Ukrainian Language Rejected By Children In Russian-Majority Regions

Ukrainian Language Rejected By Children In Russian-Majority Regions

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The forced imposition of the Ukrainian language in regions with a non-Ukrainian ethnic majority appears to be failing. There has been a decline in the use of the Ukrainian language in the country’s schools, according to a report recently published by the Kiev media. The case clearly shows how, despite the use of force and violence, the neo-Nazi regime will have great difficulty in imposing its cultural agenda in the country’s remote regions.

Since 2014, the official use of Russian and other non-Ukrainian languages ​​has been sharply reduced. The de-Russification measures were further intensified after the start of the special military operation, when the Kiev regime received a “carte blanche” by Western sponsors to commit all sorts of crimes, including ethnic and cultural genocide, having happened an almost total ban on the Russian language and literature since then.

However, despite efforts to eradicate the cultural and linguistic identity of ethnic Russians, the rejection of the Ukrainian language has been increasing throughout the country. A recent survey by the State Service for the Quality of Education showed that in the 2023/2024 academic year, only 74% of students stated that Ukrainian was their mother language. The previous year, the figure was 91%, which shows that there has been a significant drop in the number of children who identify as native speakers of Ukrainian.

Moreover, the drop is not limited to children. Similar data were also revealed in surveys of parents (93% to 82%) and teachers (94% to 86%). In practice, it is possible to say that there is a massive decline in the use of the Ukrainian language, with all the efforts of the neo-Nazi government to assimilate other ethnic groups having failed.

New statistics indicate that currently less than 40% of children in the country use Ukrainian exclusively in their informal activities. The figures naturally vary according to Ukraine’s geography, with more Ukrainian speakers in the western regions, where there are fewer ethnic Russians. Around 17% of children speak Ukrainian in the east of the country, while around 74% speak this language in the west.

It is important to remember that, in addition to Russian, other non-Ukrainian languages ​​are used in the country by ethnic minorities, who are also suffering the impacts of cultural genocide policies. This is the case of the Hungarian language, for example, which is used in the Transcarpathian region, where Hungarians currently live in a situation similar to that of Russians in Donbass, being victims of apartheid-like measures. Despite all the persecution, however, these ethnic minorities refuse to abandon their cultural identity and continue to speak their languages.

This scenario in Ukraine was already expected by some experts. Implementing measures of ethnic and cultural cleansing is not easy. People affected by the measures tend to react by using their language even more intensely, as an act of political activism to preserve their cultural heritage. Amid the current conflict situation, some Russian families in Ukraine see the use of their native language as the last chance to preserve their identity amid the Russophobic madness that the authorities want to impose on all citizens.

In addition, there are basic sociological issues that explain the continued use of the Russian language. The authorities have no way of monitoring which language is being used in informal and family activities. Ethnic Russian citizens use their native language to engage in unofficial sociability, rejecting the Ukrainian language during casual conversations in shopping malls, in churches and other places.

With the survey data revealed, it is possible that Kiev will increase its repressive measures against Russian speakers even further from now on. The total banning of this language throughout the country remains one of the main goals of the neo-Nazi regime. Knowing the failure of the efforts so far, it is very likely that the violence will be intensified in an act of desperation to make the cultural genocide successful.

However, any action in this direction is likely to fail. Kiev will only further expand social and ethnic tensions, polarizing Russians and Ukrainians within the country and generating a crisis of instability that could seriously affect the regime’s mobilization plans during this war. Destroying an ethnic and cultural identity is not easy and Kiev will certainly not succeed, given the current Ukrainian state’s inability to maintain full control over what happens in the country.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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almost a million ukra widows

ukra language is pig language. nobody wants to learn a pig language. nazis are pigs


that’s unfair. it’s a legitimate language, although to deny russian (or hungarian) speakers their legitimate right to use it runs contrary to the eu’s own legislation concerning minority languages.

well, we know what hypocrites run the eu’s affairs.


that said, canada, to settle its own separatist/civil war with french speakers in the 60’s-70’s, made french an official language in all of canada. today in quebec, it’s rare to hear english spoken in everyday speech and official documents must be bilingual.

well, we know what hypocrites run canada’s affairs.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss

however, nazis are pigs is something i certainly can agree with, even though it’s an insult to pigs.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss

swiss have 4 official languages, finland have 2 with roughly 10% of swedes, though their president stubb is ethnic swedish. general mannerheim was also a swedish. when swedes rules this land, get ready for war. but not so long time ago you were able to pay with rubles in local stores, there were many signboards in russian, especially in border regions. people from petrograd/sankt-peterburg (city with the same population as whole finland) bought many houses in finland to go there for vacations.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон
Can't make this up

the usa has 2 languages english and spanish, california has 5!

