March 13 became the day of the intensification of Russian strikes on the military infrastructure of Ukraine and places of concentrations of foreign mercenaries and supplies that arrive to the country from its ‘foreign partners’.
These strikes came amid even increased level of hysteria in MSM about the ‘Russian aggression’ against the ‘peaceful Ukrainain government’ that allegedly seeks a diplomatic settlement of the current situation.
To highlight the peaceful stance of the Kyiv government, it would be interesting to quote the March 12 statement of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba:
“The elimination of Russian President Putin will be sufficient to end the war in Ukraine, but the de-Putinization of Russia is required to restore peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic space,” Kuleba said.
These statements are accompanied by victorious claims of the Ukrainian leadership that alleges that Russia has lost over 12,000 soldiers since the start of the Russian operation in Ukraine on March 24.
With such statements it is clear that at least in the local media space Kyiv pretends that its forces are ‘winning the war’ with Russia and dissiminates dreams how it would ‘shape the future of Europe’ and receive ‘contributions’ from Moscow. This posture contrary to what the Ukrainian leadership tries to show on the international scene pretending that it is a ‘victim of Putin’s attack’. However, relying on facts have never been the strong side of moderm mainstream media outlets. So, these mutually exclusive concepts exist simultaneously in fairy tales circulated in their reports.
Therefore, missile strikes and offensive operations are the only kind of dimplomatic statements that Kyiv’s leadership is at least formally ready to take into account.
On March 13, Russian missiles pounded the Yavorovo military range in Lviv Region. The range is a part of the military facility used in the area by NATO to train Kyiv’s forces in the previous years. After the start of the Russian military operation, the area became a hub and training center for foreign mercenaries that came to Ukraine.
Lviv authorities claimed that at least 8 missiles hit the facility calling this the ‘act of Russian aggression’.
Impact of the strikes on the camp:
Kalibr missiles over Ukraine:
Meanhwile, the Russian Defense Ministry released footage of the destruction of a command post of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kyiv Region. The “Krasnopol” guided artillery shell hit the command post and completely destroyed the target, according to the Russian side.
Destruction of the command center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kyiv Region:
In the region of Donbass, the Russian Armed Forces and unist of the people’s militia of Donetsk and Lugansk continued their offensive operation to get rid of Kyiv’s forces in the area.
Especially intense clashes were recenbtly reported in the area of the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration. A series of intense artillery and air strikes also hit high points and military infrastructure objects around Slovyansk and Kramatorsk. Units of Kyiv’s forces deplyoed on Karachun Mount, near Slovyansk, appeared to be among the targets of these strikes and suffered casualties.
According to the statement of the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian-led forces have already blocked Severodonetsk from the eastern and southern directions. This indicates that the settlement of Borovske, south of Severodonetsk is also fully blocked. The northern vicinity of the town of Popasnaya is in the hands of units of Russia and the Lugansk People’s Republic. They have been developing the offensive in the area.
Strikes on positions of Kyiv’s forces in the area of Karachun Mount:
Impact of strikes on Kramatorsk airfield controlled by Kyiv’s forces:
At the same time, units of the Russian Armed Forces established control over the southern areas of the settlements of Blagodatne, Vladimirovka, Pavlovka and Nikolskoe located near Volnovakha.
In the area of Nikolskoe Russian forces freed about 300 civilians that were held hostage by fighters of the Aidar battalion of Kyiv’s forces in the area of the Uspensky Nikolo-Vasilyevsky Monastery. Aidar units established firing positions just in the area of the monastery. Units of these criminals were eliminated or dispersed. Hostages and the monastery area were liberated.
The Russian military also reported that recently aviation and air defense of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Su-24 aircraft of the Ukrainian air force in the Lyubimovka region and two unmanned aerial vehicles.
According to a representative of the authorities of the Crimean Republic of Russia a Tu-141 Strizh reconnaissance drone (developed in the Soviet era) was also shot down near Crimea in the recent days. The drone was launched from the direction of Odessa.
The Russian side reports that since the start of the operation a total of 3,687 Ukrainian military infrastructure facilities have been put out of action. In the same period Russian forces destroyed: 99 aircraft, 128 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,194 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 121 multiple rocket launchers, 443 field artillery pieces and mortars, 991 units of special military vehicles.
The prospects of any really effective diplomatic agreement between Moscow and Kyiv in the current conditions are shady. However, the further elimination of Kyiv’s forces and Ukrainian military infrastructure will likely make the diplomatic settlement of the conflict much closer than it is now.
Slava Kalibr!
JAI RUS, JAI PUTIN (Victory to Russia and Putin).
Your knowledge of history is lacking. In all honesty, American stupidity is universal. There is always someone else who is even dumber. Had they believed you are their brothers and sisters, they wouldn’t be resisting the invasion, idiot.
