Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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On August 23rd, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported about Russian advance in the southern regions of Ukraine. As a result of the successful offensive operations, the Russian military reached the border of the Mykolaiv region. 

The Russian military took control over an area of 12 sq. km. of the Mykolaiv region. During the offensive, units of the 28th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.

Previously, it was reported that Russian forces took control of the village of Blagodatnoe to the west of Mykolaiv.

On August 23, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed Russian control of the town of Komsomolskoye.  The AFU were also repelled from the village of Blagodatovka and nearby settlements. The Ukrainian 35th Marine Brigade and the 46th Airmobile Brigade suffered significant losses.

Russian drones showed the destroyed Ukrainian positions near Blagodatovka. The footage confirmed losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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Ukrainian Forces Suffered Heavy Losses In Southern Front Lines (Photos 18+)

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On August 24st, the AFU attempted to covertly cross the Ingulets River near the village of Lozovoe in the Kherson region. During their operation, the 18th battalion of the 35th Brigade of the AFU Marines was defeated. More than 80 servicemen and 6 vehicles were destroyed.


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Recapturing this rural county is the most the map has changed in two months. Better than nothing I suppose.


You’re missing the point. All of Ukraine’s key defences, manpower and weaponry are being steadily obliterated. And when that process is complete, in a matter of a few months, the whole front collapses and Ukraine is finished.


BUT the US UK POLAND FRANCE CANADA AUSTRALIA…..will move in against Russia in Ukraine. Russia should up the ante FIRST to make them back down and cower in fear.


Russia has already demonstrated the latest US/NATO weaponry is futile against the might of the Russian force.

Bob - Enough

Not sure. The Ukies are turning to terrorism basically and I would think trying to push Russia into hitting “out” at all. We know Russia has one and with all the “best trained Ukies” out of the war… this advancement is going to speed up for Russia – BUT AND THE BIG BUT is the terrorism angle and remember that the US and UK know how to play that out and make Russia look bad to the sheeple. The front will collapse in weeks….but then what ?.Not arguing, just saying my view.

hunter bidé lab pork !

yeahh and the talibam win after 67886989070 months !! and went rewarded !!! imagine that monkey sheizen !!!


Admission by Zelensky’s office that there is no counter offensive in Kherson.
24 Aug 2022
Ukraine ready to launch counter offensive but ‘lack enough weapons’, says Zelenskyy’s office.
this basically makes every MSM newspaper compulsive repetitive liars.
Zelensky is a busker without an instrument or hat.
I believe that is called a beggar.

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter
Michael Droy

You are only a beggar if you put out a hat to collect money.

Zelensky has a massive hat.


Zalensky is a Jew, not Ukrainian.

hunter bidé lab pork !

seems like he is hitler underpants in steroids taken in the anus and making porno on vogue !! next month is the new pope asking for more digital dicks !!! is an lgtb jew with parazites in the anus !!!


Can he be both?




Why? There are ethnic Jews Ukrainians, like there are ethnic Russian Ukrainians.

He wears a T-shirt “I’m UKRAINIAN”, he says he’s Ukrainians, his team has managed to instill a stable and proud national identity in Ukrainians (OK, Russia’s attack has helped tremendously with that!), he made the entire world root for Ukraine…

Is because he attended Orthodox Church service that he can’t be a Jew? I think he only did so because he’s President and most Ukrainians are Christians, so the people expected him to do so. I haven’t seen him attending a Jewish service either, I don’t think he’s a believer.


US weaponry is coming in but not going to the front line, a lot of Jewish oligarch in Ukraine are making a ‘Killing’ and getting richer on the black market.


Not anymore, the USA sent someone to Kiev in August to take care of this problem and make sure the weapons go to the front line.


A counter offensive for ukranian army means killing civilians, the nazis like to kill civilian but are affrair fighting real soldier.

Kansas azov lgbt spermgent 1st class

tcounteroffensive soon San Francisco gay bar…Hans poko molo Sawyer Ivanka, #1 Joe moron Tel Aviv tratz all armed with modern porkland dildo

claudio--retired dane janitor jens husband

I divorced you —-found more intelligent porn doll—doesn’t shit like jens when sodomized

The Crunge

Probably had severe losses in the rear lines and middle lines as well.


moron nazi tries comedy—Artaud could not conceive of something as pitiful as jens


ukraine only exists in USA psychosis gay bar; soon Zelensky will be in Monaco or cemetery while moron amerikans now suffer most violent non violent crime rape per capita all nations…USA #1 monkey pox—the collapsed cesspool will not be missed


EXTERMINATE those NAZIS, long live Russia and the Donbass forces =Z=

Hook Nose Jew

The Jews won’t quit


Would it be easier to get into ukraine BEHIND the heavily fortified areas and change the front line? Would that make it easier on the russian regions?


That’d be more effective, but how to do that? Paratroopers? Ukraine would target their planes with USA satellite guidance like it did at the beginning – such a plane carries hundreds of troops!


mmmm…en cualquier momento putin le emboca unos misilazos a los europeos, no falta mucho, estan pegandose un tiro en los pies europa….y bueno..lo veremos desde argentina por la tv…


Looking at the Russian videos and pictures you cannot believe that only 9.000 Ukrainian solders have died so far whereas 48.000 Russian soldiers shall be wounded or killed. The ratio is much to high if you consider that Ukraine is lacking attillery and you can see the outcome of attillery attacks on Ukrainian trenches.


About 15000 Russians dead, the rest wounded. About 40000 Ukrainians (and mercs) dead, I don’t know about the wounded.
Many wounded Ukrainians are POWs too. About 12000 POWs? Or is it 15000? The Russian MOD had a list I think – anybody having a link?


The wounded are usually around 3 times more compared to the dead. But this is of course not always they case. SO 15000 Russians dead would then mean around 50000 wounded, or somewhere slightly above or below that number.


Excellent work, NWO global elitists cannon fodder being destroyed, onward to Odessa


What? No way Russia is going to Odessa! Russians may want to, but Putin is a lot smarter than that.

Karl Marx kindergarten for anglos

Russian export to India–incredible growth—-toilet paper dollar not used—-only real money: rubles, rupee…bye bye dead amerika


As the Allies gain skill on the battlefield the Ukes should know by now they are on a path to instant death rather than a slower death from their Globalist’s “friends” Bio-weapons.


But Ukrainian fools are dying to be eliminated thinking that they are winning. They listen to false narratives of the producer team of Vladimir Z-elensky. Zelensky was a comedian who was supported by writers and comedy producers and he is leading the nation with the knowledge he acquired during his comedy years. Comedian as a leader is a real devastation for any nation.

mike l hutchings

when they raise their heads, a shell lands on it

Kansas advanced LGBT School of Pain

Tom Sawyer here—a proud graduate …I learnt sweep floor lick boot and received honors for anus licking…why Russia humiliate me? destroy 8 Ukie jets eliminate hundreds ukie nazi troops yesterday…this will not interfere nazi counteroffensive in kansas
