Ukrainian soldiers use a launcher with US-made Javelin missiles during military exercises in the Donetsk region, Ukraine, on December 23, 2021. Photo: Ukrainian Defense Ministry Press Service
The US-made FGM-148 Javelin and the British-made NLAW anti-tank missiles supplied by the West to Kiev forces had performed poorly on the battlefield, a captured Ukrainian service member said in a video released by Russia’s Defense Ministry on May 5.
“US military aid, to my mind, has been overhyped because the much-touted anti-tank weapon systems and grenade launchers, their Javelins and NLAWs that were heavily promoted, failed to prove their worth in practice. They suffered setbacks, with normally one out of four weapons firing and instances of duds or blasts 50 meters away from the target,” the Ukrainian prisoner of war said.
The Javelin, which is guided by infrared homing, has a maximum range of 2,500 meters and can penetrate up to 600 mm of rolled homogeneous armour behind reactive armour. The missile has top-attack as well as fire-and-forget capabilities.
The NLAW is guided by PLOS [predicted line of sight] with top-attack as well as fire-and-forget capability. The missile has a range of 1,000 meters only and can penetrate more than 500 mm of rolled homogeneous armour.
According to the Ukrainian POW, some weapon batches contained anti-armor systems whose service life had expired and spent storage batteries.
“Some weapons had storage batteries with an expired service life while most batches indicated years past expiration dates,” the POW said.
So far, the West has delivered 60,000 anti-tank weapons, including more than 5,000 Javelins and 4,000 NLAWs, to Kyiv forces. The delivers of some of these weapons began before the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
The Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) have already captured or destroyed loads of Western-supplied anti-tank weapons.
The West has been dumping its weapon stockpiles into Ukraine on the hopes of prolonging the war and weakening the Russian military.
NATO can take the refund out of our loan and route it directly to my checking account if necessary, I’ve got my banking information ready.
I wonder if it was the new 155mm howitzers that took out Russias must advanced tank within days of entering the conflict.
From the Eurasian times
“ Now, the latest images of the most advanced T-90M tanks destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces will only add to the humiliation of the Russian Army, which had long been considered a formidable combat force until the onset of the Ukraine War.”
As much as I want Putin to be humiliated, it sucks that so many Russians will have to die to do it.
Thanks for the fresh reports from the front soldier. I still pose my question from our last discussion that has gone unanswered by you and the rest of our commanders – do you think I’ll be able to visit Mariupol soon?
Biden the clown is this you?
It is unlikely to be T90M due to the position of the slat armor and lack of Relict ERA panels, and T90M is not the most advanced Russian tank, formally it is T14 Armata, and Russia has in total 38 T90Ms and 20 T14 Armatas.
No that is matters tho, Russia is still losing this war in every sense possible. I don’t even believe that T90M was ever placed on battlefield, it was just another Russian propaganda stunt that backfired.
And yes, Putin is already humiliated, together with all of his generals.
Holms Jen, humiliated, very, very humiliated are The United States Armed Forces. Americans were expelled by kicks in the ass in Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc, etc. Only for your information, Russia has 22.427 MBTs, 4.662 of them T 90s.
Yuri wrote that.
Most of your many vehicles are not maintaned malfunctions and spareparts.
Of course … the CIA knows that Russians are drunk on vodka and would do anything to have blue jeans, rock’n roll and coca-cola … and don’t forget that the tiny Italian sized economy of Russia could only build a dozen precision missiles and ran out of them a month ago.
Oh yea … and the Taliban are defeated and we won the Afghan war!
And you know that for sure? You read Russian army top secret report, right?
The US military was never meant to win in Vietnam or Afghanistan, due to political considerations. Both wars had one common feature: sanctuary countries were the United States military was not allowed to invade. When Nixon ordered to the unrestricted use of B-52s in targeting military infrastructure in North Vietnam during Operation Linebacker II? NVA air defenses were all but completely annihilated or exhausted. Which quickly brought the North Vietnamese back to the negotiating table after the NV had walked out. Up until this point, the USAF was restricted in bombing NV targets. When the gloves came off? The NV came running to the table.
