Ukraine Wants Nuclear Weapons: Will the West Bow to the Regime in Kiev?

Ukraine Wants Nuclear Weapons: Will the West Bow to the Regime in Kiev?


Written by Federico Pieraccini; Originally appeared on

Efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation are one of the few issues on which the great powers agree, intending to continue to limit the spread of nuclear weapons and to prevent new entrants into the exclusive nuclear club.

The former Ukrainian envoy to NATO, Major General Petro Garashchuk, recently stated in an interview with Obozrevatel TV:

“I’ll say it once more. We have the ability to develop and produce our own nuclear weapons, currently available in the world, such as the one that was built in the former USSR and which is now in independent Ukraine, located in the city of Dnipro (former Dnipropetrovsk) that can produce these kinds of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Neither the United States, nor Russia, nor China have produced a missile named Satan … At the same time, Ukraine does not have to worry about international sanctions when creating these nuclear weapons.”

The issue of nuclear weapons has always united the great powers, especially following the signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The decision to reduce the number of nuclear weapons towards the end of the Cold War went hand in hand with the need to prevent the spread of such weapons of mass destruction to other countries in the best interests of humanity. During the final stages of the Cold War, the scientific community expended great effort on impressing upon the American and Soviet leadership how a limited nuclear exchange would wipe out humanity. Moscow and Washington thus began START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) negotiations to reduce the risk of a nuclear winter. Following the dissolution of the USSR, the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances persuaded Ukraine to relinquish its nuclear weapons and accede to the NPT in exchange for security assurances from its signatories.

Ukraine has in recent years begun entertaining the possibility of returning to the nuclear fold, especially in light of North Korea’s recent actions. Kim Jong-un’s lesson seems to be that a nuclear deterrent remains the only way of guaranteeing complete protection against a regional hegemon. The situation in Ukraine, however, differs from that of North Korea, including in terms of alliances and power relations. Kiev’s government came into power as a result of a coup d’etat carried out by extremist nationalist elements who seek their inspiration from Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. The long arm of NATO has always been deeply involved in the dark machinations that led to Poroshenko’s ascendency to the Ukrainian presidency. From a geopolitical point of view, NATO’s operation in Ukraine (instigating a civil war in the wake of a coup) follows in the footsteps of what happened in Georgia. NATO tends to organize countries with existing anti-Russia sentiments to channel their Russophobia into concrete actions that aim to undermine Moscow. The war in the Donbass is a prime example.

However, Ukraine has been unable to subdue the rebels in the Donbass region, the conflict freezing into a stalemate and the popularity of the Kiev government falling as the population’s quality of life experiences a precipitous decline. The United States and the European Union have not kept their promises, leaving Poroshenko desperate and tempted to resort to provocations like the recent Kerch strait incident or such as those that are apparently already in the works, as recently reported by the DPR authorities.

The idea of Ukraine resuming its production of nuclear weapons is currently being floated by minor figures, but it could take hold in the coming months, especially if the conflict continues in its frozen state and Kiev becomes frustrated and desperate. The neoconservative wing of the American ruling elite, absolutely committed to the destruction of the Russian Federation, could encourage Kiev along this path, in spite of the incalculable risks involved. The EU, on the other hand, would likely be terrified at the prospect, which would also place it between a rock and a hard place. Kiev, on one side, would be able to extract from the EU much needed economic assistance in exchange for not going nuclear, while on the other side the neocons would be irresponsibly egging the Ukrainians on.

Moscow, if faced with such a possibility, would not just stand there. In spite of Russia having good relations with North Korea, it did not seem too excited at the prospect of having a nuclear-armed neighbor. With Ukraine, the response would be much more severe. A nuclear-armed Ukraine would be a red line for Moscow, just as Crimea and Sevastopol were. It is worth remembering the Russian president’s words when referring to the possibility of a NATO invasion of Crimea during the 2014 coup:

“We were ready to do it [putting Russia’s nuclear arsenal on alert]. Russian people live there, they are in danger, we cannot leave them. It was not us who committed to coup, it was the nationalists and people with extreme beliefs. I do not think this is actually anyone’s wish – to turn it into a global conflict.”

As Kiev stands on the precipice, it will be good for the neocons, the neoliberals and their European lackeys to consider the consequences of advising Kiev to jump or not. Giving the nuclear go-ahead to a Ukrainian leadership so unstable and detached from reality may just be the spark that sets off Armageddon.

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Fred Summers

No, No, No, This is not just being floated by ‘minor figures’.

It has been spoken of since well before the Coup. In fact many KEY figures both inside and outside of Ukraine have called for re-nuclearisation.

It has even been suggested by US and UK advisors that it may be ‘LEGAL’ because Ukraine was previously a nuclear weapons power, and is still a civil nuclear power. They may therefore slip through some legal loop holes (in various proliferation aggreements, etc).

Worringly, and as recently as 2014 key figures inside and outside of Ukraine have called for not only a ‘nuclear deterant’, but also a viable weapon for actual use against Russian Agression and the Donbass – not big cold war monsters, but small, modern, low yeild ‘neutron’ type devices in the sub 1KT range. These things give off much more heat and less radiation than old nuclear weapons and are ideal for ‘localised destruction’ and deep bunker busting.

Most shockingly was Tymoshenko’s infamous comment about ‘nukeing 8 million Russian speaking Ukrainians’ :

Also, we must not forget the DIRTY BOMB risk.
As Ukraine posses many tonnes of high-level radiactive waste and other nuclear material, it is currently belived by some military experts that Ukraine already possess many deployable ‘dirty bombs’. These devices, although not capable of causing a nuclear explosion, would act as effective area denial weapons.
For example, it was suggested that dirty bombs deployed in Donbass would deal with the break away republics simply and easily – just by making the area uninhabitable for many years (certainly long enough to drive out the population and allow the area to be reabsorbed into Ukraine).

