Ukrainian Migrants In Britain Multiplied: Trouble For Government?

Ukrainian Migrants In Britain Multiplied: Trouble For Government?

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The Ukrainian population in the United Kingdom has increased from 40,000 to 160,000 people following the start of the Russian special military operation in February 2022, according to the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford. Using data from the University of Oxford, British media said the rapid increase in these immigrants could pose a problem for the British government.

The Economist said the British government allowed people from Ukraine to enter if Britons offered to house them for six months, unlike asylum seekers from other countries who are usually housed in hotels. According to the report, two-thirds of adult Ukrainians arriving in the UK are women because men can only leave Ukraine if they are outside conscription age, have a health problem or have at least three children.

According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), 80% of migrants are furloughed, and most are employed. UK media reported that a fifth of them work remotely for their former employers, but many are underemployed.

The ONS survey asked Ukrainians where they would prefer to live if they believed their country was safe. In April, 68% gave the UK as their answer, up from 52% the previous year. Almost half have not visited Ukraine since leaving the country.

The Economist noted that while the British government allows Ukrainians to work and receive benefits, including healthcare, they are treated as temporary visitors rather than refugees.

After spending five years in Britain, most foreign workers and refugees can apply for permanent residency, as in the case of Hong Kong citizens who entered under a special visa regime. Ukrainians, however, are only allowed to stay for three years and extend their visas for a further 18 months, the outlet reported.

Policymakers need to be aware of the scale of the illegal migrant problem, said Denis Kierans, senior researcher at Oxford’s COMPAS migration centre, as “these are people who are living and working in the UK, but who are operating outside the mainstream tax and benefits system. What that means is the state is missing out on their contributions to the public purse while they end up at the fringes of society, at risk of exploitation and destitution.”

The report noted that the UK’s new Labour government faces a “dilemma,” especially if the conflict in Ukraine continues. The state will have to decide on the future of Ukrainians who arrived in the UK and quickly settled there with their children.

“These regulations were created by the last Tory government. They leave a dilemma for the new Labour one, particularly if the war drags on,” The Economist reported.

According to official figures published days ago, the British economy grew less than previously estimated between April and June, expanding by 0.5%, down from an initial reading of 0.6%. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has warned that the upcoming Budget will be “painful,” which brings to question how Britain will continue to not only fund the thousands of Ukrainians living in the country, but how to continue supporting the Kiev regime, which insists on an unwinnable war against Russia because of Western backing.

The UK Ministry of Defence recently announced that Ukraine will receive £3.5 billion to purchase British-made weapons.

“The UK’s support for Ukraine is ironclad. We continue to lead the way in providing military aid, but our support is much broader than simply providing equipment. Our flourishing defence industrial relationship symbolises the work happening across Government and the private sector to ramp up and speed up our support. By deepening our ties with Ukraine’s defence industry, we are expanding own industrial capacity, while boosting Ukraine’s own capabilities. We stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine, and we will provide support for as long as it takes,” British Minister for the Armed Forces, Luke Pollard, said on October 6.

Yet, while the UK has been assigning massive resources to Ukraine’s failed war efforts, which now stand at least over £16 billion in contributions, the country continues to be flooded by illegal immigrants, which further strains the economy and contributes to the impoverishment of citizens. According to Oxford University research, migrant numbers to the UK top those of Germany (up to 700,000), Spain (469,000), Italy (458,000), and France (300,000). The number of people crossing the Channel into the UK in 2024 has grown 5% since September 2023, with 26,612 people in 503 boats.

In this context, it appears that London has all its priorities wrong. Rather than contributing to a peaceful resolution in Ukraine so Ukrainians can return home peacefully, and rather than dealing with the massive numbers of illegal immigrants entering the country, the Starmer administration has as a top priority the prolonging of war, which only leads to further death and destruction as well as the continued and persistent impoverishment of British citizens.


