Ukrainian Media Shot Down Russian SU-25 in Syria

We even aren’t surprised that Ukrainian media disseminate tihs “tidings of great joy”.

On October 1, the Ukrainian popular news website, «Диалог. UA», posted video “proving” that Russian Su-25 was shot down around the town of Hama. The website argues that mighty militants used some “antiaircraft defenses”. Unfortunately, Ukrainian patriots don’t know that Syrian militants don’t have antiaircraft defenses.

Moreover, there are only sounds of the small arms in the video. Video doesn’t show that the fighter jet burns or falls.

But it’s clear that the video was cut in many places.

Thus, Ukrainian journalists have shown that Ukrainian media are the most truthful media in the world, one more time.

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Der Saenn

This video was not from Ukrainian media. And the story also not. So it is not a failure of Ukrainian if something of this information would be wrong.

jeff maxwell

Didnt look hit to me.