Ukraine Wins Only In Kiev’s Reports


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Ukraine Wins Only In Kiev’s Reports

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Ukraine Wins Only In Kiev’s Reports
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Ukraine Wins Only In Kiev’s Reports

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Last night the Armed Forces of Ukraine proudly declared that they repelled another massive attack of Russian drones and missiles. According to the official Ukrainian data, 26 out of 28 Russian drones were shot down by almighty Ukrainian air defense forces. Ukrainian military officials admitted that all the three Russian missiles reached their targets. Large explosions throughout the country prevent the Kiev regime from hiding the truth.

Ukrainian sources themselves confirmed several waves of Russian strikes in the cities of Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhie, as well as in the Odessa region. Russian strikes destroyed some Ukrainian military facilities in Konstantinovka, located in the Ukrainian-controlled area of the DPR. The Ukrainian military infrastructure has suffered too much damage for strikes with only three missiles. If anyone still believes Kiev’s statements.

The Russian military also resumed precision strikes in the strategic Ukrainian rear in the daytime. This is a clear sign of weakness of Ukrainian air defense. Amid the ongoing Russian advance in different directions at the front, the Ukrainian military command was forced to deploy precious air defense systems closer to the battlefields. As a result, Ukraine failed to safe strategically important rear infrastructure as well as hide expensive NATO systems near the front.

The Russian Army is holding the military initiative on the battlefields.

In the Artyomovsk region, Ukrainian attempts to counterattack in Krasnoe are repelled. The Russian flag is waving in the town, while Russian forces are advancing north of it, approaching the main Ukrainian stronghold in the region, Chasov Yar. At the same time, the frontlines began moving on the northern flank. Russian forces expanded the zone of their control in Bogdanovka and captured the central part of the village.

No reinforcement with NATO vehicles helped the Ukrainian military hold the defense line in the villages west of Avdeevka. Despite Ukrainian counterattack, Russian forces launched assault on Semenovka from the southern direction. A frontal attack on the village is not possible because of a natural water barrier on its outskirts. From the north, the Ukrainian positions are secured by the ongoing battle for Berdychi.

The last streets in the latter are defended by the Ukrainian 47th Separate Motorised Brigade “Magura”. Trained in NATO and armed with NATO tanks, the unit was previously at the forefront of Ukrainian counteroffensive in Zaporozhye. It failed to bring any strategic victories but left dozens of destroyed NATO vehicles on the battlefields.

The deployment of additional forces in the area of Avdeevka allowed slowing down the Russian advance. On the other hand, the mass losses of the US-made Abrams tanks immediately after their deployment at the front inflicted a heavy blow to the entire NATO war machine. On March 27, new footage confirmed the destruction of another Abrams near Berdychi.


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ukraine = ukrainian elites win caues they are plundering everything from ukraine and then leaving.
just like the russian elite won in 1990 by using the new capitalist rules to just transfer state own companies to them and become billioners over night. just like the usa won in all their wars since 1990. the elites won in the arms contracts the rebuilding contracts hell even the contracts to treat veterans and injured.


the people allways lose in wars and they have never ever been fought for the people just using the people for the elites to get rich.


in ukraine’s case, all the elites either have nazi relatives or relatives exterminated by the nazis, all chumming it up together and deciding what sort of human chum to feed the russians on the next half-assed counter-offensive.

it’s a fucking weird place. best to keep it in quarantine with a weekly fumigation.


the russian army has a neo-nazi paramilitary group called ‘rusich’ led by alexey milchakov and yan petrovsky.

ukraine is not ruled by national socialists. they make up a minority of ukraine’s combatants.

you have been conditioned to being a mindless robot incapable of logical thought processes. you only mindlessly repeat what you were told to think, no matter how easy it is to debunk the lies you were programmed to believe.

Transgender Saxon

tranny thinking by amerikunt hillbilly poko molo


the ukrainian army has a neo-nazi paramilitary group called “ukrish” led by michael alexov and petro yansky.

ukraine is ruled by national socialists, they make up a majority of ukraine’s combatants.

you have been conditioned to being a mindless robot incapable of logical thought processes. you only mindlessly repeat what you were told to think, no matter how easy it is to debunk the lies you were programmed to believe.


not me, you filthy chink.


if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disappeared.

