Ukrainian Nazis To Launch A Coup Against Zelensky, According To Forbes

Ukrainian Nazis To Launch A Coup Against Zelensky, According To Forbes

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Written by Uriel Araujo, PhD, anthropology researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

Meli Kaylan, a journalist writing for Forbes, warns that, with a cease-fire, Zelensky risks suffering a coup from the Ukrainian far-right over the issue of Donbass and Crimea. His piece is actually titled “Moscow’s hidden plans for exploiting a ceasefire with Ukraine”, and a cursory reading might leave the reader with the impression that he is writing about some evil Russian plan to support a Fascist coup d’état in Ukraine. It is a little more complicated than that, though – if one is able to read between the lines.

Kaylan argues that if Zelensky “is forced to cede the occupied territories pro-tem in exchange for promises of joining Nato”, then “ultra-nationalist elements of the army” would “revolt and stage a coup against Zelensky for giving away Donbas and Crimea.” In this scenario, those evil Russians, he argues, could exploit the situation, and so on. Kaylan does not elaborate on who these “ultra-nationalists” are. If one knows and understands the premises behind such a scenario, however, the picture becomes clear enough: Kaylan is talking about a regime that is, at the very least, hostage to neo-fascists, neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists militias. What he is basically arguing (implicitly) is that since at least 1945, much of the world (and the West particularly, one would assume) does not like such kind of people. Most people simply don’t like ultra-nationalists and Nazis, and thus, “Russian propaganda” could cunningly exploit that inconvenient fact for its own evil purposes. One must admit it is a very peculiar way of denouncing “Russian propaganda”.

The “ultra-nationalists elements of the army” mentioned by Kaylan do exist, however. Let us recall that shortly after taking the oath as Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky was the target of a quite public threat from the nation’s armed far-right, namely from Dmytro Yarosh, then adviser to no less than Valerii Zaluzhny, who at the time was the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In an interview to Ukrainian news portal Obozrevatel, Yarosh, who is also a former commander of the far-right Ukrainian Volunteer Army (UVA), said that the President would “lose his life” and end up “hanging on a tree on Khreshchatyk” if he ever “betrayed” Ukrainian nationalists by negotiating with Moscow to end the civil war in Donbass. This is what Meli Kaylan means by “ultra-nationalists”. This kind of guys.

In October 2022, there was already some controversy about the aforementioned General Valerii Zaluzhnyi  being “photographed with far-right paraphernalia.” Zaluzhnyi was dismissed in February 2024 when Zelensky named a new Army Chief. Shortly after that, the General was photographed being awarded by the 67th OMBR “DUK”, a part of the  67th Separate Mechanized Brigade, formed by the so-called “Right Sector” paramilitary. The photograph might strike Westerns as being quite Fascistic – but it is very normal in post-Maidan Ukraine. The aforementioned Brigade itself was after all based on the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps (UVK), the armed wing of the Right Sector. Of course it employs fascist aesthetics and symbology. In 2015 media outlets such as the BBC and Reuters were reporting on the tensions in Ukraine over the rise of Yarosh (who went all to become an adviser to the general). The same year, Forward described him as an anti-semite. Yarosh was also on Interpol’s “wanted” list for “public incitement to extremist activities” and “public incitement to terrorist activities”. General Valerii Zaluzhnyi was appointed as Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Kingdom in March, and Yarosh remains active in Ukrainian politics.

Let us recall that when Zelensky was elected, Volodymyr Groysman served as his First Minister for a short period of time, thereby briefly making Ukraine the only country in the world (other than Israel) led by a Jewish head of state and a Jewish head of government. It is also the only country in the world whose state has legalized neo-nazi militias, making them part of the National Guard while keeping their symbology. And it is arguably the only state in the world which officially glorifies genocidal Nazi collaborators, a matter which to this day sours its otherwise good relations with neighboring Poland. For example, just last month, Radosław Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, called on Kyiv to allow the exhumation of victims of the so-called Volhynia massacres (during WWII, Ukrainian nationalists massacred about 100,000 ethnic Poles).

