Ukrainian Chief Military Prosecutor To Investigate YouTube Video Showing Alternate Timeline’s Romanian Invasion Of Ukraine

Ukrainian Chief Military Prosecutor To Investigate YouTube Video Showing Alternate Timeline's Romanian Invasion Of Ukraine

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Ukraine is launching a war on YouTube ‘alternate-history’ videos.

On June 3rd, Anatolyi Matios, Ukraine’s Chief Military Prosecutor announced that he would investigate a recent “scandalous” YouTube video which shows a Romanian-Ukrainian war in 2022 and an article commenting on it.

Навіть «травоїдні» можуть захотіти стати «хижаками», якщо ми не захищатимемо свою ДержавуДовго писати не буду….

Posted by Анатолій Матіос on Sunday, June 2, 2019

“Even “herbivores” may want to become “predators” unless we defend our state

I will not write long.

I hereby inform – tomorrow I, personally, will start proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations regarding the preparation to commit particularly series crimes that encroach the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

In connection with the arguments set out in the article, on June 4th, I will hold a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense of the MoD, the Foreign Intelligence Service, as well as the head of the SBU.

All of them will receive legal orders within the framework of criminal proceedings.

The Ukrainian State – is!

We will fight for it!”

The video itself was published by the YouTube handle “30192” and it shows an “alternate timeline war story” and is a prologue of an e-book that the author is writing. Included was also a link to a part of the story.

In parallel, the video describes the revitalization of self-defense forces of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics and the entry into the conflict by Russia.

The story ends with the annexation of previously lost territories to Romania, Kiev recognizing the independence of Donbass and the transfer of Odessa to Russia’s control. At the same time, as the author of the video points out, these events did not affect Romania’s membership in NATO.

The part of the story that was published on the blog talks about the year 2079, what Romania does in that timeline and the political situation in Serbia and that the European Union had fallen apart. There was no further mention of Ukraine.

Regardless, military-political columnist Alexander Kovalenko saw in the YouTube video the hand of the Kremlin and its “propaganda.”

According to him, the video presenting a hybrid occupation of the Ukrainian Chernivtsi and Odessa regions in 2022, on a map, drawn with arrows on paint could actually serve as a catalyst for a ramping up of hostilities in the Donbass, and possibly a full-scale offensive by Russia.

He further speculates that many Hungarian, Polish and Romanian content creators post speculations that areas of Ukraine may fall under another country’s control.

But what made is special was that Romania invaded Ukraine in 2022, which was 2 years before the 2024 elections and Putin ‘would need’ to add some “victories” and “conquests” so that he would get elected again.

“And, frankly, it was the date of 2022 that pushed me to the realization that the authors of the video are by no means banal nationalists, dreaming of a great Romania and a delicious Bukovina. Since it is the 2022nd year on the sidelines of the Kremlin that has long been discussed as the year of the election of Vladimir Putin for his first term as president of the union state, which would include Russia, Belarus, and part of occupied Ukraine.”

Reportedly, the draft, published by a YouTube account with 161 subscribers and with a video of less than 4,000 views before it was blown out of proportion by Ukrainian authorities, was attempting to “implant a specific narrative” and prepare public opinion on a future situation.

Namely, for Romania to protect “Romanian minorities” in the region from the looming threat of the “Russian world.”

“Meanwhile, it is worth remembering that in Poland, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria there is a rather wide network of pro-Russian, radical nationalist groups. Receiving funding from the Kremlin, they carry out destructive informational work in society, both at the lowest level and at the highest level – in the highest political circles of these countries.”

Now, alleged funding of radical nationalist groups aside, surely Russia wouldn’t resort to maps with MS Paint-drawn arrows on it showing the vectors of invasion.

At the same time, the level of anti-Russian hysetria in Ukrainian media and government institutions reached the level when the Chief Military Prosecutor is publicly reacting to YouTube videos and MS Paint-drawn maps.

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You can call me Al

I honestly do not care what that rogue nation does anymore; they are just perverted Yankers with a funny language.