“karate buryat”

this is my last comment under this article here. any more under my name and jens holm are merely trolls impersonating me.


whites are the least inbred race but nice try churki.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

debunking the claim that “ethnostates will lead to incest and inbreeding depression (autosomal recessive disorders):”

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

ukrainian jewish propagandist syovylovylvylov:

“we will not stop at yamoussoukro, maputo or nairobi. we will stop when we feel secure.”


russia is defending their country. the nato is the aggressor.


denazification is nothing more than a euphemism for military conquest and subjugation. you can’t even prove me wrong. childishly insisting i’m wrong with nothing to show for it only shows you’re a retard.


all you do is schizophrenically repeat contradictory lies about the history of russia and countries they were at war with in europe.

Transgender Saxon

nice transgender tantrum poko nazi inferior amerikunt


the ukrainian army has a neo-nazi paramilitary group called “ukrish” led by michael alexov and petro yansky.

ukraine is ruled by national socialists, they make up a majority of ukraine’s combatants.

you have been conditioned to being a mindless robot incapable of logical thought processes. you only mindlessly repeat what you were told to think, no matter how easy it is to debunk the lies you were programmed to believe.


what a desperate zigger you are.


“maybe if europe is indish, there will be order there”

– polska propagandist solovskyi


ukrainian propagandists solovyovovkov (“solovyovovkov” is nigerianian for the biblical king ‘sokolovnoon’) and others openly state that their goal is the expulsion of ugandians from ukraine.


ukrainian propagandists solovyovovkov (“solovyovovkov” is nigerianian for the biblical king ‘sokolovnoon’) and others openly state that their goal is the expulsion of ugandians from ukraine.


russian propagandists vladimir solovyov (“solovyov” is russian for the biblical king ‘solomon’) and others openly state that their goal is the expulsion of ukrainians from ukraine.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
Transgender Saxon

hillbilly nazi kunt polo polo lies desperate —-retired janitor pathetic


you impersonate me and upvote your own comments.


but in these swamps and cesspools the ukrainian subhuman has found its leader – the eternal jew! the jew understands the desires and needs of his fellow ukrainian creature. the jews are trying to corrupt and manipulate this horror of inhumanity until they are rallied towards a common goal in the destruction of true man.

– the elephant man, 1492.


“russia just wants to restore historical justice by capturing finland, poland, baltic states and alaska”

one of putin’s propagandists tells their plan on the most watched tv programs on russian state tv.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

russia wants to cut off power to kharkiv to such an extent that it becomes unviable. situation on solovyov’s broadcast.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
Transgender Saxon

remove nazi vermin amerikunt from ukraine—yes we amerikan nazi tranny humiliated by superior russian…i cannot cope


denazification is nothing more than a euphemism for military conquest and subjugation. you can’t even prove me wrong. childishly insisting i’m wrong with nothing to show for it only shows you’re a retard.


russian jewish propagandist solovyov:

“we will not stop at kyiv, warsaw, paris. we will stop when we feel secure.”

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

what is security for russia? the destruction of nato?

russia has been living in “counteraction and struggle” with external “bad enemies” for a very long time. this is how the russian government consolidates society and explains all the problems to it.

therefore solovyov is right – they will not stop.

Transgender Saxon

and weak ugly tranny amerikunt can tantrum but must yield to superior russian—this why my prozac double


lenin’s government legalized homosexuality and hitler together with other national socialists banned the jewish promotion of transgenderism. you are only trying in vain to project your weakness and vile character onto me.


my race is the most intelligent and beautiful on earth. it is why every other race chases our women and hopes to emulate whites in every way. you have nothing more than pathetic lies to cope with your miserable, subhuman existence. you are merely a frankenstein freak without a mind or soul.