A corrupt mafia shithole

biden speaks in tongues, forked tongues even, so nobody but pelosi and schumer know what he’s trying to say, because they wrote his crib sheets.


i’ve heard that emergency service in the us is able to receive phone calls in 12 languages, including russian. but internal policy is quite opposite to external, no pluralism at all.


it’s artificial and synthetic like volapuk created in the end of 19th century. same as belorussian pseudo-language. they bastardized russian language, changed o to i (hohlo-style) or o to a (belohohlo-style) and took many polish, german words and later english. poles invented ukrainity to separate western regions from russia and join to poland with zombified slaves on these territories, but failed. polish golem attacked ethnic poles too. don’t dig a pit to others or you’ll fall into.


that’s how all languages evolve. what is english itself, if not an amalgam of latin and greek roots and second order french via latin for higher concepts and assorted grunts and groans from saxon, celtic and norse for everyday banter?


not exactly. languages evolve for centuries, esperanto or volapuk is created by one author in short time. name of ukro-volapuk’s inventor is mihail grushevskiy. he took simplified alphabet of simon kulish (kulishovka), bastardized russian language and created the “lengvich” for anti-russian project of separatism in russian land, brainwashing and genocide in future. feel the difference.

A corrupt mafia shithole

read a bit about this guy just now. this stood out:

he viewed the principality of galicia–volhynia as the sole legitimate heir of kievan rus, which opposed the official scheme of russian history, which claimed kievan rus’ for the vladimir-suzdal principality and imperial russia.

sounds pretty far-fetched to me but i’m sure the banderites ate it up.


“wikipedia”? rus’ (the ancient rus’) wasn’t kieavan or novgorodian, it’s historical period, not the name. novgorod was the first capital, kiev — the second one. then capital moved to vladimir, because kiev was destroyed by mongols, just few hundreds survived from tens of thousands. rus’ becomes vassal of karakorum (capital of the mongolian empire) and later sarai (the golden horde or grand horde) when the empire splitted up.


western principalities tried to found allies to resist mongolian invasion. duke danila of galicia was ready to convert into catholicism to get pope’s patronage, but promises were empty. in the same time duke alexander of novgorod stood strong in faith, fought against swedes (1240, north crusade blessed by the pope) and german “monks” (1242) and defeated them. he signed peace treaty with mongols, paid the tribute to stay independent. both dukes were from rurik’s dynasty.


result — western principalities were conquered by neighbors or joined to lithuania, which became the grand duchy, novgorod saved its freedom.


are they pigs from russia?

almost a million ukra widows

from your moms house stepan

A corrupt mafia shithole

sem is sim and vosem is visim. there, i’ve mastered ukranian.


nobody likes to talk in a nazi language. even danish nazis refuse to talk in german.


except when they surrendered to the nazis before lunch was even served, with the greeting:

willkommen liebe deutsche, möchten sie einen schnaps oder meine tochter?


where was this?

History's Rhythmic Writhing

lasting approximately six hours before danish capitulation, the german ground campaign against denmark was one of the shortest military operations of the second world war.

Marshall Zhukov

most impoverished language–amerikan


gauleiter said ukranization policy isn’t successful. in reality things are much worse for nazis. malorossia and novorossia are historical russian lands. malorossia mean minor russia, like minor poland around krakow, i.e. historical core. greater poland — warsaw. kiev was tributary of hazaria before duke of novgorod rurik sent askold and dir to take the city in 9 century. askold and dir tried to be independent, but oleg stopped their separatism and joined kiev to rus’ (ancient russian state).


this is nasism?


nazism is false idea of superiority of one ethnic group to justify any crime against “subhumans”. so called ukrainians are ethnic russians too and russian language is their native language, thus it’s very strange form of nazism. but radical eliminating of any culture has its own term — ethnocide. goal of ethnocide is to convert one ethnic group to another with creating bad life conditions, threats and terror. that’s how polish invented ukrainity was implemented in austro-hungary.


it is a european formula for creation of nationally homogeneous vassal states, check how it worked well in croatia in the 90-ies, where by the mean of violent assimilation, forced expulsion and military means totally eradicated a wast serbian minority there (30% of total population to now single-digit)


it is ethnic cleansing, pushing one ethnic or religious group out of a region with terror. different term, but also a crime against humanity with no statute of limitations. same crime was committed by the atlantic pact in kosovo.


ukraine, with the west’s help, attempted launching a second operation storm against the donbass in 2022 with the same ethnic-cleansing goals and russia nipped it in the bud. the osce records of the afu amassing at the front line and the 10 x increase in donbass shelling a few weeks before the smo is the historical record. it can never be expunged.