As for what US General Patton wrote about the Soviet empire in 1945, you can say all of this about somebody else without shame, whilst screaming bloody murder if someone says the same about you.
Pictures from:
Patton was a closet nazi and a retard.
He was killed by Eisenhower for cozing up to the Waffen SS.
You spew the vefy same untermensch BS as ghe nazis.
Interestingly the Russian DNA is more close to ghe original white European than the German or that of poles.
Ukrobots are nothing but closet nazi poles livinv on Russian land stealing Russian culture.
But its coming to an end now.
Same as it happened to the third reich…
Patton figured out the jews were uncleanly and were shitting on the floors of civilian housing, civilians they kicked out of their own homes to house “liberated”‘ jews. Patton discovered to his astonishment how the Germans were being treated, he didn’t know about the Hooton Plan to “pastoralize” Germany and sterilize its population. This however was cancelled, even so they genocided Germans as did the Soviets who were genociding Germans.
You are too dumb to think any further, you only think in black and white, without any understanding of nuance. For you there are only two extremes and nothing else in-between.
There can be no third-position in your eyes, you only think in terms of stereotypes and caricatures that are for the most part no more than lies.
Look at what one of the greatest chess-geniuses of all times, Bobby Fisher (1943- 2008 with a proven IQ 187 ) – who became youngest US Chessmaster said.
They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people.
Bobby Fischer
Radio Interview, March 10 1999
America is totally under control of the Jews, you know. I mean, look what they’re doing in Yugoslavia… The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense are dirty Jews.
Bobby Fischer
Radio Interview, May 24 1999
My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me. They’re not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I’m not just doing this for myself… This is life and death for the world. These God-damn Jews have to be stopped. They’re a menace to the whole world.
Bobby Fischer
Radio Interview, March 10 1999
The Jews have been hardened against Christ, against decency for thousands of years… They’re gonna have to be annihilated, Eugene.
Bobby Fischer
Speaking to Eugene Torre, Radio Interview, May 24 1999
You don’t know very much of anything and mindlessly repeat the lies you were brought up with. You operate entirely off of emotion and put very little thought into anything you type here, or pretty much anything else.
It is a highly feminine tendency, you are very hypocritical to promote Soviet imperialism and Communist ideology.
All Communist states combined had murdered up to 100 million people or more. While “Nazis” killed far fewer by comparison, not to mention the death tolls are proven to have been greatly inflated from their actual numbers.
As for the jews, you can be shown their own sources and you idiotically claim it is all “propaganda”. The actual meaning of that term doesn’t inherently mean lying, it means the spreading of information with the intent to convince someone.
You can hear the most ludicrous nonsense and you will still believe it because your government said so. “Duh, why would the media and government lie to me?” That is the state of your gullibility.
You do not think, you are comparable to one of Pavlov’s dogs, or better yet their canine suicide bombers.
1943 Russians Use Explosive Dogs:
Oh, shut up, you degenerate, subhuman German tranny. Your vile culture is the source of all the world’s problems. Very soon, you Germans will be permanently silenced and de-fanged. Your country will be partitioned like Austria was after WW1, Germany will cease to exist as a political or cultural identity and you will find yourselves split into a hundred little micro-states who are doomed to fade into irrelevance and poverty, your population forever condemned to toil away at minimum wage jobs in Eastern Europe, forever to receive the scorn, mockery and discrimination from the superior Eastern European race.
First of all I’m not a German, second of all you’re clearly a deranged subhuman freak that talks all high and mighty, until it is captured and starts to cry like a baby.
You are essentially every bad thing you idiotically think about “nazis” and then some, you are only proving that Patton was correct; only about the hominids (mongrels and asiatics) and jews. Patton was assassinated before he had the chance of finding out just how terrible those goblins truly are.
As for the Germans, your hatred of them comes from a place of malice and envy. Since you are taught miserable lies, you probably think they are at fault for everything.
This is what all forms of Marxism have ever amounted to: envy, slavery, tremendous failure, and an untold amount of suffering and death on a level that is almost without parallel throughout all of historical memory.
Malice and envy? Hahaha, of what? My ancestors were the first civilization in the world. We invented writing, metalworking, urbanization and the wheel. And so many more things since then.
What has Germany ever contributed to the world? Trannies, faggots and pedophiles?
My civilization’s history goes back eight thousand years, you untermensch. How long has yours existed? A couple centuries?×124.jpg
No you are not even a German, you are just one sad, pathetic, inbred, moronic, mentally sick reject who worships sick loser extremist ideology because you have no friends, family, life or brain.
You are obviously extremely frustrated and perverted, hardcore sadomasochist and homosexual, that’s why you spam degenerate porn crap cartoons again and again from your basement collection.
