself.


I never heard this clown ever complain how hit’lary + hato + co worked together to arrange the hit on libyans,nor any admission to murdering some of their own f/ministers?


And not to mention Prince, and his Blackwater army, navy and air force in the Persian Gulf.


US military/government have an incredible ability to blame others for the problems they themselves created. All whilst maintaining a straight face.

Besides if the LNA win and the civil war either ends or significantly claims down, then Europe will be better off as there will be less migrants sneaking through Libya. The GNA on the other hand has zero chance of mustering enough forces and enough victories to ever take control of Libya. It can maybe hold onto the North-west, but that’s about it.

Peter Moy

Concerning the onslaught of migrants from US-led wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan beginning in 2015, notice that the subservient lapdogs of the US in NATO and the EU NEVER really criticize who caused all of this human misery. I follow the news in Germany and Austria and what this migrant invasion has caused to their societies is a downright disgrace. Not only in dividing citizens views but in monetary support, increased crime and a dumbing down of their populations. I still remember the crime story from Traiskirchen, Austria in September, 2015 in which an Afghan teenager “refugee” raped a 72-year old grandmother anally and almost killed her. He received only a few years in a luxury prison cell despite the public outrage. Most people in the US have no idea how much death, destruction, terror and misery US foreign policy has caused in the world just since the US debacle in the Vietnam War ended in 1975. That is what you get when the population is mostly just ignorant, apathetic and easily brainwashed.


Exactly, it was okay when it was ‘we came, we saw, he died’. Now these guys are ‘outraged’ that someone has bothered to come along to clean up their mess. Hypocrisy.

Badis Badis

The ottoman empire is not coming back after all .


One photo show one Su27…real fotos or fake fotos???


These are likely just photos taken from an interception flight somewhere between Syria and Libya. They are common occurrences and I doubt the Russians cared if NATO ‘escorted’ them en-route.

Lone Ranger

Big words coming from Isis Air Force…

Tommy Jensen

After pouring gasoline all over ME, Putin is now occupying Libya with private mercenaries, robbing Libya its, national bank gold, occupying Libya oil fields, gobbling African resources to Russian Multinational Global Corporations.
As American I urge Russia to keep to human rights for minorities and the International Rules of Order


Look in a mirror you scummy isramurican twat !


Seems like 100,000 death’s not enough for these vile facist bots in lieu thy curse,oh well:


Hillary has already grabbed the gold, as your satire points out.


Hey shit 4 brains, how is the gefilte fisch in Haifa today ? Go wash out your shitty arse with buckshot.


Kweer talk,russias more class than you degeneraste lieing same sex weddo assfloggeds(period)


There are thousands of people in the Turkish army, in the press, in the police, in the public sector, in the municipalities and in politics who are seeking Erdogan’s downfall, wrote Ersin Ramoglu, a columnist for the government newspaper Sabah.

There are indications of another coup in the country that is experiencing many, many different problems, such as unemployment, the tendency for young people to flee abroad, excessive policing, combined with the imposition of a harsh Islamic culture.

“They say they will overthrow Tayyip Erdogan and execute him,” journalist Fatih Tezan said in an online video. “How will you protect your wife and children from us? “The blood of millions will be shed for a drop of Erdogan’s blood,” he said.

When so many thousands of people along with their families are starving, imprisoned, tortured and persecuted, the coup is the least that can happen, because there is also the possibility of a civil war.
As for Erdogan and his friends, he is likely to prepare a new cultural revolution or Stalinist-style purges for the secular opposition.


That’s probably just wishful thinking to be honest, as Erdogan has turned his government into a full-blown regime since the last coup attempt. Most of the people who would overthrow him (or have been accused of it) have been imprisoned by kangaroo courts.

Mustafa Mehmet

so this ersin ramoglu and fatih Tezcan they r fettolah terrorist organisation members they get pay from western country I’m sure they live in Greece… Re. Souflaki boy don’t believe them


I thought the UAE and Egypt own MiG fighter jets. I have read reports that Russia is not involved in this conflict. Now the Turkish State News is backing this story. When we could have Russian Media dubbed in English. Russia explained this fight was more between France and Italy. Egypt does not want Eastern Libya to enter their country. Fox News is pushing this. USA is still fighting Russia through proxies in the Middle East. Wagner Group is more lies.


Townsend is just another kweer/cia/nazi wanker(period) It’s great news for libyan freedom like it or not!

Bruno Santos

I read in FT. Yes, Financial Times is crying for this.


Ah the good old financial times,where tyranny became the ultral non essential but existent debt:


Well, one thing is for sure: You can clearly see on the MiG-29 photograph that it does not have the spine of a MiG-29SMT, which is very characteristic of the aircraft. All the Russian MiG-29s in Syria are SMT’s, so we know for a fact that AFRICOM is at least lying about the nationality of the MiG-29s, or Russia had for some reason brought over a unit with older MiG-29s to Syria that no-one had somehow noticed. This whole report is very, very suspicious.


Unbelievable hypocrisy. Can you be anymore blind?


The drama is that the US lost their credibility in Europe; we don’t believe them any more and they have to blame it their own behaviour. They have a historical and contemporary history of misleading their own by false flags, cheat and creating “facts”, supporting and working with and for muslim terrorists, working against their allays, blackmailing them, using them. Sanctioning the owns who does not must be sanctioned and they do not sanction those who should be sanctioned ( Turkey). We have more sympathy for the Russian today( they are far more correct) then for the Americans. I think we should consider to be independent as well on the US as on Russia or China and to be the king maker of this world not the lapdog of those, but we lack a world leader capable of , we have greedy quarrelling old wive’s leading us luckily every poll more people are rejecting them.


“…Russia prolonging the conflict…” Well, maybe, I’m not in a position to say. BUT everyone knows that without NATO destroying the country first the conflict wouldn’t even exist. Important to never forget who starts things.


Erdogan = Moslim terrorist = GNA hit him, hit them hard Russia. Forget the US they are no more credible as the Turks. Europe is with you, each day more.