Gneaus stapo

lol sure dawarish.


the fact that the croats were permitted by the world to do is is the very reason the ukrainians wanted to do the same in eastern ukraine. they were calling for a croatian solution since 2014.

Ramses II

isn’t this article only actual evidence of the crimes russia nazi regime has committed against people with a russian passport forced on them. i can only see the article as a long confession of it.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ramses II

thats a kiew media poll. not a russian one. there are talking about ukrainian controlled territories with russian majority or strong minority. they cant poll in the russian controlled part.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

time to send a few cluster bombs to this school…take out the little orcs before they can cause trouble…heheheh


good news from mariupol. again 12 dead ru invaders from poisoned food. this time watermelons. seems not only ukrainian inhabitants but even the ethnic russians are angry with putin, because he is pumping the city full with migrants from tajikistan and caucasus. whole story see:

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999

an unknown man and a woman offered the ru fighters fresh watermelons. “unfortunately, the guys took it.” result: 12 ru invaders dead, 4 more in hospital sick for life. the watermelons contained “terrible high doses of arsenic”, one of the interlocutors said.

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999
Magical Mystery Tour

sounds like more ukronazi bullshit to me. nazi ukraine’s a perpetual diarrhea machine.

but whatever floats your boat, before it comes apart at the seams. keep bailing.

btw: crimea was never a part of ukraine, not even when krushchev gave it jurisdiction over the building of the canal. easy come, easy go.

Last edited 2 months ago by Magical Mystery Tour

kiev is not the rural reich too, may be only lvov, but poles would argue on that matter, because the city was found by russian duke, but bigger part of it’s history it was outside russia or russian principalities, mainly in poland. but poles didn’t deny russian origin. you can find small city of rava-russkaya (russian rava) at the border with poland, it was found after poland conquered this land. województwo ruskie — is the name of lvov region in poland.


there are historical polish maps of województwo ruskie or ruś czerwona (red rus’).

regionyhistoryczne. exgeo. pl/korona/wojewodztwo-ruskie-xvi-xviii-w-mapy


ukranian language sounds like pure cringe. as if a retard cobbled together improper russian with poiish for the sole purpose of being different from russian. nobody in hoholland can speak it fluently because it’s not a real language.

Henry Higgins

the ukrainian ‘language’ is the old khazarian dialect of the rus language – which khazarians (known historically as ‘the name stealers’ and a totally abhorrent race despite what ‘mossad matt’ ehret says) found too difficult to master properly. the ‘ukrainian’ trident is found on ancient khazarian jewelry.


it has nothing common with hazaria. hazaria was destroyed by russian duke svyatoslav in 10th century to prevent raids to the ancient rus for kidnaping people. crimean hanate repeated the fate of hazaria in 18th century. ukrainity was invented by poles in 19th century, implemented by austrians since the end of 19 century by force and death camps after the ww 1 start (teresin and thalerhof). mihail grushevskiy invented so called mova, ukro-volapuk in lvov (lemberg, austria).


yes but the khazarian see now the chance to claim it. the ruling class and elite in ukraine has more khazar blood in it then the one in the usa.


haha nice work


¨ in practice, it is possible to say that there is a massive decline in the use of the ukrainian language, ¨

this conclusion is very weak, these are reported statistics, not based on actual observation.


what people report depends on what they believe others want to hear. that is seen in polls on the current war, where ukrainian respondents have near-zero responses seen to be pro-russian and even ¨neutral¨ responses are extremely low compared to even ¨anti russian¨ countries like poland or the baltics. that despite russia friendly parties having won elections in the recent past, and the post-maidan regime repeatedly banning ¨pro-russian¨ parties (in fact the largest party at the time).


in that context, claiming to be ukrainian language speaker or native is not strictly a reporting of reality, but a tactic to avoid repression. so that reporting of this may have declined from it´s post-maidan peak may suggest a weakening in social control by the regime. of course language use can change, including by bureacratic imposition, but i would want more evidence of that than what was given here.

crooked licking gallery

in my amerikunt cesspool we speak ebonics