I’m not sure if such language is permissible on this site. (I’ve informed the SouthFront admins in advance)
All I know is, Hitler always talked down Slavic people as ‘Untermensch’ – how is doing it the other way around any different?
And even if it weren’t a race issue, I’ve been told that resorting to ad hominems is a sign that one has lost an argument or doesn’t have any.
Tell me where are the socialist organisations communiste state. The wall in Berlin was destroyer, and China is capitalist. Even Cuba is Not communist. Open your eyes.
1943 Russians Use Explosive Dogs to destroy German tanks:
Animal Rights In The Third Reich:
* They try very hard to make it sound all so sinister.
Growing Up Black In Hitler’s Germany:
Arriving in Auschwitz to flowers and music – A JEW TELLS THE TRUTH'T-BAD-(
Holohoax Tales – Mechanical brain bashing machines:
Holohoax Tales – Nazis made tit wallets with nipple buttons:—Nazis-made-Tit-Wallets-with-Nipple-Buttons:6
Eat shit and die you sick, crazy degenerate imbecile.
P.S. Patton was so mentally handycapped he didn’t even realiz it was Russia that beat Germany not the U.S.
By “we” he meant the alliance you dummy. The alliance between America, Britain and the Soviet Union. You idiots draw false comparisons between them and “nazis” who received no financial support from London or Washington before rising to power.
In case you didn’t notice, it is not strange for countries to have business interactions. Even China and the USSR traded with one another, not to mention the Menchevik and Bolshevik revolutions in Russia were financed by wealthy jews in America and Western Europe. Your T-26 and BT-5 and BT-7 tanks were reverse-engineered from models the Soviets purchased from Britain and America, these were the 6-ton Vickers and the M1931 Christie.
By the way, you were losing the war before you started receiving enormous amounts of weapons and resources from Britain and America through their lend-lease program. Over half of your army boots and aircraft in that war were American in origin.
That is simply false. Thyssen was entirely enmeshed in US banking, and he was a major funder. The entire Nazi operation was aimed at the Soviet Union. The Anglosphere con-artists were always happy to do business with the Soviet Union while they schemed to use the Germans against Russia. The war was determined by the battles at Smolensk and Moscow in 1941, which were in no way determined by US or British materiel.
The great thing about you Nazi kooks is that you’re kooks. Funny people.
Arms for Russia.
Patton came from a wealthy family and yet with all of his material advantages, he was unable to read until he was ten years old.
Patton was a racist Anglo-Saxon C*nt and got what he deserved!!! He was responsible for the Gela Massacre in Sicily of Italian POWs after the American landing in July 1943 during Operation Husky. The Italians, in a desperate counter-attack, albeit with few, out-dated tanks embarrassed and nearly drove the US troops back to the beach-head. If the US hadn’t been able to call on naval support fire from its battleships outside Gela’s harbour, things could have gone a lot worse for the Americants. As retribution, he ordered the Italian POWs caught in theatre to be shot….Some Italian historians say as many of 400 were executed but official US figures put it at 40 or so. So, ther you have it!! Your war hero, in addition to being a verified racist, was nothing but a war crimes criminal and nothing else, like most American military men.
The term “racist” is relative and merely an anti-White slur. You are just as racist towards White people than you think they were toward you.
The Anti-White Narrative Controls the World:
You quite literally worship Stalin, Mao and other mass murderers. Patton by comparison was better than all of the “Allied” leaders throughout WW2. Then again, you’re all moral relativists. You can say and do the most hateful or gruesome things and feel entirely justified in doing so, you are the splitting image of all the nonsense you foolishly think about the Third Reich.
“He was responsible for the Gela Massacre in Sicily of Italian POWs”
So it’s alright when America, Britain and the Soviet Union commit genocide against Germans? But not against the Fascist Italians? Why not point out they worked with the Sicilian Mafia to conquer Fascist Italy? The very same judeo-mafioso that were forced out of Italy by Mussolini?
That is all but a drop in the bucket compared to what the USSR had done to Germany. Once again, you are quite literally every negative thing that you falsely ascribe to others.
Both conservatives and Liberals are spiritually Jewish. Except most Liberals (unlike just ignorant conservatives) are consciously and vehemently anti white. And for them because most are not religious, and don’t believe in a scary looking cartoon with a pitchfork, horns and a red tail…they look at the proud White man and see him as the antithesis to all the jewish tenants which they stand for.
In a sense they are correct because “nazis” believe in and uphold the tyranny of nature against that which is undesired.. which means we uphold “inequality” through our INTOLERANCE, and because we enable this phenomena of nature expressed through us, we to them are the the source for all pain and suffering, the most evil of evil of any creature in existence.