Also, remember that it took until 1956 for The Soviet Union to finally pacify Ukrainian partisan activity after WWII.
It would have taken the invasion of Pakistan – Waziristan particularly – in a ruthless operation and about ten years of pacification effort. All but total war.
It’s not that those wars could not have been won… it is that there was no political will to do the dirty job of annihilating the enemy and pacifying the population. Pacification operations take one soldier for every 20-50 civilians in the country. The US never committed that amount of force.
The soldier knows some of it,you poofs had 3 clean hits on the newer variant russian tank,didn’t even dent it you pathedic sodomised dumbed cia tard!
Youri, which can be upgraded to whitetrash by paint, wrote it.
T-90M isn’t Russia’s most advanced tank, the T14 Armata is. Look it up. But any tank model can be and will be destroyed in a major war including all Western designs.
Be careful what you say around the Abrams fanboys, they react like a swarm of wasps.
More like flys on shit,before the swarm,in such the neo-soros lifestyle!
Those Abrams has showed they were high class even very expensive too.
The leoparts are better then the Armatas.
T14 is a very expensive malfunction. Only the coffee machine is doing well. Its from China.
The Russians dont dare to show it in Ukraine.
Putin change of reactive strategy is brilliant! focusing towards the East and South in the Donbass. As Kiev forces are getting humiliated. If the giant Pincer formation closes down there forming the Donbass Qualdron your have 120,000 of Ukraine best troops trapped! Especially after the lost of all the cities like Mariupol in the South East. Now Spetnaz has enter the battle at Liman there kicking ass!
“within days of entering the conflict”
That’s bullshit. T-90M-s were already spotted in the Ukrainian border back in February. It took 70 days for Ukraine to take out a single of this tank. That’s nothing.
well actually NO t-90 tanks have been committed only T-72bm3 and a few T-80 tanks so far so firstly your deluded, secondly the 155mm howitzers do not fire direct line of sight at a tank they are a barrage weapon so chances of that hitting individual tanks is pretty much the same chance as us finding 1 brain cell in that pumpkin you call a head lol. – Z –
This confirm the first part https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/05/russias-t-90-tank-is-being-destroyed-in-big-numbers-in-ukraine/
Secondly some of the new artillery can fire n groups as well as fire several grenades hitting the samem target up to 8 timed by fast barrel level.
Dear Mr. Rasputin, “formidable” combat forces are The United States Armed Forces who LOSES ALL WARS THEY FIGHT (Vietnam, Iraq, Siria, Afghanistan, etc. etc. and etc.).
64 ruble to the dolla bratty gimp,you poofs are going down,russian knows victory
is not afraid of fate,regardless you belligerant assflogged desperate cia phaedophile
Wake and smell the coffee !! You are a CNN/BBC contaminated moron !! Anyone with military knowledge knows that Russians didn’t enter the theatre with its Armata tanks until few days ago and your BS post is just that BS !!
The T-90 was originally designated as a T-72 upgrade from the 1990’s. Only 300-350 are in service with RF military, indicating that the T-90 is not that great to begin with. Indeed, larger numbers of T-90’s are in service outside of Russia than inside, with the export version. Calling the T-90 as Russia’s “most advanced tank” is giving it too much credit.
Russia’s most advanced tank, the T-14 Armata – a medium tank – is in initial low rate production due to costs and will not see action any time soon. It is in Russian interests to keep the T-14 Armata from the battlefield, at this time, in order to avoid exposing in weaknesses in the design to foreign intelligence services. The double-edge? Russian military loses evaluation data under real world combat conditions.
So for all baboons that think that Russian army is advancing or wining in any way, here are SouthFront generated maps of Russian positions, first link is May 5th second is April 7th
0% advances, you can see that with your own eyes on a website that is pro Russian. In the same time, Russians are still losing tanks, infantry, APCs, launchers, artillery even naval units.
