Ukrainian Forces Try Their Best To Fulfill Zelensky’s Task To Attack Russian Rear

Ukrainian Forces Try Their Best To Fulfill Zelensky's Task To Attack Russian Rear

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) continue attempts to attack Russian rear facilities with drones. On the night of January 29, at least three Ukrainian UAVs were shot doen and intercepted in the Russian Bryansk, Yaroslavl and Rostov region.

One of the targets of the Ukrainian strikes was an oil refinery near the city of Yaroslavl. Ukrainian aircraft-type drones attempted an attack on the Slavneft-YANOS Yaroslavl oil refinery. This was reportedly the first Ukrainian attack in the city.

In total, the AFU launched 4 kamikaze drones at the refinery but only one of them crossed the distance of 900 km from the border, where it was neutralized by electronic warfare means.

Ukrainian Forces Try Their Best To Fulfill Zelensky's Task To Attack Russian Rear

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The attack failed. The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the incident, claiming that the UAV was intercepted by Russian forces.

The local sources claimed that the UAV crashed on the territory of the plant, causing no damage. There are no casualties as a result of the attack. The UAV crashed near the hydrocracking plant and was discovered by the employees in the early morning hours.

Earlier, Ukrainian media reported that Zelensky gave orders to carry out as many drone strikes on military and industrial facilities in Russian regions as possible, including as far as possible from the Ukrainian border. The main task of such strikes is to disable as many enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex as possible. So far, the Ukrainian military has not achieve this goal.


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Mario Ceva

now ukraine strategy is terrorism against civilians and economic target.


looking forward to listen to the same european polititians and media to praise the banderist tactic to kill evil russian civilans while condemning the hamas tactic to kill sacred israeli civilians.

Jonas Strandval

wake me up in 2037 when this boring war is over.


ok mr.attention span of burnt toast…


lmao right?


we are moron ugly hillbillies—humiliated by russia


so much for ukronazi “punishment” of russia, better chances of flying a weather balloon from denmark with jens overflowing depends attached…

Last edited 11 months ago by Dstroj
Kev not Kiev

come on guys… you know its a nothing burger story, but at least you see the picture of a sad little ukrainian drone, trying to make the sad ukrainian leader happy with a useless effort.

George Foreskin

all these drones from russia and iran have the amerikunt army worried that they are vulnerable, they sold 236 billion in arms (war is their bussinessmodel) this year and a great deal they will invest in huuuuge drone swarms that are hardened against jamming and spoofing, no doubt they will use ukraine as testground, so better hurry up with that drone technology