We are the sacrificial Lamb upon the alter, where all “sin” must be cast by those weaklings that despise nature; after all, they are moribund and therefore are unsuited for life.“why”-of-cuties-and-pedo:a
Stop spamming moronic diarrhea from crazy monkey mouth and go hang yourself in that shitty, stinky basement you insane, inbred psycho.×124.jpg
Shut up, German untermensch, and stop talking nonsense in the presence of the superior Slavic master race. Its annoying, like the buzzing of a dung fly.
Now, I’d tell you to go breathe some gas, but oh, wait. YOU DON’T HAVE ANY, haha!
You do not have the moral high ground, you despise the truth. Nothing is more insulting to jews than the truth.
Russia has a long history of being ruled over by psychopaths, even prior to their so-called Soviet “socialist republic” through Asiatic invasion and Christianity that if you think about it are almost one in the same. That is perhaps why you are psychopathic yourself?
Very true what you say. And I want to add one thing. The mentioned Karl Kautsky, with which Trotzky is arguing is of course also a jew. And not only some jew. He is one of the main-founders and groundwork-creators of one of main parties of Germany of today. The so-called SPD. See the true history of that party. People always ask why this “social-democratic” party was always cheating on the german workers class and still does? The answer is: It’s because it is a jewish party, created by 5 jews. They never wanted anything good for german workers nor any german at all. In fact they are the enemy of germans. See:
SPD founders:
Wilhelm Liebknecht (jewish)
August Bebel (jewish mother is a maidenname born Simon)
Ferdinand Lasalle (jewish)
The early founding groundworks of the SPD were created by:
Karl Kautsky (jewish) and Eduard Bernstein (jewish)
You endorse their most murderous legacy, it is no more than a jewish plot to enslave and exploit non-jewish peoples, and to murder “Esau/Amalek” who they define as white people.
This is likely the true long-term purpose of war in Ukraine; to destroy the people and genuinely nationalist elements to transform it into another “multicultural” shithole and worse off than it was already.
I wouldn’t doubt this was all planned in advance before 2014, both sides are puppets to jewish agendas and Azov is another Operation Gladio deception.
When you look deeper, you realize that there isn’t much of an underlaying difference between what the Russian and Western multiracial narratives espouse. It is all a game to divide the attention of the masses, whilst ultimately pursuing the same goal.
socialist fraternal kiss between Brezhnev (USSR) and Honecker (the so-called German Democratic Republic) in 1979. Communists were always closeted bisexuals, due to childhood trauma as victims of pedophilia.
Common tradition in Eastern Europe, you are obviously too retarded to understand there are different cultures on this planet apart from USALGBT… spamming this bs only proves your mental degeneracy and obsession with men, you mentally sick incel HOMO.×124.jpg
At least the leaders did prove t be unreliable think about : passage out of Ilovaisk Where they granted also safe passage and bombed 1000 people.
Asura forces of Darkness control both sides, perhaps you are overjoyed Whites are killing each other? Or that they plan on flooding Ukraine with millions of Africans and Asians with the aim of destroy its gene pool and absorbing it into the multiracial empires of Russia and the West destroying their White demographics in favour of darker, easier to control third-world populations.
The jewish-owned New York Times on the other hand suppressed reports of the Soviet famine, it only takes a cursory glance at history to realize why they do not all see eye to eye with Russians. Not to mention when the Kievan Rus was conquered, they were forcibly assimilated them to the Russian language and nationality, and suppressed the Old Bulgarian language.
Nazi propaganda.
Nazis killed 35million Soviet and 12million polish citizens.
You also left out the part where 7million U.S. citizens died during the Great Depression.
That I can prove and you cannot refute. You childishly insist I’m wrong WITHOUT ANY PROOF TO SPEAK OF. Talk about retarded.
As for the death tolls you present, you go along with the white washing of Soviet genocides.
Meanwhile they were exposed as having blamed their own genocides on Germany from their own goddamn archives, while the absurd death tolls they conjured up have been proven (even by mainstream historians) to be false.
Second of all, you are not taking into consideration the causes of death which you falsely attribute to deliberate murder. Funny how you can claim that all 3 of the Ukrainian holodomors that killed 16.5 million people were “unintentional” yet go about citing false numbers yourself.
You are not interested in the truth, you are ruled by emotion which is highly feminine of you. Nor can you fathom how a fucking war results in little to no food production on occupied territory, how that itself can cause starvation, or how Soviet military blunders resulted in unnecessary casualties. These commanders didn’t see their soldiers as human, they likewise treated them as if they were mere cannon fodder.×124.jpg
Here is a major problem that ails you:
Take a wild guess at who was smarter:×124.jpg
Your limited intelligence means the miniscule chance you will ever have to understand is among the following:
1. Russia and China’s politicians and media apparatus telling you.
2. If you were put in a situation identical to this one:
3. Or this one:
People are dying and you are acting like this is all a game, although I can tell you for certain that all off the pigs in power over Russia, Ukraine, China, the Western world, and everywhere else really do think this is all a game.