Easy peasy calculation: 0% advances gained in a month + military still losing armor and men = military is losing war
Don’t be fooled by sassy missile strikes around western Ukraine, they don’t help anything. Except propaganda.
Thank you for the reports as well soldier, I was getting anxious with summer approaching. I’ll start planning the beach party in Odessa for the EU and NATO delegations. Your orders are to continue throwing yourselves at the Russians for as long as possible, we’ve extended to the fourth wave of mobilization as of this week.
You ridiculous troll posts are really meaningless.
What? The fourth wave of mobilization is very serious, we’re running out of men! Keep your head down in those bunkers soldier.
Haha, with 200k of professional solders registered in Ukraine, even if we take the official number from the Russian army, Ukraine lost 40k man(of course this number is made up but for the sake of argument lets take it).
That means Ukraine lost only about 20% of it professional solders. And keep in mind that most people in that 40k number are conscripts nor professionals. So no, Ukraine is not running out of man, as Ukrainian leadership said, they need more man and weapons to fasten this up. And to take some of Russian territories.
There was conflict in your situation report corporal, how can we not be running out of men but need more men to fasten the Russians up? This is unacceptable, SBU will be escorting you to Poland for retraining.
Now you are just shitposting.
Says the shittiest troll ever ^^
pls dont offed the trolls
Reverse soros worm infested anal language you only know,poof!
I vote for that even Soros is a nice guy.
Another gagarin poster.
Speaking of Poland, Western Ukraine is about to be annexed into Poland. The iq average of both nations will go down.
They’re welcome to it. They can open a chain of Kosher Kielbasa Kiosks and have the locals wear white robes and hoods to entertain the customers. I heard they already have such cafes in Lwow.
lyov is a shithole it may be historic but it looks like city of hell!
Germany will be moved east again too. They will regain Königsberg
He think the war will go on 18 more years. It give shim rights even women wont have him.
They turn of the light.
Professional registered soldiers…wtf does that mean? Is that like saying you’re legally retarded? What if you’re illegally retarded?
The lonesome jens thinks its nato boss,both legit degenerates.
Its not me but Yuri gagarin ballalajka
gagarin wrote this
To seize part of the Russian territory? Yes, they still have to fight off their “own” territory, they are as far from Russian territory as the moon.
I dispatched 2,000,000. Stop comforting the enemy.
And vodka is 40%.
I’m still waiting for vids of all the armed civilians shooting down invaders from their apt. windows, like you said they’d be doing. What happened?
He is a hindu and an ant or worm. He teeated his life bad as human being.
He has eaten en elefant when it still eas alive. Modi is on a traumacenter, when he comes home – IF he comes home. Holy cow…
Your sad, moronic, failed existence is meaningless. And your trolling is just retarded.
Oh please soldier enlighten us with your military expertise. Or such an honor visiting with front line azovs.
Fuckoff belligerant sodomised retarded skank,your down votes,fkn drrr
pea brain who thinks others are no bigger,fkn drr assflog you a LOSER!
laika wrote this for Yuri
Yuri almost white trash wrote this.
That’s you Jen Psaki isn’t it, playing blogger on truth networks for Groper Joe. You’re so cute when you lie… you’re cute all the time…huh
It is absolutely Jen Psaki.
Ummm no jen paaasaki looks like bidens dirty diaper when hes eaten tomatoes and pizza.
If you had a clue you’d know the difference between a stalled offensive and a battle of annihilation.
The west and Ukraine beat they’re chests and crow about a drone sinking a patrol boat … which is an armoured speed boat …. while the Russians take down the entire Ukrainian rail system including bridges over a couple of days. It took the allies months to do that in France prior to D-day and the Russians do it over a couple of nights without a single loss if life on their side.
