UN Security Council Briefing On Ukraine, July 9, 2024 : Russian Stance


The official statement by Russian Permanent Representative at UN Security Council briefing on Ukraine provided by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations.

Point of order

Dear Colleagues,

In view of the fact that by assuming the UNSC presidency the Russian Federation  took on the obligation, as always, to act in a transparent and impartial manner, I would like to openly explain the situation around Ukraine’s participation in today’s meeting.

Yesterday, the Secretariat received a letter from the Permanent Representative of that country requesting the right to speak at the briefing.

Unlike all other requests, including that of the EU and Poland, the way it is drafted violates greatly the established practice; it is not addressed to the President of the Security Council, nor does it contain even basic protocol language of diplomatic communication.

The only sentence the letter had was a request to allow Ukraine to participate in the meeting.

Here is the letter. It is not clear who it is addressed to. And these are the letters from Poland and the EU, they contain all the necessary elements of an address to the President of the Security Council, and drafted in accordance with the protocol.

We informed the Council about the request from Ukraine. I would like to stress that we see no problem in allowing Ukraine’s participation as it is a country whose interests are affected by an item on the agenda. This is in accordance with the rules of procedure. We immediately conveyed the message that as soon as the Presidency receives a letter in due form, Ukraine’s participation in the meeting will be accepted when agreed by the SC members.

However, the Ukrainian delegation never sent any proper request. I believe that the point is that it is fundamentally important for them to show that they are above the rules established in the Security Council and to show that, unlike other delegations (including that of European countries), requesting participation in accordance with Rule 37, they have the right to set their own rules of the game.

We as the Presidency cannot accept this. The rules are the same for everyone; and this has ensured the functioning of the UN Security Council for almost 80 years.

The Ukrainian delegation’s approach is nothing but an attempt to undermine the authority of the Council, because the Presidency is an institution rather than a country. I hope that all our colleagues on the Security Council realize that.

Nevertheless, we agree to let Ukraine participate in today’s meeting (if there are no objections from other members of the Council), but only in view of the fact that this was requested by the member of the Security Council, namely by the United States. We intend to accede to the request of the US delegation, in accordance with the Council’s rules of procedure. We regret that Ukraine is unable to act independently even in such a purely procedural matter as participation in a UN Security Council meeting, and even in that it needs guidance from its sponsors.


Main statement

I would like to begin by thanking France and Ecuador for convening this meeting.

As is evident from the statements by our Western colleagues (very minimalist, by the way), the topic of the alleged Russian strike on the children’s hospital, which we are discussing today, is hardly gratifying for them. They have probably seen numerous photos and videos of what happened, from which it clearly follows that it was a Ukrainian air defense missile that hit the hospital. Hence, the Western members of the Security Council are performing the magic of verbal gymnastics, trying by all means to vindicate the Kiev regime.

For us, however, this meeting is an excellent opportunity to tell the truth about what actually happened.

Nevertheless, the truth, as we all know, does not interest our Western colleagues, and in the best traditions of the Bucha provocation or the Mariupol hospital mentioned today, they tried to engage in wishful thinking by condemning the allegedly intentional strike by the Russian Armed Forces against the children’s medical facility.

The dishonesty of such tactics can be seen with the naked eye, and the Ukrainians themselves immediately noticed it, as videos of the strike swiftly appeared on the Internet negating all the efforts by Kiev and Western propagandists. Here are the references to the most complete publications. Kindly use this QR code. And here is what was immediately published by Ukrainian telegram channels, which remain the only source of information for Ukrainians uncensored by the Ukrainian authorities, I quote: “The presidential office instructed everybody to only publish and disseminate the information realted to the children’s clinic Okhmatdet in order to:

a) divert attention from other issues as there are very interesting objects in vicinity, and people could ask the government why military facilities are located so closely to residential areas and hospitals;

b) attempt to boost the morale of the army and the people by making them feel hatred towards the enemy. So they claim that the enemy intentionally targeted children, even though it’s fairly clear that the rocket was accidentally shut down.

c) distract the masses from the constant lawlessness of the authorities, corruption, rising tariffs, growing prices, increasing disillusionment, etc.;

d) divert attention from the constant retreat of the Ukrainian armed forces;

e) Give another reason for justifying the constant conscription in the name of Zelensky;

f) create a media hype in the western press just before the NATO summit”.

Or here’s another testimony: “Everything is clear about the strike on the Okhmatdet hospital – it was a Ukrainian air defence NASAMS missile that went off course and hit the building near the children’s hospital.

Western air defense systems also frequently miss their targets. Most likely, the missile lost the target in the air and captured the heat signal from the hospital, messing up the targets. This was also the case when Ukraine’s air defense hit a tractor in Poland killing Poles.

