Ukrainian And Russian Delegations To Start Negotiations

Ukrainian And Russian Delegations To Start Negotiations

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On February 27, Moscow and Kiev once again proclaimed their readiness to launch negotiations. On February 25, Kiev confirmed its willingness to sit on the table for talks, but refused to go to Belorussia. Finally, Ukraine has offered the Gomel region on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border as a place for negotiations with Russia. Moscow agreed. The representatives should meet near the Pripyat River.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that negotiations between representatives of Moscow and Kiev have not yet begun. According to the Ministry, the delegations are arriving at the venue.

On the morning of February 27, the Russian delegation arrived in Belarus for talks with Ukrainians, according to the previously reached agreements with Kiev. It is headed by Russian presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky and it includes representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and other departments, including the Presidential Administration.

Zelensky noted that he had a conversation with Alexander Lukashenko, who assumed responsibility for the security of the Ukrainian delegation.

“During the departure, negotiations and return of the Ukrainian delegation, all planes, helicopters and missiles stationed on Belarusian territory will remain on the ground.”

Previously, Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine is ready for negotiations in any other country, but not in Belarus, because, according to his claims, military equipment was sent from its territory to Ukraine to support Russian forces. The Ukrainian leader noted that he offered Warsaw, Budapest, Bratislava, Istanbul and Baku as negotiating platforms.

According to the Israeli radio station REKA, Zelensky asked Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to mediate the negotiation process. The Presidents of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Turkey Recep Erdogan, also offered Zelensky to organize talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

The start of negotiations, which has yet to take place, is a good chance to put an end to hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, but the parties do not pin much hope on the the first round of negotiations.

For example, the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs claimed that the Ukrainian delegation will “listen to the Russians and say what they thinks about the war.”

“We will continue to defend our country, fight them in the territories they have taken control of. There is nothing wrong with negotiations if they end in peace and the end of the war, as it should be. But we will not surrender, we will not give up an inch of our territory. This is not the goal of our struggle,” Kuleba said.


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You cant discusse with crminal minds, old SS thinking is criminal, you know what they have done, and what they will do, peace is not possebel in this situation, a president who lets fight prison inmates, is an psychopate so fight them and putem in jail !

Elohim Kosher Bar

The western psychos are just trying to buy time to re-arm. I’m sure Team Putin is well aware of this.


Grown up people can discuss. Leave it to them kiddy.
After all, they’re Russians, not Americans. Russians know the value of speaking to each other, rather than about each other and judging people without hearing them.


This will do nothing to stop NATO.


What’s crazy is that anonymous condemned Israel and nato for Palestinian conflict in May, but side with NATO in this. They said they’re going to attack Russian governmental infrastructure. You’d think if they competency to do cyber attacks against Russia, they’d have the competency to do their own research and realize Russia are the good guys. Kind of fucked up how anonymous was bought by the cia, and people don’t even realize it.


They are Antisemites and Rusophobics ;)


They’re bought by the Zionist. It’s pretty obvious now


Anonymous are liberal clowns. Why would they ever side with anti-imperialists?
None of this is about ignorance, Anonymous is a group with its own ideology. An imperialist one.

Mary Margaret

I am a huge fan of the Russian Federation. That being said, I am obviously no expert on military tactics but I must say I am disappointed in Russia’s approach. The initial approach was epic, true Russian style but my God..What’s with the pauses and their attempts to be fair? Russia committed to this incursion (I thought) and yet continues with this notion that the warmongers just might be decent. That’s insane. The cabal has done nothing for years but provoke and undermine Russia. They want Putin gone. They want Russia under their thumb. All I can say is if Russia caves the gentiles of this world are finished. Period.


Maybe Kiev and Harkov are decoys and the real target is Azov batalion in Mariupol? I think they are surounded by now.

Lone Ranger

Azovisis heads will roll.


How about the Ruble? Should I invest in it right now?


I don’t speak Russian/Ukrainian but maybe those who do can attest or disprove if South/East Ukrainians are supporting the US regime in Kiev or whether they are fine with Russia denazifying and demilitarizing once and for all.
I’m fairly sure that I trust the good judgement of the Russian military, diplomatic, and intelligence officials. They know infinitely more than we do about pretty much everything.
And most people here read this in English because we can’t even access the Slavic sources.