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uncontrolled diversity (immigration) has been the destruction of every nation that has ever attempted it..! it drains their resources and finances..!


according to the un refugee agency, over 72,000 people applied for asylum in the uk alone, which is double the number of applicants from 2019. germany received the highest number of applicants among the eu at 127,730, france at 96,510. in fact, germany, france, italy, and spain took in 70% applicants in the european union. using the uk as an example, refugees are not permitted to work and fully rely on state support. so how does a nationfinancially support a mass influx of refugees?


these numbers don’t take into account the illegals.

ever wondered why the western governments knowingly let all these people in?


wake up. are you under some spell or something that numbs your brain to reality checks look around the world at white migration mainly from england.


yes all true. but sf & russia seem to not get that occupying ukr land and forcing ukrainians to flle to germany, poland or uk will only lead to eu population supporting ukraine military & other anti-russian players even more. because if ukr wins – likely some russians will flee from donbass to russia. ..

Last edited 8 days ago by Gurki

why would people in eu care about such an event ? (resp. ethnic russians resettling from east-ukraine to russia). but if russia wins the ukr-war then mio over mio of ukrainians will flee to eu nations – thus then living from the eu people’s pockets. so why should eu people support ru victory ?

Last edited 8 days ago by Gurki

the ukrainians that haven’t fled already are staying in time of war, why would they flee in time of peace… all the aid ukrainian refugee could get from europe would never amount to what has already been spent on sustaining the ukrainian front anyway.
remember that zelensky’s got elected on a campaign promising to settle with russia whereas in fact he did the complete opposite.


use your brains who sent them?


oh skip go and look at the history of e gl8sh migration into the world. look at the anglo indians the aussies canadians amerucans etcetera etcetera who aren’t they’re migrants and kids 9f migrants they’re all over the globe. english migrants. wake up what are you, navajo?


lol those poor whites were trafficked by jewsish merchant shipping as indentured servants or prisoner labourers by our own governments ffs. specially your favourite shithole the catholic church…


—> shanghaiing


—> impressment (which was legal in the royal navy back then)


1 they’ve gotten rich selling weapons to bomb them into fleeing they abandon their homes, theur cars, their stuff furniture art collectives etcetera etcetera wake up who do you think grabs the left over??.. its all a racket skip wakeup. you’re not in grade 3 anymore


1 it’s not at all uncontrolled
2 it doesn’t drain anything
3 it provides opportunities to inflate prices by raising demand faster than supply that makes the rich richer
4 it increases the taxpayers
that makes government wages grow.


we can see that cleared at usa lol , a dumb russian making dumbing assumptions

don juan tenorio

i have seven furnished rooms in the north east ready to give sanctuary to seven long legged, with shapely thighs, calves and pretty toed ukrainian women.


you shouldn’t keep your hopes up, ukronazi trannies are seeking refuge too.

Don Juan tenorio

as long as they are long legged, with shapely thighs, calves, pretty toed and wear a wig is no problem. ja ja ja ja


what the fuck wrong with you? you need medical help pal you’re weird imo


thank you for defending the lgbtq++ rainbow loving crowd like a true allie <3


how dare you, trans people need refuge too!


aren’t you the romeo words fail to adequately describe your true value.


hot ukis competing with umpalumpas… definitely going to make life a bit easier for the low rung brit lad…


…tommy zio robinson is going to be a happy chap…

I Like Ike

since most have fish lips, maybe you can snare one with a good rod and reel.


the trully problem is the uk salarys are the triple of russia bla bla


the trully problem is that the cost of living in the uk is 12 times higher than in the shithole ukraine bla bla


3 time in a cost living picture cause the salarys are 15/20 larger but you can eat an icecream with your forehead if you prefer…millions want to migrate to russia due the great salarys and freedom lol


that’s a new wave propaganda being run too actually just repopulate russia by invasion just like bidens doing to north anerica but with illegals who will be criminals since they love imprisoning people who then are slaves in captivity. in fact in their privately owned prison factories.

assad defeated zionists

the problem is spiderman has a small head and an even smaller cranial cavity, its size being much like that between of psittaciformes and lemuroidea. he repeats like a parrot and does like a monkey. ooh ooh ah ah.


england is the shit hole. just because they spend a fortune running global white supremacist tv and educational videos where the e glish are dr who the time lords from greenwich and have invaded every continent and populated the planets with their people just proves the fact that it’s always been them wanting more living room for their hordes to be exported too. to plunder and loot and send the wealth back


you ignoarant pos england’s costco of livingcis designed to enrich the richest whilst keeping the poor poorer. that’s the point.


they’re globalising that.

