Ukrainian Forces Targeted Civilians With German-Made Chemical Weapon

Ukrainian Forces Targeted Civilians With German-Made Chemical Weapon

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On March 4, 2023, the police officers found a chemical missile in the city of Vasilyevka in the Zaporozhie region, which is under Russian control. The chemical weapon was made in Germany in 2022. 

The local administration of Vasilyevka reported that immediately after the chemical weapon was discovered in the city, the information was passed to the sappers of the Russian Crimea detachment. The military destroyed the missile by the controlled explosion at a safe distance from the city. No one was injured.

“The military-civil administration of the city of Vasilyevka is well aware of the Nazi immorality and the unrestrained desire of the Ukrainian militants to harm the civilian population of the liberated territories as much as possible. Despite this, the law enforcement agencies and military structures of the Russian Federation are warely monitoring our security around the clock! We urge civilians to remain calm and urgently report all suspicious items to the civil-military administration or the police. the local administration reported.

The warhead was equipped with a timer. The weapon was discovered three hours before the planned explosion.

Ukrainian Forces Targeted Civilians With German-Made Chemical Weapon

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Ukrainian Forces Targeted Civilians With German-Made Chemical Weapon

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The Russian Defence Ministry has already revealed the attempts of the US military to organize provocations with the use of chemical weapons on the Donbass front lines. LINK In their turn, Ukrainian militants had early proudly showcased their chemical weapons that are already deployed with Ukrainian forces. LINK The Ukrainian military already attacked Russian troops using UAVs with chemical weapons. Investigations proved that it was a thermal ammunition that contained flammable oxidisers and additives, some of which were produced in the Czech Republic.

Kiev forces are already actively using NATO chemical weapons on the front line, as well as against civilians in the regions they have lost, which is internationally recognized as war crimes.


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jens holm

my anus protests for all mulatto chemicals

Kual Svinus

Kill your self retard. Danske jævel. Vi vil finne deg!


Gather the evidence then present it at a emergency UN security council meeting,then we shall see what those bastards at the UN have to say about it,so far on Ukrainian and US war crimes they have been as much good as Tits on a Bull.

The US is a terrorist country killing ru civilians

After 80 years they Nazees are again using German made Zyklon B against Russian civilians. History repeat itself.


What stupid propaganda. You idiots here believe that stupid holohoax jewish lies about the chambers, and now the jewish lies about ukrainians using gas missiles.

Zyklon B was a stuff to kill lice, in order to keep the prisoner clean, able to work and hinder them from getting sick. Clothes etc. had to be gassed to get the lices dead. Hairs were cut off for the same reasons.

You are really zombies, which the jews can tell whatever bullshit they like and you dumbass brainiacs still buy it. Embarassing. They fool you again and again, and you not get it. Zombies , Zombie rat army and cohorts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Don’t bother. Everybody knows what zyklon-b was

Zyklon B is for desinfection. Bayer is still in production. Go look on Google


against ruSsian invaders and ITS fine


How does Russia identify this as German, made in 2022, surely Germany is not OPENLY producing chemical weapons?



You want the answer ? Here you are.

It’s russian propaganda bullshit, plain and simple. Tomorrow they’ll announce that Germany secretly hit Moscow with a nuclear bomb, made by some six-eyed little hitlerite mustache wearing guy in brown socks from Braunau, Austria, who somehow silently sneaked into the outskirts of Moscow, placing the bomb there – after having painted a big swastika into the Moscow Sub-station. Large casualties would have accured, but thanks Putin, the FSB just in time found the device and brought it away on a red-painted high-tech motorbike (especially developed for such occasions)

I am just waiting for the moment when SF will announce that:
“6 million Bryansk russian children were brutally tortured and killed by the ukrainian saboteurs”.

And I am sure that, following that SF announcement, the pro-russian members of this forum will immediately burst into hate-rants against the “evil-ukrainians”, yelling for revenge and will demand all the UKR’s country being bombed and their families being killed aka de-nazified by the russian army. .

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Germany doesn’t produce chemical weapons. It produces chemicals. Obviously, there is no proof. Jörmäns = Nazis = Gas. Yes, SF has sunk that low.


Who knows ? Never trust anyone who back Ukro-nazis Zelensky and his criminals. There’s an ID code mark on every missiles, bombs, drones, el cetera , to identify the makers.


Yeah, right. Stop BSing us.

Romanian yankee whore

So, prepare your own for any case. Nazi are very experienced with chemicals, as usual. And at attacking and killing innocent civilians even more. I reach a point when I really don’t care if Washington, London, Paris, and other such imperialist bandit dens, will be erased from the earth, even that implies Moscow as well. As I said before, Warsaw Pact military academies had a very detailed and accurate scientific approach of a possible nuclear war and after restoration: Russian ‘vectors’ will prevail in matter of 15 years and will rule all Europe in matter of around 50 years.

helene matz

hopefully this time the russians will stay in berlin

helene matz

give the germs their weapons back from a cannon on the reichstag


I call bs, its the filthy jews, and not NS.


Fun fact, Germany also give/help Saddam army to use WMD (chemical weapons) against Iranians during Iraq-Iran war.


Belgium was also delivering chemicals to Irak. Simpel, whit all the cleaning stuf you have at home you can make explosifs , poison, chemical weapons. you can make stuff that burns your skin getting in contact.


Thanks for the info but I was talking about main countries that support/aided Saddam’s chemical weapons.

Yes, you can make poisonous gas/chemicals even at your own house but you sure can’t make as much as Saddam had and used. That is the problem, there is no way these countries claims that they didn’t know what Saddam was going to do with all these poisonous chemicals.

Also, it is double-standard, in Syria they claimed SSA used chemical weapons which was a fake story and they bomb Syria together. They were the same people that give Saddam chemical weapons – and now they are giving Ukraine chemical weapons. These people are devils.

helene matz

the germans are experts in chemical substances


Nacistické svine by mali za toto zaplatiť!!!


It might be a thermobaric, smoke, or incendiary munition.


More reasons not to give up any chemical weapons if you own some .

Roger Dodger

Time to nuke Kiev it seems. Just a small one, a tactical nuke will be enough.
