Ukrainian Nazi Who Killed Russian Prisoners Of War Identified. Reward Announced For His Capture (video 21+)

Ukrainian Nazi Who Killed Russian Prisoners Of War Identified. Reward Announced For His Capture (video 21+)

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The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights confirmed authenticity of the video showing Ukrainian soldiers executing Russian prisoners of war which was recently shared on social networks. 

“We are aware of this video and we believe it is authentic,” OHCHR spokeswoman Marta Hurtado claimed.



Hurtado added that the UN is also aware of another video that was shared on social media. It includes additional footage of the incident, and also apparently shows a Ukrainian soldier confessing to the murder and trying to justify it, claiming that the victims refused to surrender or that they were part of the military of the Wagner group.

However, the Ukrainian nazi did not explain why he and his colleagues were shooting disarmed soldiers. At the same time, the brutal footage shows that his “brothers in arms” inhumanly pose and take photos with of the bodies of killed Russian soldiers.



However, the claims of the Ukrainian nazi were did not justify the crime.

“These excuses do not justify the actions of a soldier in accordance with international humanitarian law,” the spokeswoman said.

The OHCHR clarified that the UN human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine will try to collect and analyze more information about the incident.

Ukrainian Nazi Who Killed Russian Prisoners Of War Identified. Reward Announced For His Capture (video 21+)

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While the OHCHR is collecting data, the Ukrainian nazi was identified. The name of the AFU fighter is Sergey Makarenko Anatolievich.

He was born on October 17, 1996

His address is: Zytomyr region, Krasnoperka,  Radomyshlsky district, Odesska street, 4, apartment 2.

Place of work: 95 Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (unit 0281)

Phone: +380987734914

Unique Identification Number 3536401393

Passport: VN 642638 issued by RADOMISHLSKY reginal office of the Ministry of Interios of Ukraine on 25.09.2014

The murder has been fighting for Ukraine for “several years”, i.e. he took part in the hostilities against the Donbass people.

Earlier, he became known for murders of captured servicemen. He tortured his victims, cut their eyes, shot their legs etc, and shared his crimes on the social media, collecting likes of Ukrainian nazis.

Another video of the killed Russian soldiers, which was also reportedly shared by Makarenko, was shared online. The video confirms another war crime of the Ukrainian nazis. However, it is yet to be confirmed if the same Ukrainian servicemen did it. According to some Ukrainian sources, the new video was made on the southern Donbass front lines while Makarenko killed his victims in the Bakhmut region.

All the soldiers are seen unarmed and were shot in the heads, which means that they surrendered, but the Ukrainian Nazis killed them anyway.

The video also shows how Ukrainians rob their victims and rummage through their backpacks. If the Ukrainians had taken the surrendered prisoners, saved their lives and handed them over to their military commanders, they could not take the loot for themselves.


Russian military reporters have already announced an award of at least 500,000 rubles for this Ukrainian maniac (alive).

Head of the Wagner PMC commented on the issue:

“Of course, we will take revenge, but exclusively by legitimate methods from the point of view of war and destroy even more enemies. However, if you are asking me whether we will shoot Ukrainian prisoners of war, then no. PMC Wagner destroys enemies exclusively during combat. It is necessary to shoot traitors.”


Ukrainian Nazi Who Killed Russian Prisoners Of War Identified. Reward Announced For His Capture (video 21+)

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Ukrainian Nazi Who Killed Russian Prisoners Of War Identified. Reward Announced For His Capture (video 21+)

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Ukrainian Nazi Who Killed Russian Prisoners Of War Identified. Reward Announced For His Capture (video 21+)

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Piece of shit scum bastards, Z is coming to get you.

Anatolio Mamontow

He will be severed into small pieces after being burned.

Hohol Bitch

ФИО: Макаренко Сергей Анатольевич

Дата рождения: 27.10.1996 г.,

Адрес: Житомирская область,
Радомышльский р-н, с. Красноборка, ул. Одесская 4, кв. 2

Образование: среднее

Место работы: 95 отдельная десантно-штурмовая бригада ВСУ (ВЧ 0281)

Телефон: +380987734914

Код ДРФО(ИНН) 3536401393

Паспорт:    ВН 642638 выдан

Девичья фамилия матери: БАРАНОВА (хакеры поймут)

Last edited 2 years ago by Hohol Bitch
Tick Tock

BARANOVA…..So, his mother was a goat. Sounds about right. He’ll make delicious shashlik for some lucky Chechen.