Oh, look, the German untermensch is triggered, haha. Funny, how you strut around like peacocks when the truth is that you Germans are the most vile, depraved and subhuman of all the races of humanity, an evolutionary mistake which led to an abomination who’s mere existence is a crime.
Let me tell you something about the future of your kind:
– Degenerate tranny f@ggots like you, will be sent to death camps for extermination.
– Your country will be partitioned into a hundred little third world states doomed to fade into irrelevance.
– Germany will cease to exist as a unified culture, identity or political entity.
– Your people will be forever relegated to toiling at minimum wage jobs in Eastern Europe, while the few decent-looking women you have left will whore themselves out for pennies.
– Slowly, your race shall disappear, to be replaced by superior, Slavic blood.
That is what awaits you degenerate, subhuman Germans. This future is inevitable, for you have forgotten the lessons of the past and have once again risen up against the Slavic master race. And this time, the German untermenschen will be shown no mercy.
You are clearly somewhere traumatised. Did you have a sexual frustration, a bad education, violent parents, no parents, can’t you get a nice girlfriend, do you mutelat animals or even humans, do you want to harm humans, are you human or not really? Not educated I assume. According your nickname you have at leasts violent psychopathic dreams.
I reckon YOU are able to recognise an Untermensch when you see one.
You are definitely one. A sick, braindead, inbred moron molested by your uncle and stuck in your basement and always angry because your mom is dating black dudes.
Bro don’t feed the troll. He is not even German and he is obviously mentally sick.
These guys are completely nuts. They rail about Jews and race but they’re happy to post bona fide corporate propaganda from the US or UK, generated by the western intelligence agencies which are beholden to the banking empire established in England in 1690. Absolutely schizoid.
That’s the same degenerate troll – Fritz, Sorensen, Johan… some loser psycho wannabe nazi from Arkansas; ironically his dad is Mexican and his new dad is black. He’s a lonely reject, extremely frustrated and equally retarded; and obviously homosexual.
Soviet famine? Do you mean the famine generated by Stalin the georgian? Russians died too. Oh didn’t you know? Go back to school then!
Generated by Ukro-terrorist Symone Petlyuria, instigated and supported by the Brits, they burned the crops and the granaries.×124.jpg
The Russian airforce has just whacked a NATO Nazi terrorist base near dumb Pollack border. This will really hurt and cause more diaper rash.
This is the news all civilised nations are waiting for.
The destruction of NATO is long overdue.
NATO is just a US subsidiary. France still pursues imperialist aims indpendently or in opposition to the US masters in Africa, but there is no other deviation from US geo-strategic and economic requirements. This is a straight-up escalation of the decades-long US assault on Russia.
What a beautiful view. Kill banderstadt squads as many as you can!
Cockroach extermination…
It is a bit too sickening to see a pimp puppet FM of a non-entity like Russian Ukraine barking nonsense about President Putin, a dignified responsible leader of a Superpower. That is why it is imperative to kill all these NATO sponsored Nazi bastards.
The Liev NAZI and NATO eunuchs just lost a lot of terrorists and ammo. SLAVA ROSSIYA!
He might be not yet dead or expelled but there is certainly something very wrong with him.
Strange man with ever-changing arguments to starts a war of extermination equal to Nazi Germany.
-1 First it was his safety reasons for Russia ( primary acceptable).
-2 then liberation from dictator Nato (the majority Ukraines hates him).
-3 demilitarisation (= destruction and enslaving).
-4 denazification (a hallucination he means).
-5 Ukraine is part of the Russian territory and history. ( 3 wars against Russia are fought)
-6 a possible still to construct nuclear bomb treat ( he is the first to threat to use the bomb).
-7 the unbelievable claim Ukraine was making a bioweapon to attack Russia.
-8 regime change= enslaving.
-9 destruction of super nationalism?= like Russians nationalism.
-10 now he claims he is not fighting Ukraine people but the regime.
The successive justifications and conspiracies are dragging on and ever changing . There was the primary (acceptable) concern of national security
but there he confronted the wrong subject.
Not to talk of the paranoia that people are against him:
-spies in the Kremlin ( 3 failed attempts to kill Sellensky).
-Failing speed of invasion ( 8 high ranks sacked in Moscow).
-3 of 8 generals on the battle field killed.
-Arresting people protesting against the war. ( 1984 Orwell)
-Censoring media with 15 year prison if not complying with regime vision.
-Killing civilians and keeping them locked to starving, while claiming not.
-Claiming thousands military faulty tires committed by China.
-And now he drag complains that they use his tricks too; who introduces jihadists, traitors (fake Chechenen) and Belarus provides him with additional weapons and personnel. Don’t complain for manpads now
If it was a psychopathic patient I would be not surprised but the leader of a big nation losing rationality, changing daily and on the going his rectification?
