Ukrainian Soldier Flees To Donetsk People’s Republic, Appears To Be ‘Shocked’ By Strikes On Civilian Targets

Ukrainian Soldier Flees To Donetsk People’s Republic, Appears To Be ‘Shocked’ By Strikes On Civilian Targets

Anatoly Tarasenko

A soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces fled his positions in eastern Ukraine and requested help from the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), a spokesman for the DPR military, Eduard Basurin, revealed on February 1.

“A soldier of the mechanized battalion of the 1st Armored Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who fears for his life, turned to us for help, with a request to protect him from arbitrariness by his colleagues. In order to save the life of a Ukrainian citizen, in cooperation with the law enforcement agencies of the republic, on January 28, a successful operation was carried out to ensure the transfer of Anatoly Taranenko to our territory. Currently, he is being provided with psychological assistance, nothing threatens his life,” Basurin said in a statement.

The soldier fled his detachment as a result of the constant physical violence and moral humiliation that he faced from other personnel. For example, on the instructions of the platoon commander, Lieutenant Sushchenko, under threat of physical harm, the commanders were seizing a part of the money allowance in the interests of the battalion commander, Major Khailo.

Tarasenko also claimed that two of his colleagues also left their positions and are currently hiding in the village of Taramchuk.

Basurin added that the Ukrainian military did not send any request to DPR forces regarding the location of its service members.

“It should be noted that so far we have received no inquiries about the whereabouts of these servicemen, which only confirms the indifference of the brigade command to subordinate personnel. The People’s Militia is ready to provide the victims with the necessary assistance to protect their rights and freedoms and ensure a safe transition to our side. The leadership of the republic always goes to meet Ukrainian servicemen in need of assistance, which cannot be said about the attitude of the war criminals of Ukraine. This is confirmed by the recent case when the punitive officers of the 14th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot a serviceman of the People’s Militia of the LPR, who had gone astray due to bad weather conditions.”

On February 4, the DPR press service released a video showing Taramchuk in the city of Donestk and at civilian sites destroyed by shelling of the Ukrainian Army in the village of Signalnoe. The DPR side also allowed the Ukrainian soldier to make a phone call to home.

A quote from the phone call:

– Happened. It was that I was almost killed at my positon. One ‘blood brother’, as it says, comrade-in-arms. Today, I’ve seen that thing. I cannot remove it from my mind, it will always be in my eyes. There is a monument to killed children, from 1yo to 15yo, 16yo. Died here. And peaceful settlements are being shelled. Children hide under tables from shells.

– Who is shelling?

– Who, our (forces)! Ours shell Donetsk villages. However, there is a ceasefire, they should not open fire. They, scumbags, strike. Destroy settlements, houses, all. Children are scared.

While it is clear that in such situation he is not interested in criticizing the DPR, the video clearly shows that the soldier was shocked after he got the perspective of the situation besides the Ukrainian and mainstream propaganda.


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johnny rotten

Fucking Nazis, they make old people fight, maybe it means they can’t hire a lot of young people, if that’s true they are sinking into shit.


Many young people find a way not to go to the front, at the beginning of the war when they were looking for cannon fodder, police would make a surprise appear at your home and force you to sign papers saying that you want to go to the front, if you didnt want to they would find a way to replace your sign, only people with connections would get away, otherwise escape to EU and get asylum.
There are also the ones that would consider the offer, indoctrinated, without any purpose in life, or maybe just ignorant of what crimes really happen at war.


Most of the Bandera loving young thugs are ok burning the trade union building down in Odessa,combat fighting against men is a different ball game.


Ukrozionazis must be really desperate with guys that old as mere foot soldiers.

Putin’s bullshit business and partnership with the Ziocorporate EU/US terrorists is the reason Donbass can’t be integrated into Russia and needs to live under Ukrozionazi shelling and sniping. And no solution in sight, selling gas to Germany and buying Mercedes cars is far more important.


What would you know? He’s probably superior to gayto young pinks on meth n sht(period)

chris chuba

Govts have to lie to their own people. Sean Hannity really believes that Iranians love Trump for ‘standing up to the Mullahs’, ditto Syrians. I’d love to see Hannity actually go to Iran and Syria. I bet he would be shocked (betting on him being more stupid than evil).