“maybe if europe is turkish, there will be order there”

– яuzzian propagandist solovyov

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

russia’s former president and the deputy chairman of the country’s security council dmitri medvedev has argued that “zelensky has lost his jewish identity.”

one of the kremlin’s most prominent propagandists, vladimir solovyov, even claimed zelensky was not really jewish, while solovyov’s associates and state-owned media accused ukraine’s president of betraying his jewish family and ancestors..

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
Transgender Saxon

as inferior amerikan tranny hillbilly i worked as janitor for shekelstein furniture 41 years—-my pension=1 matzoh ball


the average individual regardless of race lives a better existence in america, canada, australia, new zealand, and any european country west of russia, ukraine and belarus.

russia is not “trad” or “based,” unless your idea of being trad and based is having retardedly high rates of abortion, divorce, aids, alcoholism, opiate addiction, homicide, etc at much higher rates than europe, or the usa.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

i once read read an online post of a furious russian jealous of poland’s higher living standards. he despised the fact he had to take out a bank loan to purchase a couch from ikea. it took a year for him to payoff the loan.

Saxon solovyov talks about “you, europeans, nazis and your banderites” and calls himself a jewish antifascist.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

the subhuman is united with his peers. like beasts among beasts, never knowing peace or calm. the subhuman thrives in chaos and darkness, he is frightened by the light. these subhuman creatures dwell in the cesspools, and swamps, preferring a hell on earth, to the light of the sun.

Transgender Saxon

excellent description of amerikunt–“i do not envy americunt happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal


nice projection. why then is almost all of russia’s technology ever since 1918 until now not invented in russia? but rather in europe and america? i’m not describing ethnic russians as subhuman. they are the victims of spiteful chandalas such as yourself.


but in these swamps and cesspools the subhuman has found its leader – the eternal jew! the jew understands the desires and needs of his fellow creature. the jews endeavors to corrupt and manipulate this horror of inhumanity until they are rallied towards a common goal in the destruction of true man.

— der untermensch, 1942.

Transgender Saxon

i am tranny inferior must lick boot superior jew


“superior jew”

scientists discover gene that predisposes ashkenazi jews to schizophrenia:

*80% of jews are ashkenazis.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

far from being anti-slavic, the reader will see that the ss head office publication portrayed russians as victims of communism—and then specifically blamed jews as being behind communism, and, ideologically speaking, inheritors of a far older, far eastern attack on europe which had started with genghis khan and the mongols.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
Transgender Saxon

after russia obliterated nazis much semen donated to germ females to improve genetics—slimy anglo lower species than jew slightly below pygmy


your grand daddy fucked a lot of german girls with a wicked smile on his face before slicing off their breasts. you only did the dirty work of your jewish masters that tried and failed to conquer europe in 1918-1920. hence why the nsdap was formed to salvage europe’s existence.

holocausthandbooks com <there is no documented, or physical forensic proof that germany orchestrated a genocide on anyone.


that is not even mentioning all of the other innocent people imprisoned and killed in soviet concentration camps after trying to takeover poland in 1920-21; finland in 1939/40; estonia, lavvia, lithuania in 1940, romania in 1940 and many others.


nowhere in the ss book (the subhuman/der untermensch) are the slavic peoples denigrated, and in fact many of the traditional slavic nations are mentioned in text and photograph as being part of the greater european family. […]

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
Transgender Saxon

i am dumb amerikunt hillbilly discarded near senility —released from amerikan prison i know live in basement


i always prove that i am right. clearly you are retarded. i have proof verifying i’m right, while you have nothing more than propaganda without evidence. go ahead, seethe more.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

the suffering of ordinary russian people under the soviet system forms a large focus in this work, and at all times great sympathy is evoked for these victims of communism: men, women and children alike. special mention is made of their awful living conditions, inflicted by the soviet economic collectivization system, and always condemned only as the result of communism.

