University of Montenegro Professors Support Demonstrations (Against NATO, for Democracy)

University of Montenegro Professors Support Demonstrations (Against NATO, for Democracy)

Originally appeared at IN4S, translated by Slavko Kovačević exclusively for SouthFront

A large group of Montenegrin academicians, university professors and other science teachers have supported the peaceful demonstrations that are occurring in front of the Parliament of Montenegro. Most of them, out on the streets together with the people, encouraged their colleagues to support their struggle and the struggle of the people of Montenegro, because Montenegro is unfortunately the only country in ex-Yugoslavia not to have had a change of government since the breakup. Fair, democratic elections, a chance for government to change, are preconditions in order to build a free society, a democratic political system which this country desperately needs at the beginning of the 21st century.

[SF editor’s comment: At the moment, the Montenegrin government exercise aggresive pro-NATO policy which doesn’t have any support in society.]

Those who have supported the demonstrations are:  academician prof. Dr Miloicа Jаćimović, academician PhD Zorаn Lаkić, PhD Bosiljkа Lаković, PhD Vlаdimir Božović, PhD Žаnа Kovijаnić Vukićević, PhD Mаrа Šćepаnović, PhD Sаvo Lаušević, PhD Rаdoš Bulаtović, PhD Borko Vujičić, PhD Slаvoljub Mijović, PhD Sаnjа Bаuk, PhD Srđа Pаvlović, PhD Biljаnа Lаzović, PhD Slobodаn Vujošević, PhD Mirko Peković, PhD Vlаdetа Rаdović, PhD Drаgаn Koprivicа, PhD Vukаšin Bаćović, PhD Drаgo Perović, PhD Dušаn Krcunović, docent doctor Vidrаn Kljаjević, doctor Vаsilije Rаdulović, doctor Oljа Mijаnović, doctor Žаrko Leković, doctor Vukić Ilinčić.

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