Ukrainian Forces Attempt Counterattacks In Avdeevka, DPR (Map Update, Video)

Ukrainian Forces Attempt Counterattacks In Avdeevka, DPR (Map Update, Video)

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After Russian forces took control of the forest area on the south-eastern outskirts of Avdeevka, fighting is ongoing in the residential area of the city. The Russian military gained a foothold on the streets but the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) fo not stop attempts to counterattack. So far without any significant success.

One of Ukrainian counterattacks in the south-eastern part of Avdeevka was filmed by reconnaissance drones. The combined group of the 47th and 116th Brigades of the AFU on US-made Bradley IFV and M113 APC, attempted an attack on Russian positions in the area of the Tsarskaya Okhota hotel. As a result of the failed operation, the Ukrainian group was blockaded in the ruins. At least four Ukrainian servicemen were reportedly wounded.

The AFU suffered more losses as a result of the strikes by Russian small FPV drones.





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jens holm

i attempt to attack my senility by sniff glue

jens holm

i did wright this

jens holm

fentanyl help me cope w russian superiority


sarai anche pazzo ma i tuoi commenti sono creativi e mi fanno sorridere. a tuo modo sei un grande.

world class economist

jenny # 1 is our jenny 2, 3, 4 straight man. he’s great for the butt of all jokes under the sun. everybody laughs, not just you. except for the sourpus nazi… gneiss the rockhead. he’s still hoping jenny ask germanoids to invade denmark again.

Last edited 1 year ago by world class economist

3 drones to destroy group of ukr soldiers into an ruined room. first 2 drones simply miss the open wall and not enter into room. also. videolink between drones and operator look to being disorted near the target or near ukr troops. they have an electronic device to do this or here is something else ?

Last edited 1 year ago by hipp

you need to realise that russia is not at full scale war and they are rightly preserving the lives of their soldiers. a drone can be replaced easily and cheaply, a military fighter cannot be replaced so easily, readily or cheaply.


i think he was just asking the question. and very relevant question.
– but i donät think there is much electronic measures. rather just coverage dissappear close the ground. because of the distance between the drone and operator.

Peter Jennings

i think we are seeing the beginning of the anti-personel drone tech. soon they will be hunting in packs.

Ali Baba

scary stuff. swarm of twenty drones talk to each other in flight, listen up, pack…..i get first dibs on that guy, you take that guy, number 3 – that guy.”

do they have names for each other, you think?

Peter Jennings

that’s probably not far from the truth.

world class economist

in another 6 months it will be exactly the truth. hope ukraine lasts that long, so they have a chance to debug.

christian reinhard

if u ever asked who found “manowar” with pedo logan, look who obviously has the rights of their music

Ali Baba

who cares? i play mozart’s requiem every time i read about ukrop flops.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ali Baba

ukronazi cannon fodder commit mass suicide…

Ali Baba

those little yellow arrows look like little bugs trying to crawl out of sewer hole.


mali ich tam doraziť, keď o nich vedeli.

jens holm

drone visit me at my nursing home—deliver me glue to sniff

world class economist

model airplane glue i hope, not that superglue stuff the brits use to assemble their subs with. airplane glue sniffs better i hear. or just break open a jug of acetone.

Degeneration Of Russia

did russians really manage to loot 4 toilet seats? if true that’s their biggest victory since bakhmut.


only problem is, u sound like a sore ass gestapo pig…