You brag about killing 12 generals while the Russians post videos of old men and boys dead and surrendering … when you’re begging for weapons to arm old men and boys the war is done.
At the same time, the Russians are still losing tanks, infantry, armored personnel carriers, launchers, artillery and even naval units…
Dear Holmes, where can I see all this so that you will not be considered a liar?
I wouldn’t want people on the street pointing at you and saying: “This is someone who constantly lies and does not provide any evidence.”
And Ukrainians are also losing armor and people, why are you silent about this.
Russia took like 40 settlements in the Donbass area since April 18. Even the ukraine admitted.
You never defended yourself at school,what makes you think your better than the 9th dan hey? begone pathedic soros troll,you tramps have no future anywhere,why?
Gagarin wrote this. Laika got his brain.
Key is DESTOYING not Advancing. The hope is they advance slow so they CAN DESTROY LOTS OF UKRAINKSI.
Theay destoy ukraine soil, they destroy factories , shoping centers, airfields, railway stations.
By slow advance the maximal desctuction of Ukrainski is better ensured.
Everyday the kill kill and kill Ukronzais and destroy destoy destroy Ukrainski soil and infractucture.
With everyday more war Ukrainsky gets destroyed more and the US und EU investmens gets more worthless.
So let Russia have more time and fun to systematically destoy Ukrainsky as a state and nation , bit by bit.
American and english weapons technology is shit.
Not all really,they made them to counter very old tanks,if? But also enemy trucks,
but when the yanky wanka use the word russian tank busters,he feels tough,atleast.
Don’t be deceived, it’s the smell of your pathetic cunt
Ah triggered Stalin the Meat.
I think it’s the stink from a ukrop chomping on the barbecued leg of another ukrop.
Or maybe its yours where you used to have a penis
Fun fact: every fire of a Javelin blasts lead (Pb) compounds into the air. They tell the grunts to just “hold your breath”. The warheads also leave behind Molybdenum. I am not a shill for Russia, and I also blame Ukraine. But worse than both by far is America.
Khomeini was right about America.
How’s about Hugo Chavez?
The most important thing about dealing with these POW is to break them free from the extremely advanced mind control most of them are suffering from. A child would understand that the enemy of Ukraine is Nato and not Russia. Still these poor, foolish soldiers are willing to die for the Clown Prince of Kiev, someone who isn’t even an Ukrainian or a Slav, but a Jew, who couldn’t care less for the people of Ukraine than he already does.
Most of these Ukrainian soldiers would, I believe, support Russia if they understood who the Ukrainian leaders truly are — demons from hell. They are evil “people” who loves nothing better than to cause innocent people harm and death. For them to see how brothers are fighting brothers, the way they are doing in Donbass and Ukraine, give these vermin the greatest joy, which is proof of how evil these scumbags truly are.
The people of Ukraine need to free their mind from the controllers of the West. And perhaps this is what Putin is waiting for? For if it were to happen, every Ukrainian soldier would turn around and march towards Kiev, and once there they would do to the Clown in charge exactly what the Italians did to Mussolini. And the same fate would the rest of the usurpers in Kiev suffer. No doubt about that…
Once russia sets its tv networks that will easily be reached by all ukranians,there is no way to stop any tv with a reasonable antenna to recieve all kinds of tv channels contary to what the low iq homo sodomites try to implement banning sattelight dishes is an utter joke!
By then truth will be too powerfull to just ignore,more kievans too once the trand of truth sinks in and eco really hits the fan,they will be much more willing to oust the dud leader and its savvy impotent gay boy fuck buddies to boot,insomuch to reason toward regeneration!
If i can recieve signals 150kms away imagine with a reasonable long range antenna and amplifier/booster signals, eg 50 kms max without the booster.