Even just a few very small ‘Plutonium based dirty bombs’ would effectively clear Donbass as a viable place to live for decades, perhaps even longer, but not rule out the area being exploited for mining or military activity with the appropriate resources provided by the west.

viktor ziv

Nuclear weapons should scare Polish people more, hence this move, if experts are still present in Ukraine, will be red line for Polish army to invade and prevent this scenario. Russians can bake popcorns and watch.


Ukraine will have nuclear weapons again. As a part of Russia.

Bigaess Wangmane

Russia doesn’t want the Ukraine back, kiev would sooner be nuked than reabsorbed into the Russian Federation.


Kiev is the mother of Russian cities. it will come back. Its just Lvov and its surronundings that will not go back to Russia


Lvov should go back to Poland :)

Manuel Flores Escobar

Ukraine built the SS-18 Satan like Uzbekistan made the IL 76…because both and Russia were the same state..once Ukraine is independent..they dont have the tech, resources, test sites and funds to develope Nuclear wepons and intercontinental ballistic missile!..

Tommy Jensen

With allies and imf funding, everything is possible.


Like fixing the banking scandal!

Nothing is possible in the debt ridden West, until the Yellow Vests run the lot.


I doubt that the IMF is giving anyone funds to build nuclear weapons.


Not openly anyway :)


Even fraud and a FUBAR Tommy :)

You can call me Al

No offence, but I think that was what he was stating.

Daniel Miller

Russians desinghed them in those contrys also Russia owned the factory whom made the R-36.

Tommy Jensen

Its only natural that US Allies becomes familiar with nuclear defence missiles in an hostile environment of an axis of evils who dont hesitate to use hypersonic weapons to wipe Israel completely off the land map.


Those hypersonic missiles are for defence against US warmongering & threats of a first strike.


common get it correct if u write about these things

its called a “deterrent” weapon

S-300 S-400 S-500 BUK are “defensive” weapons


All the US allies are being pushed in front of the US and threatened with death by the Zio Commissars if they dare to run :)


smartass……whats a ” nuclear defence missile”???????????????


its called a “deterrent” weapon…all STRATEGIC nuclear weapons are

an offensive nuclear weapon is called TACTICAL


defensive weapons are S-300 S-400 S-500 BUK etc… or patriot etc…

You can call me Al

You have to laugh.

If any of those pitch fork wielding Galicians could make a nuclear weapon, then his brother would shoot him in the back, and sell the thing to the highest bidder.

Those retards sell their sisters ffs.

Chris Chuba

By logical extension, if CA seceded from the U.S. it would also have nuclear weapons, actually what about the British Commonwealth countries, aren’t they all entitled to have nukes as well?

This is the one and only thing that would trigger a Russian invasion.

R Trojson

Russia has already invaded and is clearly threatening more aggression. For Heaven’s sake every other day Russian snipers kill a Ukrainian or two. Nukes are the only way to stop Putin in his plan to rebuild the USSR.


There is no invasion force you liar.

NATO would have the pictures in every Western propaganda sheet within minutes.

Just how dumb are you!

R Trojson

Good to hear there are no Russians there. That way when Ukraine nukes their own territory according to the UN it will be an internal matter.


Pigs will fly before those potato munchers from Galicia will be able to design a bomb that works, never mind say a nuclear one.

You are a right dumbo if you think Poland, Belarus, Romania and a lot of other countries, would sit idly by while the US gives them dirty bombs to set off in Eastern Ukraine. The surrounding countries would be showered with radioactive fall-out. The Turks won’t be pleased, so Russia would not be alone when they send troops to capture the Nazi scumbags who would set them off.

That’s why there is a comprehensive ban on all nuke testing. Even the Koreans don’t detonate above ground.

Why do your spies refer to themselves as intelligence officers?

They are as thick as the dumb shmucks they use to troll the internet.


No invasion at all the eastern part simply dont want anything to do with the the western backed coup government. What about all the shelling from Ukraine into the Donbass


invasion of a country/nation that NEVER existed??????????????????

ukraine as a NATION never existed….check it out yourself….true buddy…

R Trojson

Now you are just embarrassing yourself. Better get the UN to cancel their 72 year membership.

Pave Way IV

Ukraine already has nuclear weapons. Here’s a picture of six of them in Zaporizhia. They’re a Russian (Soviet) designed reactor that’s suppose to use Russian fuel rods. Replace those evil Russian fuel rods with overpriced (but delicious) U.S.-made Westinghouse fuel rods and you have a nuclear weapon. Easy!

R Trojson

Looks like the only way to stop Russian aggression. Clearly the next nuclear war will start with Ukraine’s strike on Crimea and spread to Moscow. Better give Ukraine defensive weapons too incase they fail to take Russia out in the initial attack.


sure thing just as israel is nuclear armed so should Iran be and hopefully they are slaving away on the issue helped by north korea and pakistan, so a) israel will be existentially threatened and b) if nutty farts, they will all be swimming towards Crete.. ukraine, too dumb to put it together even if they can find the money, but it’s much more likely that the dis-organised morons of the disunited states of A will lend them a bunch of things go bang when mishandles by one of poro’s goons!

R Trojson

That is exactly how it will happen some idiot Ukrainian who lost his family to Russian aggression will gladly sacrifice everything to kill millions of Russians in revenge.


Just though talk, it’s all about North Stream 2, but at now I don’t think it can be stopped, without NATO forcing EU Council to cancel it with unanimity.

Jens Holm

Very strange article. The author must be sick.