Ukrainians Use German-Made Ammunition With Chlorine In Kursk Region

Ukrainians Use German-Made Ammunition With Chlorine In Kursk Region

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Russian  military reporters shared new evidence confirming that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are using chemical weapons on the frontlines. This time, Ukrainian forces deployed them in the Russian Kursk region.

Russian servicemen showed German DM1216 submunition of the DM105 projectile  that was filled with chlorine. Although the ammunition was originally designed to create a smoke screen

The ammunition was manufactured by German Rheinmetal. Each smoke container is marked NBK DM 1216 NBK stands for German Nebelkörper (smoke element). This is the 155 mm ammunition that should originally contain up to 3,5 kg of hexachloroethane/zinc and about 2 kg of hydrocarbon mixture. 

Ukrainians Use German-Made Ammunition With Chlorine In Kursk Region

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Ukrainians Use German-Made Ammunition With Chlorine In Kursk Region

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Ukrainian servicemen or even Germans themselves changed the component to chemical poison of chlorine.

Russian reconnaissance warned that the Ukrainian military was using these foreign weapons. The new evidence of Ukrainian crimes was revealed soon after the Troops pf Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were spotted coming to the Russian Kursk region. Cases of poisoning of Russian servicemen have been recorded on the Kursk frontlines recently.

No US tanks nor German chemical weapons help the Ukrainian military to stop Russian offensive including in the Kursk region.


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return to sender💌 btw i do not see smoke yet in the east in the german weapons factories🔥👻🔥just wake up the sleeper cells💤😴💤


just strike them back. tit for tat. with chlorine. no mercy. kill them all. it’s you or them. choose. wisely.

Boris Orlov

russia, go for germany. they got their second chance in 1945 when you spared them their deserved fate. now the time has come to liberate europe again from germany, but this time finish the job.


the germanistan populous are mere livestock like their ussan clown cousins. if you want to destroy euro peon fascism sink pirate rock, home of the anglo beast and do all humanity a favor.

Paul Scesniak

i agree partly and disagree partly with gerschwin; i.e. i say incapacitate the source but do not do so with a chemical weapon.


all the way back to berlin again and the liquidation of its ruling nazi oligarch$ if that’s what’s required. meanwhile the sewer in natostan provincial capital of the eussr in brussel$ simmers and awaits the final collap$€ of the kiev idiots.


why are you idiots here buying into this weak russian propaganda stunt? analyse this guys. they show you a complete legal ammunition – but claim, they claim that inside it was something different. like showing a 5 year old kid photo of an very old dirty lady, claiming to the kid that this “creature” is a dragon-monster from hell. then of course the kid is afraid. that’s exactly the same mechanism you idiots are falling for here now. very backward ru propaganda !

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki
Paul, the revered Nato shill

interesting. i wonder what happens if russia begins bombing chlorine plants in ukraine like the us did in serbia?
