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- On September 13, Russian aircraft destroyed 3 Ukrainian unmanned boats in the Black Sea. 3 more UAVs were reportedly destroyed by crews of Russian ships with small arms;
- On September 14, Russian aircraft destroyed 1 Ukrainian unmanned boat in the Black Sea;
- On September 14, Russian patrol boat destroyed 5 Ukrainian unmanned boats in the Black Sea;
- On September 14, Russian hoverborne guided-missile corvette destroyed another Ukrainian unmanned boat in the Black Sea;
- On September 14, Russian forces destroyed 11 Ukrainian UAVs in Crimea;
- Ukrainian forces destroyed Russian air defense system near Yevpatoria, Crimea. Neptun missile was reportedly used;
- On September 13, at least six aircraft and UAVs of the US and NATO Air Force operated over the Black Sea area. RQ-4B conducted reconnaissance mission south of Crimea and near the Krasnodar Kray, the Crimean Bridge;
- On September 13, the AFU attacked Sevastopol with 10 Storm Shadow cruise missiles and 3 naval drones. 7 missiles and all UAVs were destroyed. 3 missiles struck the local ship repair plant;
- On September 10, 8 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down by Russian air defense forces in the Black Sea near Crimea;
- On September 9, the Russian Army destroyed 4 high-speed boats with landing groups of the AFU special operations forces in the Black Sea west of Crimea.
russia can’t defend its navy against the non-existent ukrainian navy. bravo, putin!
doesn’t change the fact, afu is in a terrible state and is accumulating heavy losses in men and equipment. bravo anglo 👏
doesn’t change the fact russia suffered higher losses.
cowardly goy 👏
odysee com @knowmorenews:1 edom-finished:d
your facts are coming from retards obviously
ru tanks in storage: youtu be 2phuk6zkbpc
us tanks in storage: youtu be jyfprct0yms
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oryxspioenkop com 2022 02 attack on europe documenting ukrainian html
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thedailydigest com en archivo how strong are the russian forces fighting in ukraine
odysee com @historyreviewed:7
‘how the jews and russians taught the blacks propaganda and communism’
then they can ask for advice to royal navy that lost many warship in falklands vs a country which had all its warship docked in ports.
ukriane has no navy. also there is now the highest possibility that all these naval drones are being launched from nato coasts, guided by nato drones and other aircraft. if these nato assets left the region, no drone/ missile attacks would happen. not ukraine doing this and is nato under the guise of ukraine. the russians might start implementing ew zones in the blacksea to counter thumbs in the future. already heard they have balloons and buoys with electronic equipment ready to go.
ukraine is a dead horse now it is just uk and usa taking cheap shots at russia.
is that why russia is still struggling to take ukraine? if you were right, ukraine would be russia now.
you are projecting russia’s schizo media commentary onto other countries:
youtube com/@russianmediamonitor
tinyur com/mtfazhk
“i want the masses of russia to follow a communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” lenin explained. pavlov was astounded. it seemed that lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of russia? make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “exactly” replied lenin. “man can be corrected. man can be made what we want him to be.”
the dehumanization of the russian mind and soul into an untermensch is complete. many have been reduced into supporting psychotic rapists and serial killers, if they are not already been reduced to such a level. they are the splitting image of the nazi beast that only existed in soviet propaganda. it was always a mirror projection of the bolshevik untermensch, created through miscegenation and trauma-based mind control.
at least ukraine is almost 100% white. compared to russia that is less than 78% white. “white” in this context is obscure due to miscegenation. civic nationalism is globalism. real nationalism is racist.
quit smoking crack!
etymonline com word nation
c. 1300, nacioun, “a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language,” from old french nacion “birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland” (12c.) and directly from latin nationem (nominative natio) “birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe,” literally “that which has been born
whilst russia and america are being overwhelmed with third-world migrants, the nations of european will look to fascism and national socialism for salvation. mass immigration will further destabilize these nations that will pursue a fortress europa to ensure their survival. america will collapse and balkanize, as will russia.
white australians will reclaim their nation, and expand that revolution to new zealand. boers will separate from south africa to form their new white ethno state, whites in america will secure their own exclaves and de facto ethnostates that will not be recognized by the us government that will fully transform into a brazilian, or south african narco state ruled over by rival drug cartels operating within a crypto-communist dystopia. such a system will fail and be retaken by white americans.
over the course of time, the nations of europe will recapture their former greatness. they will launch new peace keeping operations in africa and maybe the former united states of america. the old territories of the bolshevik (russian) federation will have partitioned into separate ethnic fiefdoms ruled by warlords battling it out for dominance, as they have done for thousands of years ever since the neolithic period and bronze age.
the european alliance will recreate novorossiya. this state will retrace the steps of the russian empire that had unwittingly followed in the footsteps of their very distant ancient aryan ancestors in their conquest of the asian continent early on in antiquity.
if nato spy planes are actively helping the nazis above the black sea, the rf has the legit right to shoot it down
tí bastardi z nato pod vedením darebáckeho štátu usa budú neustále provokovať. rusko by malo zničiť pomocou sýrskych vojsk všetky základne usa na sýrskom území. stačí aby si rusi dali na seba sýrske uniformy a zrovnali zo zemou každú základňu usa v sýrii. nik by nemohol nič namietať!!!
when is everyone, including southfront, going to drop the zelensky/ukraine charade and start calling it what it is :russia vs nato, nato nato nato! is escalating the war in the black sea – nato
on the statement: “on september 13, the afu attacked sevastopol with 10 storm shadow cruise missiles” i would suggest these missiles were the french scalp missiles. they haven’t been used in large numbers and have different flight characteristics. this would make it difficult for the russians to counter them initially as their systems aren’t tuned to them yet. plus most of the storm shadows have been used up or destroyed by now.