Yes. They need to expose the Kiev-junta for what it is — Evil. And its leader for what he is — a corrupt and sinister Jewish multi millionaire with luxury mansions in Florida and Italy and where ever else he may have them. And they need to explain what Nato truly is and that it wishes to keep this war going for as long as possible to kill as many Ukrainians and Russians as possible. And this type of info need to be bombarded into the Ukrainian psyche day and night. Perhaps they should go old school and drop leaflets over a towns, cities and villages. Just a few ideas that could be implemented.
The White West has been dumping obsolete and ineffective weapons into Ukraine in knowledge they will be replaced by new, expensive weapons, that won’t be any more effective. Giving AFU troops modern weapons would merely provide Russia with valuable intelligence regarding their capabilities.
Laverov and Putin sure seem to complain endlessly at every opportunity about the western supplied weapons.
They must be hurting their oppressive designs on the Ukrainian people, more then The FSB is telling SF to report.
Russian telegram channels are constantly posting photos of Western weapons captured from Ukrainians.
There’s only 5 engineers left in the US and 3 of those were equal opportunity hires to design new weapons systems and they can’t outsource to China any more. America is screwed.
You mean aside from destroying every single Russian tank surrounding Kiev during the last two months? The most pathetic and hilarious thing is that the sadistic Putin cockroaches eat this moronic fantasy as if their lives depended on it. Because it does. Putin the terrorist cockroach will put jump cables on their balls.
Boy, you guys take the cake. If your actual feats were even a tenth the size of your brags, you’d have take all of Russia and half of China by now.
Goat fucker ISIS defending white ISIS.
So for all baboons that think that Russian army is advancing or wining in any way, here are SouthFront generated maps of Russian positions, first link is May 5th second is April 7th
0% advances, you can see that with your own eyes on a website that is pro Russian. In the same time, Russians are still losing tanks, infantry, APCs, launchers, artillery even naval units.
Easy peasy calculation: 0% advances gained in a month + military still losing armor and men = military is losing war
Don’t be fooled by sassy missile strikes around western Ukraine, they don’t help anything. Except propaganda.
True they managed to capture a dozen villages lost double that
They lose basically every village the next day after capturing it. Pentagon already made an analysis on that, simply there is not enough solders to cover the area that Russia wants to capture. Putins Delusion that he can fight Ukrainian army with less than 200k solders, of which around 120k are in ground assault services, against 200k + 5 mil solders just in the ground assault services that Ukraine has, is more than ridiculous. And it costs lives.
Even Russian babushka with the red flag is not caputred by Azov, thanks to Russians losing that same village the next day.
Yo no sé las noticias que ves pero no hace falta ser muy inteligente para comprender que los soldados ucranianos están cayendo como moscas ante la potencia de fuego de misiles guiados un ejército sin aviación es carne de cañón.
fukoff you dumb jap/nazi kunt!Go back to your master who nuked you,cowards!
Looks like a slow, steady south around Izyum and towards Yampyl. Your argument would have more credibility if you didn’t exaggerate.
ah another western keyboard warrior who THINKS he knows something about war and strategy whilst sitting naked in his chair in his mums basement pulling his extremely small penis. – Z –
So basically Ukraine got a bunch of junk. Imagine all those Ukrainians that got killed in vain when those weapons failed to function properly.
Thousands and thousands of Ukrainians. The authorities of Western countries, with their faulty weapons, staged a real genocide against Ukrainians. It is necessary to involve the Hague Tribunal and hang, hang, hang…
Pelosi promised to donate $5 to the family of every fallen ukrop. Isn’t that generous of her?
Someone should be generous and donate her a brain and maybe some teeth .
The writing was on the wall,you trust liars and fight your brotherly you will pay the price!
What god wants,god gets,either we stand for degeneration or regeneration,opt wisely!
Petraeus on Russia: ‘The level of training of their soldiers is clearly inadequate’ | DW News
8:04 NEVER EVER will i join or defently not ASK to join a looser club “i have heard that hillary linn traning with 12 gagae shoot gunwith porrma rahula and ryyyty in finnland” cant not vwefye them rummers of hillary linns fiinsh attack force with duck guns
Is that any sort of human language that you typed?