I Like Ike

you have to excuse spideyman. his best grade in home econ 101 was a d- for almost learning how to measure a cup of water without it overflowing for a minute and ruining the new shoes mommy just bought him.


omg english can’t afford to turn on their electricity now they’ve been flooding out of there as fast as possible for centuries. prices for housing food utilities are repulsive there if you aren’t inheriting wealth.


but of course they love to attract cheap domestics and labour to be their tenants and tax paying low income workers. they keep running away and need replacing

I Like Ike

the uk is a has been that should have been a never was.

I Like Ike

oh great economist guru, can you tell me what the price of tea in china a year from now will be?

your problem, spidey – is that you’ve picked up that persistent ukrainian affliction called the blabbering bullsheise syndrome.

…and a happy april fool’s ‘victory plan’ to you


billions for ukraine billions for israel, sweet f**k all for uk pensioners. but who needs money anyway, when you can find a gay moslem billionaire to buy you everything you need, including your wife’s knickers. the uk is on the hook for another 60 billion it guaranteed in dodgy loans to zelensky.


you idiot the war machines raytheon boeing lockheed. they re making the billions.


it’s not hard to spot the trollope is it the ones running the protection racket propagandas


no you twit they’ve acquired 6 billion worth of ukraine assets because they’re letting him lose god its the oldest loans racket on earth


just what the island monkeys of pirate rock need…more losers living off handouts that never did a day’s work in their lives. shitania rues the day. ain’t karma peachy as the cursed rock goes under.


are you stupid? or just pretending to be passive aggressive propagandas using reverse psychology?

Dick Von D'Astard

they think they can conscript people that have lost any interest in fighting for the establishments ‘british values’ and those that themselves have just run away from the very wars that nato have instigated. monkey island.


interesting point.

people from all over the western world are facing financial hardship without any help in their own country and have had more than enough of their government handing out money to ukraine.


that’s how you destroy the old to bring in the new its so obvious they’re simply setting the scene up for people to want to transition to their new world order.


they dont think they can, they know they can. by rule of law and their morality.


so africans and arabs even if there is no war in their countries they still.get the refugee status and all.paid from western governments but ukraine that has a huge war, its refugees dont get nothing. it seems that west loves sand niggas and parasites


* practical idealism by richard von coudenhove-kalergi (1925)

ukrainians don’t rape much and are way too white for efficient race mixing


wow practical idealism doesn’t allow sentiment or love or caring or sharing its pure narcissism.


pure zionism


stfu. you whites are obsessed. focus on your on own f’d up nature and then maybe you want have any problems. fools.


grow up like as if africans asians negros eskimos lived together in harmony


it’s business that runs the corporations that are government institutions run by corporate laws dictates charity isn’t permitted unless its profitable to them first. so it’s only acts of charity not real.


chatles seees himself as the defender of all faiths so no it’s a breaking new ground movement for his globalist intentions. imo.


the west is going down. and there is nothing these washed up zionist stooges can do about it. who needs enemies when you are ruled by mentally ill people?


with idiots who wouldn’t know their arse from their cake hole no one needs anything but escape.


well, it’s good and bad. bad that these ladies have to deal with failed un terror plot child soldiers the un is trafficking into the uk from africa, good that at least they are willing to work a job and not be blue haired liberal princess lazy ass bitches good for nothing… asylum seekers can rape all the vax liberal bitches they want, get em sterilised for trying it…lol, the vax sterilizes all, even the unvaxxed having sex with the vaxxed.


there will be millions more ukies flooding in to the uk and eu this winter.