You’re a shill for the vile Russian Police State … lol

Why would Iranians love Trump? lol

Russian bombs have killed more Syrian women and children than any other force in Syria … but WITHOUT a word of condemnation from y’all … slavic slug

I’m betting on YOU being more evil and stupid … you hit the jackpot!

Brother Ma

I guess you dont know about American bombing to the ground of Raqaa?


Raqaa was the home of the Caliphate … the IS/Daesh were embedded inside … Mosul was destroyed for the same reason … women and children too

ALL I’m pointing out is … pointing fingers at Israel EXCLUSIVELY as if Russians don’t do it … are we clear?

Otherwise it’s hypocrisy …

In the coming war in Lebanon … 100’s of 1000’s will die for the same reason … Islamist tactics are deadly to their own women and children … hiding behind them … eh?

cechas vodobenikov

nightmare from village trailer park—hizbollah humiliated Israel in 2006–now better trained and armed…backward north ameriKAN cultureless puritans mudered more than 10,000 in Mosul and displaced mored than 100,000
titz=bad comedy at SF
if Russians were barbaric like u racist gringos, all of Syria would be liberated today===unlike u primitives that murder vast numbers of civilians, we consider this to be immoral

Brother Ma

I couldn’t care less about jihadis in Raqaa. I’m glad about it. I was just pointing out that US has killed many as well. Yet overall Russians have not killed civilians and children like the Americans or Israelis did and do in Syria.


Wrong …. you have NO IDEA since it’s unimportant to YOU

Your focus is what the US and Israel are doing? It’s ALWAYS on the news because the Western Press is free to observe and write … hello?


Brother Ma

You are speaking irrationally. What the hell are you saying?


I said it …

Brother Ma

Ok?.. and your point is?


Russian bombs kill innocents in Syria … full stop

YOU … point your crooked finger at Israel and USA

The next war in Lebanon will be egregiously lethal due to the enemies’s tactics … hiding among residential buildings … firing missiles from residential areas … full stop


Brother Ma

No …actually you said Russian bombs have killed more women and children. I simply said , so you haven’t heard of or admitted american bombings in Syrian places.
You then said I am biased against the US and Israel. Well yes, I am ,as you two started the war in Syria and now won’t admit it.
If telling the truth about something is biased …well, yes, I am very biased.


Israel or the USA didn’t start the 2011 un-Civil War in Syria … full stop

Syrian death toll is over 500,000 … American Air bombings have been limited to strikes on IS/Daesh … and NO ONE CARES HOW MANY OF THEM HAVE BEEN KILLED including women and children … full stop

Brother Ma

Actually you did. You met with ISIS in Jordan before the so-called rebels started in Syria in2011. Why? To foment rebellion . They even brought a Kurd jihadist back from Scandinavia ,where he was seeking refuge …on welfare payments of course , like most of these mullahs are.

Yep, investigative journos dug it all up . Funny that.


BS …

Muslims are ALWAYS pointing their crooked finger at ‘the Other’ … NEVER accepting responsibility for their own actions …

DENIAL … is what it’s called


Brother Ma

Bullshit? Why ? Everything I said was researched. As for “muslims”, yeh I agree ,but Israelis are the same. Always involved in mischief and never saying sorry…


Russian / pro-Russian … your POV skewed by no access to information

Garbage in … Garbage out

Brother Ma

You have issues…you think if someone is proRussian , they must have no access to information. Not logical at all. Ok .whatever.



Lone Ranger

You’re not a shill for the vile ukropnazi Police State … lol

Why would Iranians love Trump? lol

Israeli bombs have killed more Syrian women and children than any other force in Syria … but WITHOUT a word of condemnation from y’all … Ziorat slug

I’m betting on YOU being more evil and stupid … you hit the jackpot!


I agree with YOU … Chris Chuba said it … hello?

Israel doesn’t kill Syrians (including women and children) yet … their aim is on Iranian military … eh sluggo?

It’s Russians who target women and children in Syria …


Lone Ranger

I agree with YOU … Chris Chuba said it … hello?

Israel does kill Syrians (including women and children) yet … their aim is on Iranian military … eh sluggo?