If it had been a X-101 missile, the damage inflicted would have been much worse.

We constantly write that Ukrainian air defense missiles frequently go off target. We have already witnessed many tragedies like that, and Zelensky’s office is constantly lying to people that it is the Russians who are intentionally hitting residential buildings. The presidential office has to constantly fuel hatred among Ukrainians and justifying the continuation of the war by such “artificial tragedies”.

And the military themselves admitted that a large number of such tragedies occurred due to the improper operation of their air defense system.”

These are quotes from Ukrainian sources, not my words.

Colleagues, I hope you now realize that no matter how much the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors try to portray the tragedy as if it were an intentional Russian strike, even in the eyes of ordinary Ukrainians this version does not hold water. In this context, we do regret that the Security Council has been drawn into the dirty propaganda campaign of Kiev and its abetters.

In this regard, we would like to ask Mr. Zhovner a question – how he -when he went outside – understood that the hospital had been hit by Russia? Who provided him with the information, which clearly contradicts the truth and common sense? Doesn’t he realize that if it had been a Russian missile, there would have been nothing left of the building, and the children and most of the adults would have been killed rather than injured? However, judging by the fact that the screen is dark, we are unlikely to hear an answer from Mr. Zhovner.

We have reiterated that Russia does not strike civilian targets in Ukraine. And speaking of the strikes by the Russian air force against Ukraine’s military industry facilities and air bases, we can clarify the following. One of the targets in Kiev was the Artyom plant, which is one of the largest plants of the Ukrainian defense industry. It is a major manufacturer of air-to-air guided missiles, weapons and ammunition, and this target was hit, which is confirmed by the data based on objective evaluation and the testimony of Kiev residents themselves. The plant is located about two kilometers from the Okhmatdet children’s hospital; thus, there is every reason to believe that the hospital was hit by the Ukrainian air defense missile that was meant to intercept the Russian missile targeted to the plant. Such tragedies could have been prevented if the Kiev regime had not deployed air defense systems and heavy weapons in residential areas, which in fact violates international humanitarian law. However, its Western sponsors prefer to turn a blind eye to that important fact.

We also can’t fail to mention that Ukrainians themselves noted a very interesting trend on the social media: the tragedy with an air defense missile hitting a children’s hospital occurred exactly on the eve of the NATO Summit. This is the third NATO summit since the beginning of the special military operation, and similar situations occurred before each of them. Such was the case on June 27, 2022, when Ukrainian media reported about an explosion in a shopping mall in Kremenchug, Poltava Oblast, at a time when there were allegedly “hundreds of people” inside. However, the mall was actually empty and it was not functioning, and the fire was caused by the detonation of ammunition provided by the USA and Europe, which was stored in a neighboring building. This was also the case on the night of July 6, 2023, when the Russian Air Force struck the temporary deployment stations of Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries in Lvov. It is noteworthy that Mayor Sadovyi acknowledged that it was the fragments of an air defense missile that damaged residential buildings.

And all these cases were heavily exploited by the head of the Kiev clique in order to cadge new weapons for Ukraine. The trend is really interesting, isn’t it? And it is quite telling that Ukrainian media resources have also noticed that.

By the way, it begs another question, which relates to the words of the Slovenian Permanent Representative regarding the allegedly confirmed evidence of a Russian missile strike on the Okhmatdet hospital. The videos posted by Ukrainian Internet users show five missiles of the Russian Air Force come out one after another and hit the Artyom plant, the missiles were not intercepted nor damaged. Similarly, we can see on the videos a lone Ukrainian air defense missile in the area where the children’s hospital was located. And again, no interception or damage. It cannot be mistaken for anything else. We clearly recognize it by its distinguishable plumes and other characteristics. How is it possible that the Ukrainian air defense misses all five strikes on the plant, but hits the children’s hospital? Can the representative of the Kiev regime answer this question?

We are also waiting for a reaction from the Norwegian authorities, who seem to have supplied Zelensky’s clique with NASAMS. Did they authorize Kiev to use the system to hit a children’s hospital and place it in residential areas in contravention of IHL norms?

In this context and in line with the propaganda playbook, Mr. Yermak, the head of Zelensky’s office, has already made a statement about the impossibility of negotiations with Russia. There is no doubt that the Ukrainian leadership will use today’s situation as a pretext for ignoring further the long overdue demand in Ukrainian society (and in the entire world), for a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis. This is understandable, because enacting such a solution would mean no need to extend martial law, and would require holding elections. This is what the Kiev clique, which has lost its legitimacy, fears most than anything else, realizing that the attitude of the population towards the regime is extremely negative. That is why the Ukrainian leadership prefers to sacrifice tens, if not hundreds of thousands of its fellow citizens sending them into a senseless meat grinder.

