Today is the day when Ukrainians finally regret allowing a clown to come to power. After their dispute at the White House, Trump asked Zelensky to leave.
Zelensky leaves the White House without obtaining any guarantees from the United States and without signing the planned minerals agreement.
The heated conversation between Zelensky, Donald Trump and James David Vance began after Zelensky stated that the mineral deal with the United States was not enough to ensure Ukraine’s security and it needed guarantees. Trump responded by saying that the Ukrainian leader “does not have strong cards in his hands” and he cannot dictate his terms. Trump accused Zelensky of disrespect, and Vance of ingratitude.
Zelensky: Can I say, Mr. President?
Trump: No, you’ve already said a lot!
Vice President Vance said that in order to stop the war, we need to talk to both sides. Including with Putin. In response, Zelensky went into populism, saying that Putin cannot be trusted, and nothing can be negotiated with him at all. Vance sobered up the Ukrainian that Kiev has big problems at the front, there are not enough people and it is necessary to end the war. Offended, Zelensky rudely replied that Vance had never been to Ukraine, and therefore could not know what was missing there.
Then Trump took the floor, explaining that it was necessary to end the war as soon as possible, emphasizing the deplorable positions of the Ukrainian army on the front lines. But Zelensky interrupted him: ‘Everyone has problems with the war. You have the ocean, it shuts you off. But you will feel it…’
Ukrainian ambassador to the US:
In response to Zelensky’s empty threats, Trump took Zelensky down a peg: You can’t know that. Don’t tell us how we’re going to feel. We are trying to solve your problem. There is no need to impose your position. You have no right to dictate to us how we will feel…. You don’t have the right cards in your hand… Millions of people are at risk. We are on the verge of World War III. You can’t play with it. You are disrespecting our country. You can’t tell us what to do. We have given you $350 billion in weapons and equipment. If you didn’t have our weapons and our equipment, this war would have ended in two weeks.’
Zelensky only managed to interrupt Trump with inappropriate jokes: ‘I heard from Putin about three days, now it’s two weeks.’
This is definitely one of the worst days for Ukraine and Kiev’s first encounter with reality in recent years. Elon Musk concluded that Zelensky “destroyed himself in the eyes of the American people.”
The Ukrainian clown vividly demonstrated his inability to negotiate, but only to make a show and engage in demagoguery. Zelensky’s behavior led to the worst-case scenario for Kiev: the war continues without American support.
he was not kicked out. he left voluntarily.
you can’t fire me ! i quit !
why is he dressed like a ninja?
disrespectful to start with really. gotta love ukraines ambassadors reaction lol
new in-depth analyses on trump’s ukraine policy posted on analyses focus on trump’s sincerity, chances of success, and most likely course of future events in ukraine. perspectives are based on recent history and present realities, and differ widely from mainstream and alt-media views. the alt-media you know should be renamed alt-propaganda.
why? because he thinks he’s one and not a court jester.
“we’re not looking for somebody that’s going to sign up a strong power and then not make peace because they feel emboldened,” trump said. “we’re not looking to go into a 10-year war.””
you’ve already been in a 10-year war, mr. orange julius. you need macgregor as your consul again, not that fool gorka unless you want to be sucked into a 20-year war.
so he can sneak into the bedrooms of the old, wrinkled men of europe and use his famous mouth in their underwear at night
the ungrateful pig from kyiv received a strong slap from the owners of the pigsty
🇺🇦 = 🤡 🖕😆🖕
should have happened long ago! guess dt wants his money back one way or the other before giving away more. europe can’t afford to provide safetyguarantees so russia and usa will settle the peace and wish good luck to ukraine and naziprincess v d lugen!
he’s dressed like a gay ninja
he is a gay ninja.
hunter told him where a secret stash of coke in the wh was and he figured he’d slip away after the meeting and look for it.
ha ha ha! if you say so.
