Unrest On Al-Golan Front: Israeli Army Thwarts Rare Drug Smuggling Attempt

Unrest On Al-Golan Front: Israeli Army Thwarts Rare Drug Smuggling Attempt

The drugs seized by Israeli security forces on the border with Syria, January 31, 2023. (Israel Police)

On January 31, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) thwarted a rare drug smuggling attempt along the heavily-fortified front with Syria.

According to a statement by the IDF, soldiers monitoring surveillance cameras on the occupied al-Golan Heights front spotted two suspects close to the border fence near the northern Druze town of Majdal Shams. Soldiers and police officers dispatched to the scene apprehended the suspects and found them to be carrying 21 kilograms of hashish, a drug made by compressing and processing parts of the cannabis plant.

The Israeli Police said that the two suspects, Syrian nationals aged 30 and 33, will be brought before a court on February 1 to extend their remand.

Incidents of drug smuggling on the heavily-fortified front between Israel and Syria are very rare. The failed smuggling attempt came after an unusual incident along the front.

Two days earlier, on January 29, two Syrian gunmen approached the front in the southern al-Golan Heights. One was shot dead by Israeli troops and the second fled. According to an IDF initial probe, the pair were likely hunters, and were not attempting to perpetrate an attack on the frontline.

Israel has been working to further fortify the separation line with Syria. Last week, the IDF removed an old minefield near the abandoned town of Shayta in the Golan Heights to pave a new road in a blatant violation of the 1974 separation of forces agreement.

The recent incidents in al-Golan Heights revealed the presence of some flaws in Israel’s defensive and security measures on the front with Syria.


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Isser Harel

The people of israel face one threat to their lives as human beings and it’s boorla and the eugenicists.
Pray for them that they wake up before they are nano chipped into subordination by this international cabal running their country behind the scenes.