Russia had 8 years to collect intel and to prepare for that…


All main strategic goals have been completed in the first days, now the war is entering its tactical phase of excluding as much territory from the UAF as possible, meaning accepting surrenders, encircling and limiting the movements of known pockets of resistance, destroying isolated units, and completing the strategic cauldrons around Kiev and Mariupol. I’m not sure what they are going to do with the western parts of Ukraine, it’ll be v interesting to see!


Here’s a video of a sheik talking about this conflict 7 years ago if anyone is interested


Not really. He rambles on about the Jooz, which turns any geopolitical discussion into a-scientific boring nonsense.

Peppe il Sicario

Sheik Imran Hussein, a wise and virtuous man. I’ve been following him for nearly 10 years. He knows the Zionist hand in many things very well.

Rhodium 10

Donbass and Kherson region is almost captured…good chance to create a new republics..


And what cutrency will they use?

Lone Ranger

Donbas gold.


Putin should launch this shitcoin, I’m sure will worth more than Ruble.


Bitcoin XD you idiot…the currency the West can not control or sanction… haha


If Ukraine doesn’t want to reach peace through these talks (which they won’t because they still NATO cares about them) Russia should actually start advancing and not take it slowly anymore.


They don’t take it slowly, but Ukraine is huge, larger than France I think.


Russia can take it a lot quicker. They have missiles that can blow neighbourhoods away, they haven’t used anything like that yet. They’ll most likely speed things up soon, or when nato attacks.


Nah they won’t. They will prefer to lose this one ;)


the uncivilized nazi ukrop from arkansas returns for self humiliation


yes they could but most of the Ukrainina army now will later be fighting under Russian flag when this is over… they need them alive..the Nazis will get turned into ashes…


What’s wrong with taking things slow though? If it spares non-fascist and half-fascist lives that just needed a little time to think, I think that reflects much better for the Russian forces in East/South Ukraine.


It’s not bad, they’re saving lots of Ukrainians. Russia May need to speed up because nato and Russia tensions are getting worse due to sanctions. It’ll be better for Russia to conquer as much as Ukraine just in case nato and Russia go to war


Go to the river stupid.
You will hold negotiations on Belorusian grounds.


In SF’s telegram channel, I saw a lot of pro Ukraine posts. I thought it got hacked but then suddenly everything returned to normal. Very strange.


Link please. I have some too :)


Russia should not compromise on its own national security. Recognising Ukraine as a country is as directly accepting Washington and NATO military bases in Ukraine.


Why? The Ukrainians are fine with their Russian sisters/brothers. The US had to remove their president in a coup to turn Ukraine into a NATO asset. Twice this century btw. Ukraine as a nation will only get better and better as US and EU power continue do decrease.


The main enemy of Russia is Israel.

porc halal gegen das Übel (idish, קעג ן רשעו ת)

The main enemy of all world is israel and the international-jewry + the forth reich (klaus swab of star trek et Co.) …

Last edited 3 years ago by porc halal gegen das Übel (idish, קעג ן רשעו ת)
porc halal gegen das Übel (pork kusher kegn beyz)

Kill gates etc …

Mary Margaret

That prick Erdogan needs to be dealt with as well. He’s a nightmare!

Pete Pivo

the urkos fascists are going to talk only to pause the peackeeping mission. I’m sure the brilliant Russian commanders are aware of this fact. Once again the Russians have to rid the world of fascists.


Does anyone have any idea why Russia hasn’t yet used vaunted S400 or S500 missiles to bring down Uke aircraft?

Lone Ranger

Because teher arent any ukrop jets left.
They are showing video games and cgi.

porc halal gegen das Übel (pork kusher kegn beyz)

Metaverse , virtual reality, blue beam project implementation … nothing is by random

Last edited 3 years ago by porc halal gegen das Übel (pork kusher kegn beyz)
porc halal gegen das Übel (pork kusher kegn beyz)

… after all, all the effort the CIA has put into this shit has to be put into practice, right ?!