In January 2023, The New Statesman featured a story about the country’s “problematic nationalist heroes” (quite the euphemism), which also mentioned that “the official parliamentary Twitter account shared a photo of Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, under a portrait of Bandera. The caption directly linked the present war to Bandera’s fight against the Soviet Union: ‘The complete and final victory of Ukrainian nationalism will come when the Russian empire ceases to exist’.”

The story also lets the reader know that Bandera’s Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), under the leadership of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), “was responsible for the massacre of up to 100,000 Poles and tens of thousands of Jews during the war” and that both organizations “collaborated with the Nazis during the German occupation of western Ukraine.” One might reason that it is rather awkward for a General serving under a Jewish President to glorify Nazi collaborators and to be photographed with neo-Fascists – but again, this is post-2014 Ukraine, a country that is simply not for beginners.

It is about time to acknowledge the peculiar nature of the post-Maidan regime. Doing so, however, would surely complicate Western propaganda efforts and war rhetoric. The price for not doing so, on the other hand, has been to normalize things like the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation to a Nazi SS war veteran (that is, Yaroslav Hunka, who fought in the SS Division Galicia of the Waffen-SS). As the saying goes, “to hide a lie, a thousand lies are needed” – the lie being the Western propaganda notion that there is no such thing as an (often neo-Nazi) radical ethnic nationalism problem in Ukraine. There is – it has also been aided, armed, funded and whitewashed by the West and it has been a huge part of the crisis since 2014.


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idiots. dont they know the germans thought they were vermin. they only let them join the fight in 1943 when they needed idiots to fight the russian advance. oops.. history repeats itself.

Jewish pimp

they are all but slavs. let alone germans. fucking vermin, shit, mongo-fucking-listan carabogdans incarnated. and also moldavia should take that part south of odessa.

Last edited 3 days ago by Jewish pimp

it’s all them they set everything up like a stage show. they’re no nazis as the public think.. it’s a fraud. all of it everything a big fat lie.


you have been told ludicrous faerie tales. have you done any research? no you have not

Pox Ukraina

idiots by definition don’t know a lot, especially the ukrainian nazi variety. they’re basically all in the boneface of florida or charleston nazi category. if trump really wanted to get elected and had some guts, he’d tell his pr people to expose the true nature of the ukrainian nazis to the american people. not just sound bites, but a full scale, irrefutable exposé, going all the way back to their role in maidan.

america – between a rock and a hard place.

Last edited 1 day ago by Pox Ukraina

wait a minute!

i have been told here in the us that there are no nazis in ukraine and that its all russian, nay, putins propaganda!

how is this possibruuuu?!


the pope is post master general of the world that’s military law not civil.


ukraine is not the only country that glorifies fascists and nazis, serbia does it as well. that shithole of a country is a stain on the world


you must have serbia confused with croatia. or perhaps the united states.

Jewish pimp

both of those. drazha?


please explain to me how the united states glorifies nazis and fascists?

the entire us political apparatus as well as the media, academia and jew hollyweird all proclaim nazis, fascists and white supremacist etc.. as the worst pieces of shit imaginable. they denounce donald trump, vladimir putin and any other world leader who does not play ball with the jew globalists as the next hitler

islamic leaders who oppose the zionist aggression in their own lands are branded “islamofascists”


look at who they supported in the balkans, look at who they support in ukraine. then look in the mirror and say ‘hello, jackass’.


jews control the west


i understand that you need to make everything fit neatly into your retarded leftist worldview because that’s what you were indoctrinated with from grade school through college, but i’m afraid your’re just making an ass out of yourself.

as i stated before, the media and the politicians compare putin to hitler and label him a dictator. the represent the jew zelensky and the ukrainians as fighting for “ freedom” and democracy.