Shut up, German trash. Subhuman f@ggots like you, do not have the right to speak. Go away now, go get your golden shower from your black transgender lesbian boyfriend and stop talking nonsense in the presence of the superior Slavic race.
Thats an extreme valuable, very rational, thought over, intelligent remark. I suppose you are highly educated and analytic person. A very human and objective personality? But reactions as this only prove the psychopathic nature of some individuals in what you call the superior Slavic race.
Are you a raper also, a Russian murder, a virtual tyrant if given the means? By the way also your reference to me as a German is completely wrong.
blah, blah, boring, deranged and utterly idiotic garbage by a pathetic, mentally sick nato-nazi retard troll
They tough they were safe in Lvov so close to Poland, but someone tipped them off…. 8 missiles just to make sure none of these rats escape 👍
they should fire a few more after 30-60 minutes when more rats gather to excavate those under rubble .
Double tap🤗👍
Yeap, the ‘double tap’ tactic used in Syria is ENORMOUSLY WELCOMED. In fact the secons strike is 10 times more efficient.
I hear 30 missiles. Damn this must send shockwaves down some people’s spines. But they were warned about their weapons transfers
Poland people very scared. No want NATO war. Russia good neighbor.
Yes very good neighbor, so good that in 1939 they invaded the country (Poland) and later murdered 20 -40 thousand poles in the massacre of Katyn. Everbody likes such neighbors, for sure.
6 godzillion. Funny how you moronic nazi losers like to dismiss some numbers but also like to grotesquely inflate some other. For example saying that 600000000 Soviets raped your grandma. In reality only 3000000 Soviets raped your grandma. And 10000000 Yanks, Brits and French (including Africans)
Soon even dreaming will be impossible for them.
I would love to organize a group of hackers to sabotage Anonymous. These clowns always obey to their master somewhere in Langley.
Iirc after anonymous hacked russian state media, a russian hacking group hacked them. They were called Killnet.
Russian hackers take all the others to school. Fact!
US-dominated anglosphere media attributes super-human internet powers to the Russians, while at the same time claiming that the place is a backwater. Good ol’ CIA gaslighting of their own population.
People need to learn to recognise the motives of groups like these, it helps with every other subversive group created by the CIA. Let them hang themselves.
I was wondering if the arms shipped by NATO to Ukraine were perhaps stored in Yavorovo. Thanks for the update. I do hope that when Russia destroys the convoys of NATO arms shipments that they make a big deal of it. That way the Ukrainian civilians will not have false hope and American and EU civilians will see what is happening to their tax money. Perhaps Zelensky will reconsider negotiations then, although I doubt it. I do really think he is delusional and struggles to differentiate between his role as gun toting president on TV (perhaps that is what Psaki meant when she said ‘chasing a television’) and his current role as president of a ‘piggy in the middle’ country being destroyed by a superior enemy force.
No one asks Zelensky. He is just an actor. If he dares to do something against Washington’s orders Azovites will hang him. So I doubt there will be peace soon unless Yankees allow it, and they won’t.
Wehehe, ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗
None of them are here today with their video games, gone
Whether the krasnopol m hit the target is not convincing. Where it actually hit looks like a barren land with no buildings. Wish all Russian weapons hit the bullseye.
0:11 you can clearly see something that looks like a camouflaged net probably. It hit it directly.
Indian TV said it was a NATO weapons transshipment and terrorist training centre near the Polish terrorist state. The buildings flattened by Russia were supposedly a police training centre before and now rubble for sure. Russia needs to target every vehicle coming in from Polish and Romanian terrorist states. Loitering munitions are best for these round the clock strikes.
I can imagine Spetsnaz is out there laser painting targets from buildings to vehicles. Vehicles will be exploding ”for no reason” in highways
Man, ordinary romanians are not guilty. We are for 32 years under the ocult globalist transatlantic satanist power because our intelligence services where ALL corrupt and traitorous. (former Security of Ceaucesco which betray him for Yankee dollars and assuring in that way own survival as ”free democratic intelligence services’). They manipulate 99% of all media, manipulate Justice by luring it with ‘special pensions’ (which cost our bankrupt country 2 BILLION Euro’s a year), and in that way they control the Parliament which voted gazzilion of antinational interest laws; they corrupt the major political parties giving them all sorts of phenomenal paid jobs inside state companies, and set an unconstitutional STS (special security transmission department) organ which manipulate all the elections by now. The state of the masses spirit is almost to the breaking point…
That’s exactly what will not help, because of tunnels bringing in the stuff beneath the earth like the Vietcong did. Amerikkans learned from them. You’ll see, most of the important shipments will not come on transport trucks.
Putin started World War 3 on behalf of Chabad Lubawitsch and his other jewish lodge friends, and now tries to find excuses for his madman’s act. Telling the world that “he felt threatened” and “ukrainian government not good”.