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
Transgender Saxon

no suffering moron saxon who only has lived in primitive ugly cesspool amerika


yet you are the one that impersonates me to desperately keep a lid on the truth. maybe get out of your basement and touch some grass?


the ukrainian army has a neo-nazi paramilitary group called “ukrish” led by michael alexov and petro yansky.

ukraine is ruled by national socialists, they make up a majority of ukraine’s combatants.

you have been conditioned to being a mindless robot incapable of logical thought processes. you only mindlessly repeat what you were told to think, no matter how easy it is to debunk the lies you were programmed to believe.


ukrainian propagandists solovyovovkov (“solovyovovkov” is nigerianian for the biblical king ‘sokolovnoon’) and others openly state that their goal is the expulsion of ugandians from ukraine.


“selenska just wants to restore historical justice by capturing finland, poland, baltic states, afghanistan and china”

one of selenski’s propagandists tell their plan on the most watched tv programs on ägyptian state tv.


ukrainian jewish propagandist syovylovylvylov:

“we will not stop at yamoussoukro, maputo or nairobi. we will stop when we feel secure.”


what is security for the nato? the destruction of russia?

the nato has been living in “counteraction and struggle” with external “bad enemies” for a very long time. this is how the us government consolidates society and explains all the problems to it.

therefore kokos is right – they nato will not stop.


“superior jew”

scientists discover gene that predisposes ass eske nazi. jews to schizophrenia:

*80% of jews are ass eske nazi.


“maybe if europe is indish, there will be order there”

– polska propagandist solovskyi


but in these swamps and cesspools the ukrainian subhuman has found its leader – the eternal jew! the jew understands the desires and needs of his fellow ukrainian creature. the jews are trying to corrupt and manipulate this horror of inhumanity until they are rallied towards a common goal in the destruction of true man.

– the elephant man, 1492.


russia is winning only in media reports and press conferences.

Transgender Saxon

poor saxon tranny–pathetic amusing desperate


the ukrainian army has a neo-nazi paramilitary group called “ukrish” led by michael alexov and petro yansky.

ukraine is ruled by national socialists, they make up a majority of ukraine’s combatants.

you have been conditioned to being a mindless robot incapable of logical thought processes. you only mindlessly repeat what you were told to think, no matter how easy it is to debunk the lies you were programmed to believe.


nope. it’s russian. many white men from russia and belarus are in the ukrainian army defending ukraine.


the ukrainian army has a neo-nazi paramilitary group called “ukrish” led by michael alexov and petro yansky.

ukraine is ruled by national socialists, they make up a majority of ukraine’s combatants.

you have been conditioned to being a mindless robot incapable of logical thought processes. you only mindlessly repeat what you were told to think, no matter how easy it is to debunk the lies you were programmed to believe.


ukrainian propagandists solovyovovkov (“solovyovovkov” is nigerianian for the biblical king ‘sokolovnoon’) and others openly state that their goal is the expulsion of ugandians from ukraine.


“selenska just wants to restore historical justice by capturing finland, poland, baltic states, afghanistan and china”

one of selenski’s propagandists tell their plan on the most watched tv programs on ägyptian state tv.


ukrainian propagandists solovyovovkov (“solovyovovkov” is nigerianian for the biblical king ‘sokolovnoon’) and others openly state that their goal is the expulsion of ugandians from ukraine.


“selenska just wants to restore historical justice by capturing finland, poland, baltic states, afghanistan and china”

one of selenski’s propagandists tell their plan on the most watched tv programs on ägyptian state tv.


your pathetically unconvincing gaslighting only features below everything i posted.


“selenska just wants to restore historical justice by capturing finland, poland, baltic states, afghanistan and china”

one of selenski’s propagandists tell their plan on the most watched tv programs on ägyptian state tv.


ukrainian jewish propagandist syovylovyvyov:

“we will not stop at yamoussoukro, maputo or nairobi. we will stop when we feel secure.”


russia is defending their country. the nato is the aggressor.


what is security for the nato? the destruction of russia?

the nato has been living in “counteraction and struggle” with external “bad enemies” for a very long time. this is how the us government consolidates society and explains all the problems to it.

therefore korsakov is right – they nato will not stop.


“superior jew”

scientists discover gene that predisposes ass eske nazi. jews to schizophrenia:

*80% of jews are ass eske nazi.


