In 2014, Ukrainian radical nationalists, backed up by the EU and the US, seized power in Kiev overthrowing the legitimate president of the country, Viktor Yanukovych. The installation of new government sparked protests in the country's southeast. Since April 2014, pro-Russian separatists have been battling pro-Kiev forces in eastern Ukraine. In March 2014, a vast majority of people in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea voted for "reunification with Russia" and the region became a part of the Russian Federation.
idiots.. russia should have learned by now the west won’t stop until they destroy themselves and take the rest of the world with them ..!!!!
words could never be truer!
funny skip every time i speak the truth on sf its censored -your right of coarse i have never seen such naivety on such a large scale and i am a russia supporter thank god i can post the truth on other websites linked to russia or pro russia.
paul craig roberts suggests today on the lew rockwell site that president putin is in danger of being lured into an unsatisfactory deal with trump that would trade away russian advantages. i believe russia should take the gloves off over these latest ukrainian ceasefire violations and finish this war once and for all. no minsk iii agreement is my humble opinion as a friend.
it doesn’t matter how many russia supporters want him to be more aggressive he “wants to be friends ” .