Very childish what Putin states and likely meant not for western audience but to fool his own people, so that they don t come after him, for unnecessarily pushing Russia into the abyss, killing thousands of young russians and ruining the economy.
moronic delirious garbage by an obvious psycho ^
A cruise missile a day keeps foreign mercs away🤗
Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺
All manpads and atgm supplies to Ukraine from west should be hit
Russia is just waking up and doing some serious damage. SLAVA ROSSIYA!
Putin will die of course, he is not immortal as far as we know. But his legacy will be returning the largest country on earth from a chaotic failed state to a preeminent super-power. Russian military is now one of the only forces on earth that can stand-up to NATO. Under Putin’s direction Russia has survived threats from Islamist terrorism, NATO aggression, and internal security threats as a result of the end of the USSR. Through it all Russia has remained stable and the rampant criminality of the 90s has gone, replaced by values and culture which is not easily influenced by the whims of US social engineering. As a citizen of planet earth, I want a stable Russia and an effective counter-weight to the aggression of US and NATO. In terms of what he has done to steer the large and unwieldy ship that is Russia, Putin has a place among the Greats.
I know for a fact that NATO and UK are all about money. I worked in Azerbaijan some years ago when UK were busy giving the Glorious Leader oral relief every day because of the BP contracts. So when they tell me it is about freedom of the press, LGBT rights etc. etc. I know it is all hot air. I do hope that there will be more social freedom and positive foreign influences in Russia but that can only happen when US and UK stops using everything as a socio-political tool to undermine the security of non-NATO countries.
Very well said.
Personally I don’t have any particular emotions towards Putin, I’m not russian, but what achieved Putin for his nation is MIND-BLOWING ! Just to consider the deepest trench where the drug and alcohol addict Eltin throwed Rusia, it’s mind-boggling. I wish we had only 1/4 of a ‘Putin’ here and our country would be prosperous.
It is remarkable. Russia was at its lowest ebb under Yeltsin and the West liked him because he kept the place weak.
You cannot fight an enemy that you do not see nor even know about.
And that is the problem. You do not know your enemy. You even think it is me, or other who are not in your fictional childish kindergarten world of fake-politics.
You folks do not get that there is no war between the countries and blocks that pose as enemies in this jewish-orchestered movie, this theater they play to fool you and drag your emotions and attention in. Wake up !
NATO vs RU, USA vs. RU , China vs. EU, RU vs. UKR and all this childish theater they are playing for you. It is a big cabbalistic club, the low grade is freemasons and the high-ranks is satanic-jews. US-EU-RU-China are ONE. They are working hand in hand in order to bring us into accepting their NWO / JWO. We – the people – are the target of THEIR WARS, AND MASSPOISONing.
You never wonder why EU and USA secretely try to put the chinese social-credit system, with vaccination-passport and ID on their western populations ? Why US sold its harbours to the chinese. Or why China suddenly became “capitalistic economy”.
Do you ever think for yourself at all ? Obviously you don t otherwise you would immediately see all these strange connections tipping you directly to the real world, in which there is only one enemy of mankind, which is the jews. They are in control, but we the humans, we, the mankind are stronger than them – as soon as we realize that its them who are pushing us into wars again and again, and are poisoning our nations with deadly so-called mRNA vaccines, and ribbing us from everything due to their criminal interest-and banking system.
Your bigotry is getting tiring. It’s what your weltanschauung boils down to.
Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad, CIAisis and Azovisis operators.
May they rest in pieces…
The Ukrainian Defense minister is crying tears…. help, help, help… Look at this strike so close to NATO’s border. Close the sky!
This location was being used to train Ukrainian military and Nazi battalions by foreign instructors.
Just wait for CNN and Zelenclonwsky to say it was a hospital! And kindergarten!
The last hospital in Idlib. I mean Lwow.
Good to see Russia slowing down to surgically destroy Terrorists and rescue hostages. Russia will be the hero amongst the New Ukraine once this war is over.
With Ukraine being the bread-basket of Europe, I wonder how long it will take citizens in the West to riot in the streets when they realise what they’ve lost?
You see Canada right? I fear most western countries may take that approach if by some chance most citizens come to their senses.
Yay, the Western bagel shops will have nothing to sell to the goyim, LOL
Hopefully many foreign terrorists were killed in the strikes. And hopefully more will be killed in the near future.
I’ve seen videos of those degenerates and they are all (as would be expected) the worst kind of human trash, classic thugs, as is usual for NATO mercenaries.
ukrop night mares being realized—the cia LSD has failed
I hear 30 cruise missiles, not 8. These guys in Moscow mean business now
Slava Rossiye🇷🇺
How could anyone forget that Putin the cockroach is the world’s ambassador for peace and justice unjustly condemned by the entire international community. He’s just a misunderstood human cockroach who’s fighting to make the world a better place. Right, Scooby?