For our part, we have repeatedly spoke in favor of beginning negotiations and ending hostilities. However, this must be a genuine cessation rather than a suspension of hostilities aimed at providing Kiev with an opportunity to lick its wounds and rearm. In addition, the root causes of the Ukrainian crisis must be addressed. Without that, there will be no sustainable and lasting peace. Our conditions for ending the conflict were clearly stated by President Vladimir Putin on June 14 at a meeting with the leadership of the Foreign Ministry.

We also appreciate initiatives by all States that are aimed at establishing a genuine ceasefire and addressing our legitimate concerns, rather than promoting propaganda, which was clearly seen at the pseudo-peace conference in Switzerland, which proved meaningless. As long as Kiev and its sponsors remain deaf to the appeals to use diplomacy, we will have to use our military force to compel Ukraine to make peace and address the root causes of the current crisis.



Here is the QR code shown by Russian Permanent Representative at UN Security Council Vassily Nebenzia:


UN Security Council Briefing On Ukraine, July 9, 2024 : Russian Stance

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The information that can be found via the QR code:



UN Security Council Briefing On Ukraine, July 9, 2024 : Russian Stance

Click to see full-size image

UN Security Council Briefing On Ukraine, July 9, 2024 : Russian Stance

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UN Security Council Briefing On Ukraine, July 9, 2024 : Russian Stance

Click to see full-size image


Russia was targeting military objects in Kiev, and the strike on the hospital was caused by an AIM-120 air defense missile from the NASAMS system used by the Ukrainian side. This is evidenced by the proportional dimensions of the missile (diameter and length) and the nature of the damage (collapse of only a small part of the building and shrapnel damage on neighboring buildings). Footage showing shrapnel typical of air defense missiles was shared directly on Ukrainian Telegram channels.

The length of the AIM-120 missile is 366 cm, the diameter is 17.8 cm, and the length-to-diameter ratio is 1/20.6. For the X-101, these parameters are 745 cm, 74.2 cm, with a ratio of 1/10, and for the Kh-55, they are 588 cm, 51.4 cm, with a ratio of 1/11.4. In the screenshot from the video, it is clearly visible that even with the angle of the footage, the length of the missile exceeds its diameter by more than 15 times.

Indirect evidence includes the absence of the characteristic sound of Russian missile engines (the whistle in the second video is present but differs from that of a X-101) and the arrival of the projectile from the western direction.


The full video of the Ukraine emergency Security Council meeting HERE.


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Weapons inspector

the day nato officially enters the conflict (for example due to article 5) is the day the nato countries will be wiped out from the face of earth


article 5 only works if a nato country is attacked but the ukies are not a member of nato

Massa John

yeah, they’re only members of vermin…

Self-Evident Truths

they’re a member of an elite group of nations called pariahs to everyone but the west.

AM Hants

how can nato use article 5? ukraine is a non-nato country and any nation, in nato, coming to the aid of ukraine, does so independently. if russia was to invade a nato member, then they could use article 5, but, not when the nato member is the aggressor.


you remember thats the same nato that interpreted a no fly zone to “destroy the entire army of lybia and fly in militants to take over tripoli…”

Last edited 3 months ago by kotromanic

libya had to be destroyed because gaddafi planned a common currency pegged to gold. it would have crushed the ability of the dollar and the euro to impose sanctions and extort. and collapsed their value. however, brics succeeded in that later.

Joseph Day

nato hasn’t got the balls to officially enter the conflict. their use to killing women and children in defenceless countries

Self-Evident Truths

they prefer to do that from high altitudes though. anything on the ground is usually restricted to coalitions of willing idiots, like the five eyes and any tagalongs looking for handouts..

Last edited 3 months ago by Self-Evident Truths

that is exactly what the jews want and we should not let that happen we should not want mutual destruction of the west and east the jews want to trigger this so they can have a world of their own and subjegate us to their dominance. we need to solve the jewish question for once and for all and liberate our selves from these luciferian demons

Last edited 3 months ago by Awakend

all the countries should have veto power at un security council.to stop this curent circus of putin and biden and closed friends the war criminals.