Russian Airforce (not working in ukraine)

Comrade, check TB2 footages they are unfortunately real. They were confirmed from yesterday (Kherson) and today (near Kiev). Destroyed a Tor and BUK (whose radars weren’t even deployed) and multiple other vehicles. My friend (ground unit in Kherson) said they have ZERO intel from drones or A-50U AWAC, and SU-35 are not doing any CAP. He said more RUAF against ISIS in Syria in 24 hours than in 3 days all together in Ukraine. Major high command failure. He said if RuAF is unleashed they will steamroll entire Ukraine in less than 1 week. But for some reason RUAF is very minimal presence and not doing constant SEAD or air patrols. Unleash the beast – let RUAF do their damn job high command!


Are there any Ukrainian aircraft flying? There’s Su-35s and Su-34s policing your airspace 24/7. I know the air defenses are being used cleverly by the Ukrainians but we have UAVs hunting for them too.


they were all destroyed already why do you think the NATO wants to give the Ukros new aircrafts haha….

Lazy Gamer

Neutrality in the central plains of Europe seems unlikely but they should give it a shot. Russia should deliver 10 nuclear war heads to Ukraine under its full or shared control to guarantee its military security. Offer the best (percentage) prices of MFN status for oil and energy for economic security. Ukraine should immediately grant autonomy to the two regions. Crimea can be leased for decades with a binding referendum at the end where it can choose what it wants to be. Ukraine will be freezing its foreign and military relations to its pre 2014 status for thirty years but is allowed full economic trades and economic alliances with everyone. 😂
I imagine there would be people out there who would want the bloodshed to continue and will support belligerence.


Crimea will never return to Ukraine in this lifetime, maybe the next one. Ukraine has been partitioned whichever way this plays out. It’s done. Everything else you’ve said would work brilliantly

Lone Ranger

Waste of time.
Russia shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists.

porc halal gegen das Übel (pork kusher kegn beyz)

That’s correct! … big mistake … it’s like giving the evil a second chance …


But while the diplomats talk, soldiers keep advancing right? Or is there some strange protocol that they must observe about that?

Muhammad Bilal

Dear South Front,

I just want to say for me you guys are an inspiration. The way you stood up against the imperialist USA, UK, Israel and EU warmed up my heart over the years for you guys. I just want to say to you guys this is a bit of difficult time. The West is using the only effective and strong weapon it has, the media. So they can build a global anti Russian narrative. Which so far has only succeeded in the West itself. ASEAN (Including US ally Philippines), much of Africa (especially Egypt, Ethiopia and Nigeria), China, Iran including several Middle East countries which are US allies, Central Asia and also much of Latin America does not follow the current anti Russian bashing by the Western media. We non western know the current hypocrisy of the West. When Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Syria were being bombed by the US and its allies. And the Western people were dancing, singing and were living their lives like everything is normal. However, suddenly when Russia entered Ukraine they suddenly realized the importance of humanity. Moreover, every time Israel bombs Gaza much worse than the current bombing of Ukrainian cities. Western media in the case of Israel calls it a defensive action!!!! South Front please don’t give up and continue doing what you do. Just wait a little longer Russia will eventually prevail and watch how the Europeans, British and Americans will be suffering an energy crisis and further inflation by the end of this year. Whereas Russia’s disconnection from SWIFT will speed up an alternative financial system with China parallel. Europe especially will eventually be desperate to resume proper trade with Russia, because freedom, liberalism and democracy does not solve problems like hunger and the need to be warm in the winter. Unfortunately, I am still a student now but once I will start to earn I will immediately give you guys a donation. You all deserve it!!! And don’t take these brainwashed pro-Western trolls seriously!!! Long Live South Front!!!!! Support from Pakistan!!!!!

porc halal gegen das Übel (pork kusher kegn beyz)

I don’t think Russia or Southfront needs support fom this kind of people…


About statistics, 70% of French people agree to send weapons to Ukraine. 30% (including me) don’t. According to current survey.