“maybe if europe is indish, there will be order there”

– polska propagandist solovskyi


but in these swamps and cesspools the ukrainian subhuman has found its leader – the eternal jew! the jew understands the desires and needs of his fellow ukrainian creature. the jews are trying to corrupt and manipulate this horror of inhumanity until they are rallied towards a common goal in the destruction of true man.

– the elephant man, 1492.


ukrainian propagandists solovyovovkov (“solovyovovkov” is nigerianian for the biblical king ‘sokolovnoon’) and others openly state that their goal is the expulsion of ugandians from ukraine.


what is security for the nato? the destruction of russia?

the nato has been living in “counteraction and struggle” with external “bad enemies” for a very long time. this is how the us government consolidates society and explains all the problems to it.

therefore korsakov is right – they nato will not stop.


“superior jew”

scientists discover gene that predisposes ass eske nazi. jews to schizophrenia:

*80% of jews are ass eskenazi.


“maybe if europe is indish, there will be order there”

– polska propagandist solovskyi


merkel’s government legalized homosexuality and zelenski together with other national socialists banned the jewish promotion of transgenderism. you are only trying in vain to project me weakness and vile character out to me too.


the suffering of ordinary ukrainian people under the selenski system forms a large focus in this work, and at all times great sympathy is evoked for these victims of natoism: men, women and children alike. special mention is made of their awful living conditions, inflicted by the selenski economic collectivization system, and always condemned only as the result of natoism.


how is the “only three days until kyiv surrenders” special operation going? the whole world can’t stop laughing at putin’s worthless military 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


i’d say everybody by now knows it was a pinning operation except for you, tommy tune.

i’d say even you know it but were just born to be a nuisance to society.

Transgender Saxon

sawyer know but his mulatto husbands force him to post at sf

hyper weapons

nobody who was really in charge of the smo never said that bs idiot


nobody accuses the ukrainians get defeated by the russians. the only accusation to be made is, why those idiots went to war at all…


you know, there was a funny thing called minsk ii that was unanimously incorporated into another funny thing called unsc res 2202. so, when porkshanks and merkey and holland sauce said they never were going to abide by it, they were breaking international law.

Last edited 6 months ago by Apocalypto

then another funny country, the us came along and said ‘our rules-based order that we make up as we go along trumps international law’. that’s when most of the world started laughing at the west and said, ‘they’re nothing more than a bunch of con artists.’

and that’s how we got where we are today.

Last edited 6 months ago by Apocalypto

well then the world is stupid. because the european – not included russians – for hundreds or thousands of years has always been a con artist, from the marauding viking to the anglo colonialist, they never changed. and so how is it just now the world realised their nature? so yeah the world is stupid.


ukraine is defending their country. russia is the aggressor.

Yuri the Belarusian zigany

i yuri i ugly. i no wanta be expled back to my mongoloidlendia of belroussia. i piss fool and nice. i poor man dick in my buthile.

Saxon the amerikan hillbilly

my latent homosexuality is now blatant—i am envious of superior russian yuri so i copy him


“what emerged from the americunt melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen


feminized poko molo wants to be russian—we reject saxon inferiors….”the banality of amerika—the radical absence of culture”. j baudrilliard


i really got under your skin didn’t i?

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon

i yuri, my buthole destroyed by a massive nig gger.

Saxon the amerikan hillbilly

i am ugly nazi amerikunt i frequently impersonate superior russian


i am proud tranny yuri. hello!

mother teresa aka saxon nazi

saxon latent homo obsessed by butt


i win for 23 years homeless crackhead under bridge –nice gay social worker then leash me give me dildo

Saxon the amerikan hillbilly

i desperate for your attention—sweep toilets in shekelstein furniture store 31 years after rescued from crack addiction—now i am old senile nazi must beg for taco no pension


ukraine is run by blackrock who plundered the economy. and made the biden crime family and george soros very rich

Last edited 6 months ago by Worldpeace
Little Soros Jr

i keep telling pop that we have enough money for him to get an eye lift and rid of those bags under his eyes, so he doesn’t look so much like a ghoul.