people have been thrown out with much more “polite gestures”. for example, in china, the woman from the former us administration who dared to curse the hosts at a press conference as a guest.
zelenskyi – was – kicked – out
read what trump wrote.
zelenskyi clucks like a chicken what eu leaders are shouting propaganda in the media. ukraine must win, ukraine must be armed, etc.
in world history, the loser has never been able to set conditions. i don’t understand what these eu clowns think they are? in the face of clear defeat, they imagine they are still in a negotiating position…
these liars use a propaganda trick called “the self-fulfilling prophecies” 24/7 to drive their own population. by repeating the lie days and nights, behaviors of brainwashed people make the lie slowly become the reality. these fu**ers are out of touch with the reality of a war. paroting “ukraine will win” will not gives them victory but it’s the only trick they have…. for now.
you’re stupid. trump told you the bust of winston churchill is back where it belongs in the oval office. can’t you take a hint? /
it’s now officially confirmed that trump “asked” zelensky to leave
it was beautiful when vance brought up the fact that people are being kidnapped from the streets to the front lines in ukraine and zelenskyi couldn’t say anything sensible about it.
yes and russians are chaining and handcuffing their soldiers to stop them from fleeing when transported to the front. they lately even started sending wounded soldiers on crunches to the front. so what, russia is having problems with recruiting same as ukraine does.
ladies and gentlemen, meet nirbu the zombified…. a classic tale of militaristic muzak subliminal conditioning.
he’s probably a brit. they’re masters of the art.
500 years of servitude to the rapist murderer henry the 8th and his tribe of spies watching the british people 24 hours a day for 500+ years will tend to cause a lackey syndrome among the public there.
apart from henry’s many achievements one thing stands out. he kicked out of england all the beloved jews. you couldn’t help blowing your puerile cover, could you dipshit ?
i must have hit a a nerve close to home eh?
your knowledge of real history is quite shallow, or deliberately disingenuous.
never heard of the bank of england or the declaration that has caused a century of death in the middle east apparently.
hook nosed creature. to henry’s credit he threw you lot out. you thieving lot gained re-entrance with the puritan ratbag cromwell. my nervous condition is not affected by sub standard trolls on any online forum. 💩💩💩 =. 🇮🇱
you forgot to throw in the north korean soldiers and artillery shells bs talking points.
so what would a handcuffed soldier at the front be you moron?
those handcuffed and chained soldiers are still kicking ukraine´s azz tho, that´s pretty embarrassing.
oh wow, with a country more than 20 times bigger than ukraine, and a full arsenal of a former superpower (incl. nukes) + support from china, iran & north korea you managed to take 17% of ukraine within 3 1/4 years of war. oh yes, great success, your army is really “kicking ass”. muhuhaha !!!
oh for gods sake that’s total common knowledge that zs been conscription since the start. it’s not news its a show you dickhead its been broadcast all over the world for years. are you people really on drugs?
that happen everyday in cowboy state america..
zelboy didn’t even have a chance to reveal the latest part of his victory plan to trump, to parole all the aryan brotherhood from supermax prisons if they sign up to the azov battalion.
he wanted to say ‘we sacrifice our lives so that russians don’t land on america’s shores and you refuse to say thank you.’ but at the last minute he thought ‘that’s too stupid even more me, so i’ll just infer that america will feel it soon.’
from “the lead balloon and other classic ukrainian fairytales.”
ah, he wasn’t all that insulting. he was in his own way just trying to stand his ground. he just forgot spring, like his mind, has almost sprung and his ground has been rasputitsa’d and it was trump wearing the mudproof shit-kickers, not him.
peace agreement russia-usa top-secret leaked!