Peppe il Sicario

Le Figaro is a leftist radical chic NWO ragsheet, right? In Italian La Figa….The Pussy.!!! People who read Le Figaro are pussies but don’t like pussy. Get it? They can all come down with AIDs, for all I care..


Center-right website. I am just giving the current 70-30% French trend about Russia for an informational matter (I am not here to deal about pussy chatting).


Le Figaro is outright righ wing, if I recall correctly. No one but elites and aspiring elites read that garbage.


Freedom and democracy DO solve all problems in fact. It’s just that the imperialists claim to want those while doing the exact opposite. They hate when the people have the power (democracy) and when the people is free of their exploitation.
For example, Ukraine had voted for Yanukovich. but the US made a coup to put fascists in power there.


Brasil is neutral Bolsonaro said… so all say fuck the US Empire and Ukros


The conquered do not have the leisure of choosing the location of the negotiations.

Mexican Overlord

Total obliteration of Ukranian political an military system is the only solution.
Turkey is a trojan horse. Watch out with those traitors!! They’ve always wanted Crimea and south Ukraine.

Russian Airforce (not working in ukraine)

Not a fan of Ukrops, Turks or NATO, but Russia are literally just sending in loads of troops and good equipment in without ZERO drone reconnaissance, AWAC from A-50, or CAP from SU-35/SU-34. They let one convoy get attacked from TB2 drones yesterday and another convoy badly damaged today (including a BUK-M2) by Turkish made drones. Gerasimov needs to be fired! Russian Airforce needs to start swarming Ukrainian airspace at once. This is extremely embarrassing. Even for WW2 these tactics are bad. Either Allow the RUAF BBC to do their job or get out of Ukraine! Simple. Should be at least 3 A-50U up near Crimea, Belarus and Rostov 24/7 to give early warning for ground troops. Also constant CAP air patrols. What the fuck is wrong with the Russian high command? Do your job! Destroy the zionist nazis in Ukraine.

Do you think it fears losing aircraft?
Must be a reason. I generally don’t buy “incompetence” arguments.

Russian Airforce (not working in ukraine)

RUAF carried out more than 300 airstrikes against ISIS in Syria’s Hom’s desert in 24 hours. That’s more airstrikes carried out against UKROPS in 3 days of massive offensive.

ZERO AWAC, ZERO RECON from drones, ZERO airstrike support from SU-24, ZERO SEAD from SU-34, zero CAS from SU-25. RUAF is sleeping in Ukraine. And its the general fault. GET TO WORK, or leave Ukraine. Stop leaving Army undefended. UKROP drones are humiliating convoys due to complete intel failure and lack of air superiority.

Russian Airforce (not working in ukraine)

Dear Southfront,

from a comrade in Kherson he told me that RU ground units are not even deploying their Pantsir/BUK radars. Said they have zero drone intel and zero AWAC intel. Very limited strikes from SU-24 and SU-34. More airstrikes against ISIS in 24 hours in Syria than in 3 days of offensive in Ukraine. What the fuck is wrong with high command he said? They are letting our convoys get artillery attacked and drone attacked without sending in a single SU-35 to intercept. Ground troops are waiting for airspace to start swarming with SU-34 Su-24 and Su-35. This is the only solution to capture major cities and further advance with smaller losses he said.


Lol Russian inbred pigs getting rolled by a force a quarter the size. Poor Comrades want to negotiate now. This whole invasion showed the size of Putin’s little weenie and trying to compensate for that.

Comunism is disgusting

Ukraine will make history.
Tomorrow is the start of downfall of Putin regime.
This will be the quickest defeat of the Russian millitary in the history.
We will take back Crimea all areas in Ukraine under Russian control.
Tomorrow people of Russia they will wake up and have nowhere to go to work or to buy food or money in the Banks.
Tomorrow we make history.A totall colapse of A Communist state.
People tomorrow in Russia will kill Putin and all his friends.
Tomorrow the bank runs will start in Russia.
There’s no escape from Democracy and Truth.
Viva Ukraine
Viva Ukraine
Death to Putin regime is near.
Death to Putin.

Mexican Overlord

Average Ukranians are profundly stupid. Period. They do not understand shit of what’s going on.