It’s Russians who target CIAisis and wahabimossad in Syria …



That’s BS …

Russia supported Assad … killing Syrians and Jihadis who wanted to remove Assad … Sunni Jihadis supported by SA / UAE

IS/Daesh were attacked by the US & Kurdish Peshmerga … relentlessly and they defeated them

Lone Ranger

That’s BS …

Cia/mossad supported isis.. killing Syrians and Kurds who wanted to remove jihadis … Sunni/turkmen Jihadis are also supported by SA / UAE

IS/Daesh remnants were attacked by the US & Kurdish Peshmerga … relentlessly and they defeated them.
All evidence destroyed.
Most excellent ?


Proving once again that there is nothing to talk about … with those living in a rabbit hole


Lone Ranger


Peter Jennings

That’s why Assad was returned as president of Syria with one of the largest majorities recorded in modern history of elections.

Take a break from that booth you work from.


Just watching the Raptors tonight … working the phone … eh?

Assad is the head of the Assad Crime Family … Chief Warlord … hello?


Run in the midst of the UN-Civil War?

C’mon Man!

Peter Jennings

‘Assad is the head of the Assad Crime Family’.

Last time i checked, President Assad was a president and before that, a ophthalmologist. Which is probably why he sees more than most. With Russia as an ally, he also sees a bright future for Syria and its people despite the constant warmongering from the isreali apartheid regime.

The last regime that built a wall around itself was the soviet union. That didn’t end well did it?.


Assad’s Syria doesn’t exist … it’s a failed state

No ? to rebuild … foreign troops occupying territory … Jihadis running amok … IS/Daesh in pockets doing mischief … hello?

Every country has a wall around it … it’s called a border

Cross the border without permission? Means expect to be attacked … Israel crosses borders in Lebanon and Syria with impunity … hello?


cechas vodobenikov

souped titz–USA created/funds ISIS, al Qaeda along w racist Canada, dinkmark, etc…Assad enjoys huge support among all ethnicities in Syria
you need rehab: too much LSD

cechas vodobenikov

false racist nazi palestian murderer
“the East German Stasi could only have dreamed of having a police state like USA”. Thomas Drake
your colonial masters train u to be submissive robots—-“eh?”

Peter Jennings

Hannity, and others like him, do not have the spine to defy the hive. They play it safe and stick to platitudes and propaganda which supplied to them for free.

They also know where the money comes from. The figure on the cheque is more important to them than any news story.


Hopefully … Biden will better arm and train the Ukrainian recruits … so that they can kill more Donetsk insurgents


Fog of War

Why would you care its not your fight ?


I’m not pro-Putin … full stop

I’m pro-Russian People … who are ok … good and bad like everyone else … but they’ve produced great writers and culture as well as vile anti-Judaism Haters

Lone Ranger

Supporting ukropnazis is anti jewish… Einstein…

Fog of War

But the people of the Donbas are ethnic Russians that want nothing to do with the Ukrainians .


Donbas was part of Ukraine … as was Crimea …

As a Canadian … Quebec ‘wanted’ to separate and twice went to a vote … each time avoiding a yes vote by a hair? It would’ve been disastrous for Canada … I believe

Lone Ranger

Donbas was part of Russz … as was Crimea …

As a Canadian ziorat/ukropnazi … Quebec ‘wanted’ to separate and twice went to a vote … each time avoiding a yes vote by a hair vua cheating? It would’ve been disastrous for CIA run Canada … I believe


It would not have been good … I believe

Cheating? Nobody cheated … it’s not an issue today

cechas vodobenikov

dimwit titz believes lies; only 3 nations in 2014 voted to oppose condemnations of nazi symbolisms/expression: u nazi Canucks, USA, Ukraine—in most recent vote Canucks abstained, now only 2 nazi nations: Ukraine, USA

Fog of War

Come on ole tzatz you have no loyalty to Canada, lets be honest. If it came time to choose you would go with the ” settler state ” every time.


I’m born in Canada … I lived in Israel and could have stayed but I like the North American lifestyle …

Fog of War

Fair enough, but you avoided my point.

cechas vodobenikov

obviously–sexually repressed puritan that celebrates ugliness—87% Crimea’s voted to reintegrate w Russia; idiot Quebecers hav e been coca colonized: you are a US colony

Peter Jennings

It’s a shame that you are not more vocal on the events taking place in Canada, rather than an isreali apartheid regime thousands of miles away.
I guess staying in the west and spreading misinfo is more important than anything which happens in Canada. Ditto for Blighty and the USA, and just about every other country that wields more power than the isreali regime itself.
Sucking up to western power is what the regime does best because it knows without it their regime doesn’t stand a chance.