1. a) usa gets greenland and canada, panama
b)russia gets finland and sweden
c)nato turns to 1997 borders, without sweden and finland
a)russia gets east ukraina
b) usa gets west ukraina and 1/2 minerals….
plus, if the 3rd point would be the dissolution of the eu that would be fairly the best geopolitical agreement in post-modern history.
have you ever heard of romes world economic forum?
here much better peace agreement: ethnic russians leave donetsk & lughansk oblasts and re-settle to ru, with each family getting 5 mio eur for doing so. russia officially gets crimea, whereas lugansk, donetsk and zaporisha etc. stay (in full accordance with ukraine borders + international law) with ukraine. russia withdraws from all other occupied ukr territory and ukr retreats troops from kursk.
..nordstream2 is repaired and germany &ru do oil&gas business again & all sanctions against ru are lifted. in addition to secure a lasting peace ukr gets certain security guarantees. eighter ukr nato-membership) or ukr gets its nuclear weapons back) or 100.000 usa& uk peacekeeper troops (all in all) are constantly stationed in eastern ukr-russia border area. that would be a really fair peace deal.
really, if russia aims for a forced upon ukraine, unfair peace treaty then it is just a guarantee for the next war, and this time then an even bigger one with all of the west actively involved. was same with 1st world war and versaille treaty – it guaranteed ww2. so if russia truely wants peace it has to come to its senses and start thinking long-term.
you’re a totally obvious asset of propgandas for anti american activities
why is zelensky dressed like a ninja?
green t shirts fading. new image.
look at these democracies in action. so peaceful and benign.
like when he voluntarily begs for burgers
zelensky, a modern day wimpy if there ever was one.
i’ll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today. lol
sure, trump is making some positive moves and halleluah, ridding us of the legacy of that total idiot biden but bottom line, i still wouldn’t trust trump as far as i could throw him. he’s had 10 years and now 3 years of a kinetic war to get his facts straight and he still doesn’t know his arse from a hole in the ground re: facts on the ground, motives and more. if it’s due to his ‘advisors’, then the buck still stops with him. nah, he’s damaged goods himself.
here’s his swan song lol “david lee roth – just a gigolo ain’t got nobody official video you tube
here’s some more continuity
“fort knox & secret ww2 british gold” you tube
nb the grandanor corporation formed to make the boe return the fortune in gold on deposit by the romanovs that they at first admitted they had still held in reserve but then denied.
the longest running court case in the history of the world.
u-crane regime supporter detected
with a boot up his a*se.
idiot, did you make up and guess that stupidity all by yourself. then trump confirmed and the white house put out an official statement the ukr dictator was kicked out. nafos are really deranged.
yeah voluntarily by being dragged out by his waist belt while still begging to start all over again.
he was asked to leave
yes like a thug in a nightclub thrown out by a bouncer.
he was very politely shown the door and then given a swift kick on his way out 😬👍
don’t know if that was in the script but it might have been an ad hominem gesture by someone to the beloved chosenite.
with a swift kick and a sign slapped on his back ‘off to starmer you go, little ninja ninny”
correct ! his onsite director and agent at the meeting will verify that. 💩
the ukrainian beggar and his stuff was asked to leave.
remember: selenski sayed „ja“. the german word for “yes”. ???
said. its english.
kayfabe. don’t sell it!
you meant a very “dead” clown!… and the only reason why p0tus 0range $hit stain is saying peace is because he knows there are no other options for the worst most decadent bankrupt country the u.$.a. and all that it has destroyed blazing a trail behind it in bru$$el$ and the u.k. this is why “he” was anointed and not elected!…
butthurt ?
not me. butt now that you ask… i’m wondering how is the fitting is coming along for that rsm-56 rear end plug up uncle $hmules a$$?…
brain dog.
we’ve always known that trump and zelensky hate each other, and don’t get me wrong, i hate zelensky. he’s a beady-eyed little jew rat fuck who feeds from every hand he can find and throws a fit whenever somebody tells him “no”. however, this was out of line, quite frankly. arguments like this belong behind closed doors.
this is a great example of hato.
russia is superb.
russias doomed usa is with uk its all over fir russia. that’s it. the 3 city states london vatican washington are united.
