Ukrainian Defense West Of Avdeevka Close To Collapse

Ukrainian Defense West Of Avdeevka Close To Collapse

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On April 2, both Russian and Ukrainian military sources reported Russian offensive in different directions west of Avdeevka. 

Ukrainian war reporters confirmed Russian advance south of Semenovka. Clashes on the outskirts of the village began before the Russian Army claimed control of Orlovka. In recent days, Russian forces gained a foothold on the streets. As of April 2, they are already in control of the southern part of Orlovka. The Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to retreat to the northern streets, while clashes continue in the center of the settlement.

Ukrainian Defense West Of Avdeevka Close To Collapse

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According to preliminary reports from the front, Russian forces managed to break through Ukrainian defense in Berdychi and surrounded the village from the south. If confirmed, the recent Russian gains will significantly deteriorate Ukrainian positions in the area west of Avdeevka. The cut of the Ukrainian garrisons in Semenovka from Berdychi will force the Armed Forces of Ukraine to retreat from the entire line of defense in the nearest future.

Ukrainian armored vehicles attempted counterattack but suddenly they changed their mind. As a result only one vehicle managed to return to Ukrainian positions:



At the same time, the Russian troops continue expanding the zone of their control in the fields west of Tonenkoe, capturing Ukrainian positions hastily fortified after the retreat from the villages west of Avdeevka. Battles are already approaching the village of Umanskoe.

Destruction of Ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle:



After Russian victory in Avdeevka, the Ukrainian military was forced to retreat to the defense line in Tonenkoe-Orlovka-Semenovka-Berdychi. No reinforcements, including the units armed with the notorious US-made Abrams tanks, helped the Armed Forces of Ukraine to save control of the defense line.

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Crocus Shooting Gallery

gopniks cannot take a single village…heheheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

The truth.

gopniks are the ukras. and they cannot take a single village…heheheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 run nazis, run

Crocus Shooting Gallery

gopniks cannot take a single village…heheheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Shadow Ban The Bots

shooting gallery is a bot why hasn’t he been banned yet? no need for this clown unless sf wants to rile up people and derail the comment section as a whole.

James Hodgkiss

lol, derail? when has the sf comments section been worth anything?


jens holm contributes some very intelligent commentary. it’d be a shame to lose him/her/whatever.


just like a couple others. it seems their comments are allways let through for some reason. perhaps a chaotic less organised website is less threatening and less likely to be shut down by the usa.


idiots are good for comic relief. let him be.

Crocus Shooters Executioner

kievan hohols don’t have electricity, no ammunition and no money to pay their pensioners……hehehehehehehe🤣🤣🤣🤣


every time the russkies create a cauldron, the ukies jump into it on command.

you have to wonder if sysrky isn’t on the kremlin payroll.

Crocus Shooters Executioner

ukrainazia energy infrastructure is kaput, soon the water and sewage will be kaput, then ukraine will be back in the stone age, hehehehehehe🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Last edited 11 months ago by Crocus Shooters Executioner

this is why you faggot nazis always lose. its your total inability to internalise facts and grasp reality. slava rossiya. bye bye bandera fag.


it makes me sick. russia was already in kiev, then retreated 500km without any fight because of putin’s “deals”, losing countless of mbt on the road because of fuel shortage, then tried to stabilize the front with bloody battles, for example battle of izium, which they win just to abandon that city without fighting couple of months later, because of logistic problems and poor command. putin as a war strategist reminds me stalin during june 1941, it is an absolute mess and horror to watch.


and from the political perspective, putin/lavrov’s deals are stunningly similar to the infamous pact molotov-ribbentrop. remember, donetsk/luhansk referendum already took place in 2014, but russia didn’t recognized it, because putin is a “brilliant strategist”, you know. but he needed conscripts as he killed his professional army as a cannon fodder so now the same referendum was legal. nice example of political opportunism.


so the russian professional army was destroyed? is that what resulted in the incredible successes enjoyed by the armed forces of the failed ukrainian cia project? the joint forces operation seems about ready to wrap up after achieving 100% of its goals, right? bandera statue in sebastopol by june?


none of us know how many soldiers on both sides really died and how much of which professional part was destroyed. but it does seem like some crucial special forces were lost at the air port near kiew the ukrainian mega-tupolev that was made to carry the buran was destroyed as well. while ukraine lost crucial forces in their attempt to tokmak and melitopol in the south.

Roasted Ukrop

don’t worry they will be back sooner then you think and after ukraine has been carved up like a roasted pig the war will move to another country in the region.


kiev was a distraction to tie up enemy forces. it was obvious that russia had no intention of taking kiev then because quite simply, they didn’t have enough troops for it.


the retreats in september 22 could i think have been avoided with better preperation of defensive lines however they allowed a shorter front line and better defensive ratio after this the defences were improved and the surovikin line has held to this date. ukronazi advance was minimal in 23 and they have bled themselves dry despite all the billions in equipment and foreign aid. the russians have the initiave now and they will advance whenever ukrainian lines collapse

Last edited 11 months ago by Worldpeace

the ukranians keep trying to encourage the russians to go on offensive.
the metric that matters is resources (destroying them) – not land area.

The truth.

yes, the objectives of the smo are very clear: demilitarization (destroying their infrastructure included) and denazification (killing as many nazis as possible). those 2 objectives can be achieved without advancing a meter. and when those 2 objectives are achieved, the lands in question will automatically be liberated. “the best warrior is the one who wins without a fight” the art of war sun tzu

Psionists slaves of America

what a bunch of idiots. running full speed to get slaughtered like swine. these us-zionist enslaved ukranians must be completely loaded on captagon. they’re going to lose just as badly as the us-zionist enslaved sunni-wahabi swine lost in syria.

hillbilly teresa

in amerika we fentanyl and sodomy…my diapers expanding

tratz the canuck in tel aviv

come my dollar church sunday–in north amerika we worship money

Mother Teresa

why are jews better than me? i was an obedient janitor 46 years—mr shekelstein give me burger pension. i wish i could be be superior jew

Gestapo Mcstupidshake

one day shekelturd u will have burger plus cheap taco per month


it was reported that rf launched an attack last week at berdychi with several drone vehicles with cannons at once. this is the first time worldwide this happened and the objectives were reached. now things can get really ugly for kiev regime really fast!

Crocus Shooters Executioner

ukrainazia is kaput, and soon to be extinct and its entire population as refugees in eu….hehehe🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

James Hodgkiss

what could three vehicles have done? their whole strategy has been a failure.


not sure where to go when banderastan is finally liberated and the hohol nazi fags are all dead. do we do the baltic fleas, or teach the pollacks a hard lesson? maybe whack the french again? that is always good fun…

jens holm

in denmark only culture amerikan burger


i never defend my rectum if mulatto want to sodomized me


when i collapse i sniff more glue

joe biden

when trained funded by incompetent talibanned amerikan expect collapse

Last edited 11 months ago by joe biden

end is near for amerikan burger

tratz the canuck in tel aviv

we worship money in north amerika…our true god–malcolm x