Last edited 3 days ago by williebrennan

glad you brought up the balkans, shitforbrains

the us under bill clinton and jew whore maddie albright, along with the usual assortment of nato lapdogs, supported the kla in serbia. the kla was essentially a group of muslim terrorists and drug runners.

once again the conflict was framed as a fight for freedom and democracy and against the “fascist” dictator milosevic


“the us under bill clinton and jew whore maddie albright, along with the usual assortment of nato lapdogs, supported the kla in serbia. the kla was essentially a group of muslim terrorists and drug runners.”

so when exactly did i disagree with that, shitforbrains yourself?


fukhead you pretended that the west supported fascism while they actually fought against it.

phony shit-talkin fuk

Pox Ukraina

of course the west supported fascism, throughout the world after wwii. it nurtured pro-american fascists for decades because that was the most effective means of control. it often manifested itself in central and south america and now the habit’s been accelerated in eastern europe and dressed up in some ‘supporting democracy’ bullshit, as is the usual spiel.

Last edited 1 day ago by Pox Ukraina

i see, so bombing the living shit out of serbia in support of muslim terrorists/separatists is actually supporting “fascists”?…lol

this is a perfect example of what i’m talking about.

the mental gymnastics that are required for indoctrinated leftists to make sure all their supposed enemies are always “fascists” truly boggles the mind.

it’s a childlike mentality.


as a matter of fact the jew owned western media even used holyco$t imagery to sell the war in serbia

google time magazine war in serbia holocaust

and all the little gayboys weeped like children…lol

Pox Ukraina

cnn claimed 100,000 ‘kosovars’ were missing and presumed dead, to justify a bombing campaign. after a two year unmik investigation post-conflict, they could verify only a few thousand fatalities but couldn’t differentiate between alabnian or serb, combatant or civilian in many exhumations. it never exceeded 5,000 but the us pushed the un to bump it up to 10,000.

hell, porkshanks’ ato killed 5,000 civilians in the donbass before he even finished his term.



you are an idiot

get a job indoctrinated college boy

Pox Ukraina

you seem to have a serious problem with education. a real college education teaches how to separate fact from fiction. something severely lacking in most colleges these days…. and in you.

what is your problem, anyway? you seem to lash out without rhyme or reason, writing helter skelter on the walls wherever you can.


“a real college education teaches how to separate fact from fiction.”

well i guess you missed the boat, huh sport?…lol

the vast majority of what passes for “higher education” these days is nothing more than marxist indoctrination.

you and clyde and numerous others here are living proof of that.

Last edited 19 hours ago by williebrennan
Pox Ukraina

yeah, that pavelic was a real piece of work. nazi ss officers were known to walk away in disgust from his torture and execution methods of civilian serbs during wwii.


you don’t even know what fascism or nazinism. is you don’t even know that you don’t know you think propagandas are truth


but it was the bosniaks, croats and albanians that actually fought for hitler. funny how that works, isn’t it?


throw massive amounts of inane shit at the wall, sport

some of it is bound to stick


Pox Ukraina

aha… he’s hit one of your buttons. so, you’re a balkanian of some sort. which is it?

let me take a stab at it. albanian?

Last edited 1 day ago by Pox Ukraina

wow…you’re really close…lol

i’m an american of irish and french descent.

my father’s people emigrated from ireland to virginia prior to the american revolution.

better get your crystal ball tuned up, bozo.

I Like Ike

dear goatfucker, for every arkan there are a thousand biletsky’s and yarosh’s in ukraine and even more thaqi the snakes in your beloved ‘kosova’.

Last edited 2 days ago by I Like Ike
Jewish pimp

this ugly bunch of ugly turkomans, karamans shit load are all but aryans.

Goy Boy

shuithole in the open. them montenegrins, if they are considered a nation are same. damn savagery.

Last edited 3 days ago by Goy Boy
Jewish pimp

that is right.