you should start a substack called ‘barforama or how the jesuits kidnapped me and groomed me in the tower of london to be the western dalai lama and the papal nostradamus’.
don’t give it ideas 💡
you cant spell, all your shit is retarded fake and gay
moreover zelensky was right and in no way “disrespectful” when saying he is president of ukraine and the ukrainian people have to decide. and they sent him to sign the deal if usa gives security guarantees to ukraine. that’s not disrespectful. usa wanted zelensky to give 50% of whole ukrainian resources for nothing in exchange. 100% nothing. security guarantees ( as we know what us words and guarantees are worth) were the absolute minimum zelensky had to get.
and without getting these guarantees, zelensky of course took off, without signing that shitty extorsion-deal. so now he can offer ukrainian resources to turkey, korea, norway, finland or denmark, or maybe germany – if these countries guarantee certain amounts of constant weapons delivery to ukraine. that’s absolute fair. whereas trumps proposed deal was nothing but trying to rob ukraine in clamsy way at point blank.
they’d have no customers for their product wakeup its not rocket science
rare earths, titanium, lithium and coal ? no customers ? really ? 95% of all european industrial nations need one or two, if not all, of these goods and minerals. wake up my friend – enough customers there – but question is if the new customers can constantly deliver the amount of weapons needed by ukraine. us could – but trump is chabad man same as jewtin, and their plan is rob & steal instead of buying goods from weaker countries.
1. the extent of these “minerals” is exaggerated. much of it is not commercially viable. 2. what there is is mainly in the russian controlled donbas. 3. you don’t invest money in mining operations in the middle of a war zone. fool’s gold.
they’re ain’t no proven mega resources, dipsy doodle. trump got an update from the usgs today and talked the deal down to maybe being worth 20 billion in all, to us interests.
do you really think if there were such roads paved in gold in ukraine, they wouldn’t already have been stolen paving stone by paving stone already? who are you, a relative of grahamcracker’s?
russia holds the largest deposits, in donetsk. thats why its getting talked down.
that entire mineral deal was nothing more than a non-binding letter of intent to work out details at some future time. the truth is, whatever exists of economic value was snatched up by oligarchs long ago and then stolen by other oligarchs like poroshenko and kolomoisky and then stolen again by zelensky insiders and they’re loath to surrender it..
he gets nothing he’s just an actor in the show. he plays his part for the bums on seats. in the reality show called propaganda
spamming the words ukraine, ukrainian, ukrainians only helps shows your stupidity just like with all u-crane regime supporters
where’d the name ukraine come from anyway? i always thought it was from ‘u-crane your neck when driving by that major accident of a country.’ aka rubbernecking.
ps: i know what ‘ u krai’ means. don’t even bother.
so, you’re used to picking toe jam from between your toes during formal dinners too?
hes not the president of ukraine. his term expired
he is the president, and after he refused to accept donalds shitty deal support rate of ukr people in ukraine for zelensky surged to over 65 %. so what are you talking about ???
he put all his political opposition in prison &/or had them killed by sbu banderite scum. he outlawed negotiations with putin.
he threw turkiye deal in trash.
he lost 1.8 million men.
he begs to usa and eu for weapons all the time.
he authorizes terrorism.
he threw the orthodox church members in jail.
he downplays and supports actual ultranationalist + nazi scum.
he culturally & ethnic cleansed eastern ukraine.
that’s nice to know but more importantly, when is his regime expiring.
ukrainian people don’t get to decide anything when 13 parties are outlawed, including the official opposition, and in ukraine there are no elections, just a dictator.
if you are attacked by an wild animal – lets say a bear, then what do you do? fight him off, resp. trying to shot him to death, or trying to hold elections ?
a-hole, your pet regime attacked the donbass civilians, just for exercising their natural born rights to protest a coup d’etat in their country.
ever hear of the odessa massacre? that was just scratching the surface of the character of post-maidan ukraine, which belongs in the fires of hell as just punishment.