Joseph Day

all votes should be anonymous, so noone can influence other countries. and if its democratic at all there should be no veto powers.


at switzerland and current g7 meeting why is the no minute of silence for usa and british killings of houthis.why is the no one minute of silence for palistinian,luhangs and donbas killing by allies.


that’s obviously because zionists celebrate all their genocides with a cocaine laced conscience, and switzerland is a zionist counterfieting cartel sanctuary, full of nazi scum…they only observe 2 minutes of silence when they are waiting for biden to try and finish his sentence…

Conan M

please… please… tell the world the day russia comes to it’s senses and abdicates it’s seat and ever worthless veto power in the most malign and corrupt union on the planet at 46th st & 1st ave, new york city, ny 10017-3507 to announce it will be starting it’s “own” un hq’d in moscow!


the moment it gives up veto the usa will use it to press a un mandate to destroy russia legaly through a un security council descision. build a alternative but keep the veto position and just veto everything no matter what just block the entire organisation.

Conan M

they’re going to wwiii regardless of what you just stated. had they taken the initiative to pull out of the un prison cell after nualnd showed up with her cookies it would have expedited the briics union which might have solidified other western eu nations to part company with the “old” and join russia in that “new un” in moscow!… so putting it bluntly… you’re really wrong. and we’ll never know what might have been…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

more importantly. russia will be asking itself for the time we have left how many russian federation soldiers, sailors and airmen along with civilians might have been spared including their family in the eastern donbass…

jens holm


Edgar Zetar

you lose your time arguing with conan the muppet, he is a messianic nihilistic fellow. guess he is a teenager

Edgar Zetar

conan is messianic guy

Self-Evident Truths

he revels in messes?


the un, just a house for drug cartels to conspire under one roof while banging prosties on tax dollars…

Conan M

…”we as the presidency cannot accept this. the rules are the same for everyone; and this has ensured the functioning of the un security council for almost 80 years.”…

are they now???

Edgar Zetar

this is a direct provocation at the russian presidency in the u.n.s.c, they love to provoke and then they used the provocation against the establishment when it doesn’t follow their lead. the lackeys league will always pursuit the desires of their masters. the book of power clearly states ‘after you abused of your minions some of them will like the abuse’ use them to achieve further goals. the masters of the universe loves using exceptionalism on their vassals, lackeys and minions.

Last edited 3 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Conan M

then that means russia has ignored those warnings and want to be a “master of the universe” just like f-u.k.u.$.?… if the russian federation were sincere when they started sending advisors and troops to syria and ukraine 10 years ago they would have immediately started pulling their foreign services out of the west to serve as a “warning”… and when it didn’t stop, expel the foreign service of the west inside russia until further notice with no dual national(s) allowed back home!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Edgar Zetar

you look like a child… muppet! foreign relations are a neverending music, you can change melody, tone, tempo, but cannot stop the music, the music never ends, they never retreat and they never close all the doors, or start pulling because if you cut the arm the other goverments in front of everyone they will cut my arm eventually and so on. first law of the book of power: “power and might are always right.”

Last edited 3 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Conan M

and you must be a j**, of which there are still too many in the russian government and industry!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Edgar Zetar

they always play dirt and spread lies and don’t know why they are so used to do it that way. guess all the times they get away with murder, made them realize this is 1945 and the supreme hegemon with their mighty armies decided and urged everyone to do as they please. the ‘revisionist’ age are just started. hope as we go this is going to improve for the east, at least asia and the east will be free from the yoke of the western exceptionals.


blablabla, use your friggin’ brain for once!!

Edgar Zetar

i’m trying to, but the exceptionals got controlled everyone inside their propaganda domain, their childrens are worst than hungry cannibals but they don’t eat meat they worshiped money and betray everyone and just love money. money and lackeys is the core of the western civilization and their exceptionals.

jens holm

amerikunt worship money–“the only god in amerika is money”. malcolm x

jens holm

amerika no culture–we are amerikuntized


there’s a united nations ???

i thought they went out of business after gaza

Self-Evident Truths

i think they like punishment. they probably have a special section at the un library where all the un security council resolutions that were adopted and then torn up by the us and fiends are prominently displayed.

jens holm

amerikunt do not stand–they bend over for all gay mulatto

croaked amerikunt cumdrop

we prefer sodomy by taliban

Trumps Ear

how many genders in amerika?

Self-Evident Truths

ukrainians are a royal pain in the ass, to anyone and everyone. i savor the day that they join the eu and the eu barfs them out within a year, if it survives the infection.


the nato meeting was awesome, vice president trump greeted president putin, and kier starmer caught the zelenski curse with a fatal hug of the green goblin. the following day, masonic theater plays out with a fake assassination pantomine… inspired no doubt by the capture of a crocus douche bag… can’t make this up, the us is an insane asylum seeker on a rape binge…


rumours that after the meetings, the hudson river was contaminated with so much flushed cocaine, that even the meth gators were getting high…