I see the ICC is taking another look at the crimes committed by the isreali apartheid regime. However, it could be a while before anything is decided as there is so many crimes to go through.

It seems the jewish lobby’s usurpation of america is going to backfire spectacularly because now that fighting wars for the isreali regime has ruined them, they are going down the pan, followed shortly after by the isreali apartheid regime.

The regime will have to change its tune. Maybe sticking to agreements might help matters?


Sticking to agreements ?

Like the Egyptian Peace Deal ?
Like the Jordanian Peace Deal?

cechas vodobenikov

stupefied racist titz
Adorno conducted anti-semitism studies in USA during WWII; he found north amerikans far more anti-semitic than Germans of the WWII period; today Jews are considered to be stylish in Russia: this explains why so many are leaving Israel and returning to Russia

Lone Ranger

Fuck you Shlomo nazi…
Shame on you.


Soros incest fascist piece of sht,cocksukr only lives for lgbtq + genocide=totalled!

Lone Ranger

Ukropisstan is a failed state.
Always was.
Always will be.
The sooner its balkanized the better.

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats and ziorats are crying and raging ?

Lone Ranger

At we know why the Down Syndrome Awarness ribbon and the Ukrainian flag are one and the same…

cechas vodobenikov

ukraine is so corrupt the bloods and krips are jealous; now that BLM/LGBT decadent empire has Alzheimer’s patient installed as prez by emperor gates they define diversity as everyone being a genocidal robot, whether masculized obese female or feminized transsexual male …now taking lessons from Ukraine nazi mafia state
“Amerikans have always been genocidal enjoying killing from afar”Philip Slater:–no different from the other barbarian anglos…only difference between azov and anglo militaries are the tattoos

Doom Sternz

While fascist Americans didn’t give a crap about the millions of Ukrainian lives snuffed out in their violent bloody coup, they will eventually have to face the links to Nazi support and their own fate.

“Ten days before the Odesa tragedy a secret meeting was held in Kiev, chaired by the incumbent president Olexander Turchinov, to prepare a special operation in Odessa. Present were minister of internal affairs Arsen Avakov, the head of the Ukrainian Security Service Valentin Nalivaychenko, and the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Parubiy. Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskiy, the Kiev-appointed head of regional administration of the Dnepropetrovsk region, was consulted in regard to the operation.

During that meeting Arsen Avakov has reportedly came up with the idea of using football hooligans, known as “ultras,” in the operation. Ever since his time as the head of the Kharkov regional administration he has worked closely with the fans leaders, whom he continued to sponsor even from his new home in Italy. Kolomoisky temporarily delivered his private “Dnieper-1” Battalion under the command of law-enforcement officials in Odessa and also authorized a cash payment of $5,000 for “each pro-Russian separatist” killed during the special operation.

A couple of days before the operation in Odessa Andriy Parubiy brought dozens of bullet-proof vests to local ultra-nationalists. Ultranationalist militants from the extremist Ukrainian National Assembly (UNA-UNSO), who could be recognized by their red armbands, were also used during the operation. They were assigned a key role in the staging of the provocations: they masqueraded as the defenders of the tent city on Kulikovo Field, and then lured its occupants into the House of Trade Unions to be slaughtered.

Fifteen roadblocks were set up outside of Odessa, secured by militants under the personal command of Kolomoisky’s “Dnieper-1” Battalion, as well as Right Sector’s thugs from Dnepropetrovsk and the western regions of Ukraine. In addition, two military units from the Self-Defense of Maidan arrived in Odessa, under the command of the acting head of the administration of the president, Sergey Pashinsky – the same man who was caught with a sniper rifle in the trunk of his car on Feb. 18 on Independence Square (Maidan) in Kiev.

The role of the Odessa police forces in the operation was personally directed by the head of the regional police, Petr Lutsyuk, and his deputy Dmitry Fucheji.

America this is your future, the atrocities you committed overseas, and there are many, is now coming home, enjoy your fate after all its the fruits of your brutality.


What’s that now 50-60,000 of the best soviet fighters deflected to russia,explains how they smashed the fuk outt the new gen fascist shills,more proof older blokes fight better than new bandeira fags,contary to whats speculated by the infamous fascist pinks of cia/soros/lgbtq +co.

Cheryl Brandon