ps: in case you really are as naive as you appear to be. this entire war (as well as the georgian for nato eyeing its coast) started over nato coveting sevastopol in order to turn the black sea into a nato lake. half the black sea wasn’t enough for them. they wanted it all.
greedy little mofos, aren’t they?
so what? if ukraine shoots artillery at ukrainian territory, that gives russia the right to invade ukraine? so if usa does nuclear tests in nevada, then this gives china the right to invade usa or what? are you stupid? if russian not good with ukrainians then they have to leave ukraine not the other way around !!!
if ukraine attacks ukraine (eatern part&donbass) then that gives russia the right to attack ukraine ? are you stupid?
sure, that’s how it works in the international rules based order
true ! election can be hold the moment ukraine territory is liberated and russia has withdrawn its occupation forces. in war of survival there is no elections.
if you poke a sleeping bear, what happens?
some japanese-american mutters ‘we’ve awoken a sleeping giant’?
why did you tease the bear in his lair? now it’s ukraine in a snare.
even bojo’s ‘the spectator’ said zelensky’s true ratings are less than 10%, far closer to trump’s 4% than his own friend’s ‘independent’ polling of 56%.
zelensky and his regime are all grifters, not surprising they got along so well with washington’s former grifter in chief biden. gritting, so you know – has been one of the hallmarks of the ukrainian character since, well – since they built the pyramids.
analogic example for ukraine-ru situation. let’s say the daughter(18) of your neighbor(56) is visiting you. you are freaking out and call her names and beat her because she again and again tries to put your flat on fire with a lighter. now she runs crying to her father(your neighbor). does the neighbor now have the right to storm your flat and shoot you to death? think about it !!! what is your neighbor allowed to do and what not?
best you stick with inanities and avoid analogies. everyone should do what they do best.
unelected people are dictators. period.
you mean dictator
duh there’s a subtle hint for the clowns to ponder on
if your description of krusty is accurate, that would make him an ideal companion for drumpf. roy cohn junior married his daughter off to the kushner slum-lord clan, and drumpf loves him some jewish supremacists.
this is all too complicated for me. does meyer lansky fit in there somewhere?
whitney webb says, “yes”.
“he’s a beady-eyed little jew rat fuck who feeds from every hand he can find” . . that could apply to quite a few characters allround involved with this 404 catastrophe.
why zelensky is dressed like a ninja? he went to oval office for fight?
regardless of what side you’re on, it is a very sad situation for everyday ukrainians. their government was hi jacked by the nazi junta during the 2014 maidan coup, their country was pushed to provoke the russian federation into war. millions died and continue dying, banks made and continued making hundreds of billions, the military industrial complex made and will make trillions to…
… to replenish the obsolete garbage they sold to ukraine. and now, they want to steal the country’s resources. whatever side you’re on, you have to at least consider that the everyday ukrainian people have had a raw deal. and this all looks extremely bad for anyone that agreees to wage a proxy war on behalf of washington and london.
yeah, i usually couldn’t care less about foreigners’ problems, but this whole thing with the minerals just seems vindictive.
does it? really? no you twit it’s “justification” for”motivations ” theatrically for dumb dumb in seats
obama+biden set this war in motion for minerals (jens stoltenberg said so) it is an imperialistic proxy war.
step 1 of peace plan is to divvy up minerals to both sides, which is more than ukraine deserves because most of the minerals are eastern.