He wrote it in broken German and that’s how it came out in broken English. You know, it’s not exactly the cream of the crop that plants itself into Ukraine’s western front.
He must be a swede or finn they speak in a series of grunts and moans similar to when im taking a crap.
If they are not that good then how did they manage to destroy the t90-m northeast of Kharhiv, which is the most advanced tank in the RAF and includes Active Protection System
The image is not good enough to conclude that they lost T90M, that is the first thing to take into account. The videos allegedly related to that picture on DailyMall are even more ridicilous, as they show T80 tank and say how it is a T90M. T90M is not the only tank with such profile and turrent in fact T72B3 with full slat armor looks more like the tank on that image.
Next, T14 armata is the most advanced tank in Russian army, both types of tanks were built in symbolic numbers, there are only 38 T90Ms and 20 T14s.
But finally, any tank can be destroyed. Look at all those M1A2S destroyed by Houthis. It is up to generals and commanders to use the tanks properly. If you place a tank in such position that enemy artillery can lock and load on it(especially if they are open for recon drones), there is no amount of armor that will save your tank.
Your a loser,no ifs no buts nor any grey areas that just for cowards just like you!
Fake news poofta,get a life before life gets you too,dumbkunt bloods on your hands too!
Pure luck or american propaganda CGI. By the way it’s not equipped with active protection. Russia only lost a few T-90-s in this conflict, and they operate around 380.
In a 15000 USD missile it’s not worth replacing a 2.50 USD battery, we simply label it expired and use try to use it anyway or when we run out of others or not at all or none of the above.
Because the military is so very important it can waste money in arbitrary ways or until it meets a foe that doesn’t.
more western junk…that never made 1 bit of difference.
Those must be the “Javelina”‘s
Ukraine will be out of missiles at some point. They need thousands of new AT weapons every month to keep up, but the US can only produce 1000 Javelins a year. The UK already sent it’s NLAW supply. Russia still has 40,000 armored vehicles in storage.
but the US can only produce 1000 Javelins a year.
We need more immigrant assemblers!
I believe that the Javelin is overrated. But Russia should be grateful that that the U.S. is fixated on the glamor weapons rather than supplying large numbers of the Switchblade drones
The U.S. army tends to be too conservative. I bet we are adopting drones too slowly because we love the ‘god of war’, big hard to supply weapons. The switchblade is small, easy to carry, setup and it uses a camera for its final attack.
1. No issue w/counter-battery suppression because, unlike artillery, it does not have a ballistic path.
2. The heavier version that weighs 50lb is comparable to the Javelin missile and even the 6lb version can create lots of havoc. The 6lb version can destroy lightly armored vehicles, like fuel trucks and has the power of an anti-personnel hand grenade. BTW destroying fuel for tanks is almost as good as destroying tanks and it’s a lot easier to use vs a Javelin.
So Yes, Russia, thank goodness that the U.S. is too conservative to deploy one of our few good weapons on a large scale.
Russias supreme in radar,tracking+ radio/emp technology they have much more subtle and also proffeciently powerfull options than usa could come up with,how?
lets not forget trumps big words RUSSIAN TANK BUSTERS,yet in reality like just about most us missiles systems lacketh know how to deal against proven scentific exceptionals whom unlike usa need not fake moon landings and fake x.truth time it is!
For the sake against any other (less capable+calibrised militas),for sure they are a step above possibly even russian drones too(depending on which mission),but that doesn’t make any drones winners,unless you specific try to take out someone or something,and if it works as you see Russia allready destroed hundreds of drones be as it may be,that also hold true in their military base in syria,which personally surprised me not one bit!