Fuck Norris
Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

How are the Russian terrorists planning to celebrate Russia’s worst military distaster in history during the February 24 celebrations?


Be silent, silly Ukrop clown. Where will you hide when Z comes to your dungpile of a village?

Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

Be silent? The Southfront freakshow decided that they can’t handle people like me. Looks like they just couldn’t win the debate fair and square.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

Consider yourself lucky they just dont report you to interpol for supporting a nazi war criminal


He will be evacuated to the US where Zenlensky has a private estate. The US terrorist state is supporting these types of atrocities.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron
Tick Tock

Yeah, with my tax dollars. Don’t know if I’ll ever be able to live with the shame of it all.


This is pure premediate murder and pure war crime.


“Terror will be not only a means of self-defense, but also a form of agitation, which will affect friend and foe alike, regardless of whether they desire it or not.” – UVO (fascist Ukrainian Military Organization), brochure from 1929.”


There is something highly unusual about yelling fascist slogans when executing unarmed prisoners. It’s one thing to lose it after an intense engagement and ignore a surrender. An old fellow once described to me fighting in the Scheldt Estuary in 1944 during which he said they just killed any enemy forces they encountered under particularly brutal conditions, for the most part in the pursuit of self-preservation. This is something very different. This is Ed Lansdale/Frank Kitson-type psy-ops.


This scumbag will scream long and hard before the Z troops kindly allow him to finally die… They are more merciful than I would ever be. I would make his suffering LEGENDARY.


I’d stream his one week long torture live on internet, after publicizing it well in advance.


Pay for Pain – For each payment, you get a shot at the scumbag. The administrator will create the pain you want. You pay, we do what you want. 100 ru – hammer to the balls, 1000 ru, an eyeball is plucked out.. you get the idea.. Pay For Pain, 5000 and this scumbag is turned into a woman, live on cam.


Hostel-movie like. I like it. Highly appropriate for nazis


Subhuman terrorist scum!


No nazis found in Ukraine you stupid fuck

Jeffrey Boyd Garrison

Gorbatsjov, these people have had their heads stuffed fat with propaganda. They don’t realize all of Ukraine is a Jewish globalist puppet state and that any so-called “Nazi’s” in Ukraine are simply Jewish-Globalist caricatures of the “Nazi Boogeyman.”

True National Socialists, as you know were anti-globalist and committed no atrocities at scale so the Allies had to make up fictional and false flag atrocities to blame them for.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeffrey Boyd Garrison

i totally agree with you. true NSDAP back in 30s in germany had ideals of honour and loyalty. What we see in ukraine in nowadays is only the caricature of that. They just picked the most shallow nazi symbolisms and they staffed into ukroidiots’ minds.


A Bolshevik state with kingpin actor ziolensky sending the masses to slaughter. The end is coming closer for the beast.

Jeff the II.

And these are the few stupid who got caught most likely there are dozens or even hundreds Russian POVs who were executed by them Nazis and nobody filmed anything.

jens holm

Most likely Yiu have counted them Yourself. For a start at least someone will b4e punished.

So go and clean Your many Butjas Yourself.

You also dont reflects in why Putin has made those many nazis just as USSR did.

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

What are you even talking about Schwuchtel. Nobody here understands your gibberish.

He’s talking in nazi-frisian code. It’s very much like pig latin in more ways than one.


Killing POWs is a good example of Western values. And if you don’t respect these values you’re a racist and a Putinist.

jens holm

Very much as we actually catxch at least some of them.

We and UN already many times before the Invasion has condemmed that huamn right ´s are not kept at all.

The ussias just say: It never happpens here. But it ha. This is no nazi thing. maidan was ebough is enough. NO MORE.

And sure. We try to keep socalled western values. Very much as humans rights are for humans and You more are seen by Yourself as random spendables.

Whats wrong with You blaming we at least try to find those crimemakers.

Edgar Zetar

The Z is coming to get you… where this crazy nut would run then?, they have your address, your phone number … what you gonna do when the Russians come for you and your filthy crimes?

jens holm

Very funny version.

If You are comming it must be below Your belt and too late.