…except that it wasn’t all “obsolete garbage” in the eyes of the military industrial complex. they expected the leopards, m777s, abrams, challengers, himars, atacms, etc. to wipe the floor with the russians. but very quickly the russians proved that all those “wonder weapons” were indeed, as you say, “obsolete garbage”.
the west has become garbage. that’s the problem. if someone like trump that wants peace (for whatever reason), and has the power to make peace, the brussels morons cry for war and call trump names. fuck the eu!
actually the stupidity of morons has made anything fraudulent possible.
they did not it was surplus cleared out to make way for new production. are you dumb what part of england’s telling you, in plain english that they will be supporting the war for 100 years, and eu saying they will support ukraine for as long as it takes don’t you understand? or is that too hard a question for you?
it is really crazy – nobody not the afghans, nor the iraqis nor the syrians let alone germans or japanese wanted usa-troops in their countries – but to all these countries the usa sent thousands if not hundredthousands of usa forces. but to ukraine where the government and the people are begging usa for troops & weapons – usa is denying it. it’s madness!!! so to everybody – better never ever partnership with usa or you are screwed big time!
how does the nato used car sale to the ukraine compare to the hardware supplied to the jewish supremacist colonial settler state?
yes indeed, why trump is not shouting and kicking out netanjahu ? israel got 10 times the amount of usa-weapons (for free!) within the last 30 years that ukraine got from usa, and as “thankfullness” israel shot the uss liberty to pieces, killed the us sailors and then 3000 americans in 9/11 plus dragged usa into afghanistan& iraq war with again 3500+5000 dead us – with the true numbers likely being closer to 35000 resp. 50.000 dead us personal.
i wish i was in the room when whoever decided a sand tank was a good idea for taiga operations.
it is so obvious, and trump & vance have setup a trap for zelensky. they never wanted to make a fair deal, just wanted to rob ukraine. trump’s kushner and trumps daughter ivanka are jews and close with chabad lubavitch and putin too is chabad member. and ru tv prime propagandist solovjov is even a hardcore caballistic religious jew.
leaders of both fighting nations (ukraine & russia) are jews jewlensky and jewtin. and the soldiers dying are christians. whenever ukr is on the brink of getting the upper-hand, able of stopping the ru advance, or is even pushing ru forces back, usa stops weapon delivery to ukraine like with avdeevka or now with pokrovsk. it’s all a foul game made to get as much as possible christians killed
they’ve already stolen the farmlands that make ukraine so rich they were owned by wealthy landowners big farms with workers a few small peasant farms under communism to deceive the world. they were the property of white tsarist russians thd reds stole them. you know zero about the facts.
not by nazi junta but by jews, same as russia was and still is since 1917, and same as usa is already since 1913. these scum is the problem, not “nazis”. nationalsocialist are long dead. but today whoever criticizes jewish world domination, is called “nazi”. jewlensky is a jew and not a arian christian nationalsocialist.
their country was hijacked when stalin was ordered to force the ukraine soviet education ministry to create a fake ukrainian language to deceive them and the future generations that they weren’t always russians. that’s when it started in earnest the great deceivers work. imo
leaders of both fighting nations (ukraine & russia) are jews jewlensky and jewtin. and the soldiers dying are christians. whenever ukr is on the brink of getting the upper-hand, able of stopping the ru advance, or is even pushing ru forces back, usa stops weapon delivery to ukraine like with avdeevka or now with pokrovsk. it’s all a foul game made to get as much as possible christians killed
resursele subsolului nu sunt certe. deci fac turnatorie in europa care taxeaza mediul? frontul merge mai departe. dialog da. pace nu. nue ne va trimite pe front. teatru f iefrin. nue si trump sunt depășiți.
trump spanked the little green goblin lol
are you all really so stupid that you don’t see that you have betrayed syria for minsk3?
right, nina, syria was betrayed. i definitely support russia against the neo-nazis in kiev, but why do you put my recommendation of nina´s comment as a minus?
cause you’re parochial simplistic superficial gullible naive a sucker in other words.?
half right.
there’s a general rule in warfare. when your own army stops fighting for you, your goose is pretty much cooked.
the ukrainian military was and is not fighting for krusty the klown.
i know, they’re fighting for their nazi collaborating war criminal heroes and doing their best to make their memories proud.
with friends like the orangegutan who needs enemies. i think zelenskyy can get a better deal for ukraine with putin. heck they may even become cobelligerent allies and take moldova, the baltics and eastern poland.