Grit,courage and ability along with fiercer soviet/russian rockets are too powerfull for todays usa and nato too and they know it too well,proof? checkout ukraine lets see,
No never than god for cia insolence its because of russian conservatism usa still stands today,make no mistake usa never did russia any favours,particularly this century,
whilst they can pretends to be gods chosen peoples truth knows otherwise,
Russia has activated the dead hand this the ultimate grand final,seens truth always has the last right of say,some may call it a joke,others may seem merry towards some other secret device that does not possibly exist to deal with this hand,which is why i insist to proffess and to anyone ramping up cia sales numbers,show some respect or else there may very well be nothing left to become of any of such,eg greater ozi car park?
No thanks,zealensky is simply not worth it,nor waste your switchblade drones too,
keep them.never know if usas gonna need them for the bio lab askenazi scumbags!
“the U.S. is fixated on the glamor weapons rather than supplying large numbers of the Switchblade drones.”????????????????????? Which mode are you talking about Christian?
April 15, 2022 report CNET,
“The United States has sent 600 more AeroVironment Switchblade drones to help the Ukrainian military counter Russia’s invasion, the US Defense Department revealed Thursday. That’s a major increase from the 100 drones the US sent in March.”
What are you on about, you most likely talking about the new Switchblade drone (the ‘tank-busting’ Switchblade 600 model drones)? The US gives Ukraine those ones as well.
“The U.S. army tends to be too conservative”?????? When? Conservative my ass, what the hell is going on inside your head?
The US alone spent BILLIONS in military aid to Ukraine, that’s just the US not including NATO.
Are you okay Christian?
Also, claim down and remember it is Russia that is conservative not the US or NATO.
The US plan for Ukraine is just to “weaken” Russia’s military – the US going to send all Ukrainanin men to die, it is a fact just look at the POWs that Russia holds.
Was the Javelin designed by Moderna or Pfizer?
It was designed by Brusilla Jenner.
Same mob,different model!
But but but NATO is about to start delivering state of the art, game changing weapons to Ukraine. CNN and NY Times reported that the incredible switchblade drones were going to be so effective that Zelensky was going to be at Moscow’s doorsteps before the May 9th parade blowing up Red Square. You just wait until Sweden starts shipping the supersonic IKEA rocket launchers made out of lightweight tactical particle board just like the piece of shit furniture that they make. Sweden will turn the tide of the war, and the Ukrainians will be celebrating and laughing at the Russians while enjoying their IKEA cinnamon buns.
It is common practice for our Western friends to transport second-hand machinery to their Eastern companies in the EU even in peacetime. Let them deal with them. They make it look like a huge help. Workers are less pleased with selfless help. Mother companies are buying themselves brand-new machines. I write this from my own experience. I feel sorry for the Ukrainian soldiers, it will cost them their lives. You should not believe Western European profit-hungry assholes. Ukrainians can experience this now, but they can say goodbye to their country. Only their leaders will benefit, who will flee to the West with their stolen millions.
In other words – US and UK dumped their junk to Ukraine, but will ask a payment for it as if it just rolled out of the factories.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anything given away is half thrown away
Thats total lie. The author is a malfunction. My antivirus took him.
Yup, this war is multifrontal, and will take time, never forget that and right now, as we speak, Ukraina will be bleed dry, slowly of course, but also the fact that most of their able forces are locked in, whats then left is something else, and I am certain, since get official news only, some good info, occationaly, that Russia is controlling the western parts of Ukraina, not only thru electronics but on foot to, equally important, some aka Painters, etc.
Then we have the west, yeah, to this day I havent seen any real evidenice on missiles hitting Moscow, there are counteless images on the web from actual missile hits, and notice, “sarc” the difference.
Artilery, yeah the real game changer, since eventually all wars are won on foot, and remeber Ukraina is bigg, but again, Ukraina is loosing this war by all means.
NLAW has issues with batteries, Javelin doesn’t.
Frankly, of all those NATO donations, Javelin is probably the most effective.
How Russia brought the Ukrainian regim to its knees and now begging for charity donations from NATO states. The NATO states cannot dare to fight directly with the Russian army.