Goy Boy

well, ukraine is like serbia in this regard, serbs like to be ‘in’. and to salute sig heil. mob mentality, classical example of savagery and hordes.

Last edited 3 days ago by Goy Boy

jaja klein nazi, its everybody but you.

guillable clown


sounds a bit like whitewashing the kiev regime. now they can say to the sheeple: now you see we are not controlling these nazis who were our stormtroopers on maidan. people believe anything that is on television and fall for it again🤡


the only problem with that is that for every arkan, there’s a hundred ukrainian analogs. probably a thousand. but bojo the bozo wants to use them to replace all the nato troops patrolling the nato kingdom because, well nazis have always been more cuthroat than normal folks. psychos make good enforcers, says bojo. he should know, being one himself.


bojo’s ex-adviser once told him ‘ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole’ and bojo said ‘and what’s wrong with that?’


journalists are full of it ful stop everyone knows daily mail published the reports from the surveys the two most hated distrusted professions are lawyers and journalists. common sense if they ever told the truth they’d both be sacked imo


oh, so now forbes notices that there are nazis in ukraine. abra cadabra and they suddenly appeared, is that it?


if zelensky had been smart, he’d have talked his british handlers into snuffing out the nazis threatening him but then you realize that the brits actually like that sort and no amount of smarts could save him.

I Like Ike

that’s true. hitler was right in assuming that the anglo-saxons would ally with him in short order but very wrong when he thought they’d let him run the show. had he said, “ok, i’ll let you be in the driver’s seat and just be your military wing.” the brits would have jumped at the chance.

Viet Hochi min beats the USofA

nazis will kill a jew? classic stuff. i got the popcorns ready


if, after hundreds of thousands of ukrainian soldiers died in the trenches, selensky hasn’t used the opportunity to get rid of his enemies by sending them into the meat grinders in the last two years, he has nobody but himself to blame.


notice in the news at the meeting zellie boy had just after invading kursk. strutting into the meeting greeting ministers already lined up seated like he was dominant and in charge, speaking to gen syrsky on screen, all the ministers glancing malevolently around like draculas as if they wanted attack each other.

Lesco Brandon

but but but there are no nazis in ukraine! that is what i was to told by cnn, msnbc, washington post, new york times etc.

I Like Ike

democracy dies in the western msm’s deceit.

didn’t you know?


all nations have theirs entropy (right wing) but the maxwell deamon have limited memory. there is no exception. unfortunately this entropy increase in the professional army context when the inflation grows beacause the escrow classe called politicians need to maintain the motivation on highest level possible. so, those last ones, simply ignite the fire like our cavern ancestors.


ukraine like israel and the usa, are led by jewish degenerates with zero self control

NATO Invasion

the useful nazi idiots now fight for the zionists but with a little mental tweaking they could once again hunt their natural zionist enemy in ukraine and beyond.


the russia cheerleaders tards after almost 3 years still talk in nazis, they look like 2 neurons trolls with less brain than a chicken. russia govern is a comedy of putins entourage


the only clownshow i see is the western clownshow that parades cocaine addicts around the world and claims it is upholding “rules” and “values”. they have no values and they stand for nothing. that is why we are at war


said buy a mind soaked with cheap votka


lets say that zionist didn’t forget where the new israel they expect to build should be : moldova and ukraine. oh, i suppose that you forget the woodrow request at versailles in 1918. don’t you ?

Last edited 2 days ago by qveenz

they should launched a coup againts vladolf and the kremlin halfbrainers the neo nazi from the 21

emperor bill gates

i replace senile vegetable w 💩–my dumb peasants prefer fake hairless hooker for prez

captain hohol

ukrainian nationalists are going to do something similar when blackrock and j.p morgan and the wef start importing foreign browns en masse into ukraine.

the biggest deception the ukrainian people ever suffered was this idea that they were going to have european prosperity selling their country’s soul to neoliberal elites.