unbelievable as if russias going to deal with the thief of russians hereditary.
zelensky’s head is so far up bojo’s ass that “optimistic” scenario died
finally someone showed this asshole its place. german idiots of course demand more war. hope these shithole countries disappear with their so-called democracies.
eu must be abolished asap, as we can see now in the full light, it’s mostly the eurofaggots that support the agression against russia. russia and usa needs to cooperate without the interference of the useless warmongering eu.
the uks stopped that bottom line if a presudent upstes the uk enough they get removed learn the history.
high time the uk was removed from history.
the us started it with their maidan coup and the eu lamely tried to stop it but was met with noodleman’s ‘fuck the eu’.
now the us wants to stop the war and the eu wants to continue it with it’s ‘fuck the us.’
who gave this circus of lunatics a permit to pitch their tents?
so we will can all live under wefs rule hallelujah. hurrah for the global communists. actually if i were still a 12 yo i would mean that. but i’m not.
ukrainians are under an illusion that the world doesn’t see them as entitled filth, now it’s time for them to realize that they are not nearly as popular or as good actors as they think. :p
you’re a complete nimcompoop genuine. imo allegedly red guard for lenin grow up as soon as they finished using that sucker he died ftom a “brain haemorrhage” just like once trotsky was surplus they had an ice pick through his head you’re a total sucker. imo. allegedly
how many non sequiturs do you plan to unleash on unsuspecting posters in a single day?
i’d just like to know to make sure i have enough barf bags on hand.
seriously, man… take a communal hint and just dry up and blow away peacefully.
zelensky was loosing elections , %7 was its support.
thats why zelensky disrespect president trump at white house and made show in front of .tv
so he can win the ukranian elections now and can be ukranian president again
are you daffy duck?
what’ll he be running for this time, dog catcher? does he have thoughts of rebuilding the afu that way?
peace agreement russia-usa top-secret leaked!
1. a) usa gets greenland and canada, panama
b)russia gets finland and sweden
c)nato turns to 1997 borders, without sweden and finland
a)russia gets east ukraina
b) usa gets west ukraina and 1/2 minerals..
better peace agreement: ethnic russians leave donetsk & lughansk oblasts and re-settle to ru, with each family getting 5 mio eur for doing so. russia officially gets crimea, whereas lugansk, donetsk and zaporisha etc. stay (in full accordance with ukraine borders + international law) with ukraine. russia withdraws from all other occupied ukr territory and ukr retreats troops from kursk. moreover..
..nordstream2 is repaired and germany &ru do oil&gas business again & all sanctions against russia are lifted. in addition to secure a lasting peace ukr gets certain security guarantees. eighter ukr nato-membership) or ukr gets its nuclear weapons back) or 100.000 usa& uk peacekeeper troops (all in all) are constantly stationed in eastern ukr-russia border area. that would be a really fair peace deal.
russia is not going to settle for more militarism on their borders for any reason whatsoever. especially after the enormous cost in human life and suffering from neonazi criminals working for nato.
there is near to exactly 100.000 usa troops in germany. german people anyway want us-troops to get lost from german territory. so trump should take them and put them 2000 km eastwards at the ukraine russia border. very easy. give crimea to russia but keep donbass and lughansk in ukraine as there is the minerals, which are important to ukrainian economy and are of interest to usa companies. easy peace.
usa is the only major power who can stop nuclear war.because their understand the danger over all mankind.but france,britain and eu only support war own benefit and make zelenski only arrogant.
macaroni initially supported put in so they turned france into a revolution state he quickly caved.
france is a fucking fascist police state. where are all the yellow vesters these days? in the bastille, that’s where.
i never kicked out gay bars cuz i submissive
village idiots like sumbitting.
zelenski is disrespectful towards usa which gave lots of weapons and money to buy weapons also from eu countries.including intelligence gathering eu dares members to stop zelenski just like erdogan.