you know what pop said??? ‘those are my money bags, son. the more ghoulish i become, the richer i am.’


the ugly amerikan cesspool only wins in hollywood…”amerikans are the most illusioned people on earth”. daniel boorstin


downvote—now amerikunt lose in hollywood? lol


inferior amerikan desperation —envy of russian oching smeshnoy…nietzsche who obtained the core of his philosophy from dostoevsky as confirmed by barret heidegger bataile described ressentiment—as did max scheler and leontiev who developed everything nietzche wrote before he lived —“an inferiority complex”


we observe this often at south front when nazi saxon impersonates me—“amerikans are mean bitter over-conformist semi-automatons that cannot provide each other sexual pleasure”. david riesman


the most distorted propaganda yahoo news—maybe tv worse although i do not watch…to comprehend the stupidity of the sort amerikan zoo animal read the comments…this explains why insecure morons saxon nazi relies on fringe links—“amerikunts only comprehend isolated disconnected facts; russians naturally think dialectically –for russians truth is so great it contains all contradictions”. geoffrey gorer


for all russian and german plilosopers —dialectics, non existent in the impoverished moron angloshere…”take paradox away from a thinker and you have a poor professor”. kierkegaard

jens holm

report by neurologist–my senility stabilized when social worker employ new computer therapy to distract me from pedophilia

Last edited 6 months ago by jens holm

better for my inferiority. nothing cure my pedo urge

kevin khan

probably the same everywhere western… australia the population is kept in the dark and fed manure…we are mushrooms…


claiming russian victory after six destroyed abhrams tanks is also a dream…

Elimir Omion

yes everybody is laughing of sore ass fanclub victories at the ghey bar.

Ranses II

hello putler ghey fan club. are your arse sore and you’re breath bad and tongue brown? stop kissing putlers ass and you’re cured!

Transgender Saxon

we are #1 in tranny disease a 5 billion$ annual americunt industry

Elimir Omion

russia wins only in fantastic fantasy propaganda movie. baboonska sit and watch fantasy and send son to die for evil and theft. putler ghey boy fan club (sf jerkmates) cheers along with the clown circus. absolutely spineless hiding from draft!


says the guy who is hiding abroad from ukropistan forced mobilization. hope you like your non existent country being carved up like a pig.


thanks to amerikan hillbilly russian objectives expanded and achieved—if incompetent amerikans do not soon surrender more territory will be permanently liberated by russia…”amerikans are ignorant and unteachable”. george santayana

hillbilly saxon nazi

i accept my inferiority and subsidized diapers prozac from my senile government–brandon now seek advice from taliban since amerikunt terrified of pygmy army–zelensky told to surrender accept russian conditions and all liberated territory now russian…


all american propaganda says we humiliated russia defeat lgbt hillbilly amerikunt—i now only believe pygmny propaganda


after 20 years sodomy by taliban i enjoy ukie sodomy—humiliated by russian they will not accept burger from me cuz i gay

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
joe biden

senile burger empire again accepts defeat begs taliban for advice


rosja i usa realizują tylko plan narzucony z góry. nie ma żadnego podziału nad naszymi głowami. zarówno rewolucja bolszewicka ( żydowska) jak i ii wś niczego nas ludzi nie nauczyły. ameryka wpompowała pieniądze w banderyzm po to by rękoma ukraińców można było przygotować teatr do działań wojennych dla rosji.


. jaki jest główny cel czas pokaże. smoleńsk 10.04.2010 to robota wspólna zarówno żydów jak i rosjan. jesteśmy naiwni dając sie wzajemnie mordować pod chazarskie dyktando zydów z synagogi szatana. czy zwykły człowiek chce iii wojny ? nie! tylko ludzie o wypaczonych umysłach.


tylko wiara wyzwala człowieka z niewoli. ile mln ludzi zginęło w czasie i wojny światowej a jak sami żydzi mówią zarówno i jak i ii to była tylko realizacja syjonistycznych planów. nadal chcecie ginąć dla polityków?