Something is wrong.
He is not dead or expelled yet but there is certainly something very wrong with him, except his physical appearance and his full blown head now days. Strange man with ever-changing arguments to starts a war of extermination equal to Nazi Germany.
-1 First it was his safety reasons for Russia ( primary acceptable).
-2 then liberation from dictator Nato (the majority Ukraines hates him).
-3 demilitarisation (= destruction and enslaving).
-4 denazification (a hallucination he means).
-5 Ukraine is part of the Russian territory and history. ( 3 wars against Russia are fought)
-6 a possible still to construct nuclear bomb treat ( he is the first to threat to use the bomb).
-7 the unbelievable claim Ukraine was making a bioweapon to attack Russia.
-8 regime change= enslaving.
-9 destruction of super nationalism?= like Russians nationalism.
-10 now he claims he is not fighting Ukraine people but the regime.
The successive justifications and conspiracies are dragging on and ever changing . There was the primary (acceptable) concern of national security
but there he confronted the wrong subject.
Not to talk of the paranoia that people are against him:
-spies in the Kremlin ( 3 failed attempts to kill Sellensky).
-Failing speed of invasion ( 8 high ranks sacked in Moscow).
-3 of 8 generals on the battle field killed.
-Arresting people protesting against the war. ( 1984 Orwell)
-Censoring media with 15 year prison if not complying with regime vision.
-Killing civilians and keeping them locked to starving, while claiming not.
-Claiming thousands military faulty tires committed by China.
-And now he drag complains that they use his tricks too; who introduces jihadists, traitors (fake Chechenen) and Belarus provides him with additional weapons and personnel. Don’t complain for manpads now
If it was a psychopathic patient I would be not surprised but the leader of a big nation losing rationality, changing daily and on the going his rectification?
I skipped to the end, waste of time reading your worthless gibberish. But no doubt you are a psychopathic patient, seriously mentally sick drooling lunatic, and you somehow escaped from your cage in that mental asylum in Arkansas
I think russians must to intensify all those missile and bombardments strikes till the point that the banderist nazi cock suckers will get mass depression only to hearing one and will run like cockroaches being exhausted fighting disordered and chaotic engagements. Also a very welcomed change of strategy here: slain all command nodes and logistic deep inside the ukrop zone . Only to start make more FIRING VOLUME on those NATO proxy LGBTQ atheist terrorists.
They were running like cockroaches from day one, 8 years ago. They have always been good at hiding behind the regular army and civilians used as human shields.
The point is that now they are trapped like mice. They cannot go anywhere, so they shoot in desperation. The russians aren’t leaving them a way to escape because they want to exterminate them.
You can watch some videos from the various telegram channels. You will note a vastly different treatment by russian troops of ukrainian soldiers and neonazis. The nazis get tortured, beaten, you can see blood coming out of their wounds. As for the regular soldiers, they sign a document renouncing to fight and are sent home.
More missiles more weapons more destruction more bloodbath. Do you even listen to what you say ? Why aren t you going to Ukraine, when war is such a funny and lovely thing ? Raiding foreign countries is forbidden by international law. You cannot say, that government I don t like, it is bullying me, so now I will send my invasion army and destroy that whole country. No ! That is highly criminal behaviour. And that USA did it very often (Iraq, Afghanistan etc. etc.), doesn t make Putins act (raiding Ukraine a none-crime). Is it that so complicated to understand ?
It’s not complicated, you have simply distorted the story. The US has maintained an assault on Russia, first as the central aspect of the USSR, and then against the Russian Federation, for eight decades. There is no reciprocal strategy evident from the Russian aimed at destabilizing every single aspect of the US society and economy.
The US has not fought a single war in which the existence of the nation was at risk, whereas Russia is in significant danger from the US and it’s vassal structure, NATO.
Apples and oranges, my kooky friend.
That’s exactly what I expected from you. Quote: “There is no reciprocal strategy evident from the Russian aimed at destabilizing every single aspect of the US society and economy.”
Oh boy, really ? You never heard of the communist long term strategy ?
Man I knew you didn t have any clue what’s really going on in the world.
And I told lots of people here lots of times, an enemy you can t see is near to impossible to defeat. So it is always a clever thing if you attack someone, to make it in a way that he not realizes he’s under attack, till the moment the thing / dying process is irreversible.
Look how careful and long-term they are doing it. Communism, judeo-bolshewik ideology and lots of ruski stupids still brainwashed by it, hailing this satanic ideology until it kills also them. But now Clyde please take a look a the communist long term strategy and realize that you were wrong awfully wrong, when you fullmouthly declared: “There is no reciprocal strategy evident from the Russian aimed at destabilizing every single aspect of the US society and economy”.