grow up they’ve scammed taxpayers globally for trillions in profits to their set
usa & ru both controlled fully by jews always worked and still work together to block europe from getting free and independent. 2 times they stopped europe by means of war, because they fear powers which do not accept jewish central banking system and jewish world dominance. but apart from germany most of the people of the rest in european nations seem to havent get this ever repeating dynamic.
trump and vance is right their trying to sense in empty head zelenski.just to save lives avoid consequences which will affect all of us if not stop or control.trump is a good lawyer and respect to him.
never count your chickens before they hatch “never trust anybody queen mum.
an injured animal is a dangerous animal. looke very much today as if the excessive useage of a white powder was taking control…..
trump was the one acting extremely disrespectul and arrogant against a foreign nations president, while zelensky was just stating the truth. he has order from his people to make deal only when security guarantees are granted. he has no mandate to present 50% of whole ukr minerals to usa for nothing. and guarantees is already “nothing” as we all know that words & written contract papers with usa are worth sh*t .(resp. near to nothing anyway)
but not even this simple guarantees , of continuing ukr with military deliveries trump was willing to give, so of course zelensky could do anything, didnt sign that sh*tty robberman’s deal, and left the place as fast as possible. his stance brought him immense respect back home in ukraine – and now he can sell the minerals to other nations willing to offer better deal, or maybe nuclear weapons.
u-crane regime bot detected
yeah, they are really in a frenzy since zelensky’s crack-up-boom today. and the new anti-american slant certainly isn’t being paid for by usaid, ned, cia etc.
the whole fiasco for ukraine deserves an investment in a theater-sized popcorn popper for home viewing.
with all his out of the country mansions and offshore bank accounts the thief of kiev is unfamiliar with truth in any context of the word.
upon the masses science exercises mind control law exercises the magical power of spells written into law. creates reality.
eyes open for a false flag from an eu country to being nato into this.
omg. there’s no hope for future humanity.
nato can’t go in without 100% agreement. best the eu can do is assemble a coalition of sucker states willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater evil.
oh my gosh, starmer must be reading your posts. that’s exactly what he and macaroni announced today.
we all knew this would happen. when you are an c.i.a asset you have two endings if you win you are a hero but if you lose they will throw you under the bus. well, the civil domain cage of the empire continues with the blues vs reds; the elephant vs the donkey, the reps vs dems, if one loves you the other will hate for sure, puppet zelensky should knew this, but maybe his handlers wanted to provoke potus trump for sure. trump 1 vs 0 handlers of deep state
zelensky is over, i can bet zelensky would run to cry for help from the childrens and boys of eu, the brittards, the frenchies and the other mosquitoes warriors who fight with toy weapons showing to the liberated world they are childrens, the children’s of the western empire. if wasn’t for usa the europeans would continue fighting using stones. zelensky wouldn’t last trump presidency.
rubbish. we ars all disposable to them. they dont care. they don’t discriminate they just eliminate.. they’re not like us princess diana.
no one’s so stupid as to say todats the day the ukrainians regretted them putting zelensky into office. wtf as if they they haven’t been regretting it for years. stop with the bs. it’s pathetic.
and grow up nothing done in public as a show put on fir the media is anything else than what it appears an act. don’t you even know the basics?
i’m just sitting back with a tub of popcorn and a beer and enjoying the show of z imploding.
one thing trump failed to mention was all the billions that went into z’s pocket.
drumpf follows the code of the grifter.
kfc would be a better pairing
people in europe but also in russia need to wake up and start realizes who’s really running the show. just look at this photo of vladimir solovjov – who is always inciting and pushing for harder war, and more bloodshed. look here – and you ll get it: vladimir solovjov – prime ru propagandist & tv speaker . see: , ,
ethnicity may reveal the motivation here l. i would not be surprised.
any credible posting on what is actually going on inside the rf is appreciated 👍. thanx for that
trump is a dump toddler and his performance today was like a cheap wwe segment.