Edgar Zetar

Friend Jens Homs, sometimes I wonder about your childhood, and how hard you hit your head… you must have a big accident damaging your head and killing almost all your brain…

Tick Tock

He’ll come to the US and declare he’s a female piglet, then get free sow chow and a pig sty all his own for life. The US certified ring nose he already has.

Joao M...

Spetsnaz, don’t forget to pack the chainsaw, pliers and blow torch. Happy hunting!!!

jens holm

No spetznazz are better then the regularly nato troops and most Ukrainians.

Thya alos are specilized and no troops for warfare like this at all.

Miki Miric

Samo ubiti svakog zarobljenog Ukrajinca


Chetnik is speaking from his visceras.


great man! keep killing orcs! he should kill them more slowly, like burning!


I’m Mexican American and support Russias SMO to get rid of ukranazi filth!
Z motherfucker!
Russia 🇷🇺 #1!

jens holm

I hope You next time will use a smaller sombero.


You will be reported for promoting criminal activities on the internet


Yes please report this site, it will have the same fate as We can’t tolerate this antisemitic scum going on here!


So what happens if someone gets reported? I also posted a comment here and it got removed.


Dead man walking.

Mohd Noor Ismail

he is dead … in 4 days after his barbaric acts … karma has found him well … not sure if the 200,000 reward is collected by anyone … but he is dead, a picture of his dead corpse is shown in telegram channel …

Mohd Noor Ismail

sorry it wasnt him .. it was someone else .. he was last thought to have gone to the rear … waiting for his fate …


I’d hate to look like him.


There’s another video showing him begging them to end his life and vomiting blood, too.

Dead Scum Walking

He’s probably out scouring the cities for a lookalike to murder.


Some of the Russian soldiers had their legs crossed. Where their legs tied?


They had been shot in battle looks like two were clearly alive. Their weapons and kitt on on so they were not captured. This video and the others like it are plentiful, I look daily at multiple sites I have yet to find video of Russians acting in this way but you could do a 20 min highlight reel of the other side. Russians should know by now what awaits them if wounded or captured and should not consider it an option.

Romanian whore

There is no escape for those nazi criminals of war. Theirs fate are sealed. No matter what, the premium goals of the KGB, the best secret intel in the world, after that war will be hunting down all those douchebag dipshit monkeys. I have no doubt of that. And the paycheck for this kind of crimes are no other than for the high treason. And all we know how KGB punish that.


I think the same , he is already dead , and strategically he caused quite big damage to the Ukrainians and their masters. So if not KGB/FSB , then USB or some other agents will take care of him. Stupid and evil.

Tzar Tellus

500.000 Rubles? That says it all….


Right, it schould be Euro.

Tzar Tellus

Positions where ambushed and how on earth could it happen? It should not have happened. What type of gear does Russia use to detect heat and movement?

jens holm

The reward will be paid in cheep gas. You wil be titled as mini oligarc as well.


Banda idiotov si sama podpísala rozsudok smrti. Božia spravodlivosť ich doženie. Neskryjú sa, ukázali svoje tváre.

Dead Scum Walking

What’s the bounty on his head? If it’s over 100 euros his mother’ll turn him in.


this guy will live rest of his days in fear


This shit happens all the time an will go on
Because of the morons in moscow and the russian command, sending in only 150.000 troops at the beginning.
And the morons call in only 300.000, too late anyway, instead of all 2 million reservists, than this all would be over within weeks.
Without a exchange of the main Heads in moscow and the General command, this war will go on for years and tens of thousands more of brave russian, lpr, dpr and wagner soldiers will die for nothing.


He is a dead man walking.


The whole Thing is really simple.
call in all 2 Million reservists, Equip and arm them to the teeths an than kill all armed ukros, an dont accept any pows or surrender.
Theres no other solution if this war should not go on for years.


Directly from the article, “The OHCHR clarified that the UN human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine will try to collect and analyze more information about the incident.”

Much better then monitoring and trying to collect more information, would be to collect the individual and transfer him to the International Tribunal for the Prosecution.

And if the Ukrainian government refuses to do that, I’m sure the Russians will find a few spetsnaz volunteers to collect him for prosecution in Russia.

Me robot

These son of a bitches nazi should die, fuck nato and Europe